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Byakuya Kuchiki (朽木 白哉, Kuchiki Byakuya) is the 28th head of the Kuchiki Clan, one of the four great noble clans in Soul Society. He is also the captain of the 6th Division in the Gotei 13. His previous lieutenant was Ginjirō Shirogane and his current lieutenant is Renji Abarai.


Byakuya has slate gray eyes and long black hair, which he keeps up in intricate white headpieces called kenseikan (牽星箝, Pulled Star Insert; Viz "Pull Star Silence"), which symbolize his nobility as the head of the Kuchiki Clan, wearing three on top of his head and another two on the right side. In addition to the standard captain shihakushō, he wears a white scarf, which is woven by the master weaver Tsujishirō Kuroemon III. The scarf is made from Ginpaku Kazahana no Uzuginu (銀白風花紗, Gauze of Silver-White Flurry of Snow in Clear Skies; Viz "Silvery-White Windflower Silk Gauze") and is a family heirloom, having been handed down from generation to generation and given to each head of the Kuchiki Clan. The scarf alone is worth ten mansions in the Seireitei.[4] He wears fingerless white tekkō which only cover the back of his hands.

17 months after Aizen's defeat, Byakuya wears hairpieces at the back of his head, but it is noted that these hairpieces are not kenseikan.[5] He wears a variation of the captain haori, featuring a high collar with light gold edges and small, light gold tassels attached to the corners. The white scarf is no longer part of his attire.[6][7] Ten years after Yhwach's defeat, Byakuya returns to wearing three kenseikan on top of his head.[8]


As the 28th Head of the Kuchiki Clan, Byakuya acts in an aristocratic manner. He always seems serene and apathetic towards other people, even while actually deeply conflicted. He is notably calm, even in battle. He generally acts indifferent, bordering on arrogance, to most situations he is faced with, and rarely views his opponent as being worth his time. Byakuya is easily offended if his name is not used properly. As such, he views Ichigo Kurosaki with disdain for always referring to him improperly. When Byakuya talks with Ichigo, he calls him by his full name. Byakuya is very perceptive, fully aware of the limits of his abilities, and anything he states in comparison to an opponent is usually justified. Despite consistently stating himself to be far stronger than opponents like Zommari Rureaux, Byakuya retains a formal tone, always using "watashi" which is a formal way of referring to oneself. When he was younger, he was quick to anger and very hot-headed, as noted by his grandfather.[9]

Byakuya strongly believes in law and order. As a captain of the Gotei 13 and head of one of the great noble families, he works hard for a peaceful society. He feels that if someone in his position does not follow the rules as a good example, no one else will. He believes that to maintain the order, all lawbreakers must be punished, even if it goes against his own wishes. Byakuya feels that "part of a captain's responsibilities is to make sure that the lieutenant's responsibilities are taken care of".[10]


Byakuya impotent over the losses of his subordinates

During the years between Rukia's adoption and her death sentence, Byakuya's pride and calm demeanor made her believe he never cared about her because he had never once looked at her. In spite of his icy and regal manner, Byakuya cares for and protects those important to him. This holds especially true to Rukia as he loved Hisana dearly and unconditionally, having promised Hisana he would protect Rukia no matter what. After the events of the Aizen incident, he admits law isn't perfect, and becomes more lenient towards Rukia. Although, he tries to maintain a balance between following orders and breaking the law by exploiting loopholes in his orders. In addition, he also provided Rukia and Renji with safety cloaks to protect them against Hueco Mundo's rough terrain. He even displayed a sense of humor, saying having Ichigo wondering around Hueco Mundo would likely be a tactical advantage, referencing Ichigo's preivous visit that caused mayhem in the Soul Society.[11]

Because of his promise to Hisana, Byakuya smothered Rukia despite his pride by making sure she would never become a seated officer because of the risks that involve missions for such positions.[12] He also comes to learn about his mistakes of keeping his feelings to himself and becomes more open about how much he cares for Rukia and others that are close to him such as Renji.[13]

Byakuya is popular among the female Shinigami of Soul Society and was voted number one in the "captain we desire to release a photo book for" poll taken by the Shinigami Women's Association. He likes Japanese cherry blossoms, night-time walks, spicy food, and bananas, but does not like sweets. Byakuya excels in calligraphy.[3]



Byakuya as a teenager, approximately 110 years ago.

Byakuya was born into the Kuchiki Clan, and grew up in the Kuchiki Mansion in Seireitei. He would spend countless hours training, preparing to take over the leadership of the Kuchiki family.[14]


Yoruichi with Byakuya during one of her visits.

Yoruichi Shihōin would often visit the Kuchiki Manor to play a game of tag with Byakuya. On one such occasion, approximately 110 years ago, she is presented to a training Byakuya by his grandfather, Ginrei Kuchiki. Upon seeing Yoruichi, he attacked and insulted her. Yoruichi playfully teased him, complaining about his greeting after coming all the way there to see him. Byakuya, expressing his displeasure at seeing her, stated he would be the head of the Kuchiki Clan soon enough, so he had no time to waste on her. Yoruichi, stealing his hair tie, exclaimed that if the head of the Kuchiki Clan could get his hair tie stolen by a girl at play, she is worried about its future. She used Shunpo to escape from him, leaving an angry Byakuya, claiming his superiority, promising to make her see the error of her ways.[15]


Byakuya about to adopt Rukia into the Kuchiki Clan.

Fifty-five years ago, Byakuya married Hisana Kuchiki, a commoner from Rukongai, breaking the rules by accepting her into the noble Kuchiki Clan. Five years after the marriage, she became sick and was near death. Hisana asked Byakuya to find and adopt her biological sister, Rukia, whom she had abandoned as a baby, as her final wish. She made him promise he would not tell Rukia she is her sister.[16] One year later, Byakuya, finding Rukia at the Shin'ō Academy, immediately adopted her into the Kuchiki Clan. By adopting her, Byakuya respected his late wife's final wish, but had broken the rules of his clan again. He later swore upon his parents' graves he would never break the rules again, no matter what.[17]

Less than 49 years ago, not long before Rukia joined the Gotei 13, Byakuya became the captain of the 6th Division. Gin Ichimaru, becoming captain of the 3rd Division at the same time, would often start conversations with Byakuya when they crossed paths.[18]

When Isshin Shiba, captain of the 10th Division, makes his report concerning the mysterious Hollow and the string of events occurring in Naruki City, Byakuya is present to hear his speech, along with all of the other captains of the Gotei 13.[19]


Agent of the Shinigami arc


Byakuya appears behind Rukia.

Byakuya first appears on a mission with his lieutenant, Renji Abarai, to capture and return Rukia Kuchiki to Soul Society and kill Ichigo Kurosaki. He watches as Renji attacks Rukia,[20] and stands by as Uryū Ishida enters into the conflict between the two.[21] Shortly after Renji defeats Ishida, Byakuya, bearing witness to the arrival of Ichigo, watches as Renji engages him. When Renji is almost hit by Ichigo, Byakuya tells his lieutenant he is being too careless, but Renji simply states Ichigo is nothing to worry about. Byakuya explains he knew Ichigo looked familiar, as 33 hours ago, Special Forces obtained his image after he fought a Menos Grande, giving it a scar.[22]

Eventually, Ichigo gains the upper hand against Renji. As he prepares for a finishing strike, Byakuya cuts Ichigo's sword in two, and subsequently inflicts a grievous wound on his chest.[23] Byakuya asks Renji if something is wrong, who tells him there was no need for him to directly attack Ichigo, as he could have finished him. Byakuya tells him not to be like that, for if he is always the spectator, his skills may degrade. When Rukia runs to Ichigo's body, Byakuya asks her if she would still go to Ichigo's side after all that has just happened, and tells her he understands, as he does resemble "him". Ichigo, coming to, grabs Byakuya's leg. Byakuya tells him to let go, but Ichigo defiantly tells him he can’t hear him, and he should look at him when talking to him. Kicking his arm away, Rukia scolds Ichigo, and tells Byakuya she is ready to leave. She asks Byakuya to leave Ichigo be, to which he agrees. He states Ichigo should die from his injuries in a half hour, and if he does survive, his Shinigami powers will be gone. He has Renji open a Senkaimon back to Soul Society.[24]


Byakuya informs Rukia of her death sentence.

Later, in Soul Society, Byakuya informs Rukia she is to be executed for her crimes.[25] Later, he comes across Eleventh Division Captain Kenpachi Zaraki and Third Division Captain Gin Ichimaru, both of them teasing him about Rukia being sentenced to death as a criminal. Byakuya says he didn't think lower-class people could understand the feelings of nobles. Byakuya and Zaraki bicker and threaten each other, but Gin steps in, ending the dispute, and they leave.[26]

Soul Society arc


Byakuya suddenly appears behind Hinamori.

Byakuya is present during the captain's emergency meeting called by Captain-Commander Yamamoto, where he remains silent throughout the bickering between his fellow captains.[27][28] Upon Renji's defeat by Ichigo, Renji is brought to a secure location and watched over by Lieutenants Izuru Kira and Momo Hinamori, who discuss calling for the 4th Division's medics. Byakuya tells them there is no need, as Renji is to be thrown in jail. When Momo pleads with him, Byakuya tells her that since Renji went alone to fight, it is unacceptable that he lost. Momo asks him how he can say that, but she is stopped by Izuru, who apologizes to Byakuya before a reluctant Momo does the same.[29]

Byakuya later interrupts Ganju Shiba and Hanatarō Yamada's attempt to rescue Rukia from the Shishinrō.[30] Byakuya tells Ganju he had sensed some faint spiritual pressure going toward Shishinrō, initially thinking it was someone strong hiding their Reiatsu, but it turned out to be a big fat bug.[31] When Ganju attacks, Byakuya, severely damaging Ganju's arm, tells him to be gone. Ganju tells him a coward who could be scared away by such an attack does not exist in the Shiba family.[32]

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Jūshirō stops Byakuya's attack on Ganju and Hanatarō.

Upon hearing his family name, Byakuya, apologizing for not hitting Ganju harder, ignores Rukia's plea and releases his Shikai, severely injuring Ganju. As Byakuya prepares to finish off Ganju, he is stopped by Jūshirō Ukitake, who states the release of a Zanpakutō in Konnatokoru is a first class offense. Byakuya informs him of the special war time orders, which had been activated, lifting this ban. Byakuya and Ukitake sense the arrival of a strong spiritual pressure at the level of a captain.[33] Ichigo, showing up, attempts to engage Byakuya in combat.[34] Ukitake asks Byakuya who Ichigo is, but Byakuya says he is no one.[35]


Byakuya's Shikai being stopped by Yoruichi.

