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Rukia Kuchiki & Orihime Inoue vs. Yoshi is a battle taking place during the Bount Invasion that consists of Rukia Kuchiki and Orihime Inoue's battle against Yoshi, which is cut short by the arrival of Mabashi.



Orihime Inoue and Kurōdo wonder what Yasutora Sado and Noba talk about.

In downtown Karakura Town, Ichigo Kurosaki stands with Rukia Kuchiki under an overpass and asks Ririn if she senses anything, only for Ririn to reveal that she does not and wonder what is going on, which prompts Rukia to express frustration at Urahara not having finished the sensor yet and Ichigo to resign himself to this. In a different part of town, Orihime Inoue approaches a crosswalk with Kurōdo and waits for the signal to cross the road, where Kurōdo admits his curiosity about what Yasutora Sado and Noba discuss when alone. Orihime speculates that they talk about what to have for dinner that night and what the weather is like, though Kurōdo refuses to believe they have conversations or even talk.[1]


Jinta Hanakari and Ururu Tsumugiya deliver the sensor.

Later, Rukia and Ichigo are startled by the collapse of 6th Division Lieutenant Renji Abarai and wonder what this could mean before having their attention drawn to Jinta Hanakari, who runs up to them with Ururu Tsumugiya while holding the small case and reveals that Kisuke Urahara's new Bount sensor is ready. However, upon seeing the sensor in the opened case, Ichigo is left stunned by its appearance and a confused Rukia comments on its shape as Jinta smugly asserts that Ichigo knows what to do and explains alongside Ururu that the development process being rushed means that the sensor will only work for fifteen minutes once switched on.[2]


An embarrassed Ichigo activates the Bount sensor.

With Jinta concluding the switch is the password Ichigo knows, Rukia questions why a mortified Ichigo is hesitating, and when Ichigo wonders if he really has to put it on, Ririn reminds him they are racing against the clock and Jinta comments on Ichigo always complaining. After swallowing his pride, Ichigo puts the headband-shaped sensor over his forehead and shouts the activation phrase, causing the gem in the center to glow and the chin guards to drop over the sides of his face while Jinta expresses surprise at it actually being a switch. An aghast Rukia admits she did not think Ichigo could say something so embarrassing, but Ichigo counters that she told him to do so.[2]


Ichigo is pulled toward the Bount by the headband.

Before Ichigo can continue, the gem on the headband glows once more and begins pulling him down the street, prompting Jinta to reiterate Urahara's promise of the sensor leading him to the Bount. As Ururu confirms that it is impossible to turn this off, Rukia decides to tend to Renji while Ichigo confronts the Bount, which Ichigo affirms before crashing into and heavily damaging a fence that the sensor subsequently pulls him over. Watching Ichigo be pulled screaming into the distance, Jinta realizes that he cannot detect Renji's Reiatsu anymore and wonders if he died, which Ururu chides him for saying, while attempting to run off in the direction that he believes Renji is located.[2]


Jinta claims to not care about Renji despite his actions.

However, Ururu inquires if Jinta is actually worried about Renji, and after turning around in embarrassment, Jinta hits Ururu on the head and demands to know who would worry about such a freeloader as he claims that he simply wants to see how stupid Renji looks, though Rukia points out that his face is red regardless, causing Jinta to run off again while Rukia and Ururu stare after him in confusion. Later, near a set of warehouses, Orihime realizes with astonishment that she can no longer sense Renji's Reiatsu and questions what is going on, which leads Kurōdo to theorize with concern that he has lost either his consciousness, his fighting spirit, or his life.[2]


Rukia, Jinta, and Ururu meet up with Orihime and Kurōdo.

Suddenly, Rukia runs up to them with Jinta and Ururu, and when asked by her where Renji is, Orihime admits she lost track of him after coming here while Kurōdo details how they can no longer detect his Reiatsu. Upon being asked by Orihime where Ichigo is, Rukia relays her decision to have Ichigo head toward the Bount, with Jinta explaining that he is using Urahara's sensor and noting he may not have found the Bount. Asserting Orihime and Kurōdo should join Ichigo and Ririn, Rukia expresses her intention to search for Renji since something extraordinary must have happened to him. However, before Orihime can act on this, Kurōdo senses something.[2]


Yoshi arrives with her Doll, Nieder, summoned.

