Double Dragon Wiki
Double Dragon Wiki

Jason is a minor supporting character in the Double Dragon animated series. He is an occasionally seen member of the "Junior Dragons" at the Dragon Dojo and lives in a poor area of Metro City.


Not much is known about Jason's home life except that he lives in a rough neighborhood known for gang wars and that he is from modest means. Jason's most prominent role in the series takes place in the episode "Call to Arms", where the Shadow Master sells cheap illegal guns to the citizens of Metro City after all firearms are outlawed. One day, when Jason comes home from the dojo, gang leader, Trey, performs a drive-by shooting on his neighborhood to wipe out the Scorpions gang and Jason's sister is caught in the shooting. With his sister in critical condition, Jason becomes consumed with rage against Trey and buys a gun himself at Trigger Happy's black market.

Jimmy Lee ends up convincing Jason to give him his gun in exchange for Jimmy acting as his bodyguard and showing him how to stay out of trouble with his own wits. However, Jimmy's hothead gets the better of him and he ends up bringing Jason along and in disguise to investigate the warehouse. Trey recognizes Jason as a Junior Dragon, and as a result, Jimmy's identity is uncovered, so the latter tells Jason to escape. Jason escapes as Jimmy is captured and calls the police on a payphone to tell about the warehouse. However, the police are currently busy and will take their time to arrive. Angry that Jimmy failed him, Jason decides he needs a gun after all and finds his chance when Icepick drops his after being startled by a two-headed cat.

When Trey flees into a dark alley, Jason sees his chance to get revenge. However, when Trey begs for his life, Jason realizes he doesn't want to take another human's life and throws the gun away. Trey takes this opportunity to dive for Jason, but Jason fights him off with his superior training. He destroys the gun before Trey can get it and he is then arrested by Marian.

At the episode's end, Jason visits his sister at the hospital accompanied by the Dragons and gives her the mutant cat. The doctors tell them that she will recover. Jimmy apologizes for letting Jason down, but he says it's okay because he learned the best way to stay out of trouble is to avoid dangerous situations, not jumping into them (as Jimmy did). Jason then recounts that when it came down to it, he couldn't pull the trigger and take a human life, even from someone he hated. He then asks Marian to tell the Judge to show some mercy to Trey, as maybe he needs some kindness in his life.


Unlike the other Junior Dragons, that wear a more flashy looking marital arts uniform, Jason wears a more traditional uniform. It looks quite similar to the one the tiger dojo students wear, except that it matches the Dragon Dojo's colors and has its logo on both sides of the front. No explanation is ever given as to why Jason's uniform is not the same as the rest of his classmates.

When he is not in class, Jason wears a a red shirt with a green dragon, a denim vest, blue jeans and high top sneakers.