After a brief exchange of words, Byakuya states he doesn't know how Ichigo has reacquired Shinigami powers, but he should have resumed his normal Human life. After failing in an attempt to use Senka on Ichigo, Byakuya releases Senbonzakura's Shikai,[36] but is stopped by Yoruichi.[37] Byakuya, recognizing her, watches as she knocks Ichigo out. When Byakuya states she will not be able to escape easily, Yoruichi asks him if he ever won even one time against her in a game of tag, and Byakuya asks if they should try again. The two engage in a test of speed using Shunpo, with Yoruichi, carrying an unconscious Ichigo, staying a step ahead of Byakuya. Yoruichi, moving to the top of a nearby building, yells down to Byakuya that in three days, she will make Ichigo stronger than him, and that their fight is on hold until then. She flees with Ichigo.[38] Byakuya, leaving the area, tells Ukitake he has lost interest, and that Ukitake can do whatever he wants to do with the Ryoka.[39]

After the date of Rukia's execution is moved up, Ukitake tries to convince Byakuya to try to stop it. Byakuya simply brushes him off, saying he will honor Central 46's decision. When Ukitake's illness flairs up, Byakuya tells him not to become worked up over it, reminding him of the loss of his former lieutenant. Stating Rukia is a member of his family and not Ukitake's, he insists it does not concern Ukitake.[40]

On the morning of Rukia's execution, Byakuya is in his quarters, praying at the shrine to his wife, when he is told the execution is about to commence. He, saying goodbye to Hisana's picture, departs for the execution grounds.[41] Before reaching Sōkyoku Hill, he encounters Renji, who, having escaped from jail, has fought his way through his fellow 6th Division members in a bid to save Rukia. Upon learning of Renji's intentions, Byakuya states he will not allow him to do so.[42] Byakuya tries to use Senka to defeat Renji swiftly, but his lieutenant blocks the attack.[43] Byakuya attempts to release his Shikai, but Renji stops it with his own Shikai. Renji, telling Byakuya of his long standing desire to surpass him, activates his Bankai.[44]


Byakuya fights Renji's Bankai.

Byakuya, somewhat surprised, asks Renji when he acquired Bankai. Renji tells him he will never know, since he never cared about his subordinates. Renji attacks his captain, who affirms he is indeed using Bankai. Byakuya uses his Shikai to attack Renji's Bankai, seemingly breaking it apart. However, it reconstitutes itself, briefly forcing Byakuya to his knee.[45] As Renji tries to attack again, Byakuya uses Sōkatsui, disrupting the movements of his Bankai, before binding Renji with Rikujōkōrō.[46] Byakuya, releasing his Bankai, grievously injures Renji.[47]


Byakuya defeats Renji.

Byakuya tells Renji he should be proud to still retain the form of his body after being struck by his Bankai. Renji, refusing to give up, lunges at Byakuya, who uses his Bankai to immobilize him. Commenting on the disappearance of Renji's Bankai, he threatens to kill him. Renji, telling him he swore on his soul to save Rukia,[48] attempts to attack him again, but his sword breaks upon contact, and he falls to the ground, defeated. Byakuya throws his scarf on top of Renji, congratulating him on having given Byakuya a superficial injury, before leaving.[49]


Byakuya and Ichigo clash again.

Byakuya, arriving at Rukia's execution, refuses to look at his sister.[50] As Rukia's execution commences, Byakuya is greatly surprised at the arrival and interference of Ichigo.[51] Byakuya looks on as Ichigo saves Rukia,[52] and after Ichigo easily dispatches three lieutenants, Byakuya attacks him.[53] When Ichigo asks Byakuya why he is not trying to save Rukia, Byakuya, brushing it off, states Ichigo would not understand. The two clash, and Byakuya states he will kill Ichigo and execute Rukia himself.[54]

Byakuya, taunted by Ichigo, releases his Shikai, only for Ichigo to counter it with a Getsuga Tenshō,[55] which injures Byakuya's left hand. Byakuya, activating his Bankai, injures Ichigo, who admits his error of using only his Shikai. Unimpressed, Byakuya says he is talking as though he has achieved Bankai, which Ichigo claims is the case.[56] Byakuya, not believing him, looks on in disbelief as Ichigo activates his Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu. Before Byakuya, who is confused by the small size of the Bankai, can attack, Ichigo, getting up close, points the tip of his blade at Byakuya's throat. He asks Byakuya if pride has anything to do with Rukia's execution, because if so, he will step all over it.[57]


Byakuya tries to catch Ichigo by directing his Bankai's movements with his hands.

When Ichigo backs off, Byakuya calls him arrogant for not attacking when he had the chance. They continue fighting, until Ichigo becomes so fast Senbonzakura Kageyoshi is unable keep up with him. Byakuya begins using his hand to direct his Bankai, causing it to move even faster. However, Ichigo fends it off and, before Byakuya realizes it, appears behind him and stabs the captain. Realizing the power of Ichigo's Bankai, Byakuya, promising to destroy it,[58] activates his Senkei technique.[59] As they continue, Byakuya notes Ichigo's movements are becoming slower. Byakuya, calling forth one of the surrounding swords to stab Ichigo in the foot, pierces Ichigo's shoulder with Byakurai. Byakuya, commending him on having made it as far as he did, says he must realize by now this is the end. He prepares for a finishing blow, but Ichigo's inner Hollow, taking over, stops Byakuya's attack.[60]


The conclusion of the fight.

A stunned Byakuya is slashed across his chest. Regaining his composure, he dodges a black Getsuga Tenshō. Seeing the Hollow mask, Byakuya asks if he is a Hollow, but Ichigo, ripping off the mask, apologizes for the Hollow’s interference. Byakuya, agreeing to ignore what just transpired, points out neither of them have the strength to continue this for much longer. They agree to end the battle with the next blow. When Ichigo asks Byakuya why he won’t save Rukia, Byakuya tells him he will answer that question if Ichigo defeats him. Byakuya uses the technique Shūkei, Hakuteiken, and the two, charging at each other, release a torrent of powerful Reiatsu.[61]

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Byakuya saves Rukia.

Both are badly wounded by this, and Byakuya reveals his reasons for not saving Rukia. Ichigo tells him that if he was in his position, he would fight the rules. Byakuya realizes Ichigo was fighting Soul Society's rules rather than him personally, and muses that Ichigo has the same personality as Kaien Shiba. Byakuya, telling Ichigo his ferocity has shattered his blade and he will no longer pursue Rukia's death, leaves the area.[62]


Byakuya explains his two promises

Later, when Sōsuke Aizen orders Gin Ichimaru to kill Rukia, Byakuya, saving her life, takes the attack with his body instead.[63] Overwhelmed by his injuries, Byakuya collapses in Rukia's arms.[64] While Captain Unohana treats him for his massive injuries, Byakuya, telling Rukia the truth of her past, explains why he was conflicted for so long between his promises to Hisana and his parents, making it hard for him to determine the role he should take when she was sentenced to be executed. He thanks Ichigo for helping him make his decision to save Rukia in the end and apologizes to Rukia.[65]


Byakuya, Renji, and Ichigo.

A week after Aizen's escape, Renji sits with a recovering Byakuya, who asks Renji if he wished Byakuya was dead. Renji says no as without him, Renji would have no reason to become stronger. They are interrupted by Ichigo and Orihime Inoue, who are searching for Rukia. After they leave, Byakuya voices his concern about Ichigo. When Renji asks about it, Byakuya responds that he was hoping Ichigo would stop using his first name and that he finds Ichigo to be very disrespectful.[66] When the Ryoka depart from Soul Society, Byakuya is among those present at the Senkaimon to see them off.[67]

Arrancar arc


Byakuya and Zaraki retrieve Hitsugaya's team on Yamamoto's order.

Some time after attending an emergency captains meeting,[68] Byakuya travels to the Human World to retrieve Tōshirō Hitsugaya's team on Captain-Commander Yamamoto's order. He secretly allows Rukia and Renji to return to the Human World to assist in the rescue of Orihime Inoue, stating he was only ordered to bring them back to Soul Society, and what they chose to do afterwards was none of his concern.[69][70]

Hueco Mundo arc

Byakuya is told Rukia and Renji have disappeared, and that the Second Division is looking for them throughout Seireitei.[71] Byakuya later arrives in Las Noches[72] just in time to save Rukia from the 7th Espada, Zommari Rureaux. Byakuya, refusing to tell the enemy who he is, asks him if he is the one who injured Rukia. Zommari tells him he is not the one, but he was going to finish the job.[73]

Byakuya vs

Byakuya fighting Zommari Rureaux.

The pair demonstrate their speed, with Zommari, claiming to have the fastest Sonído among the Espada, explaining his Gemelos Sonído allows him to create quasi-clones. Byakuya, criticizing him for revealing his ability, uses Utsusemi to escape one of Zommari's attacks.[74] After the pair exchange criticisms and taunts, Zommari, releasing his Zanpakutō, uses his Amor ability to take control of Byakuya's left leg. Byakuya responds by severing the tendons of his left leg. Zommari turns his attention to the unconscious Rukia, but Byakuya shields her body with his own.[75] Hanatarō Yamada follows Byakuya onto the battlefield, but Byakuya orders Hanatarō back to avoid him getting caught up in the battle.[76]

When Byakuya realizes Zommari has taken possession of his left hand, he, cutting the tendons, uses Shō to free Rukia from the ice, instructing Hanatarō to fall back with her. Zommari, revealing he has taken control of Rukia's head and thus controls her entire body, has her slash Hanatarō across the chest. He warns Byakuya to drop his sword, or he will force Rukia to slit her own throat. Byakuya, restraining Rukia with Rikujōkōrō, releases his Bankai. Zommari, becoming desperate, tries to use the full range of his power to control Byakuya's Bankai, but Byakuya, stating there are too many blades for Zommari to control, activates his "Gōkei" technique to crush Zommari.[77]

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Byakuya finishing off Zommari Rureaux.

Surviving, Zommari tries to use his power to gain control of Byakuya, who counters by using Dankū. Byakuya explains that when he used Kidō to stop Rukia's possession, he deduced Zommari's ability to possess was somewhat similar to Kidō, so it could be canceled out by Kidō. Zommari, begging for mercy, asks him to show some compassion. He angrily shouts at Byakuya that Shinigami are arrogant, taking an unnatural authority to proclaim Hollows as evil. Byakuya, impassive, states he fought him because Zommari attacked Byakuya's pride (referring to Rukia) and kills him.[78] Byakuya instructs Isane Kotetsu to come out of her hiding place and take care of Rukia and Hanatarō.[79] When Rukia wakes up while being healed, Byakuya, brushing off her concern, tells her to rest, as there is a much bigger fight coming.[80]

Fake Karakura Town arc


Byakuya and Zaraki arrive to help Ichigo.

As Yammy Llargo is about to crush Ichigo, Byakuya fires Sōkatsui at the Espada, while Zaraki cuts off one of Yammy's legs. The two captains bicker for a while.[81] As Zaraki begins to fight Yammy on his own, Byakuya stops Ichigo from joining the fight, telling him he has to return to the Human World. Mayuri Kurotsuchi appears with a cart, which Byakuya asks him about, before opening a Garganta. Ichigo begins to protest again, but Byakuya reminds him that his true duty is to protect Karakura Town, convincing Ichigo to go.[82] He asks Mayuri why he chose to remain in Hueco Mundo when there must have been more things on Earth which would have piqued his curiosity. Mayuri, assuring him he is not plotting anything, states there are "more interesting" corpses in Hueco Mundo, and he will examine the Human World later. Byakuya says he is surprised to hear such words coming from Mayuri, since it sounds like he believes in Ichigo and his ability to end the war.[83]


Byakuya and Zaraki prepare to face off against Yammy, in a contest to see who can take him down first.

