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Artwork of the original Final Fantasy Goblin by Yoshitaka Amano.

Cretins with big ears and fangs. Strong and stupid

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance description.

The Goblin (ć‚“ćƒ–ćƒŖćƒ³, Goburin?), also known as Goblin Mugger, is a common enemy in the Final Fantasy series. They are among the first enemies that players were introduced to in the original Final Fantasy and have come to be a common sight through many subsequent games.

The first English translations of the earlier games in the series (e.g. Final Fantasy IV) had them referred to as Imps, but in some of the games, Imps appear as entirely different creatures.

Several subtypes of Goblins appear in the series, the most recurring being Goblin Guards, Red Caps and Li'l Murderers.


Final Fantasy[]

Goblins are the most elementary enemies. Their kin is almost always weak and poses no threat to the party, though a large enough group can wear them down through simple attrition.

Four types of Goblin appear:

  • The basic Goblin, which is the weakest enemy, found mainly around Cornelia.
  • The Goblin Guard, which usually appears alongside normal Goblins.
  • The Black Goblin can only be found at the Soul of Chaos dungeons added in the Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary remakes. Even though it is found at bonus dungeons, it is still a very weak enemy.
  • The Knocker is the strongest Goblin and can be found at Soul of Chaos dungeons as well as in the Labyrinth of Time, from the remakes. It is not the pushover other Goblins are, but it is still not a difficult foe.

Final Fantasy II[]

Goblins appear as a weak early enemy and provide a greater stash of gil in comparison to the Hornets and Leg Eaters fought at the same stage.

Four types of Goblins can be fought:

Final Fantasy III[]

Goblins are the very first enemies fought in a scripted battle at the start of the game.

Three types of Goblin appear, plus two dummied Goblins:

  • The aforementioned Goblin fought at the start of the game can be found as a rare encounter in the Altar Cave.
  • The Knocker can be fought at Castle Argus and on the overworld of the Floating Continent.
  • The Red Cap can also be found at the overworld of the Floating Continent.
  • The Captain is a dummied monster, tougher than the three Goblins present in the final game.
  • The Hobgoblin is also a dummied monster, they were meant to be the most powerful goblin.

Final Fantasy IV[]

GoblinSum ffivds

Goblin summoned (DS).

In the SNES and PS1 localizations, Goblins were called Imps.

There are five types of Goblins:

The Goblin and Li'l Murderer can drop the Goblin item, which teaches Rydia the Goblin Summon. It has a casting time of 0, a spell power of 8 (30 in 3D version), and costs 1 MP to summon. The Goblin's summon attack is Goblin Punch.

Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-[]

Goblin is a Summon spell for imposter Rydia. It deals weak non-elemental damage to an enemy at the cost of 1 MP.

There are three types of Goblins:

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]


Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection Summons - Goblin

Goblin Punch (PSP)

The Goblin is present as an enemy, item, and summon.

Four types of Goblin appear:

  • The Goblin is present in many tales and is the only monster to drop the Goblin item that teaches Rydia the Goblin summon.
  • Domovois are as common as Goblins and usually appear in the same group as its weaker version.
  • The Goblin Captain appears in many Challenge Dungeons as well as in later tales.
  • Goblin Princes appear in the Depths during the Final Tale.

As a Summon, the Goblin uses the attack Goblin Punch and has the original strength of 8 and cost of 1 MP to summon.

Final Fantasy V[]

Goblin artwork for the Anthology release.

Goblins are found at the start of the game and are the first enemy to be found due to a scripted battle.

Altogether, three types of Goblins can be found and one dummied Goblin:

All Goblin enemies can use and teach the Blue Magic spell Goblin Punch.

Final Fantasy VII[]

Goblin artwork by Tetsuya Nomura.

The Goblins reside on Goblin Island, a small and isolated place. Stealing from them can yield the Zeio Nut, an instrumental item for Chocobo breeding.

Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-[]

VIIBC Goblin
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Final Fantasy IX[]

Goblins are found early on, at the Evil Forest and the area between the forest and the Ice Cavern. Later, Goblin Mages appear at the Outer Continent, but remain very weak opponents.

Final Fantasy XI[]


Goblins appear as one of the races of beastmen. They are described as nomadic creatures which also explains why Goblins can take on more diverse jobs than any other race of beastmen, eight in total.

Another type of Goblin is known as the Moblin. The difference between a Goblin and a Moblin is in the culture. Moblins are a stationary race and have a capital near Bastok called Newton Movalpolos which is actually built below their older city, suitably named Oldton Movalpolos.

Final Fantasy XII[]

Goblins do not appear, but the Baknamy, a similar looking race, could be considered as their replacement. Their special attack, Goblin Attack, further strengthens the connection between them and the traditional Goblin.

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]


The Goblin is the rank 1 Earth Melee summon. Its only attack is Goblin Punch.