Kurōdo pushes Orihime down with his body as the fan of Yoshi's Doll, Nieder, crashes into a shipping container in front of where Orihime was standing. After being pulled out in front of a stunned Rukia, Nieder criticizes Yoshi for not aiming well enough, prompting Yoshi to claim that she is not very good with details and that it is better to kill two or three of her enemies at once, though Nieder points out that it does not matter how she kills them.[2]



Rukia fires Hadō #33. Sōkatsui at Yoshi.

With Yoshi acknowledging that Nieder is correct, Rukia orders Orihime to leave, Ururu to find Sado, and Jinta to track down Renji, though Jinta protests being assigned to Renji on the grounds of being his friend. Yoshi throws the fan of Nieder down at the group once more, forcing them to scatter in order to evade it while Rukia fires Hadō #33. Sōkatsui at Yoshi, who leaps down to the ground and states that she would rather be fighting a man than a woman. After Nieder reiterates that it does not matter as long as she defeats Rukia, Yoshi throws the sword of Nieder at Rukia, who ducks to evade it, and follows up by throwing the fan at her as well, leaving Rukia shocked.[2]


Orihime blocks the fan of Nieder with Santen Kesshun.

Suddenly, the fan of Nieder is intercepted mid-flight by Santen Kesshun and bounces off of it, leaving Rukia to express disbelief as Orihime stands in front of her and requests to fight alongside Rukia since two are better than one is. Kurōdo clears his throat nearby and clarifies that it is actually three before turning to Yoshi and proclaiming that she will tell them where Kariya is, with Orihime adding that she will also tell them what the Bount plan to do, only for a chuckling Yoshi to dismiss this as unlikely.[2] Some time later, Rukia hold out her arm and fires Hadō #33. Sōkatsui at Yoshi, who mocks her for being slow and blocks the blast with the fan of Nieder.[3]


Yoshi sends Rukia flying with a kick.

Yoshi proceeds to run forward, leap into the air, and fall down on Rukia with a kick to her stomach that sends the latter flying back to Orihime and Kurōdo. Though Orihime expresses concern for her, Rukia assures the former that she is alright, to Orihime's relief. With Yoshi questioning if this is the best she can do, Rukia notes that an Eishōhaki spell is not enough and that an incantation will take too long against Yoshi's speed, prompting Kurōdo to declare that they can leave this to him, surprising Orihime and Rukia as he steps to the right and uses his Shape-shifting to take on the form of Renji, gaining a copy of the latter's Zanpakutō in the process.[3]


Kurōdo and Yoshi clash with their respective weapons.

Drawing his sword, Kurōdo promises to distract Yoshi in order to give Rukia enough time to recite an incantation while Nieder comments on his intent to fight with a sword. As Yoshi asserts that it does not matter because they will simply defeat him, Kurōdo rushes forward and begins slashing repeatedly at her, only for Yoshi to effortlessly dodge each swing. Despite Rukia's concern, Orihime reveals that Kurōdo will be fine due to his ability to copy the fighting ability of anyone whose form he takes and tells Rukia to recite the incantation now while running off to help Kurōdo, who slashes at Yoshi and refuses to give up after she blocks with the fan of Nieder.[3]


Yoshi shields herself from the blast by covering herself with the armored form of Nieder.

However, Yoshi admonishes Kurōdo for believing this will be easy and pushes his sword away as she begins rapidly jabbing the sword of Nieder at Kurōdo, forcing him to block just as rapidly. Watching this, Rukia begins to recite the incantation for another Hadō #33. Sōkatsui, and as Yoshi kicks Kurōdo into the air, Orihime jumps up behind him and summons Tsubaki to use Koten Zanshun, though Yoshi simply blocks this with the fan of Nieder while simultaneously crossing swords with Kurōdo. Upon completing the incantation, Rukia fires a massive and powerful blast, but Yoshi shifts Nieder into its armored form, enlarging the shield to cover her whole body, and leaps above the blast as she admits they were close, shocking Rukia, Orihime, and Kurōdo.[3]


Yoshi incapacitates Kurōdo with the sword of Nieder.

Yoshi lands in the middle of the group and kicks Kurōdo into a closed garage shutter. While Nieder mocks their effort, Yoshi throws her sword into Kurōdo's shoulder, causing him to scream in pain, and pulls it out, leaving Kurōdo to collapse and return to his normal form. With Rukia cursing her, a smirking Yoshi inquires about what she and Orihime will do next.[3] Leaping into the air, Yoshi throws three thin blades down at Orihime Inoue, who is tackled out of the way by Rukia as they embed themselves in the ground. Landing on a nearby spotlight, Yoshi throws three more blades at Rukia and Orihime despite Nieder warning her this technique has not yet been perfected.[4]


Yoshi berates Nieder for not working properly after failing to harm Rukia and Orihime.