As Byakuya watches Zaraki take down Yammy, the battle-crazed captain asks Byakuya to finish off Yammy. Byakuya tells him that is a job for a barbarian like Zaraki. Yammy, getting back up, fires a Cero at them. They both dodge the Cero, and as they continue to bicker, Byakuya releases his Bankai.[84] Yammy's huge form is knocked off-balance by their powerful attack, and he uses his anger to transform. He warns the captains that making him angrier is the last thing they want to do, as his release increases in strength the angrier he becomes.[85]

After defeating Yammy, Byakuya and Zaraki exit a Garganta in Soul Society. The 4th Division immediately responds to their arrival, taking note that while both are standing, they are horribly injured.[86] After their injuries are treated, Byakuya and Zaraki, along with Shunsui, are scolded by Yamamoto for losing their respective haori. When the captains take the matter lightly, with Byakuya saying he can easily replace the cheap material, Yamamoto grows even angrier.[87]

The Lost Substitute Shinigami arc


Byakuya and another Shinigami appear at the scene.

Byakuya is among those who placed their energy into the sword prepared by Kisuke Urahara to help restore Ichigo's powers. After Rukia stabs Ichigo with this sword, Byakuya exits a Senkaimon with several other Shinigami.[88] Byakuya interrupts Hitsugaya as he explains Kūgo Ginjō's status as the first Substitute Shinigami to Ichigo. Hitsugaya states he will leave the details until later.[89] As Yukio brings each of the duels into different pocket dimensions, Byakuya is paired with Tsukishima.[90] Byakuya says he is lucky he is the one fighting him, as Ichigo is too lenient and he cannot imagine Ichigo killing Tsukishima. Byakuya, blocking Tsukishima's attack with his Shikai, states he despises the way Tsukishima fights, stealing the bonds of camaraderie and torturing opponents, which he views as the height of cowardice.[91]


Tsukishima cuts Byakuya with Book of the End.

Tsukishima inserts his presence into a part of the ground using Book of the End, creating a trap which Byakuya subsequently triggers. Byakuya, managing to escape from it, learns Tsukishima inserted himself into his Zanpakutō's past when he blocked a previous attack, thus making him aware of all its techniques.[92] Tsukishima, slashing Byakuya across the chest, reveals he is fully aware of Byakuya's "Hurtless Area," knowing that the best tactic against his Shikai and Bankai is to get close to Byakuya to avoid damage. Amazed Tsukishima has learned so much about his abilities, Byakuya surmises that even his Bankai attacks will have no effect on Tsukishima, to which the Fullbringer agrees.[93] Byakuya reseals Senbonzakura to remove the "Hurtless Area", but Tsukishima, displaying the immense cutting power of his Fullbring, slices Byakuya's blade in two. While Tsukishima mocks Byakuya, he calmly picks up the severed blade and drops it with his sword, activating his Bankai.[94]


Byakuya defeats Tsukishima.

Knowing where Tsukishima will strike, Byakuya takes the risk of allowing his blades to enter the "Hurtless Area". While Tsukishima applauds Byakuya's ingenuity and improved speed with his Bankai, he exploits the Bankai's speed by moving close enough to let the blades injure Byakuya's arm. Byakuya, grabbing some of Senbonzakura's blades, throws them through Tsukishima's chest. Admitting he enjoyed fighting in a situation where preparation was irrelevant, Byakuya thanks Tsukishima for a joyful battle as the Fullbringer collapses.[95] Acknowledging defeat, Tsukishima asks Byakuya if he has any remorse for killing the man he claims he is thankful to before he can repay him. Byakuya admits he regrets not being able to repay him, but has no remorse for Tsukishima, as he is Ichigo's enemy. He later finds the unconscious Rukia.[96]

Along with the other captains, he looks on as Ichigo breaks apart the last remaining pocket dimension with his Bankai.[97] To Rukia's surprise, Byakuya and the others turn to leave. Byakuya reminds her they were only tasked with observing Ichigo and his decision.[98] When Ichigo subsequently goes to Soul Society to seek the return of Ginjō's body, Byakuya, informed of his arrival, is among the captains present to hear Ichigo's request.[99]

The Thousand-Year Blood War arc

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Byakuya explains Chōjirō Sasakibe's past.

Byakuya and Renji attend the official funeral of Lieutenant Chōjirō Sasakibe. While waiting for the cremation to begin, Byakuya tells Renji of Chōjirō's abilities and loyalty to Yamamoto.[100] He later attends a captain's meeting, where he is informed about Wandenreich's infiltration, and, along with the other captains, is ordered to prepare for war.[101] When the Wandenreich attack the Seireitei again, Byakuya is seated in front of a group of Shinigami when they notice the assault.[102] He later arrives to assist Renji in his fight against Äs Nödt and Mask De Masculine, promptly incapacitating the latter. He prepares to activate his Bankai in an attempt to discover what seal the Wandenreich use to suppress them. However, upon activating Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, it is immediately stolen by Äs, who used his Medallion.[103] Byakuya stops Renji from using his Bankai, stating he must not lose it as well.[104] Byakuya is later notified via transmitter swords, along with the other captains and lieutenants, by Rin Tsubokura that Ichigo is currently heading to Soul Society.[105]


Byakuya is attacked with his own Bankai.

As Byakuya is attacked by Äs Nödt's arrows, he relays to a worried Renji they would be foolish to attack together, and he should stand back and watch the fight so he can gain information on how to take down the enemy. Äs Nödt asks Byakuya if he realizes he is experiencing fear, which is what is making it hard for him to mount an effective attack or defense against him. He further details that this fear is a result of a unique ability administered by its Heilig Pfeil. Äs Nödt goes into a speech, detailing the nature of fear, and commends Byakuya for holding out as long as he has against it. Byakuya attempts to strike the Quincy, but Äs, dodging the attack, counters by impaling his hand through Byakuya's chest, grievously wounding him. The Quincy explains that this fear is real and not based on reason, and therefore it is not something one can overcome. Byakuya moves to strike Äs, but he, moving out of the way, activates his medallion, bringing forth a ring of blades from "Senbonzakura Kageyoshi", which float about the Quincy. He uses the blades to attack Byakuya, shredding the captain with his own power.[106]


Byakuya falls in battle.

Äs states there is nothing Byakuya can do, as there is no way he can win against his own Bankai using his Shikai. Renji attempts to intervene using his own Shikai.[107] While Renji attacks, Byakuya attempts to use his Shikai against the Quincy, who counters with a storm of blades. The storm of blades is so powerful, it sends Byakuya crashing into a nearby wall.[108] As Byakuya asks Renji and Rukia to forgive him, his Zanpakutō breaks into pieces, and he passes out from his wounds.[109]


Byakuya speaks with Ichigo.

Ichigo arrives in Soul Society and immediately speaks to Byakuya about Rukia and Renji, assuring him they are alive. Knowing he will succumb to his wounds soon, Byakuya admits to Ichigo he is ashamed of letting the enemy invade Soul Society, and regrets letting them kill many Shinigami, causing them, their subordinates, and their families to suffer. Despite Ichigo being a Human, who should not be involved in the affairs of Soul Society, Byakuya asks Ichigo to protect Soul Society.[110] After Ichigo leaves, Byakuya thinks about the Substitute Shinigami's lack of a reply, noting that it is typical of him, and he understands. He drops his Zanpakutō, which disintegrates.[111]

517Byakuya floats

Byakuya floats in one of Senjumaru Shutara's spheres.

After the battle for Soul Society ends, Byakuya is reported to have narrowly escaped death, despite being left in a comatose state.[112] Senjumaru Shutara later brings the comatose Byakuya to the Royal Guard's Tenchūren, along with Rukia and Renji, so he can be taken to the Royal Palace. Unohana notes their condition is too critical for them to leave Seireitei, but the Royal Guard insist on taking them, saying Byakuya will die if he remains there.[113]

Upon arriving in Reiōkyū, Byakuya and the other wounded are taken to Tenjirō Kirinji's headquarters, where they are placed in his "Blood Hell Pond" hot springs, allowing their unique healing properties to treat the wounded Shinigami.[114] He takes the longest to heal among all who visited there, as well as the longest anyone has been in the hot springs, according to Kirinji. When asked if he is dizzy, Byakuya states that he is far too weak to be headstrong. He then states that he will use this time to be at the level where he can justify the pride he once held.[115]

Later, having completed his training with the Royal Guard, Byakuya returns to Soul Society and regains his Bankai through Kisuke Urahara's Shin'eiyaku.[116][117] He then arrives to save Rukia as she is overwhelmed by Äs' Tatarforas ability by cutting through the eyes that the ability generates, saving Rukia.[118]


Byakuya destroys Äs's eyes.

Äs begins mocking Byakuya for his previous defeat at his hands. Äs then unleashes his attack on Byakuya, only for the captain to repel with a more solid construct of his Shikai. When Äs believes it to be Byakuya's Bankai, he corrects the Quincy, explaining that during his loss of Bankai, he sought to obtain a deeper and more refined understanding of his Zanpakutō, and Byakuya thanks his opponent for it. Taking this as an insult, Äs becomes infuriated and determined to drive Byakuya into the deepest levels of fear, transforming yet again. Byakuya calmly turns his attention to Rukia, applauding her for growing so strong. Insisting that fear is only a choice, he helps Rukia overcome her immobilizing fear and entrusts Rukia with finishing Äs.[119]

After Rukia freezes Äs to death, Byakuya tells her to slowly melt out of her Bankai so she does not damage herself. Commenting on how splendid Rukia's Bankai is, Byakuya remarks on how dangerous it is and how Rukia must always use it carefully before saying they should head out and protect Soul Society.[120] Later on, seeing lighting in the distance, the two head towards the location of the defeated Zaraki. On their way, they sense the Reiatsu of the arriving Ichigo Kurosaki.[121] Soon afterward, Byakuya uses Senbonzakura to stop Bazz-B and NaNaNa Najahkoop from chasing after Ichigo, and then joins Rukia, Renji, Hisagi, Ikkaku, and Yumichika confront the Sternritter gathered at Ichigo's location.[122]

After the combatants are separated by an explosion, Byakuya battles Liltotto Lamperd, Meninas McAllon, NaNaNa, Candice Catnipp and Robert Accutrone, swiftly defeating the latter three. Hisagi walks up and informs Byakuya that he has defeated one of the Sternritter, only to see that the captain has already defeated three. Byakuya then blocks an attack from Hisagi, and asks the lieutenant if he is under someone's control or an imposter, to which Hisagi replies that he is doing it for PePe Waccabrada before attacking Byakuya.[123]

595Senbonzakura attacks

Senbonzakura attacks Byakuya after PePe takes control of it.

