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This article contains information from anime sources that were not written by Tite Kubo and therefore are not considered canon material by the wiki.

Shinigami Task Force vs. Ugaki is a battle taking place during the Bount Invasion, consisting of the Shinigami task force, Ichigo Kurosaki, and his friends battling Ugaki and his Doll, Gesell, after discovering the hideout of the Bount.



Ririn learns that Ichigo Kurosaki is alive and safe in the back room of the Urahara Shop.

At nighttime in the Urahara Shop, Ririn bursts into the central room through one of the sliding door panels on Kon's back and frantically warns Kisuke Urahara that Ichigo Kurosaki is in danger before crying in distress at how she was severely delayed by Kon getting lost along the way. However, Urahara assures Ririn that Ichigo is fine as the latter sits up at the table next to him and 4th Division 7th Seat Hanatarō Yamada, where he apologizes to Ririn for leaving her behind in the process of saving Keigo Asano.[1]


Ririn cries into Ichigo's shirt in relief despite claiming she was not concerned about him.

Staring in silence at this, Ririn leaps onto the table and tearfully embraces Ichigo, who notes that he seems to have upset her, prompting Ririn to stubbornly deny being concerned about him. With Ichigo apologizing again and thanking her, Ririn continues crying into his chest, and when Urahara attempts to comfort her, Ririn demands that he shut up and returns to crying. As he questions whether Ririn wants to cry or be angry, Ichigo turns to Hanatarō and asks him about Keigo's condition.[1]


Ichigo's friends return to the Urahara Shop with varying degrees of injuries.

Hanatarō explains that Keigo is better already due to receiving Ichigo's Reishi and has had his memories replaced with a Kikanshinki, allowing him to return home as though nothing has happened after he rests for a while, to Ichigo's relief. Suddenly, Tessai Tsukabishi slides open the door on the other side of the room and tells them all the others have returned. Upon running out to the front room of the store to greet Rukia Kuchiki, Orihime Inoue, Yasutora Sado, Kurōdo, and Noba, Ichigo sees Sado carrying Rukia on his back and questions what happened to her, only for her to assert it is nothing to worry about.[1]


Shūhei Hisagi and Rangiku Matsumoto cross Karakura Town.

While Sado sets Rukia down on the raised platform near Ichigo, Kurōdo expresses deep shame at letting this happen to Rukia despite being there specifically to protect her and Orihime tells Ichigo she is going to tend to Rukia's wounds. However, as Orihime sits down next to her, Rukia states what Orihime did earlier was enough and she should tend to her own wounds instead since she is covered in scratches, though Orihime claims to be fine, prior to Urahara inviting them all inside. Later, as the sun rises in Karakura Town, 9th Division Lieutenant Shūhei Hisagi and 10th Division Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto run across several rooftops to cross the town.[1]


Hisagi, Rangiku, and Izuru Kira plan to storm the Bount hideout.

Eventually, Hisagi and Rangiku reach a forested area on the outskirts of Karakura Town and run up a narrow hill path lined with trees, where they find 3rd Division Lieutenant Izuru Kira standing at the top and skid to a halt behind him. When Izuru observes that they seem to have discovered the Bount, Hisagi reveals that 11th Division 5th Seat Yumichika Ayasegawa was searching for the Bount hideout by himself while they were fighting last night. After confirming with Izuru that Ichigo and his friends are safe at the Urahara Shop, Rangiku declares that they are going to finish this like they came to the Human World to do and runs off with Izuru and Hisagi.[1]


Jin Kariya meets with his fellow Bount after their battles.

Meanwhile, within the Bount cave, Jin Kariya stands on the central altar before Maki Ichinose, Gō Koga, Yoshi, Mabashi, and Sawatari. Upon having Koga apologize to him for making a mistake, Kariya assures him that it is alright because the Bount got to display their new level of power from consuming only a small amount of living Souls. Despite this, Mabashi insists it was not enough, leading Koga to warn him against becoming addicted to living Souls since he will regret it, but Kariya approaches Mabashi and assures him he does not need to worry about one loss due to how well he did, though Mabashi asserts that he was going to win prior to Ichinose intervening.[1]


Kariya brings out Ugaki to deal with the Shinigami.

Hearing this, Ichinose counters that Mabashi would have been reduced to ashes if he had fought any longer, and while Mabashi denies this, Kariya notices something and informs the others that the Shinigami are coming, to their surprise. Kariya tells the Bount to not panic and to continue consuming Souls acquired by the Bitto before addressing Ugaki, who emerges from the shadows on the far side of the cave and notes that it is about time for him to make an appearance. When Kariya inquires about what Uryū Ishida is doing, Ugaki looks through the eyes of his Doll, Gesell, and sees Uryū standing on a large rock in the riverbed with his right arm outstretched.[1]


Renji Abarai accosts Hanatarō Yamada over the boy's condition.