When Nieder chides her for not listening when Rukia and Orihime once again evade the blades, an irritated Yoshi questions what is wrong with Nieder, who suggests that she take a break to restore confidence. Yoshi inquires if Nieder is ordering her around, and despite denying this, Nieder asserts that she should meditate for a few seconds in order to gather power at her center of gravity. However, Yoshi simply smacks the fan of Nieder against the sword and orders them to shut up and start working properly. Down on the ground, Orihime runs to Kurōdo's side and expresses concern for his condition, but Kurōdo gets up and assures Orihime that he is alright since the Mod-Souls are just Gikongan and will not die no matter what happens to their Gigai.[4]


Nieder bounces off of Orihime without harming her despite Yoshi meditating as requested.

After admitting it still hurts a bit, Kurōdo declares this is their chance to escape. While Rukia, Orihime, and Kurōdo begin to run away, Yoshi, having stood still and meditated like Nieder instructed her to, wonders if this is enough, prompting Nieder to affirm this and point out that there is no point in doing this if the enemy gets away, which leads a startled Yoshi to notice the three of them running off. Refusing to let them get away, Yoshi jumps high into the air and throws Nieder toward the full moon, where the two spinning halves revel in the correct timing and how beautiful they look prior to hurtling toward Rukia. Suddenly, as Orihime moves to shield Rukia with her own body, Nieder bounces off of her harmlessly with a metallic clang, confusing Yoshi.[4]



Mabashi takes Yoshi's place in the fight with Rukia's group.

With Nieder flying back into the air, Mabashi appears several feet away from Yoshi on the rooftop she landed on and offers to take over from here because old women should not be involved in this. After catching Nieder, an irate Yoshi demands to know what Mabashi is doing, only for Mabashi to stick out his tongue and assert that everything is fine due to him now feeling like an omnipotent and omniscient god. Despite Yoshi deducing that he is drunk on the taste of his first living Soul, Mabashi simply calls her ugly and rushes toward her, but leaps over a battle-ready Yoshi at the last second and lands before Rukia, Orihime, and Kurōdo on the ground below.[4]


A confident Mabashi summons his Doll, Ritz.

Mabashi partially unzips his top to reveal the collar around his neck and removes the crystal hanging off of it before dropping it and summoning his Doll, Ritz, causing a yellow flower on a purple stem to grow out of the point in the ground that the crystal sinks into and extend all the way up to Mabashi's outstretched hand, where it furls outward and retracts the stem into the main body to form Ritz. While Rukia and her friends realize that this is a Doll and Yoshi inquires what Mabashi plans to do with her, Mabashi has Ritz fly past Rukia's group and up the side of the building to confront a surprised Yoshi, who begins slashing at her and reminding Ritz that she is an ally.[4]


Ritz stabs her tendril into the side of Yoshi's neck.

Unable to strike Ritz, Yoshi leaps off the side of the building, with Ritz following her down, and jabs upward with the sword of Nieder, but Ritz effortlessly maneuvers around the blade and Yoshi's arm to reach her left shoulder, where she flattens her head into a thin tendril and stabs it into Yoshi's neck, causing the latter to scream in pain and violently throw Ritz to the ground, which leads Ritz to giggle and flatten into a tendril once more prior to jabbing it into the ground and disappearing. Laughing at this, Mabashi criticizes Yoshi for not paying any attention to how she presents herself when in danger, which he considers unsightly and further proof that she is ugly.[4]


Yoshi decides to leave Mabashi to fight Rukia's group.

When Ritz returns to his side from the ground near his feet and asks him if there is anything else that he wants her to do, Mabashi instructs Ritz to wait, which she complies with, and asks Yoshi what she is going to do. Still angered by his interference, Yoshi accuses Mabashi of being out of his mind and decides to let him take over the fight since she cannot keep up with him before returning a resigned Nieder to the sealed form of a folded paper form and jumping back up to the rooftop. After vowing to get revenge on Mabashi for this, Yoshi runs off, leaving Mabashi to laugh as Kurōdo admits he never thought Yoshi could be so frightened and questions what Ritz is.[4]


  1. Bleach anime; Episode 81
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Bleach anime; Episode 82
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Bleach anime; Episode 83
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Bleach anime; Episode 84

