Double Dragon Wiki
Double Dragon Wiki

"Call to Arms" is the ninth episode of the first season, and the 9th episode overall, of the Double Dragon animated series.


Metro City passes a law banning hand weapons, and the Shadow Master takes advantage of the situation by illegally selling portable blasters. When a Junior Dragon's sister is injured in a drive-by shooting involving the illegally sold weapons, the Dragons work on shutting down the Shadow Master's weapon factory.





  • This episode involves about the gangs who used the blasters created by the Shadow Master to attack the Dragon Dojo as their gang leader is behind for injuring Jason's younger sister which motivates Jason to get revenge over the gang leader.
  • For the second time, Jimmy gets captured by the Shadow Master and his warriors during his investigation at the factory, along with Jason. He was first arrested in the episode "Judgment Day", where he was framed by a corrupted policeman, leading him to get jailed after being given a false trial made by Judge Rhodes, who actually was Sickle in disguise.


  • Jason's blue denim vest is shown to be a short-sleeved denim blazer while hiding from Icepick.
  • Countdown's black tights are changed to maroon in the scene where his missiles are deflected by the Lee brothers.




  • Jason's voice has changed between this episode and the "Code of the Dragon" segment. He speaks in a teenage voice during the entire episode, but his voice changes to a child-like tone during the advice segment.