With a chuckling Ugaki informing him that Uryū is struggling and has not regained his power yet, Kariya acknowledges this and orders Ugaki to go, which leads the latter to promise a magnificent public performance that will not leave anyone bored before leaving the central chamber. As Kariya turns to him and asks about the matter he was sent to investigate, Ichinose reveals that the Gotei 13 will be making a move soon, to Kariya's intrigue. Back at the Urahara Shop, 6th Division Lieutenant Renji Abarai kneels over the unconscious boy he saved last night and angrily shakes Hanatarō by the collar when the latter details the boy's condition to him.[1]


Hanatarō reveals that the boy's Soul is deteriorating.

Upon being confronted by Ichigo and Rukia over this disturbance, Renji angrily tells them the injured should stay out of this, only for Rukia to instruct him to calm down since she cannot rest when he is being so loud while entering the room with Ichigo and being followed by Orihime, Sado, and Urahara. After the group sits down around the boy, Ichigo asks Hanatarō what the matter is, prompting Hanatarō to reveal the boy's injuries are greater than Keigo's were and his Soul is progressively weakening despite Hanatarō's best efforts, to Orihime and Sado's shock and disbelief. In turn, Sado offers to let Hanatarō use his Soul for healing as he did with Ichigo since he is uninjured.[1]


Ichigo reassures Renji that the boy will be saved.

However, Hanatarō sadly states the boy can no longer be healed with that treatment at this stage and all they can do is trust in his life force. Though Renji blames himself for the boy's condition due to him handling the Bitto attack improperly, Rukia tells him to calm down, and while Renji expresses irritation at this, Rukia reveals Rangiku and the other members of the strike force will be confronting the Bount, to Renji's surprise, before cautioning him that things will not go well if they let their emotions control them. With Renji cursing at this, Ichigo puts a hand on his shoulder and reassures Renji that the boy will be saved that it will be alright, which leaves Renji touched.[1]


Renji regains his resolve from Ichigo's words.

Ichigo turns to Hanatarō and brings up how the latter saved him in Soul Society when he believed that he could not go on any longer, which makes him trustworthy, as he asserts they will be focusing on fighting since they cannot let the Bount get away with their plans. Hearing this, a chuckling Renji simply stands up and notes he has gotten soft if Ichigo is lecturing him, to an annoyed Ichigo's confusion. Shortly afterward, while Ichigo and his friends begin to leave the Urahara Shop, Urahara requests Ichigo stay behind to talk with him for a moment and looks away. After closing the sliding door to the central room, Ichigo sits in front of Urahara and waits patiently.[1]


Ichigo reveals that he is close to being able to use Bankai.

As Ichigo affirms his observation that the Bount have become stronger than anticipated, Urahara questions if Ichigo believes he can defeat them without his Bankai, leading Ichigo to admit he still cannot use his Bankai and recall Hollow Ichigo taking control of his body during the battle against Koga's Doll, Dalk, which prompts him to conclude he is close to being able to use Bankai again and will manage while Urahara acknowledges this and decides to leave it to him. Elsewhere, Yumichika stands in a clearing near the Bount cave entrance and looks at his reflection in a mirror, where he sees Izuru, Hisagi, and Rangiku standing behind him.[1]


Yumichika Ayasegawa and the lieutenants reach the cave where the Bount are operating.

Despite Hisagi and Rangiku demanding to know why he is standing in front of the entrance to the enemy's hideout and what he intends to do if they discover him, Yumichika claims that it is fine because they already have and notes that the Bount are more formidable than he expected them to be. With Rangiku telling Izuru and Hisagi to follow her, Yumichika states that he does not work well in groups, but follows them into the caves after they run past him. Outside the Urahara Shop, Ichigo stands with his friends and Urahara's employees. Upon being asked by Ichigo if he is coming along, Kon, who is sitting on Rukia's shoulder, belligerently reminds Ichigo that Rukia will be fighting and hops down to the ground as he vows to protect her.[1]


Ichigo and his friends prepare to depart for the Bount hideout after recovering.

Though Kon tells them to not underestimate him, Rukia simply notes he might make a good shield, leaving Kon to fall over in shock. With Urahara asking them to take care of this, Ririn, Kurōdo, and Noba respond affirmatively as they sit on Ichigo, Orihime, and Sado's respective shoulders. Getting Renji's attention, Jinta Hanakari tosses him a small wrapped package, and when Renji questions what this is, Jinta tells him they are onigiri for him to eat along the way since he gets irritated when he is hungry, which prompts Ururu Tsumugiya to come up behind Jinta and note he prepared the onigiri since he could not always get second helpings for Renji at dinner. Angered and embarrassed by this, Jinta grinds his fists into Ururu's temples and berates her.[1]


Ugaki prepares to summon his Doll, Gesell.

After thanking Jinta for this with a smile, Renji turns to Hanatarō and requests that he take care of the boy, which Hanatarō promises to do. With this, Ichigo and his friends begin walking away, and when Tessai wonders if it is alright to not help them, Urahara explains that they must face certain challenges without aid at times. Elsewhere, in the Bount cave, Ugaki pulls on white gloves and sits before a table decorated with four tall candles at the corners and a mat decorated with incantations in the center, on top of which rests the playing card deck of Gesell. Deciding to begin, Ugaki spreads the cards out across the eight points of the mat and summons Gesell.[1]


The strike force enters a cavern filled with several pillars.