Final Fantasy XIII[]

A Goblin.

Goblins are found on Gran Pulse. They travel around in packs and are often seen attacking Gorgonopsids. They are drastically different from traditional Goblins: while still keeping their green skin, they have a gaping, mouth-like hole on their chest and appear to wear roller skates and boxing gloves.

They use their traditional move, Goblin Punch which deals moderate physical damage, but they can use it only when the Goblin Chieftain bestows Bravery on a Goblin. They are notable for appearing late in the game and as such, much more powerful than their early counterparts of the series. They are nonetheless one of the weakest monsters on Pulse.

Six types of Goblins appear:

Final Fantasy XIII-2[]

A Buccaboo.

The goblins that inhabit the Archylte Steppe of Pulse are highly intelligent carnivores who lay traps for their prey and hunt in packs. For this reason, they are a direct threat to the hunters who also live off the plains. Climate change can cause a decline in prey and force the goblins to wander closer to human settlements in search of food. They love a good fight and like to pounce on unwary humans. We recommend staying in large groups when traversing goblin-infested lands.

Goblin Fragment

Goblins appear as enemies, and all apart from Munchkins and Munchkin Maestros appear exclusively on the Archylte Steppe.

Ten types of Goblins appear:

All Paradigm Pack Goblin allies use either Goblin Rush, Neo Goblin Rush, or Spirit Infusion as a Feral Link; Spirit Infusion is highly prized for casting Protect, Shell and healing on the entire party, with the Goblin Chieftain's version also casting Bravery and Vigilance, and Buccaboo Ace's also casting Faith.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII[]

Goblins are the only Goblin-type monster.

Final Fantasy XIV[]

Goblins from Final Fantasy XIV render

Goblins appear with brown leather clothes and masks. Wind-up Goblin appears as a minion.

They have a nomadic lifestyle and only recently begun visiting Eorzea. Despite this, a number of Goblins began to increasingly settle in the abandoned city of Sharlayan within the Dravanian hinterlands.

Final Fantasy XV[]


Goblins are cave-dwelling daemons that appear in the Leide region and during the Mineside Mischief Makers Hunt. They can be fought either in caves, or out on the plains during night time.

Much more powerful Goblins can be fought in the Costlemark Tower maze in Duscae during Chapter 15. Additionally, the Galmhoth, Snaga and Hobgoblin variants can be fought.

Final Fantasy XVI[]

Goblin in Active Time Lore from FFXVI

Goblins are recurring enemies throughout the game, with the first non-tutorial enemies being goblins. They are often encountered together with a Gigas-type enemy.

Variants include Akashic Goblin, Goblin Gardener, Goblin Leecher, Goblin Mugger, Goblin Prince, Goblin Rabblerouser, Goblin Roughhouser, Goblin Weaver, Hill Goblin and Horde Goblin.

Justice Monsters Five[]

JM5 Goblin


The Goblin appears as an obtainable R monster. It is a Fire-elemental monster whose type is Climb, class is Sprite and its specialty is Tech. Its hero tech is Goblin Punch which unleashes a large shockwave upward. Its leader bonus is Coin Collector which increases coin yield by 5%. Its auto-effect is SOS Luck +10% which boosts Luck by 10% when below 30% HP.

A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV[]

A King's Tale FFXV Goblin
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Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]

Brownies appear as enemies.

Final Fantasy Tactics[]

There are three classes of Goblins; Goblin, Black Goblin and Gobbledyguck. They are all weak enemies with a short attack range which resort to punches to defeat foes. They all bear a weakness to Ice.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]

Goblins and Red Caps appear. They have access to the Blue Magic spells Goblin Punch and Magic Hammer, respectively. Goblins can only be found in certain missions, and after said missions are complete it will be impossible to learn Goblin Punch.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]

Goblins do not appear in Jylland, but are instead replaced with similar-looking monsters called Baknamy, which also have access to the goblin abilities: Goblin Punch and Magick Hammer.

Final Fantasy Adventure[]

FFA Goblin Sprite

The Goblin is an enemy found in the area near Topple. They also have a chance of dropping Candy.

The Final Fantasy Legend[]

FFL Giant

The Goblin is an enemy and also a possible monster that the party's monster units can transform into. It can be found on the first floor of the Tower.

Final Fantasy Legend II[]


The Goblin is an enemy and also a possible monster that the party's monster unit(s) can transform into. It is also said that Ashura use to be a goblin, but he used the power of MAGI and became a monster with three heads and six arms.