After incapacitating Hisagi, Byakuya confronts PePe and deduces that killing PePe will free his puppets, prompting PePe to proclaim he is scary before attempting to hit him with The Love. After avoiding several of PePe's attacks, Byakuya seemingly deflects one with his Zanpakutō and points out how PePe cannot take control of anything that does not possess a heart, only for PePe to reveal he can take control of Zanpakutō as Senbonzakura attacks Byakuya and draws blood. Byakuya throws Senbonzakura into a wall to protect himself, but Hisagi pulls it out and begins attacking Byakuya with both Senbonzakura and Kazeshini, forcing Byakuya to defend himself with Hakuda because he does not believe he could use Kidō without killing Hisagi. When PePe uses Love Kiss on him, Byakuya remains unaffected, prompting an angered PePe to activate his Quincy: Vollständig, Gudoero, before immobilizing Byakuya with Love Rope. However, Byakuya is saved by the arrival of the zombified Kensei Muguruma and Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi, the former of whom kicks PePe in the side of the head.[124]

604Byakuya observes

Byakuya observes Auswählen.

As Byakuya wonders what has happened to Kensei and Rose, Kensei incapacitates Hisagi before handing Senbonzakura to a surprised Byakuya. When Mayuri arrives and comments on how the situation will be perfect for testing out his new squadron of corpses, Byakuya demands to know what he did to Kensei and Rose, prompting Mayuri to explain how he gained control of them with his Blood Realignment Drug. Stating he understands, Byakuya points out how Mayuri has chosen to toy with their lives instead of letting them die in peace and says Mayuri is twisting the truth when the latter claims that it is the wish of every Shinigami to serve the Seireitei even in death.[125] Later, upon observing Auswählen, Byakuya notes the light is rising up from the Seireitei and wonders what it is.[126]

Soon afterward, Byakuya arrives at the lab that Urahara has taken over and informs the latter that Kensei and Rose will be moving with the 12th Division.[127] When black creatures begin pouring into the Seireitei, Byakuya attempts to wipe them out with Senbonzakura, but to no avail.[128]

655Byakuya slams

Byakuya slams Gerard into the ground.

Upon reaching Wahrwelt, along with his comrades, Byakuya quickly begins moving through the city in search of their target. Neither he, nor the others, notice Lille Barro in his vantage point as the Quincy begins targeting those of the group who are lagging behind.[129] Soon afterwards, Byakuya and Renji confront Gerard Valkyrie, and combining their attacks, manage to injure the Quincy and send him flying into some rubble.[130] After Gerard comments that it would take a miracle for him to defeat them, Byakuya abruptly uses Senbonzakura to finish off the Quincy and knock his helmet off. After dealing a final blow, Byakuya prepares to head off, but a giant foot suddenly appears and slams onto the ground.[131]

A giant Gerard then rises up, explaining how his Schrift helps him turn his wounds into power and blows the Shinigami back with his voice. Gerard then throws an obelisk at the Shinigami, splitting them up. After Gerard attacks Shinji and Momo, Byakuya attacks him with Senbonzakura, but Gerard easily stops the blade shards with his hand before slamming Byakuya into the ground with his shield.[132]

Hitsugaya arrives to battle Gerard, and Byakuya blocks one of the Quincy's strikes, saying Hitsugaya could not hope to take on Gerard alone. Hitsugaya attempts to joke with Byakuya, but the latter only half-heartedly responds as Gerard attacks them again. However, Zaraki arrives and severs Gerard's arm, to Byakuya and Hitsugaya's dismay.[133] After Gerard regenerates his arm, Byakuya explains the power of his Schrift to Hitsugaya, whom he notes is unusually fixated on Gerard's height. Soon afterward, when Zaraki releases his Shikai, Nozarashi, Byakuya admits that their assumption that his Zanpakutō was in a constant state of release was wrong.[134]

668Byakuya attacks Gerard

Byakuya unsuccessfully attacks Gerard.

When Hitsugaya unsuccessfully tries to assist Zaraki, Byakuya tells him that taking part in that clash is pointless. However, Hitsugaya replies that Gerard was not someone Zaraki could take on alone as evidenced by him removing his eyepatch. Byakuya agrees to help in Hitsugaya's plan, where he would shatter Gerard with Senbonzakura after Hitsugaya freezes the Quincy. As Gerard overpowers Zaraki, Byakuya attacks Gerard in order for Hitsugaya to attack, but Gerard sees through their plan and counters both attacks.[135]

Zaraki suddenly activates Bankai and undergoes a transformation, which creates a large blast and startles Byakuya.[136] Byakuya and Hitsugaya watch him in awe, with Byakuya noting that Zaraki did not even seem to have a conscious demeanor. Byakuya and Hitsugaya see Zaraki jump far away, and they look behind them in shock to see Gerard reforming himself into one piece again. Byakuya and Hitsugaya are nearly hit by a blast from Gerard's sword Hoffnung, and Hitsugaya is hit by Gerard while trying to catch falling pieces of Wahrwelt. Gerard attacks Hitsugaya again, but Byakuya catches him with Senbonzakura. Byakuya tells Hitsugaya to release his Bankai, as he is at his limit, but Hitsugaya reveals that when the last petal disappears his Bankai actually matures.[137]

671Ikka Senjinka

Byakuya attacks Gerard with Ikka Senjinka.

As Hitsugaya and Zaraki manage to topple and freeze Gerard, Byakuya steps in and unleashes Ikka Senjinka, sending all of his Senkei swords to pierce Gerard's head.[138] The attack destroys Gerard's head, and Hitsugaya finishes off Gerard by freezing and shattering his torso. Byakuya then catches Hitsugaya as he collapses, noting that the captain pushed his body to its limits in Bankai. Suddenly, Byakuya and Hitsugaya become engulfed in energy rising up to regenerate Gerard.[139] As this happened, Renji and Rukia emerge and talk to Hitsugaya. Unable to recognize him, Rukia states that he is Hitsugaya's older brother, which Hitsugaya does not attempt to deny, and Byakuya notes that he is not even trying.[140]

674Byakuya blocks

Byakuya blocks Gerard's strike with his Bankai.

Soon afterward, when Gerard attacks Renji and Rukia, Byakuya grabs them and moves them to a safer location before telling them to join Ichigo in his battle with Yhwach. When Rukia begins to protest, Byakuya tells her to not think too highly of herself and proceeds to block another strike from Gerard with his Bankai before claiming that he has no need for either of them here, prompting Rukia and Renji to thank him before leaving. Byakuya appears next to Hitsugaya and claims that he carefully chose his words so Rukia and Renji would see the underlying meaning when Hitsugaya points out that they noticed his concern. Listening as Hitsugaya explains how the Shin'o Academy teaches Shinigami to fight for their friends and humans, Byakuya notes that deciding what is right and wrong is a very Shinigami-like teaching.[141]

While engaging Gerard, Byakuya is shocked when Yhwach's Auswählen suddenly engulfs and kills Gerard, and watches as the accumulated Reishi heads toward the top of Wahrwelt.[142]

Ten years after the defeat of Yhwach, Byakuya is present at the promotion ceremony, where his sister, Rukia, is inaugurated as the new captain of the 13th Division.[143] However, the Shinigami receive information of Yhwach's Reiatsu manifesting in the West 55th Block, and Byakuya races there. Suì-Fēng accompanies Byakuya and tells him that Rukia left Soul Society, but Byakuya is fine with Rukia taking a break and says that he will deal with the problem himself. Byakuya and Suì-Fēng then reach Mayuri and see the remnants of Yhwach's Reiatsu and brace for an attack. However just as the Reiatsu grows in strength it randomly vanishes without a trace, shocking the three captains.[144]

Echoing Jaws of Hell arc

NBFHCaptains notice

Byakuya and the other captains notice Jigoku no Rinki around Ukitake's grave.

On the day of Ukitake's Konsō Reisai, Byakuya gathers with the other captains around Ukitake's grave and is confused to see Jigoku no Rinki floating through the air, only to be completely shocked and appalled when Shunsui reveals that the true purpose of the Konsō Reisai is to cast deceased captains into Hell.[145]


  • Ōken Clothing: After training with the Royal Guard, Byakuya dons special clothing in order to safely return to the Seireitei. These clothes are made from the bones and hair of the members of the Royal Guard, and they possess incredible defensive power, allowing Byakuya to withstand the friction that results from breaking through the 72 barriers between Soul Society and the Soul King Palace without suffering any damage; Yhwach notes that no Shinigami could hope to wear greater garb.[146] These clothes take the form of a white, turban-like headpiece covering the upper half of his head and trailing off to his shoulders; a tasseled muffler covering his mouth; and a white cape with a thick, light-colored hem worn over his shihakushō.[147]

Powers & Abilities

Master Swordsman: Byakuya is a master of swordsmanship, possessing flawless skill and precision while being able to perform lethal attacks with little to no effort.[148] The efficiency of his strikes can easily target the most critical points in a target, too fast for most people to register where his attack originally came from.[149] His skill is shown able to calmly compete with other master swordsmen like Kenpachi Zaraki.[150]


Byakuya using the Hohō technique Utsusemi.

Shunpo Master: Byakuya is arguably best known for his great mastery in Shunpo. Having been taught by, but never beating "Goddess of Flash" Yoruichi Shihōin, he is easily one of the most proficient users of this skill in all of Soul Society.[151] He remained able to use Shunpo after severing the muscles and tendons in his left leg.[152]

  • Senka (閃花, Flash Blossom): A Shunpo technique where one, moving to their opponent's back, directly attacks and seals one's "Saketsu" and "Hakusui" in two rapid strikes, effectively cutting them off from their spiritual energy flow. This attack is his favorite to use.[153] The technique is so fast, an opponent may not be able to tell whether they were attacked from the front or the back, and even an outside observer may find it impossible see the movements.[154]
  • Utsusemi (空蝉, Cast-Off Cicada Shell): Way of Onmitsu, 3rd of the Shihō. It allows for movement at great speed, leaving an afterimage behind. It is a technique taught to Byakuya by Yoruichi Shihōin.[155]

Byakuya can cast high-level Bakudō spells such as Dankū without incantation.