As Ugaki lays a Wächter card down in the center of the mat, causing dozens of Wächter to appear in the darkness, Izuru, Hisagi, Rangiku, and Yumichika walk through a different part of the cave system, only to stop upon hearing strange noises from the darkness at the other end of the corridor. Despite Yumichika stating he does not have a good feeling about this, Hisagi insists they keep going, and the group continues forward into a cavern with a massive pillar decorated with stone masks flanked on either side by three lined columns. With Izuru wondering what the pillar is, Ugaki claims they are four Shinigami being led on a journey to their deaths.[1]



Gesell creates light and shadows in the cavern.

Ugaki places the Phalanx card on the central pile and decides to test the strike force first. In the cavern, Hisagi questions why the pillar is here and Yumichika comments on how horridly ugly the construction is while Izuru points out another one nearby. With Rangiku suggesting it is just architecture and Hisagi asserting they should keep going, the strike force walks through the exit on the other side of the chamber. Suddenly, multiple eyes of Gesell emitting beams of light illuminate the other side of the cavern, causing the strike force to stop and look back while a shadow cast by the central pillar sprouts two large spears, one of which extends toward Yumichika.[1]


Rangiku is attacked by spears alongside the others.

Blocking this strike with his Zanpakutō, Yumichika pushes the spear back and informs the others that they let their guard down too much. With Yumichika fending off more strikes from the two spears, Rangiku sees a third spear extending toward her from another pillar's shadow and cuts off the head with her own Zanpakutō, but is forced to leap back when a fourth spear extends toward her. While Hisagi fends off another strike with Izuru holding a battle stance at his back and wonders where these came from, Rangiku and Yumichika back up and join them in the intersection of the shadows cast by the pillars, causing Ugaki to grin as Hisagi cuts through another spear head.[1]


Rangiku sees several Wächter of Gesell lying in wait.

When Hisagi proposes that they split up due to being surrounded, Yumichika endorses this idea, and the four of them leap away in separate directions right before three more spears jab through the air where they were standing. However, a smiling Ugaki observes that this is exactly what he wanted them to do and moves a card from the top of the mat to the center. Elsewhere, in a different cavern, Rangiku reaches a set of rectangular pillars and pauses as she looks toward the other end of the cavern to several Wächter of Gesell hiding in the space between the pillars, which leads her to release her Shikai, Haineko, and use the ash to rapidly cut through all the pillars.[1]


Rangiku is restrained by ropes dropping from the ceiling.

Despite this, the Wächter are not caught up in Rangiku's attack and disappear, to her confusion. As Ugaki moves another card to the central pile, Rangiku walks down a corridor while a Wächter in the air behind her emits a beam of light that casts a shadow across the ceiling from a jagged piece of rock, allowing a spiked disc attached to a limb to slam down onto Rangiku from above, which she narrowly evades by rolling away at the last second. With Ugaki adding another card to the pile, six thin ropes drop from the shadow on the ceiling, wrap themselves around a struggling Rangiku, and hoist her up to the ceiling, where she sees the rock casting the shadow behind her.[1]


Hisagi and Izuru are confronted by dozens of Wächter.

Drawing her Zanpakutō, Rangiku succeeds in slashing through the ropes binding her, allowing her to fall to the floor as the light behind the outcropping fades. Nearby, another Wächter of Gesell emits light from behind another jagged rock on the floor, causing Rangiku herself to cast a shadow on the wall behind her, from which more spears emerge while Rangiku turns around in shock. As a chuckling Ugaki states one combatant is now dispatched, Hisagi and Izuru find themselves confronted by dozens of Wächter of Gesell in a narrow corridor and run through a nearby hallway noticed by Izuru in an attempt to shake them off, only to find a dead end with another pillar.[1]


Gesell sends Izuru flying with a finger flick.

Hisagi fends off the Wächter behind them with his Zanpakutō as Izuru sees several more Wächter emerge from openings near the pillar and emit light behind it, casting a large shadow that the hand of Gesell partially emerges from to send Izuru flying with a flick of its index finger. With Izuru slamming into the wall on the far side of the chamber, Hisagi turns around in surprise and finds himself staring at two more Wächter who shine light directly on him, allowing Gesell to sprout thin tendrils from his shadow that wrap around his arms from behind. While Izuru tries and fails to get to his feet, the hand of Gesell begins emerging from Hisagi's shadow, only to stop partway.[1]


Hisagi frees himself with Hadō #4. Byakurai.