Vagrant Story[]

There are two types of Goblins:

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]

There are five type of Goblins:

  • Goblin
  • Goblin (Mace)
  • Goblin (Spear)
  • Goblin Chieftain
  • Goblin Mage

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]

There are three type of Goblins:

  • Goblin
  • Hammer Goblin
  • Goblin Lord

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King[]

There are five type of Goblins:

  • Goblin
  • Goblin Boss
  • Goblin Mage
  • Goblin Priest
  • Ice Goblin

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord[]

Ffcc-mlaad monster goblin

Goblin appears as a melee summon. Its attack power and HP are low, but its speed is Sprightly and it occupies only one slot on a tower floor. It has no special abilities.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers[]

There are five types of goblin:

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]

Goblins appear as enemies with three variants:

Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

The Goblin.

The Goblin enemy appears in forests and plains around Lux on the world map.

It is a member of the wider Goblin family:

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Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

FFLTnS GoblinMonster

Goblin enemy.

Goblins appear as normal enemies. They are encountered during the first chapter inside numerous story event dungeons.

Other Goblins include:

  • Goblin Ghost
  • Goblin Cap


FFLTnS Goblin Artwork

Artwork of the Goblin summon by Winds.

The Goblin appears as a fire-elemental summon for the player to use. The summon's design is based off the Final Fantasy XI variant of Goblins. The Goblin's special ability is Goblin Rush when summoned into battle, which deals fire-elemental damage to all enemies. Summoning Goblin costs 1 points from the Consumption Gauge.

Depending on the summon's type and rank, the user is able to learn the following abilities:

  • Attack Break I
  • Attack Break II
  • Attack Break III
Upgrading stats[]
Rank Maximum Level Signet Cost Max HP Max MP Max Attack Max Magic Max Speed Components Needed
ā˜† 1 15 4 168 9 15 11 10 None
ā˜† 2 20 4 259 13 23 17 17 *Rank Jewel I
*Fire Topaz x1
ā˜† 3 30 4 448 24 40 30 29 *Rank Jewel II
*Fire Topaz x2

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

Goblin from DFFOO render

Goblin appears as an enemy. The Goblin resembles the Goblin from Final Fantasy V.

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Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy XI Goblin.

Cowardly but shrewd, goblins are always on the lookout for an opening. They often prey in gangs upon the weak, though in Vana'diel they are a relatively advanced race that even lives alongside men.

Goblin's CollectaCard

Goblins appear as both their Final Fantasy XI and traditional forms as enemies.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]

Goblins appear as enemies in Battle Music Sequences.

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Goblins appear as foes and like all regular enemies, it is automatically defeated when fought. It can be found in the Mist plains of the Mist Region.

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Final Fantasy Artniks[]

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Final Fantasy Artniks Dive[]

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Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]

Goblin ATB

It is said that there is a goblin at the start of any adventure worth having.


The Goblin appears as an enemy encountered on the Cornelia's Tract. It uses Takedown and drops the Mythril Knife.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Goblins appear both as enemies and as a summon. When summoned, a Goblin will deal non-elemental damage to a single target.

Final Fantasy Explorers[]

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Final Fantasy World Wide Words[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

FFBE Goblin Sprite
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World of Final Fantasy[]

WoFF Goblin


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Mobius Final Fantasy[]

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Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon[]

Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon Goblin
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Chocobo's Dungeon 2[]

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Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales[]

Goblin is one set of cards found by Chocobo. He is given his first three Goblin cards from Dueler X, which are also the first cards given to him.


Goblin Slap
#114 ā˜… Gray
Defend Attack None None
Deal 2 damage.
Goblin Slap+
#115 ā˜…ā˜…ā˜… Gray
None Attack None None
Deal 5 damage.
Goblin Rage
#116 ā˜… Gray
Defend None None Defend
Deal 1 damage.
Goblin Shout
#117 ā˜… Gray
None Defend Attack None
Deal 2 damage.
Goblin Meteor
#118 ā˜…ā˜…ā˜… Gray
Attack None Defend None
Crystal Ability (***)

Deals 6 damage and causes a Burn.

Dice de Chocobo[]

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Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Goblins appear in Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as Fire- and Earth-elemental Monster cards.

Final Fantasy Portal App[]

086a Goblin

Goblin from Final Fantasy V appears as a Triple Triad card.

Non-Final Fantasy Appearances[]

Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Portable[]

Goblin is a chance card, the card's ability: Sell house for double cost.

Square Enix Legend World[]

Square Enix Legend World - Goblin (The Crystal Bearers)

The version of Goblin from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers appears as an enemy.

Bravely series[]

Goblins are some of the weakest enemies in Bravely Default, with a poor attack power and low defense. The Goblin Slasher and Goblin Archer variants are made more powerful by equipping them with a shield and bow, respectively. Though Bravely Default is a successor to Final Fantasy; The 4 Heroes of Light, the goblin enemies look nothing alike.



A goblin is a small, mischievous creature found in many European folk tales and legends. The word "goblin" comes from the Norman French word Gobelinus, the name of a ghost that haunted the town of Ɖvreux in the 12th century.