Kidō Master: Byakuya has incredible skill and power in Kidō. He can cast several high-level spells in quick succession, with no incantation or effort, and still possessing formidable strength, even up to level 81. He has advanced knowledge of Kidō application and consistency. He can use a low-level spell repeatedly in rapid succession and with devastating effects, as well as a counter to attacks. He uses a low-level lightning spell to burn a hole right through Ichigo's shoulder.[156][157][158]

Hakuda Combatant: While used less often, Byakuya is very proficient in this area. Byakuya stealthily knocked out several Shinigami guards with a single strike each.[159] After discarding his Zanpakutō during the battle against PePe, Byakuya used Hakuda to defend himself from Shūhei Hisagi's rapid attacks with both Senbonzakura and Kazeshini.[160]

Master Strategist & Tactician: Byakuya is a highly perceptive fighter, almost immediately determining an opponent's attack patterns and weaknesses.[161] He is a crafty tactician, effectively using Kidō to confuse his opponents.[162] He can discern the motives and abilities of his opponents, and effectively uses his knowledge to end the battle in his favor.[163]

Immense Spiritual Power: As a captain of the Gotei 13 and head of one of the four Noble Houses, Byakuya possesses an immense amount of spiritual power, which, in addition to his already admirable combat skills and finesse, makes him one of the most formidable captains. He can exert tremendous levels of Spiritual Pressure that can be felt from a great distance, and it has the tendency to make people perspire in fear.[164] Ganju Shiba has stated Byakuya is the strongest leader in the entire history of the Kuchiki Clan.[165]His Reiatsu is white.[166] Following his training within the Royal Palace, Byakuya easily dispatched three Sternritter while fighting five of them simultaneously.[167]

Immense Endurance: While not having the most imposing appearance compared to other Shinigami, Byakuya is an extremely resilient fighter. During his fight against Ichigo, despite gaining severe injuries, Byakuya continued fighting effectively, even ignoring his wounds to the point where he seemed unfazed by them. At the end of the fight, he was able to remain standing and performed an impressive Shunpo to leave,[168] and later survived being impaled by Gin Ichimaru's Shinsō, taking the blow in Rukia's place.[169] During his fight with the 7th Espada Zommari Rureaux, Byakuya willingly damaged himself to escape from his enemy's possession attack, and continued to fight as though unaffected, eventually obtaining victory.[170] During his fight with Tsukishima, he had his entire left arm mutilated by Senbonzakura, and used that same arm to catch its blades and thrust them at the Fullbringer, ultimately defeating him.[171] Byakuya managed to survive a multitude of devastating injuries during his battle with Äs Nödt, including having his stomach ripped out[172] and being viciously attacked by his own Bankai.[173]

Immense Durability: Byakuya is able to resist the unique healing properties of Tenjirō Kirinji's hot springs without rotting away after being fully healed; Kirinji even stated he stayed in longer than anyone else.[174] Even after being struck with Gerard Valkyrie's gigantic shield, which caused the entire building Byakuya was standing on to crumble,[175] Byakuya emerged with only slight bleeding and ruined clothes.[176]


Senbonzakura redirects here. For the manifested spirit that appears in the anime-only Zanpakutō Unknown Tales arc see Senbonzakura (Zanpakutō spirit).

Senbonzakura (千本桜, Thousand Cherry Blossoms): Senbonzakura is a regular katana. It has a simple cross guard, with an open frame much like a four-pane window. It has a bronze guard, with lavender hilt-wrapping, and a white sheath.

  • Shikai: It is triggered by the command "Scatter" (散れ, chire).[177]

Senbonzakura's Shikai.


Senbonzakura's Hurtless Area.

Shikai Special Ability: In its Shikai, Senbonzakura's blade separates into a thousand tiny, slender blade fragments, which fly away from the hilt, leaving only the sword's handle in Byakuya's hand. While the blades are supposedly too small to be seen normally, they reflect light in such a way as to resemble cherry blossom petals. By swinging Senbonzakura's hilt, Byakuya can control the blade fragments, allowing him to shred opponents at a distance and break through almost any defense.[178] The blades can be used for defensive purposes, as they can protect Byakuya from an incoming sword swing.[179] In order to protect Byakuya from his own attacks in both Shikai and Bankai, Senbonzakura possesses a Hurtless Area (無傷圏, Mushōken; lit. "Woundless Zone"; Viz "Safe Zone") where it does not cut anything within 85 cm of Byakuya unless he himself allows the blades to enter the area.[180][181] During Byakuya's training with the Royal Guard, he obtained a finer understanding of his Shikai, granting him greater control and the ability to form more solid constructs at a greater scale, causing Äs, who previously wielded his Bankai, to mistake it as such.[182]

Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

  • Bankai: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi (千本桜景厳, Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms): Byakuya's Bankai is a much larger version of Senbonzakura's Shikai. To activate it, Byakuya drops his sword straight down; the sword does not have to be completely intact for Byakuya to activate his Bankai, as he can simply drop all the pieces at once with both hands.[183] The sword phases into the ground, as though it were a pool of water. Energy ripples expand out, turning the surrounding area dark, and within seconds, two rows of a thousand giant blades rise up from the ground. Those thousand swords scatter, and countless flying blades pierce the enemy. No one knows the exact number of blades generated, and no one can dodge or even see the movements of these blades.[184] The number of blades is great enough that Byakuya can simultaneously use them for offense and defense. He commonly forms them into large masses to obliterate opponents instantaneously. As they move through the air like torrents of waves, they give the appearance of cherry blossoms flowing swiftly along the wind.[185] Senbonzakura Kageyoshi's defensive use allows Byakuya to cover himself entirely in these tiny blades, forming a body shield.[186] Unlike his Shikai, his Bankai is mentally controlled. While Byakuya can control the blades with his mind alone, using his hands allows him to do so more effectively, making the blades move twice as fast.[187] Similar to his Shikai, its attack is triggered with the phrase Scatter.[188] Upon deactivation, the sealed version of Senbonzakura is reconstituted within Byakuya's hands.[189]
Bankai Special Ability: Byakuya's Bankai has several forms, achieved by arranging the blades in different patterns. Each form presents a different advantage, such as increasing offense at the expense of defense. This variety of techniques makes Senbonzakura Kageyoshi extremely versatile. These techniques are activated by saying the name of the technique, followed by the name of his Bankai, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.


  • Senkei (殲景, Slaughterscape): The true form of Senbonzakura. This unites the scattered petals into complete glowing swords, numbering in the thousands, which form four rows. These rows float just above each other, and circle around Byakuya and his opponent in a continuously moving, column-like array. It abandons defense in favor of a concentrated offense. Though visually menacing, this form is not meant for attack from all sides; rather, it concentrates his Bankai into fewer blades, thus increasing his attack power. While Byakuya can mentally control these swords, he commonly calls them to his hands for actual melee combat. When in his hand, they lose their glow, and take the form of his sealed Zanpakutō. It seems to take fewer blows from a Senkei blade to gravely injure an opponent than the multiple cuts needed from the unfocused Bankai. Senkei seals Byakuya in with his enemy, allowing neither combatant to move very far from each other, though the area is still large enough for maneuverability. The deadliest aspect of the Senkei form is that it allows for use of all the swords at the same attack level, making it a way to effectively defeat an enemy unaware of the danger of the situation. It is extremely rare for Byakuya to use this ability, doing so only when he has sworn to cut down the opponent with his very own hands. Ichigo is the second being to ever witness the ability.[190][60] Even when Senkei isn't activated, Byakuya can form identical swords from his base Bankai to be used in combat.[191] This technique requires Byakuya's blood to activate.
  • Ikka Senjinka (一咬 千刃花, One Bite, Thousand Bladed Flower): Byakuya attacks a single target with all of his Senkei swords at once. Fitting to Senkei focusing solely on offense, it is Senbonzakura Kageyoshi's ultimate attack.[192]
  • Gōkei (吭景, Mawscape): This form increases the number of tiny blades immensely. It creates a spherical formation of innumerable blade fragments, which swirl around the opponent like a cloud before flying into them from every possible angle, leaving no blind spots and no possibility of escape. It proceeds to collapse in on itself, obliterating the opponent. When used, it completely obliterated a very large building from the inside out, and the resulting shockwave generated by the attack forced Byakuya himself to Flash Step away.[193][194]
Byakuya Kuchiki Shūkei Hakuteiken (ep252)

Shūkei: Hakuteiken.

  • Shūkei: Hakuteiken (終景・白帝剣, Endscape: White Imperial Sword): This condenses each and every one of his blades into a single, potent sword, drastically increasing its cutting power. The spiritual energy and pressure released by this form is immense. The blade appears bright white, and its aura takes the form of a bird, earning it the name Hakuteiken (白帝剣, White Imperial Sword). Pure white wings form on Byakuya's back, as well as a halo-like circle, made of concentrated spiritual energy. This form's blade can create aggravated injuries in a single blow.[195] The wings can be used for flight.[196]


Release Negation (Shikai): The release can be negated before it completed. Examples include when Yoruichi Shihōin wrapped the blade in cloth during Byakuya's short battle with Ichigo or when Renji Abarai stopped it with Zabimaru during their own fight. However, if the release completes itself, Senbonzakura is rendered near unstoppable.[37][197]

Dissipation (Shikai): The release can be overwhelmed if faced with a powerful concussive force. When facing against Ichigo Kurosaki during their final duel, the entire Shikai blades of Senbonzakura was obliterated from the power of Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshō.[198]

Hurtless Area Complication: If the enemy enters the Hurtless Area, this allows them to exploit an opening in Senbonzakura's otherwise invincible attack range. As Shūkurō Tsukishima explained, the trick to avoid Senbonzakura's blades is not to retreat, but to get closer.[180] Although Byakuya can compensate this weakness by allowing the blades to enter the Hurtless Area, since it is the range in which he can safely react and redirect missed attacks, by increasing the speed of the blades within this range, Byakuya can accidentally injure himself if his timing is distorted even slightly.[199]

Appearances in Other Media

Video Game Appearances
Blade Battlers
Blade Battlers 2nd
The Blade of Fate
Bleach: Dark Souls
The 3rd Phantom
Flame Bringer
Tasogare ni Mamieru Shinigami
Shattered Blade
Versus Crusade
Heat the Soul
Heat the Soul 2
Heat the Soul 3
Heat the Soul 4
Heat the Soul 5
Heat the Soul 6
Heat the Soul 7
Soul Carnival
Soul Carnival 2
Hanatareshi Yabou
Bleach Advance: Kurenai ni Somaru Soul Society
Erabareshi Tamashii
Soul Resurrección
J-Stars Victory Vs
Brave Souls
Paradise Lost
Jump Force
Movie Appearances
Memories of Nobody
The DiamondDust Rebellion
Fade to Black
The Hell Verse
Live-Action Film
Novel Appearances
Letters From The Other Side
The Honey Dish Rhapsody
Spirits Are Forever With You
The Death Save The Strawberry
Can't Fear Your Own World

Video Games

  • In Soul Resurrección, Byakuya can use an attack called Ōkajin (桜花刃, Blade of Sakura Flowers), where he summons three Senkei swords to his side before throwing them at the enemy.[200]
BBSIkka Senjinka

Promotional art for Byakuya's Ikka Senjinka technique in Bleach: Brave Souls.