Upon seeing this, Izuru notes that the shadow is smaller than the hand of Gesell and deduces that this is why it cannot fully emerge as Ugaki grimaces in irritation. After managing to move his arm forward and point his finger at one of the Wächter, Hisagi fires Hadō #4. Byakurai through it, destroying the Wächter and causing the light to fade, which in turn frees Hisagi from his restraints. When Ugaki places Dämon Kraft on the central pile in response, the hand of Gesell sinks back into the shadow as Hisagi runs over to Izuru and helps him up, only to burst fully out of the shadow and into the ceiling, creating a large hole that causes the ceiling to begin cracking apart.[1]


Gesell shines a bright light on Yumichika.

Attempting to run out of the collapsing room, Hisagi and Izuru scream in pain as several large rocks fall on top of them in the connecting hallway, leaving Ugaki to smile in amusement while the Wächter of Gesell in the main corridor turn and float away. Meanwhile, in another cavern, Yumichika faces off against dozens of Wächter and criticizes their ugly appearances as not being appealing to him before releasing his Shikai, Fuji Kujaku, and slashing through four of them at once with it. However, Ugaki simply requests Gesell show his true form for a moment and places another card in the central pile, resulting in the remaining eyes shining light down on Yumichika.[1]


Gesell slams Yumichika into the far wall of the cavern.

With Yumichika narrowing his eyes in response to the bright light, the right hand of Gesell emerges from the large shadow cast by the light behind him, and when a startled Yumichika attempts to leap away, the hand of Gesell grabs him in midair and slams him against a far wall prior to crushing him even further into it while Yumichika gasps in agony, leaving Ugaki to cackle maliciously. Outside the entrance to the cave system, Ichigo and his friends huddle on either side and hear roaring within the caves, which leads Rukia to observe the battle seems to have already begun as Ichigo tells his friends they are going to head inside and gathers with them inside the entrance.[1]


Ichigo and his friends enter the cave system.

After he and his friends enter the cave system, Ichigo inquires if the Mod-Souls can sense any Bount. However, Ririn denies this and Kurōdo speculates the cave is set up to prevent anyone from detecting Reiatsu within it, prompting Rukia to deduce this is why they could not find the Bount as Ichigo suggests they keep moving. While she and her friends walk through the caves, Orihime wonders if Rangiku and the others are okay, and as Sado notes he senses a bad presence, Renji reminds them four high-ranking Shinigami would not be so easily defeated. Elsewhere, a smiling Ugaki adjusts his glasses and expresses excitement upon seeing Ichigo's group through Gesell.[2]


Ichigo and his friends reach a chamber full of ruins.

Laying his cards out on the mat, Ugaki asks Gesell if he is ready to attack, which Gesell confirms, and grins widely before laying a card in the center of the mat, shocking Ichigo and his friends as they see several Wächter of Gesell floating in the air before them, which they recognize from their encounter in the Bount Mansion. Upon seeing the Wächter flying away as Ichigo and Renji prepare to draw their Zanpakutō, Ririn instructs them to follow Gesell, leading the group to run forward into another chamber, where Rukia identifies the structures and wall carvings as ruins of an ancient underground capital while Renji asserts this is a perfect place for the Bount to hide.[2]


Ichigo slashes through several Wächter with Zangetsu.

As she walks through this chamber with her friends, Orihime suddenly gasps in fright and draws the group's attention to a mass of several dozen Wächter floating above them, many of which begin hurtling toward the group. Renji releases his Shikai, Zabimaru, and slashes through several of the Wächter as Ichigo does the same with his Shikai, Zangetsu, and Sado punches through more with his Fullbring, Brazo Derecha de Gigante. When Rukia destroys five more Wächter with Hadō #4 Byakurai, they are immediately replaced by even more Wächter that begin advancing toward her, prompting Orihime to protect Rukia with Santen Kesshun.[2]


Orihime Inoue protects Rukia Kuchiki with Santen Kesshun.

With the Wächter destroying themselves against the shield, Rukia turns to Orihime and cheerfully thanks her for this with a thumbs-up. After cutting through dozens more Wächter, Ichigo and Renji regroup while commenting on how there seems to be no end to the number of Wächter regardless of how many are destroyed. In response, Rukia asserts that they cannot keep this up and should move to a narrower path in order to attack the horde all at once, but before the group can do so, two of the Wächter begin beaming light onto a stalagmite behind a confused Rukia, causing a shadow to extend from the base of the stalagmite to the floor near Rukia's feet.[2]


Gesell sends Rukia flying with a punch.

The right hand of Gesell begins emerging from the shadow as Orihime calls out to Rukia in concern, which leads the latter to look behind her just as Gesell sends her flying with a punch. Upon seeing this, a cursing Renji moves to Rukia with Shunpo and catches her, only to slam into the ceiling of the cavern alongside Rukia, leaving them both to fall to the ground while the Wächter sprout fangs and hurtle toward them. While Renji braces himself on Zabimaru, Sado destroys the Wächter with an energy blast and inquires if Renji is okay, which Renji confirms before turning to Rukia, who assures him that she is also alright despite a battered Kon's concern.[2]


Orihime protects Ichigo from the buzzsaw with Santen Kesshun.

