Bleach Wiki
Bleach Wiki
Name Specialty Status
Deals in filling in all the areas that may be overlooked. Completely well-rounded administrator. Since 11/25/08
Deals primary in most of the overall aspects of the wiki, such as: templates, layouts, organization, powers & abilities, fights, content, and wiki style. Since 4/16/09
Deals in images and gifs for the site. Since 12/23/20
Deals in grammar, summary overhauls, page reworking, image uploading/fixing, and overall article improvement for the site. Since 12/23/20
Deals in maintaining wiki quality and banning vandals. Since 03/23/22
Deals in logistical issues and maintenance on the wiki. Since 10/25/09

ReadBot and Aizen Sôsuke are bots used for administrative tasks.

Former Members

  • TheUltimate3 = August 25, 2007-Septemeber 16, 2010 = Founder of the Bleach Wiki
  • Dantman = August 26, 2007-January 8, 2010
  • Mili-Cien = November 24, 2008-September 16, 2010
  • Maul day = February 11, 2009-September 16, 2010
  • Twocents = October 25, 2009-September 16, 2010
  • WhiteStrike = November 30, 2008-Septemeber 16, 2010

Administrators can:

  • Delete pages, page histories, files etc.
  • Rename files.
  • Lock (protect) a page so it cannot be edited or renamed by users without admin rights.
  • Block an IP address or user name from editing.
  • Revert bad edits more easily using a "rollback" link.
  • Edit the MediaWiki namespace to make changes to the interface.

Users can become administrators as a result of successful nomination on Requests for Adminship.

Detailed information on Bleach Wiki admins is available here.

Some Wikia staff members have full access to all Wikia. They will be shown in Special:Listusers/staff on any wiki. Wikia janitors have limited administrator access to all Wikia for cleanup purposes. These users will be shown on Special:Listusers/janitor on any Wikia. Please see the Central Wikia contact page for details on how to contact Wikia staff.

How do I use administrator powers?

See the administrators' how-to guide for a guide on using admin functions.

See Also