  • In Bleach: Brave Souls, many versions of Byakuya are playable. His Thousand Year Blood War arc version draws from his appearance during the second invasion of Soul Society. In this form, Byakuya is a ranged character with the "Technique" Attribute and the "Arrancar Killer" ability whose second Strong Attack is a barrier move. His unlockable skills are "Berserker +40%", "Bombardment", "Bruiser +30%", "Havoc +20%", "Sprinter +1", and "Weaken Defense", while his Soul Trait is "Damage Inflicted At Full STA +20%"; meanwhile, his Arena Traits are "Slow Duration -65%" and "Focus +30", while his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "Strong Attack Damage +10%" at level 5 and "Strong Attack Damage +20%" at level 10. Byakuya's special is Senkei: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi Ōgi: "Ikka Senjinka" (殲景・千本桜景厳 奥義『一咬千刃花』, Slaughterscape: Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms Secret Technique: "Flower of a Thousand Blades in a Single Bite"), where he unleashes all the blades of Senkei to inflict immense damage upon his enemies.
BBSShukei Hakuteiken Byakuya

Byakuya in his fused Zanpakutō form.

  • A unique version of Byakuya was made for the fifth anniversary of the game under the supervision of Tite Kubo. This Byakuya exists in an alternate universe where he fused with his Zanpakutō, unlocking a power beyond Bankai and merging with his Shūkei: Hakuteiken ability. His hair is in the same style as his post-timeskip appearance. He also wields a long white sword made with the power of Shūkei: Hakuteiken. In addition to the white wings, Byakuya also has 6 white swords floating around him. In this form, Byakuya is a ranged strong attack character with the "Shinigami Killer" and "Hollow Killer" abilities; his second strong attack is a new type of attack that homes in on the nearest enemy while sucking in other nearby enemies, while he can also unlock the "Sharpshooter" skill that nullifies both ranged guard and ranged attack resistance. His Arena Traits are "Strong Attack Damage +13%" and "Focus +30", while his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "Strong Attack Damage +10%" at level 5 and "Strong Attack Damage +20%" at level 10. Byakuya's special is Bōkei: Kyōgahakuteiken (望景・矜雅白帝剣, Hopescape: White Imperial Sword of Graceful Pride), where Byakuya condenses all of his blades into a single sword that inflicts immense damage.
BBSSenkei Byakuya

Byakuya using the Senkei ability of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

  • Additionally, Byakuya is playable in a form revolving around the Senkei technique of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, drawing from his climactic battle against Ichigo Kurosaki. In this form, Byakuya is a melee character with the "Speed" Attribute and the "Arrancar Killer" ability. His unlockable skills are "Berserker +20%", "Black Hole +40%", "Bruiser +20%", "Long Reach +15%", and "Sprinter +1", while his Soul Trait is "Normal Attack Damage +20%"; after being Resurrected, his unlockable skills are "Bruiser +20%", "Devastation +40%", "Frenzy", "Long Reach +20%", and "Sprinter +1", while his Soul Traits are "Normal Attack Damage +20%" and "Poison Duration -55%". Byakuya's special is Senkei Senbonzakura Kageyoshi (殲景 千本桜景厳, Slaughterscape Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms), where he abandons all defense and creates an intense flash that inflicts immense damage to any enemy it hits.
BBSHakuteiken Byakuya

Byakuya using the Shūkei: Hakuteiken ability of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

  • Byakuya is also playable in a form revolving around the Shūkei: Hakuteiken ability of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, drawing from his climactic battle against Ichigo. In this form, Byakuya is a melee normal attack character with the "Mind" Attribute and the "Shinigami Killer" ability whose second Strong Attack is a vortex move. He has three Innate Skills built in at ★5: "100% Chance To Hit Dodging Shinigami", "Dodge Soul Reaper Damage", and "Weaken Duration -100%", and his unlockable skills are "Berserker +60%", "Bruiser +50%", "Flurry +1", "Marauder", "Melee Damage +10%/+30% in Guild Quests", "Poise", "Sprinter +1", and "Strong Attack Recharge Time -12%", while His Soul Trait is "Normal Attack Damage +30%"; meanwhile, his Arena Traits are "Damage Taken -10%" and "Attack +45", while his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "Normal Attack Damage +10%" at level 5 and "Normal Attack Damage +20%" at level 10. Byakuya's special is Shūkei: Hakuteiken (終景・白帝剣, Endscape: White Imperial Sword), where he condenses all the power of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi into a single blade that inflicts immense damage.
BBSLost Agent Byakuya

Byakuya as he appears during the events of The Lost Agent.

  • Additionally, Byakuya is playable in a form drawing from his first post-timeskip appearance during the Lost Agent arc. In this form, Byakuya is a ranged strong attack character with the "Heart" Attribute and the "Arrancar Killer" ability whose second strong attack is a barrier move and who has a chance to inflict Lacerate with every attack. He has two Innate Abilities built in at ★5: "Freeze Duration -100%" and "Lacerator", a new ability giving him the chance to inflict Lacerate on any unit on the map every five seconds. His unlockable skills are "Bruiser +20%", "Damage to Lacerated Enemies +40%", "Debilitator +2 secs.", "Devastation +40%", "Frenzy", "Havoc +20%", "Poise", "Sprinter +1", and "Strong Attack Recharge Time -12%", while his Soul Trait is "Strong Attack Damage +20%"; meanwhile, his Arena Traits are "Strong Attack Recharge Time -7%" and "Spiritual Pressure +90", while his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "Increased Special Move Uses +1" at level 2, "Long Stride" at level 5, and "Strong Attack Damage +30%" at level 10. Byakuya's special is Cherry Blossom Storm (桜嵐, Ōran), where he controls a torrent of countless blades that inflict immense damage and Lacerate.
BBSNew Year Byakuya

Byakuya wearing a New Year outfit.

  • Byakuya is also playable in a New Year form. In this form, Byakuya is a ranged strong attack character with the "Technique" Attribute and the "Arrancar Killer" ability whose second and third Strong Attacks are melee attacks. His unlockable skills are "Bombardment", "Bruiser +20%", "Frenzy +1", "Havoc +20%", and "Sprinter +1", while his Soul Trait is "Strong Attack Damage +20%"; when Resurrected, all of his attacks becomes ranged moves, and his unlockable skills are "Bombardment", "Bruiser +20%", "Frenzy +1", "Havoc +20%", and "Sprinter +1", while his Soul Traits are "Strong Attack Damage +20%" and "Paralysis Duration -55%". Meanwhile, his Arena Traits are "Strong Attack Recharge Time -7%" and "Focus +30", while his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "Strong Attack Damage +10%" at level 5 and "Strong Attack Damage +20%" at level 10. Byakuya's special is Shūkei: Hakuteiken (終景・白帝剣, Endscape: White Imperial Sword), where he concentrates the power of Senkei: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi into a single blade that inflicts immense damage to any enemy it hits.
BBSSwimsuit Byakuya

Byakuya in a swimsuit.

  • Additionally, Byakuya is playable in a swimsuit form based on his appearance in episode 228. In this form, Byakuya is a ranged character with the "Speed" Attribute and the "Arrancar Killer" ability whose Strong Attacks are all melee. His unlockable skills are "Berserker +10%", "Bombardment +1", "Frenzy +1", "Havoc +10%", and "Sprinter +1", while his Soul Trait is "Strong Attack Recharge Time -12%"; when Resurrected, Resurrected, his Strong Attacks become ranged, and his unlockable skills are "Bombardment +1", "Bruiser +20%", "Frenzy +1", "Havoc +20%", and "Sprinter +1" while his Soul Traits are "Strong Attack Recharge Time -12%" and "Weaken Duration -55%". Byakuya's special is Senbonzakura Kageyoshi (千本桜景厳, Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms). where his sword splits into countless blade petals that inflict immense damage to all enemies in a wide area around him.
BBSSwimsuit Byakuya2

Byakuya in a swimsuit.

  • Byakuya is also playable in an alternate swimsuit form that remakes the original. In this form, Byakuya is a ranged strong attack character with the "Mind" Attribute and the "Squad Zero Killer" ability who has a chance to inflict Weaken with every attack other than his second Strong Attack, which is a healing barrier move. He has three Innate Skills built in at ★5: "Full Stamina Only Increased Strong Attack Damage +40%", "Medic", and "Sprinter +1", and his unlockable skills are "Party Mind Attribute Soul Reaper Strong Attack Damage +20%", "Berserker +40%", "Debilitator +5 secs.", "Devastation +40%", "Frenzy +1", "Guard Break", "Heart Droplet Drop +30%", "Multi-Barrier +2", and "Strong Attack Recharge Time -12%", while his Soul Trait is "Heart Link Slot Potions +5". Meanwhile, his Arena Traits are "Strong Attack Recharge Time -7%" and "Spiritual Pressure +90", while his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "Poise" at level 5 and "Strong Attack Damage +30%" at level 10. Byakuya's special is Artistic Debut (芸術性のお披露目, Geijutsu-sei no Ohirome), where he deftly builds a statue of the Wakame Ambassador from the sand, inflicting immense damage and Weaken.
BBSSpirit Society Byakuya

An alternate-universe Byakuya from the Spirit Society.

  • Additionally, Byakuya is playable as an alternate-reality version of himself from a yōkai-themed version of Soul Society known as the Spirit Society, where his design is based on the tengu. In this form, Byakuya is a ranged character with the "Power" Attribute and the "Shinigami Killer" ability who has a chance to inflict Freeze with every attack. His unlockable skills are "Berserker +20%", "Bruiser +20%", "Debilitator +5 secs.", "Devastation +40%", "Frenzy", "Havoc +20%", "Poison Duration -100%", and "Sprinter +1", while his Soul Trait is "Strong Attack Recharge Time -12%". Byakuya's special is Midnight Blue Demon Blizzard (冥宵蒼魂 雪片の遊, Myōyoi Aotama: Seppen no Yū; Japanese for "Midnight Blue Spirit: Playing Snowflakes"), where he gracefully descends down a set of steps and conjures a snowstorm, inflicting immense damage and Freeze.
BBSWakame Ambassador

Promotional art for the Wakame Ambassador.

  • Byakuya's personal mascot, the Wakame Ambassador, is also playable in Brave Souls as a full-fledged character. In this form, the Wakame Ambassador is a melee character with the "Speed" attribute and the "Hollow Killer" ability whose third strong attack is ranged attack. His unlockable skills are "Berserker +30%", "Bruiser +30%", "Long Reach +30%", and "Sprinter +1", while his Soul Trait is "Fire Duration -65%". The Wakame Ambassador's special is Seaweed Dance (ワカメの舞, Wakame no Mai), where his fellow seaweeds dance around, inflicting immense damage to anything they hit.


  • He has appeared in all five Bleach movies released to this date, including the live action film adaptation of Bleach where he is portrayed by singer and actor Miyavi.


Bleach Breathless Collection V6

Byakuya on the cover of Bleach Breathless Collection's final edition.

  • He has a Bleach Beat Collection with Rukia, singing "Yozora No Kawa" by himself and "Listen to One Story" with Rukia.
  • Byakuya also features in the sixth and final volume of the Bleach Breathless Collection, where Ryōtarō Okiayu sings "Requiem" as Byakuya. There is also a Talk Session on the album, which is shared with Senbonzakura.
  • BuriCon - Bleach Concept Covers features Byakuya performing "Sen no Yoru wo Koete" alongside Renji.
  • He also appears three times in Bleach "B" Station, initially in the first season's fourth volume. The again appears in the third season's fifth volume and final in the fifth season's second volume.
  • Byakuya appears in all editions of Rock Musical Bleach, initially played by Shūji Hayashi. He is portrayed by Motohiro Oota in the 10th Anniversary edition in 2011, as well as the 2012 edition.