After morphing his hand into a giant sword, Gesell slashes down at Ichigo, who blocks with Zangetsu and struggles to push back the blade as he clashes with it several times and enters another blade lock. Behind Ichigo, two more Wächter begin beaming light onto a second stalagmite, creating another shadow that Ririn alerts Ichigo to as a large buzzsaw created by Gesell emerges, to Ichigo's astonishment. With Ugaki declaring that this is it, the buzzsaw descends onto a screaming Ichigo and Ririn, but is blocked at the last second by Orihime, who moves between it and Ichigo and forms another Santen Kesshun in front of her hands that stops it.[2]


The buzzsaw vanishes before Koten Zanshun can strike it.

As Kurōdo praises this response, Orihime summons Tsubaki and fires Koten Zanshun at the side of the limb holding up the buzzsaw. However, right before Orihime's attack makes contact, the Wächter behind the stalagmite stop emitting light, causing the buzzsaw and its limb to vanish. Surprised by this alongside Orihime, Kurōdo questions if the buzzsaw was spirited away while Ichigo forces the giant sword back and moves in to attack, only for Ugaki to transform the blade into several thick ropes that wrap around Ichigo and Orihime's limbs, leaving them shocked and confused. When Kurōdo notes that this is what is called a roundup, Ririn criticizes him for being impressed.[2]


The ropes begin pulling Ichigo and Orihime into the shadow.

The limb attached to the ropes begins retreating into the shadow and pulling Ichigo and Orihime toward it while Renji and Sado continues to destroy the Wächter attacking them. Upon noticing Ichigo and Orihime's plight, Sado attempts to run toward them, only to find himself cut off by multiple streams of Wächter blocking his path. With Renji lamenting that there are too many Wächter to deal with, Rukia realizes that Ichigo and Orihime will be dragged into the shadow at this rate as Ririn demands that Ichigo do something and Kurōdo wonders if this is going to be the end for him. Despite Orihime fearfully pleading with him to act, a straining Ichigo simply curses.[2]


Rangiku releases Haineko to free Ichigo and Orihime.

Suddenly, Rangiku releases her Shikai, Haineko, which disperses around Ichigo and Orihime to cut through the ropes restraining them, allowing them to fall back in surprise as Renji sees a battered Rangiku propping herself up at the entrance to the cavern. With the severed ropes returning to the shadow and the right hand of Gesell rising in their place, Rangiku has Haineko cut through the Wächter and stalagmite creating the shadow, which causes the hand to fade away. Rangiku informs Ichigo and his friends that Gesell uses the shadows produced by the Wächter as a gateway to enter the world and instructs them to destroy everything that can produce a shadow.[2]


Ichigo obliterates the Wächter with Getsuga Tenshō.

Upon hearing this, Renji, Sado, and Orihime destroy the stalagmites and pillars around the cavern using Zabimaru, energy blasts, and Koten Zanshun respectively, and once they are done, Ichigo notes that the Wächter are all that is left and obliterates them with a Getsuga Tenshō, leaving Ugaki trembling in rage as Ichigo and his friends meet up with Rangiku, whom he claims should have died. Looking over Ichigo and his friends, Ugaki stops grimacing and begins smiling as he packs up his cards and observes that they seem to have been injured before concluding that there is still more to come while fanning out his deck of cards in front of his face.[2]


Ichigo and his friends are addressed by Ugaki.

Meanwhile, as Ichigo and his friends sit down in the cavern, Rukia grunts in pain and clutches her arm, and when Ichigo expresses concern for her, Rukia assures him that she is fine, only for Orihime to insist that she not push herself since she still has not recovered from the injuries sustained during her previous battle. Rangiku reveals that she heard from 9th Division Lieutenant Shūhei Hisagi and brings up how Rukia took direct damage to her Soul, which takes longer to recover from than bodily injuries do. However, before Rukia can protest this, Ugaki's voice echoes around the cavern as he inquires if the startled group can hear him and introduces himself.[2]


Ugaki claims that the Bount are saddened by their persecution.

When Ichigo angrily demands to know what this is about, Ugaki requests that they listen to what he has to say and recounts how the Bount have amplified the power of themselves and their Dolls by absorbing countless Souls gathered by the Bitto. Though Renji proclaims that they will not allow the Bount to keep using these bugs, Ugaki derides the use of this term for the Bitto because they are a new type of Doll born from Yoshino's life and states that they have evolved even further by gaining the concentrated extract of living Souls, but claims that they are still sad due to being Humans who were persecuted by other Humans for having different abilities.[2]


Renji Abarai refuses to forgive the Bount despite their situation.

Elaborating that the Bount have no way of producing offspring and the totality of their tribe has already been decided, Ugaki concludes they are a group that can only decrease in numbers and asserts Ichigo and his friends cannot understand their pain, only for an emotional Renji to counter that the Bount have no right to take the lives of innocent people even if their situation can be sympathized with before proclaiming he cannot forgive the Bount as he recalls the young boy left comatose by the Bitto, to Ichigo's surprise. After noting his words cannot reach them, Ugaki decides to teach them with their bodies and invites them to find him in the back of the cave system.[2]


Ichigo decides to proceed with only Renji.

