
Jes' fine
Jun 4, 2012
Diablo 2 over 3?

I’d take Diablo 2 at release. Years and years after release, I’d take that version of Diablo 3.
That's why I put a time stamp on my answer. Otherwise, D3 would have taken the place of D2. Just as some of the modern FPS games are more fun than Wolfenstein, and strategy games more challenging than MoM. But these were the games I cut my teeth on.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Mass Effect is a strange one for me. I’ve still never played the 3rd game.

After the first, I was looking forward to my favorite series of all time.

That really went to shit.

I won’t go back to the NES era. I grew
up with games but I wasn’t a gamer until I was older.

It was the Dreamcast that captured my imagination.

Of the NES games, it’s really only Zelda.

That said I have enjoyed my NES mini and games like Excitebike, especially.


But none are top 10 for me.
Last edited:


No Longer a Noob
Feb 25, 2015
Only the PSVR works with PS4, I believe.

getting a Valve Index running on PS4 wouldn't get you higher resolution or framerate anyway: the ancient hardware of PS4 is the bottleneck and many games run on lower resolution than psvr display resolution.

PS5 will do wonders for psvr, including smoother tracking, supersampling resolution down to display resolution and 120Hz native framerate - only Index at 144Hz is higher...


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Yeah, my list still makes sense for the impact they had for me at the time. But it doesn't make sense in a "these are the 10 games i want to play forevermore" way.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Updated my game rating spreadsheet. I have now rated 580 games.

Updated top 10:

Phantasy Star II - My favorite game of my childhood. I enjoyed replaying it well into my 20s. I still listen to the soundtrack once in a while, though I'm not sure I could stomach the grind of actually playing through it again.

Wizardry 8 - I actually bounced off this one at first because it came out against the crazy PS2 2001 lineup. Then I gave it another chance and I've now played through it a few times, and started probably 20-30 games. It was the first game I can remember that rewarded you with skill increases for using skills. Elder Scrolls may have done it earlier (I don't know), but this was the first game I played that had that feature, and I love it. Gimme those +1s!

Grand Theft Auto III - Still the most I've laughed playing a game.

Civilization V - Civ VI is OK, but I don't like the district system, and it feels like it has too many layers of systems. Civ V (with the expansions) hit a better balance.

XCOM 2 - Pretty easy choice. The XCOMs are some of my favorite games of the 2010s, and 2 was way better than 1.

Metal Gear Solid V - Mechanically brilliant, it's my game of the generation.

NHL - I'm going to cheat here and not pick just one. The NHL series has been my favorite gaming series since college. I played the hell out of 99, 07 ,08, and now 20. If I had to pick one I guess I'd go with 99, but that's just because it was a lot of fun with my college roommates.

Braid - I need to replay it, but my memories of Braid are meaningful in a way they aren't for other games. It had a poetic vibe to it that worked for me, though it came across as pretentious to many.

System Shock 2 - This is tough because Prey (2017) does a lot of the same things and is much better mechanically. But SS2 was amazing for its time, and SHODAN is the best video game villain of all time. Plus it had almost the exact same twist as BioShock years earlier.

Perfect Dark - There are a lot of games that could have wound up in this spot. I'm leaving PD solely because it was on my last top 10. If it wasn't so clunky to control, TWD Season 1 would go here. Maybe it should anyway, since Lee is the best protagonist in gaming.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
I guess I should update this list. Not many changes actually, I replaced Horizon 2 with Horizon 4 due to the weather system and improved handling and Vice City with GTA V because GTA V just plays better than Vice City.

Forza Horizon 4
- Best racing game ever. The wonderful seasonal weather is the best I've seen in any game; all the best racing games make you feel like you're going somewhere and the weather really adds to that. I do prefer the setting of Horizon 2 but Horizon 4's level of polish makes Horizon 2 feel like a 360 game.

Mass Effect 2
- As a fan of 80's sci-fi and in particular 80's sci-fi cartoons Mass Effect 2 was right up my alley. It's basically the greatest 80's sci-fi cartoon ever made. The alien races are well realized, the "gather the team" plot structure suits the nonlinear mechanic well and it looks and sounds the part better than any other game. Only Star Wars games have more "sci-fi" atmosphere and that's lifted from the movies.

Dragon Age 2
- You know you have a special connection with a game when everyone hates it but you love it. For me that game is DA2. I love the characters, I love that it takes place in one city and I love, love LOVE that the main character doesn't have a special destiny. I've always wanted to play an RPG about a character defining their own way in a larger world rather than having to save the world (again).

- The future of platform games. I love a good platform game but many return to tired old tropes. Crackdown makes platforming feel fresh by providing the same jumping thrills in an open world city. The super non-linear mission structure (the game was made by the guy who created GTA) and chaotic action are just bonuses. I wish Crackdown 3 had focused on the platforming rather than the whole cloud based destruction boondoggle.