  • When Ichigo was attacked by Byakuya's Senka, his slash wound wasn't as severe in the anime compared to the manga.[201][202][203]
    • Also, Ichigo wasn't shown being impaled by Byakuya's Zanpakutō in the anime,[201] as he was in the manga,[204] with significantly less blood shown as well.[205]
  • When Byakuya released Senbonzakura in an attempt to break apart Renji's bankai, Hihiō Zabimaru its jaws were split in two.[206] But in the anime, the jaws of Hihiō Zabimaru were still connected.[207]
  • In the manga, when Renji was attacked by Byakuya's Senkei, his arm was impaled by 2 of the swords, one of which was covered in blood that Byakuya's removed.[208] In the anime however, Renji's wasn't shown being impaled (until later), and one of the swords Byakuya removed wasn't covered in the former's blood.[207]
    • Also in the anime,[207] Byakuya didn't make the other Senkei swords dissipate and have 8 new ones form to threaten Renji, as he did in the manga.[209]
  • After Renji's Zanpakutō broke and shattered, he bled profusely from his back and grabbed Byakuya's scarf, which was then covered in the former's blood, before collapsing.[210] In the anime, aforementioned factors were omitted.[207]
  • In the anime Byakuya was holding onto the blade Ichigo's Tensa Zangetsu, there wasn't as much blood on his hand,[211] compared to the manga.[212] There was also no blood dripping from Byakuya's hand when he was about to call the first sword of his Senkei.[213][214]
  • In the anime, when Byakuya cut Ichigo's cheek, there wasn't as much blood produced from the inflicted wound, compared to the manga.[213][215]
  • When Byakuya was slashed across the chest by Zangetsu, he wasn't bleeding as profusely in the anime as he was in the manga.[213][216]
  • After Byakuya and Ichigo had one final clash, the former wasn't bleeding as profusely in the anime compared to the manga.[213][217]
  • When Byakuya was impaled by Shinsō while protecting Rukia, there was significantly less blood shown in the anime[218] compared to the manga.[219]



Byakuya's Battle Data, clockwise. Top: Offense (90), Top Right: Defense (80), Bottom right: Mobility (90), Bottom: Kidō/Reiatsu (90), Bottom Left: Intelligence (90), Top Left: Physical Strength (70). Total: 510/600.[1]


Wakame Ambassador cookie.

  • In the manga, his scarf, kenseikan, and tekkou are shown to be silver white, but in the anime, they are all shown to be light green.
  • In the manga, Senbonzakura's petals are white, while in the anime they are pink.
  • Byakuya has created an imaginary character named Wakame Ambassador (ワカメ大使; Wakame Taishi) who he is particularly fond of and often creates themes based around him. He suggests the character become his divisions entry into the Jump Fiesta[229], creates food and snacks of the same shape as the creature[230][231] along with a sand sculpture at the beach[232] and has been known to dress up as the ambassador.[233]
  • In the manga, Byakuya sliced apart the segments of Hihiō Zabimaru.[235] In the anime, however, Hihiō Zabimaru merely collapsed to the ground while in midair.[207]
  • In the anime against Zommari, Byakuya was erroneously shown with Senbonzakura's hilt because it was not yet disclosed Senbonzakura's hilt reforms when Byakuya deactivates his Bankai.[236][237] In the manga, Byakuya was not shown with Senbonzakura's hilt when Senbonzakura Kageyoshi is active.[238]
  • In Ryōgo Narita's novel Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World, it is mentioned that Byakuya would be the most likely candidate to succeed Shunsui Kyōraku as Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13.[239]
  • In Bleach: Blade Battlers, when Ichigo equips the usage of Zenbonsakura Kageyoshi as his finishing attack, with more loosely-informal speech, he alters the release command via saying "Go an' scatter" (散りやがれ, chiri yagare) instead of just "chire" (散れ).