With an infuriated Renji attempting to run off to find Ugaki, Ichigo stops him and states that he is coming too, and when Orihime begins to protest this, Ichigo apologizes and asks her to tend to Rukia and Rangiku's wounds. Despite Rukia insisting that she can still fight, Ichigo cuts her off and firmly declares that only he and Renji will be proceeding from here as he tells Sado to watch the back of the cavern and protect the others if they are attacked in the middle of treatment. After warning Ichigo to be careful even though Hisagi and the others are likely also in the back of the cave system, Rangiku promises to catch up once she is healed, which Ichigo encourages.[2]


Kon is left to protect Rukia, Orihime, and Rangiku.

Suddenly, Ririn also inquires about the the Mod-Souls can do and Kurōdo claims that they can only cheer on Ichigo and his friends after coming this far, though Noba considers this a harsh statement. As Ichigo instructs the Mod-Souls to stay behind as well, which Ririn grudgingly accepts, Kon steps forward and promises to protect Rukia, Orihime, and Rangiku, whose cleavage he is attracted to, prompting a smiling Ichigo to state that he is count on Kon prior to running off with Renji as a stunned Kon frantically wonders if Ichigo is not going to stop him. While running through a corridor with Renji, Ichigo inquires if he is alright after Ugaki's taunting words earlier.[2]


The Wächter cast shadows off of Ichigo and Renji.

Despite Renji dismissing this as irrelevant, Ichigo brings up how he was worried about the boy earlier, but Renji insists he is fine and questions whom Ichigo believes he is, which Ichigo acknowledges. Upon reaching the next cavern, Ichigo and Renji cut through all the stalagmites and pillars there as well, but as Ichigo reminds Renji that the main body of Gesell cannot emerge if they destroy all the objects creating shadows, Ugaki notes this will not be good enough and places a sword card in the central pile on his mat, causing several Wächter to gather in front of Ichigo and Renji before emitting beams of light that cast large shadows off of them.[2]


Hisagi and Izuru join Ichigo and Renji.

With both hands of Gesell emerging from Ichigo and Renji's shadows, Ugaki has them transform into large swords that swing down toward a shocked Ichigo and Renji, but Hisagi and 3rd Division Lieutenant Izuru Kira intercept the strikes with their own Zanpakutō, with Izuru having releases his Shikai, Wabisuke, while Hisagi proclaims that the same trick will not work twice. After pushing back the swords, Hisagi and Izuru cut through the Wächter, causing the light to fade and the writhing hands to disappear, and sheathe their Zanpakutō. As Ichigo thanks them for saving him and Renji, the latter expresses relief at Izuru being alright, but is concerned when Izuru falls to one knee.[2]


Severed stalactites fall onto Ichigo and the lieutenants.

While Renji runs to a bleeding Izuru's side, Ichigo looks to Hisagi, who admits he has also been injured. When Ichigo expresses sympathy at them having to go through so much trouble in this condition, Hisagi assures him it was their own fault for letting their guard down against the Bount as the group begins walking away. Annoyed by their persistence, Ugaki places another card from the ones in his hand on the central pile, causing the ceiling of the cavern to be illuminated by light and allowing Gesell to extend a sickle from the shadows above that slices through several stalactites, which fall onto Ichigo and the lieutenants, forcing them to scatter and leap away.[2]


Izuru increases the weight of the spears with his Shikai, Wabisuke.

Evading several of the stalactites, Ichigo sees them illuminated by more Wächter and casting shadows, causing him to assume a battle stance and look around warily as the right hand of Gesell emerges from the shadow furthest behind him and transforms its fingers into spears that extend toward Ichigo. Upon leaping into the air with the spears following him, Ichigo is saved when Izuru appears between them and deflects the spears with his Zanpakutō, which Ichigo thanks him for as he falls. Disgusted by the cowardly attacks of Gesell, Izuru releases Wabisuke once more and repeatedly clashes with the spears, resulting in them collapsing under their own weight.[2]


Izuru strikes the flail repeatedly with Wabisuke.

With a concerned Ugaki wondering what is wrong, Izuru explains that Wabisuke doubles the weight of whatever it cuts as many times as he cuts it and proclaims that he has sealed away this arm, leading an enraged Ugaki to bring out the left arm of Gesell behind Izuru and transform it into a large, spiked flail that hurtles toward Izuru. However, Hisagi moves between them and yells as he intercepts the flail with his own Zanpakutō and holds it in place long enough for Izuru to strike it several times with Wabisuke, which leads to the flail falling heavily to the ground and ceasing its movement. A shocked Ugaki curses the Shinigami and begins gathering up his cards.[2]


Ichigo and Renji are separated from Hisagi and Izuru.