Wipeout HD: Fury
- The best of the great Wipeout series distilled into one game; Wipeout HD: Fury contains the psychedelic futurism of the Designer's Republic, fantastic electronic music, and of course hyperfast combat anti-gravity racing. For many years Wipeout was the best reason to own a PlayStation and the first game to draw my attention to consoles as an adult. I've skipped the PS4 so I haven't tried the Omega Collection yet.

Fallout 3
- Best RPG I've ever played in terms of role-play. Progressing from a weakling from the vault to badass lord of the wasteland was a very satisfying experience.

No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
- A delightful masterpiece of FPS that never found its rightful audience. NOLF2 is a brilliant mix of solid shooting, level design and hysterical writing. Fighting a ninja in a tornado in a trailer park is still one of the highlights of my life.

Tie Fighter
- This isn't just for Tie Fighter, but for all the great space combat games like Colony Wars, Elite, G-Police, Wing Commander, Terminal Velocity etc. Tie Fighter is just the best one. Fighting for the Empire while still adhering to Star Wars movie rules (two hits and you're dead sucker) make this a thrilling space combat game. The plot with all its twists and turns (I KNEW the Rebellion was corrupt!) including betrayal by your own wingmen really enhanced the combat to deliver one of the best games ever.

Grand Theft Auto V
- The hipster in me wants to rate Vice City higher because of the incredible experience that game was for its time, but the simple fact is GTA V is a better game. The characters and story are still far worse than in Vice City but Los Santos in GTA V is so well realized that the overwhelming quality of the world trumps Vice City. I've played GTA V far longer than I played Vice City yet I still find interesting things to do in a game whose single player experience is woefully lacking by Rockstar standards.

The Secret of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
- There are so many great adventure games but I literally fell out of my chair, rolled on the floor and laughed with this one.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 18, 2004
ranked by their ign acclaim....

1) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 9.9/10
wow a point off from perfection....

2) Halo 9.7/10
played this ancient game a little too much in the past year...

3) Metal Gear Solid 2 9.7/10
wanted to put the 1st one but diving into 2 with not knowledge of the series was too great of an experience

4) KOTOR 9.5/10
My Bioware favorite. Sorry Mass Effect...

5) Half-Life 9.5/10
hard to choose over 2...maybe I should have just ranked franchises.....

6) Marvel vs Capcom 2 9.3/10
the elusive 9.3 rating....

7) Left 4 Dead 2 9/10
goin to pc after playing it on xbox for years was like dorothy leaving the world of black and white for the first time....

8) Dark Souls 9/10
the new kid in town....

9) Fallout New Vegas 9/10
take your place among the gods you broken, well-written mess

10) Starcraft: Brood War 8/10
Ouch! A low score for a game I've been playing since 1998...


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I’m still waiting for Death Stranding to settle more but I’m still going along at a steady clip. I’m not yet near done.


Termina Moon Society
Sep 10, 2000
Clock Tower
  1. Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
  2. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
  3. Super Metroid
  4. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  5. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  6. Mortal Kombat II
  7. Donkey Kong Country
  8. God of War II
  9. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
  10. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
  1. Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
  2. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
  3. Super Metroid
  4. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  5. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  6. Mortal Kombat II
  7. Donkey Kong Country
  8. God of War II
  9. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
  10. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
That's an old school list. I disagree with almost all of it. :^O


Original poster
Old school list:

Zelda: A Link to the Past
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario World
Baldur’s Gate
Civilization 2
Diablo 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Half-Life 2


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I know I’m keeping:

Jet Set Radio
World of Warcraft
Halo CE

Those three stay for sure. Everything else is still up in the air.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
No Soulsbourne makes the top 10.

I guess it shouldn’t surprise me. They’re all over the top 20.

Demons Souls
Dark Souls

And all 15-20.

I finish them but I never stay there for all the extras.

Dark Souls I played the most. Almost finished a new game +. Probably 80 hours or so.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Yakuza 0
- This game rocketed out of nowhere to become my second favorite game of all time after Mass Effect 2. On the surface Yakuza 0 is a 3D Streets of Rage with a good crime story and lots of mini-games. The commitment to each of those pillars is extreme. The takedowns are deliriously brutal, the story high Japanese melodrama, the side missions are surprisingly quirky and deep, the soundtrack is satisfying and Goro Majima is one of gaming's greatest characters.

Adding Yakuza 0 means removing GTA V. This is because both games have similar premises but Yakuza 0 has a much better single player experience and a sense of decency despite all the cracked ribs and gravure idols.