  • (About Renji Abarai) "Such excuses are of no value. Alone he fought and dealt with it, thus he was not permitted to lose. Fools who cannot understand that, even after this, shall not be of any usage. He is an eyesore. Get him out of my sight."[240]
  • (To Renji Abarai) "Shall I tell you the difference between you and I? It's level. It's like the story of the monkey trying to capture the moon. No matter how he struggles, it's just the moon's reflection on the water he sees. So he only sinks into the water. Time after time, he sinks."[241]
  • (To Renji Abarai) "With your ability, you will find it impossible to make me fall on even one knee."[242]
  • (To Renji Abarai) "Be proud, as someone who, after being struck by this power, is still able to retain the form of his body."[243]
  • (To Renji Abarai) "Congratulations. Very admirable. That time, your fang definitely reached me."[244]
  • (To Rukia Kuchiki) "After adopting you, I swore in front of my parents' grave that it would be my last time in breaking the rules, and from that time on, no matter what happens, I would follow and defend the rules to the very end."[245]
  • (To Rukia Kuchiki) "When you were sentenced to death, I was dumbfounded. The oath to my parents to follow and defend the rules, or the promise to Hisana to protect her sister. Which one should I keep? Ichigo Kurosaki, you have my gratitude. Rukia, I am sorry."[246]
  • (To Zommari Rureaux) "I have already told you. You and I, our levels are as distant as the earth from the heavens. Must I spell it out for you? I have discarded my left arm, discarded my left leg, and yet even so, I have not nearly lowered myself to your level."[247]
  • (To Zommari Rureaux) "At what point did I ever claim that I was cutting you down in my capacity as a Shinigami? To justify the actions I have taken, I need but one reason. You raised your blade in contempt of my pride."[248]
  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "Do not overestimate yourself, Ichigo Kurosaki. There is none among the captains of the Gotei 13 to whom the aid of one such as yourself could be considered significant."[249]
  • (To Kenpachi Zaraki) "I decline. Finishing off a weakened opponent is a job better suited for a barbarian such as yourself."[250]
  • (To Shūkurō Tsukishima) "I have nothing but contempt for the way you do battle. Rather than face your opponent in fair combat, you prefer to toy with your enemy, stealing away the things they hold dear. You are a coward. A shameless coward who deserves to die. Now, face me like a man. Before you have even finished swinging down your blade, I will strike you down and toss your worthless body aside."[251]
  • (To Shūkurō Tsukishima) "I had always believed that battle was an art to be perfected through meticulous training and preparation. But today, for the first time, I was able to comprehend the thrill of indulging one's more primal instincts. You have my thanks. This battle was an enjoyable one."[252]
  • (To Shūkurō Tsukishima) "True enough, I owe you a great debt. And you have my thanks. However, you are Ichigo Kurosaki's enemy. And thus, no matter the debt you are owed, I will strike you down without hesitation."[253]
  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "I fear I will not last much longer. As a Captain of the Gotei 13, to be unable to defeat the foul intruders who dirty the soil of Seireitei, who have brought about the deaths of many soldiers and brought sadness to those soldiers' subordinates and families... to lose my life in defeat at the hands of such wretches brings me great shame. You, meanwhile, are a human. By all rights, you should never have become involved in this conflict. Indeed, you should never even have come to this place. Yet now, at the end of my life, I ask you to forgive me the vile hubris of making one request of you. Please... protect Soul Society."[254]
  • (To Tenjirō Kirinji) "I have learned all too well that I am still far too weak to allow myself to grow headstrong. As I have been lucky enough to survive, I must strive to once more achieve strength enough to justify the pride I once held."[255]
  • (To Rukia Kuchiki) "Fear is never born from nothing. It is born from the tiny insecurities that linger within our hearts."[256]
  • (To Rukia Kuchiki) "If you wield your blade without regard for your own life, you will find yourself unable to protect anything."[257]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Bleach Bootleg, page 93
  2. Bleach manga, volume 9 - character profile
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Bleach Official Character Book Souls, page 76
  4. Bleach Official Character Book Souls, page 188
  5. Bleach manga; Chapter 464, page 16
  6. Bleach manga; Chapter 460, page 11
  7. Bleach manga; Chapter 469, pages 2-3
  8. Bleach manga; Chapter 685, page 14
  9. Bleach manga; Chapter -105, page 14
  10. Shinigami's Illustrated Picture Book, end of anime Episode 118
  11. Bleach chapter 247 page 12-15
  12. Bleach manga; Chapter 202, page 4
  13. Bleach chapter 247 page 10
  14. Bleach manga; Chapter -105, pages 8-10
  15. Bleach manga; Chapter -105, pages 11-14
  16. Bleach manga; Chapter 179, pages 9-13
  17. Bleach manga; Chapter 179, pages 14-15
  18. Bleach manga; Chapter 145, page 5
  19. Bleach manga; Chapter 533, pages 11-13
  20. Bleach manga; Chapter 52, page 14
  21. Bleach manga; Chapter 53, page 4
  22. Bleach manga; Chapter 54, pages 12-15
  23. Bleach manga; Chapter 55
  24. Bleach manga; Chapter 56, pages 7-17
  25. Bleach manga; Chapter 65, pages 1-3
  26. Bleach manga; Chapter 65, pages 9-13
  27. Bleach manga; Chapter 81, pages 18-19
  28. Bleach manga; Chapter 82, page 4
  29. Bleach manga; Chapter 99, pages 12-15
  30. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, page 6
  31. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, page 29
  32. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, pages 31-34
  33. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, pages 35-42
  34. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, pages 48-53
  35. Bleach manga; Chapter 117, page 6
  36. Bleach manga; Chapter 117, pages 8-17
  37. 37.0 37.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 117, pages 18-19
  38. Bleach manga; Chapter 118
  39. Bleach manga; Chapter 119, page 4
  40. Bleach manga; Chapter 134, pages 1-4
  41. Bleach manga; Chapter 138, page 2
  42. Bleach manga; Chapter 140, pages 1-13
  43. Bleach manga; Chapter 140, pages 13-16
  44. Bleach manga; Chapter 140, pages 17-20
  45. Bleach manga; Chapter 141
  46. Bleach manga; Chapter 142, pages 1-10
  47. Bleach manga; Chapter 142, pages 11-19
  48. Bleach manga; Chapter 143
  49. Bleach manga; Chapter 144, pages 1-13
  50. Bleach manga; Chapter 147, pages 2-3
  51. Bleach manga; Chapter 151, page 8
  52. Bleach manga; Chapter 152, page 3
  53. Bleach manga; Chapter 152, pages 14-19
  54. Bleach manga; Chapter 153, pages 1-8
  55. Bleach manga; Chapter 160, pages 9-19
  56. Bleach manga; Chapter 161
  57. Bleach manga; Chapter 162
  58. Bleach manga; Chapter 163, pages 1-19
  59. Bleach manga; Chapter 164, pages 7-16
  60. 60.0 60.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 165
  61. Bleach manga; Chapter 166
  62. Bleach manga; Chapter 167, pages 1-12
  63. Bleach manga; Chapter 176, pages 24-25
  64. Bleach manga; Chapter 177, pages 3-7
  65. Bleach manga; Chapter 179, pages 6-17
  66. Bleach manga; Chapter 181, pages 1-3
  67. Bleach manga; Chapter 181, page 19
  68. Bleach manga; Chapter 188, pages 17-19
  69. Bleach manga; Chapter 238, pages 16-17
  70. Bleach manga; Chapter 247, pages 14-15
  71. Bleach manga; Chapter 247, page 1
  72. Bleach manga; Chapter 298, pages 13-16
  73. Bleach manga; Chapter 298, pages 17-20
  74. Bleach manga; Chapter 299
  75. Bleach manga; Chapter 300, pages 1-17
  76. Bleach manga; Chapter 300, page 18
  77. Bleach manga; Chapter 301
  78. Bleach manga; Chapter 302, pages 1-17
  79. Bleach manga; Chapter 302, pages 18-19
  80. Bleach manga; Chapter 304, pages 2-3
  81. Bleach manga; Chapter 379, pages 20-23
  82. Bleach manga; Chapter 380, pages 17-18
  83. Bleach manga; Chapter 381
  84. Bleach manga; Chapter 382, pages 10-19
  85. Bleach manga; Chapter 383, pages 1-9
  86. Bleach manga; Chapter 422, pages 6-7
  87. Bleach manga; Chapter 423, pages 4-5
  88. Bleach manga; Chapter 460, pages 9-12
  89. Bleach manga; Chapter 462, page 3
  90. Bleach manga; Chapter 462, page 16
  91. Bleach manga; Chapter 464, pages 16-19
  92. Bleach manga; Chapter 468, pages 1-6 and 13-19
  93. Bleach manga; Chapter 469, pages 2 and 4-9
  94. Bleach manga; Chapter 472, pages 1-7
  95. Bleach manga; Chapter 472, pages 8-19
  96. Bleach manga; Chapter 473, pages 1-3 and 8-9
  97. Bleach manga; Chapter 475, pages 1-4
  98. Bleach manga; Chapter 476, pages 6-8
  99. Bleach manga; Chapter 479, pages 6-8
  100. Bleach manga; Chapter 486, pages 5-7
  101. Bleach manga; Chapter 488, pages 10-14
  102. Bleach manga; Chapter 494, page 3
  103. Bleach manga; Chapter 496, pages 5-15
  104. Bleach manga; Chapter 497, pages 15-16
  105. Bleach manga; Chapter 500, page 4
  106. Bleach manga; Chapter 501, pages 4-17
  107. Bleach manga; Chapter 502, pages 1-2
  108. Bleach manga; Chapter 502, pages 7-8
  109. Bleach manga; Chapter 502, pages 13-14
  110. Bleach manga; Chapter 512, pages 8-12
  111. Bleach manga; Chapter 513, pages 1-4
  112. Bleach manga; Chapter 515, page 13
  113. Bleach manga; Chapter 517, pages 13-15
  114. Bleach manga; Chapter 519, pages 11-13
  115. Bleach manga; Chapter 545, pages 7-8
  116. Bleach manga; Chapter 554, page 4
  117. Bleach manga; Chapter 566, page 10
  118. Bleach manga; Chapter 568, pages 16-17
  119. Bleach manga; Chapter 569, pages 1-15
  120. Bleach manga; Chapter 570, pages 8-10
  121. Bleach manga; Chapter 581, pages 8-9
  122. Bleach manga; Chapter 585, pages 14-17
  123. Bleach manga; Chapter 594, pages 8-13
  124. Bleach manga; Chapter 595, pages 4-17
  125. Bleach manga; Chapter 596, pages 1-13
  126. Bleach manga; Chapter 604, page 4
  127. Bleach manga; Chapter 612, pages 11-13
  128. Bleach manga; Chapter 621, page 15
  129. Bleach manga; Chapter 635, page 11
  130. Bleach manga; Chapter 654, page 16
  131. Bleach manga; Chapter 655, pages 2-3, 5-6
  132. Bleach manga; Chapter 655, pages 7-15
  133. Bleach manga; Chapter 666, pages 14-17
  134. Bleach manga; Chapter 667, pages 5 & 14
  135. Bleach manga; Chapter 668, pages 9-11, 14
  136. Bleach manga; Chapter 669, page 3
  137. Bleach manga; Chapter 670, pages 2, 4, 7, 13-15
  138. Bleach manga; Chapter 671, pages 16-17
  139. Bleach manga; Chapter 672, page 4
  140. Bleach manga; Chapter 673, pages 2-3
  141. Bleach manga; Chapter 674, pages 8-13
  142. Bleach manga; Chapter 680, pages 13-14
  143. Bleach manga; Chapter 685, page 14
  144. Bleach manga; Chapter 686, pages 3-4, 12
  145. Bleach manga; NO BREATHES FROM HELL, pages 60-64
  146. Bleach manga; Chapter 585, pages 3-4
  147. Bleach manga; Chapter 568, page 17
  148. Bleach manga; Chapters 161-164
  149. Bleach manga; Chapters 55-56
  150. Bleach manga; Chapter 382, pages 16
  151. Bleach manga; Chapter -105, pages 11-14
  152. Bleach manga; Chapter 300, pages 14-16
  153. Bleach manga; Chapter 140, page 16
  154. Bleach manga; Chapters 55-56
  155. Bleach manga; Chapter 299, pages 17-18
  156. Bleach manga; Chapter 142, pages 4 & 9
  157. Bleach manga; Chapter 165, page 11
  158. Bleach anime; Episode 95
  159. Bleach anime; Episode 237
  160. Bleach manga; Chapter 595, page 11
  161. Bleach manga; Chapter 160, page 11
  162. Bleach manga; Chapter 142, pages 4-8
  163. Bleach manga; Chapter 163, pages 19-20
  164. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, pages 6-26
  165. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, page 6
  166. Bleach anime; Episode 252
  167. Bleach manga; chapter 594, pages 10-11
  168. Bleach manga; Chapters 164-167
  169. Bleach manga; Chapters 176-177
  170. Bleach manga; Chapters 300-302
  171. Bleach manga; Chapter 472, pages 17 & 19
  172. Bleach manga; Chapter 569, page 1
  173. Bleach manga; Chapter 502, page 8
  174. Bleach manga; Chapter 545, page 7
  175. Bleach manga; Chapters 655, pages 14-15
  176. Bleach manga; Chapters 666, pages 14-15
  177. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, page 35
  178. Bleach manga; Chapter 141, page 17
  179. Bleach manga; Chapter 464, page 19
  180. 180.0 180.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 469, pages 5-6
  181. Bleach manga; Chapter 472, pages 11-13
  182. Bleach manga; Chapter 569, pages 4-7
  183. Bleach manga; Chapter 472, page 6
  184. Bleach manga; Chapter 143, pages 4-5
  185. Bleach manga; Chapter 163
  186. Bleach anime; Episode 230
  187. Bleach manga; Chapter 163, page 17
  188. Bleach manga; Chapter 142, pages 12-15
  189. Bleach manga; Chapter 302, Page 5
  190. Bleach manga; Chapter 144, pages 1-3
  191. Bleach manga; Chapter 143, pages 10-12
  192. Bleach manga; Chapter 671, pages 15-16
  193. Bleach manga; Chapter 301, page 22
  194. Bleach manga; Chapter 302, pages 1-2
  195. Bleach manga; Chapter 166, pages 16-19
  196. Bleach anime; Episode 252
  197. Bleach manga; Chapter 140, Pages 18-20
  198. Bleach manga; Chapter 160, Pages 15-19
  199. Bleach manga; Chapter 472, pages 10-17
  200. Bleach video game; Bleach: Soul Resurrección
  201. 201.0 201.1 Bleach anime; Episode 17
  202. Bleach manga; Chapter 55, page 19
  203. Bleach manga; Chapter 56, pages 1-2
  204. Bleach manga; Chapter 56, page 3
  205. Bleach manga; Chapter 56, page 19
  206. Bleach manga; Chapter 141, page 13
  207. 207.0 207.1 207.2 207.3 207.4 Bleach anime; Episode 52
  208. Bleach manga; Chapter 143, page 9-10
  209. Bleach manga; Chapter 143, pages 11-12
  210. Bleach manga; Chapter 144, pages 7 & 9-11
  211. Bleach anime; Episode 58
  212. Bleach manga; Chapter 163, pages 18
  213. 213.0 213.1 213.2 213.3 Bleach anime; Episode 59
  214. Bleach manga; Chapter 164, pages 7 & 11
  215. Bleach manga; Chapter 165, page 8
  216. Bleach manga; Chapter 166, pages 2-4
  217. Bleach manga; Chapter 167, page 6
  218. Bleach anime; Episode 62
  219. Bleach manga; Chapter 176, page 24
  220. Bleach manga; Chapter 307, page 1
  221. 13 BLADEs., page 252
  222. VIZ blog post
  223. Bleach manga; Chapter 348, pages 2-3
  224. 13 BLADEs., page 254
  225. Bleach manga; Chapter 392, pages 1-3
  226. 13 BLADEs., page 255
  227. Bleach Bootleg, page 181
  228. Bleach Bootleg, page 28
  229. Tedious Everyday Tales Colorful Bleach, Part 32
  230. Bleach anime; Episode 192, Shinigami Golden omake
  231. Bleach anime; Episode 218, Shinigami Golden omake
  232. Bleach manga; Bleach On The Beach omake
  233. Bleach anime; Episode 287
  234. Bleach: Soul Carnival 2
  235. Bleach manga; Chapter 142, page 7
  236. Bleach manga; Chapter 569, pages 6-7
  237. Bleach anime; Episode 198
  238. Bleach manga; Chapter 302, page 1
  239. Bleach novel; Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World, Chapter 17
  240. Bleach manga; Chapter 99, page 14
  241. Bleach manga; Chapter 142, pages 17-19
  242. Bleach manga; Chapter 141, page 8
  243. Bleach manga; Chapter 143, pages 5-6
  244. Bleach manga; Chapter 144, pages 12-13
  245. Bleach manga; Chapter 179, page 14
  246. Bleach manga; Chapter 179, pages 15-17
  247. Bleach manga; Chapter 301, pages 8-9
  248. Bleach manga; Chapter 302, pages 13-15
  249. Bleach manga; Chapter 380, page 17
  250. Bleach manga; Chapter 382, page 11
  251. Bleach manga; Chapter 464, pages 18-19
  252. Bleachmanga; Chapter 472, page 19
  253. Bleach manga; Chapter 473, pages 1-3
  254. Bleach manga; Chapter 512, pages 9-12
  255. Bleach manga; Chapter 545, page 8
  256. Bleach manga; Chapter 569, pages 11-12
  257. Bleach manga; Chapter 570, page 9


Preceded by
Ginrei Kuchiki
Captain of the 6th Division
? - Current
Succeeded by

Preceded by
Ginrei Kuchiki
28th Head of the Kuchiki Clan
? - Current
Succeeded by