After deducing he needs to recall Gesell in order to escape the effects of Wabisuke, Ugaki has the Wächter, spears, and flails disappear, returning the cavern to darkness as Hisagi observes they have returned the favor. When Ichigo inquires if they are alright and attempts to run over to Hisagi and Izuru alongside Renji, the cavern suddenly begins shaking as rocks falls from the ceiling between the two pairs, causing Hisagi and Izuru to instruct Ichigo and Renji to keep moving ahead and meet up with 11th Division 5th Seat Yumichika Ayasegawa while they find a different route to catch up to them with because Ugaki is the final obstacle before they can reach the Bount.[2]


Yumichika lies battered on the ground.

Ichigo and Renji reluctantly run off, leaving Hisagi and Izuru to be obscured by more falling rocks.[2] Running through a long and twisting corridor in the caves, Ichigo and Renji come to a halt and stare in shock upon reaching a large cavern, which they begin cautiously proceeding through before discovering Yumichika lying battered on the ground several meters away. Though Renji is concerned for Yumichika, Ichigo warns him that the Wächter of Gesell are approaching. With a swarm of fanged Wächter approaching them, Ichigo and Renji curse, and as he declares that this is the real Gesell, Ugaki places the Unbekannt card in the central pile of his card mat.[3]


Gesell emerges from the shadow and reveals his full body.

In response, a large portion of the Wächter begin beaming light and rise up behind five massive pillars. While Ichigo and Renji rapidly slash at the remaining Wächter with their Zanpakutō, the shadows of the five pillars intersect on the ground near Yumichika. Suddenly, Gesell pulls his full upper body out of the shadow, alerting Ichigo and Renji, who question what this is and marvel at his size as Gesell flexes and growls at them. Ugaki wonders which one he should crush first and decides to return Yumichika to them, causing Gesell to grasp Yumichika's body in his fist, alarming Renji, before throwing him across the cavern, where Renji manages to catch him in the air.[3]


Renji requests that Ichigo let him fight Gesell alone.

As a concerned Ichigo joins them, Yumichika opens his eyes and admonishes himself for losing like this while observing the situation has gotten ugly and refusing to die here since he would not be able to face his captain and comrades. When Ugaki notes Yumichika is persistent to still be alive at this point, Ichigo turns around and demands he come out to face them, but Ugaki simply cackles maliciously, prompting Ichigo to assert they will just have to defeat Gesell and drag him out instead. However, Renji stands up and requests Ichigo leave this to him, to Ichigo's surprise, as he explains teamwork is not bad and he understands Urahara's lessons about fighting.[3]


Renji tells Ichigo to save his stamina for the other Bount while explaining why he wishes to fight alone.

Despite this, Renji muses that he has become accustomed to these situations lately and begun letting his guard down. With Ichigo confused by this, Renji states that Shinigami battles are solo. After reiterating Yumichika's claim that they lose when they die, Renji proclaims that he is going to go all-out if he is going to die here, shocking Ichigo, and recounts how he failed to save a single child by assuming that someone would come to help him when he was battling the Bitto, which put the boy's life in danger. Stating that he has become soft every since he came to the Human World, Renji concludes that he will not be able to return to Soul Society if he does not show more spirit here and points out how Ichigo should save his stamina for the other Bount he will have to fight.[3]


Renji activates his Bankai, Hihiō Zabimaru, and confronts Gesell alone.

With Ichigo still hesitant, an annoyed Renji reminds him that an active lieutenant is helping him here. While an intimidated Ichigo acknowledges this, Renji runs up to Gesell and draws his Zanpakutō while declaring that he is the latter's opponent, which leads Ugaki to mock Renji for intending to recklessly fight Gesell alone prior to ordering Gesell to crush Renji. Despite this, when Gesell brings both fists down upon him, Renji evades the attack by moving to the top of a nearby vertical rock formation with Shunpo and glows with red Reiatsu as he activates his Bankai, Hihiō Zabimaru, causing his Reiatsu to surge throughout and damage the cavern while the giant skeletal snake appears and coils around Renji before hissing and roaring at Gesell.[3]


Gesell attacks Hihiō Zabimaru with his axe.

Gesell rises up in front of Renji, and when the latter sends Hihiō Zabimaru hurtling toward the intersection of the shadows where Gesell is stationed, Ugaki places a Streituxt card on a free space on the mat, causing the right hand of Gesell to morph into a large bearded axe as he slashes multiple times at Hihiō Zabimaru, only for the latter to evade each blow. With his left hand morphing into a bearded axe as well, Gesell continues attacking and swings his right axe toward one of the segments of Hihiō Zabimaru. However, with Ichigo expressing concern upon seeing this attack, Renji simply separates the segments.[3]


Gesell vanishes after Ugaki flips over the body card.

As the segments pull apart to reveal the red Reiatsu binding them, the axe of Gesell smashes into the Reiatsu and is repelled after a few seconds of clashing, prompting Renji to explain that his Reiatsu binding the segments of Hihiō Zabimaru means that he can separate and rejoin them at will, preventing such attacks from breaking them. Though Ichigo is impressed by this as the segments of Hihiō Zabimaru reattach, Yumichika simply asserts that it is not beautiful as Ichigo holds him up. Suddenly, while Renji declares that he is going to finish this all at once, a disappointed Ugaki flips over the card in the center of the mat, resulting in Gesell vanishing.[3]


Renji is cut across the chest by Gesell.