And the rest in no particular order:

Forza Horizon 4

Mass Effect 2

Dragon Age 2


Wipeout HD: Fury

Fallout 3

No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way

Tie Fighter

The Secret of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I’ll play Yakuza 0 in the near future. Once things have cooled off gaming wise.

I’d like to get a reasonable pace going again so Yakuza will probably be this winter.


Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
I know I’m keeping:

Jet Set Radio
World of Warcraft
Halo CE

Those three stay for sure. Everything else is still up in the air.
Did you ever play JSRF for the first Xbox? That was an instant favorite for me.

IRT Topic:

Still trying to come up with some games. One I will establish would be Super Mario World. I like both SMW for SNES and SMA2: SMW for GBA. Still, that counts as ONE game, dammit!


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Did you ever play JSRF for the first Xbox? That was an instant favorite for me.

IRT Topic:

Still trying to come up with some games. One I will establish would be Super Mario World. I like both SMW for SNES and SMA2: SMW for GBA. Still, that counts as ONE game, dammit!

And back then I didn’t appreciate it like I would now.

The JGR remaster from last gen could pass as modern game; visually.

I have thought about getting an Xbox just for that game.

A 360 will run it but you need the disc.

Will Xbox one run it with a disc? If so, I’ll track down a disc.


Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey

And back then I didn’t appreciate it like I would now.

The JGR remaster from last gen could pass as modern game; visually.

I have thought about getting an Xbox just for that game.

A 360 will run it but you need the disc.

Will Xbox one run it with a disc? If so, I’ll track down a disc.
As far as I know, JSRF isn't on the b/c list for Xbone; just the remastered JGR.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
My original list was roughly a list of how the game made me feel at the time it was released and it was pretty evergreen in that way.

I made a list for what if I had my memory wiped but my tastes remained the same. What 10 games would I recommend for me as of September 6 2020 I use numbers to make sure I didn't go over more than ranking.

1. World of Warcraft. If Summer vacation+ quarantine had lasted forever I would have eventually found my way back here. I'm not sure if i'm going to play Shadowlands or not but I have no doubt i'd get all addicted for months. If I had time to find a social space I would. I also think Classic really deserves some credit as you get both games in the same package and it really provides an escape valve for a lot of the I want it to be like it was angst (if people really do, I am a bit of a skeptic about this but feel like the two complement each other nicely. If TBC and Wrath classic is ever a thing I wonder if I do want to go back to that. I didn't really want to revisit Vanilla raiding but those two I'm quite tempted.

2. Baldur's Gate 2: SOA EE. I played the BG quadrilogy (adding in Spear of Destiny to the og, 2 and TOB) from end to end at the beginning of quarantine. Shadows of Amn is amazing still. The whole thing captures my favorite bit of an rpg the bit between I can survive the literal slings and arrows of bad luck to I'm a fucking God and need mythical challenges to even put a dent in the armor. TOB all happens on the other side of that and is a little much for me. I also really can't state enough just how much possibility there is in this game.

3. Mass Effect Trilogy: I'm cheating a bit here but you can go out and buy this in a box so it's fair game. If you really put a gun to my head I'd pick 2 and i think I've beat the drum for how great 2 is into oblivion. I played the whole trilogy over the Summer as a renegade male Shep who wasn't stupid (a lot of the big Ren choices seem just stupid imo, especially the end of game choices) I was really surprised how much I liked 3 as it is today. I think Leviathan and Citadel fixed the downtime problem I've always had with it, taking out the requirements to engage with the game outside of just playing missions and shit helps a lot. Also with the extended cut the renegade ending felt far more in line with a choice my character would have made.

4. The Legend of Zelda Breath Of the Wild: Hey there are modern games on this list. I really can't get over how much of a joy this game is to play. I don't really enjoy the open world part of open world games and I love just exploring this world and moving around it, fighting the monsters, doing the shrines. It's such an unambiguously enjoyable experience that I made a second profile on my switch just to start fresh and play it again.

5. Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition: I love how much fun the combat system is in this game. It's not perfect but oh man it's great single player, multiplayer, lone wolf, i still think up new parties and new build ideas and mess around with them.

6: Uncharted 2 Honor Among Thieves: I think this game really nails the action movie where you get to play the hero thing and everyone else is still kind of chasing it. I'll listen to you if you want to tell me that 4 or Lost Legacy is better at it, or one of the Last of Us games for that matter but I don't think I've seen it as tightly done as this game after the museum. I've played it through a few times and I never get bored with what's going on, it's just one tightly done set piece after another. I loved it's tense love triangle plot and all the world hopping. I'm not sure it ever worked as well once they'd gone and totally paired Nate off with Elena.

7: The Last of Us: I haven't played the sequel. It seems in keeping with my taste that it might end up on here. I found this game to be a really super compelling tale. Monster fiction is fundamentally a genre where at it's best it's supposed to make a statement about humanity and I don't know that I agree with the statement that this game and TWD S1 made but I found both to be really compelling stories about people who do fucked up things for shitty reasons trying to be themselves and maintain some human connection with another person.