Expressing confusion at this, Renji is told by Ugaki that fighting his way through does not seem like a good idea as the right hand of Gesell emerges from one of the pillar shadows and transforms its fingers into spears before stabbing them across Renji's chest and right shoulder, which sends him flying across the cavern and tumbling across the ground as he screams in pain. The Wächter of Gesell cluster around two pillars and shine their light near the area where Renji comes to a halt, allowing a large sword and bearded axe to emerge from the resulting shadows cast by them. Upon seeing this, a shocked Renji rolls out of the way right before the weapons attack him.[3]


Yumichika stops Ichigo from helping Renji.

Despite initially missing Renji, the sword pulls out of the ground and slashes sideways, cutting Renji across the left side of his torso and sending him hurtling across the cavern as Gesell repeatedly slams his fists into the ground Renji passes over in an attempt to crush him. After Renji skids to a halt in front of another pillar shadow, the head of Gesell rises up behind him and bites into the ground where he is located, forcing Renji to leap away at the last second and grab the hilt of Hihiō Zabimaru while Gesell retreats into the shadow. When Ichigo attempts to rush to a panting Renji's side, Yumichika grabs him by the shoulder and stops him.[3]


Renji promises to turn the fight around.

With Ichigo perplexed by this, Yumichika details how the Eleventh Division always fights one-on-one, and when Ichigo points out how Renji is not part of the Eleventh Division, Yumichika clarifies that he is a former member of the division and that no one who serves under Captain Kenpachi Zaraki ever forgets that rule. Though Ichigo protests this, Renji calls out to him and instructs Ichigo to simply watch before promising to turn this around. A chuckling Ugaki inquires how he will accomplish this when he has no options left, but stops in astonishment upon seeing through Gesell that 12th Division Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi has approached Uryū Ishida.[3]


Gesell confronts Renji and Hihiō Zabimaru once more.

After observing that this means the Shinigami have made their move, Kariya orders Ugaki to finish off the lieutenants and Ichigo's group at once because the situation has changed, which Ugaki acknowledges. As the upper body of Gesell pulls itself out of the shadows' intersection and roars, Renji notes that he has come back and struggles to remain standing, which leads Ugaki to praise his fighting spirit and admit that he never expected Renji to confront Gesell knowing that he would die. Deciding to respect Renji's feelings by crushing Hihiō Zabimaru with the full power of Gesell, Ugaki places the upper body card on the center of the mat.[3]


Gesell is grievously wounded by Higa Zekkō.

Suddenly, when Gesell lunges forward at Ugaki's urging, Renji initiates Higa Zekkō, causing the segments of Hihiō Zabimaru to separate and hang in the air above Gesell before glowing with red Reiatsu as they plunge downward and stab into Gesell, who shrieks in pain and begins flailing around the cavern. Hearing Gesell destroying the rock formations around him, Ugaki wonders what is wrong and realizes that he should retreat, only to look up in shock and fear as the walls of the room he is sitting in begin shaking and crumbling violently. With Renji staring in astonishment, the rampage of Gesell reveals Ugaki in the far wall.[3]


Jin Kariya thanks Ugaki and bids him farewell.

While Ichigo deduces that Ugaki has been controlling Gesell from there the whole time, the cards on the mat begin flying off the table and past a stunned Ugaki, who claims this is impossible and sees Kariya through one of the Wächter of Gesell. Kariya commends Ugaki for his work and bids him farewell as he crushes the Wächter of Gesell, leaving Ugaki to beg Kariya to wait while Gesell continues to smash through the cavern, knocking down and breaking the stone pillars in the process. Deducing that Gesell is completely out of his control now due to its rage, Ugaki angrily claims that Kariya will not get away with abandoning him after he fought perfectly.[3]


Ugaki is crushed and killed by Gesell.

Upon seeing Gesell approaching and reaching out to him, Ugaki frantically tells him to stay back and attempts to run away, but Gesell easily grabs him and begins crushing Ugaki in his grip before killing him with the force of his grasp, causing Gesell himself to burst apart and dissipate in a surge of light-blue energy.[3]



Ichigo finds the Bount in the central chamber.

When Yumichika tells a concerned Ichigo to run ahead while he takes care of Renji, Ichigo questions this, only for Yumichika to note that he is now indebted to Renji and push Ichigo aside as he runs into the billowing dust cloud, with Ichigo finding his path destroyed by falling rocks upon attempting to follow Yumichika. In the aftermath of the cavern's partial collapse, Ichigo runs through the debris and repeatedly calls out to Renji and Yumichika. Having not received a response during this, Ichigo curses and is alerted when Kariya questions if he is the only survivor as the wall behind Ichigo collapses to reveal the two-platformed central chamber of the underground capital.[3]