8: Fire Emblem Three Houses: I loved this game's cast so much. I played through it through 3 house endings. Maybe I should go back and do the Edelgard path someday but it needed time to breathe i couldn't bring myself to play up to adulthood again to see some slightly new content. The DLC was mildly disappointing but when I played the Blue lions and could bring those classes into the main game they were pretty useful.

These last two games I worry about recency bias a lot with but here goes

9: The Witcher 3: I thought for sure I wasn't going to like this game. I thought TW1 and TW2 were great world building but the part where you play the game wasn't to my taste. Also it's an open world game which I'm generally not a fan of. It more or less completely crushed all my notions of either of these. The gameplay is more accessible than the first two games by a country mile. It doesn't fall into the trap of most open world rpgs (see all bethesda games) of having a million things to do and none of them are interesting or tale worthy. The side quest stuff was often stuff if you retell the content it isn't go kill some bandits. Even the monster hunting stuff often had pretty cool Geralt vignettes to it.

10: Red Dead Redemption 2: I have a lot of beef with this game. I'm putting it on this list because this game, especially if you pair it with RDR1 is just a masterful revisionist Western. It's almost on here in spite of the parts where you play the game. I think it like deconstructs the myth of the libertarian do anything super men of the West in such an interesting way. It was always a kind of freedom born of imposition of obligations down the barrel of a gun and society closing that was a positive good not a necessary evil. They did amazing work with the characters and i love some of their treatment of the Native and Black and women's experiences of the west. I understand they played trans characters for laughs which is kind of a bummer (i didn't do these side quests) . And yet, despite the fact that I identify my character as a bad guy, the gang as bad men, they're so well realized that I feel sad about it. They're so well realized that watching Dutch descend into a kind of narcissistic madman and seeing Micah ascend in the gang as the veneer of robin hood goodness wears off and shit circle around them I can't help but feel like they're also telling a story about being shut out of the world by change and how hard it is to adapt when the paradigm of life really shifts in a big way and maybe when we're exposed to these huge wrenching turns of society we're all doomed.
I talked a bunch about this when I played through the game. I love it's morality system and think it's possibly the most realistic morality system to ever exist in a videogame. I can't tell if they're trying to make a statement with it but the fact that morality in the game is mostly A-tied to mostly what you do when you're alone and B-Often quite independent of player intent is fascinatingly interesting. Morality is social, people do act differently in different contexts and I love that it sort of recognizes this. I also find it interesting that if dudes try to rob you and you kill them you're reputationally taxed if an innocent bystander catches you looting them.

Also receiving consideration
Mario Odyssey
The Walking Dead Season 1
Xcom Enemy Unknown
Xcom 2
Uncharted 4
Civ 5


Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
To my great chagrin. I guess it’s a licensing issue with the music, I can’t imagine there being a technical reason this game isn’t available.
I liked Aisle 10. My favorite character to play as was Corn. Can't even explain why.

Xenogears will always be No. 1
Xenogears was excellent. Since I have my PSP out, I think I'll fire it up...that is, once I remember which memory stick it's on...

Deleted member 4807583

Original poster
Never posted in this thread before, but here's my initial thoughts....

1. Resident Evil 4
Tough to choose an absolute number 1, but with a gun to my head I think it has to be this. I've played through it multiple times and enjoyed it just as much as the last and I guarantee I'll still play it a few more. The first game to ever make me sneak out of bed when I was younger to play just a little more.

2. Pokemon FireRed

On another day this could be number 1 with how many times I must've played it. I've always been a 'genwunner' and this is basically a perfect remake of that.

3. Abe's Oddysee

To this day I've never played another game that quite nails atmosphere like this does - not even the likes of Super Metroid.

4. FIFA Series
Feels a bit of a cop out to include this, but the amount of hours I lose to it I feel like I have to. 300+ hours on FIFA 19 (and counting), 180+ hours on FIFA 18 on Switch, lord knows how many hours I sunk into older iterations.

5. Super Mario Odyssey

Just pure joy in a video game. Everything I could possibly want in a Mario game/3D collect-a-thon. I'm genuinely not sure if it can be bettered.

6. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Until very recently I think I'd have always given this to Mario Kart 64 out of nostalgia, but I just can't look past how perfect Mario Kart 8 is. Best racing game ever made in my opinion, and I don't just mean kart racer.

7. The Last Guardian

The only ever game to make me cry. Gameplay can be a bit finnicky admittedly, but the overall story/visuals are just a sight to behold.

8. Pikmin

At the time this felt like such a unique concept and I've played through it multiple times since - as recently as this summer. The time limit felt like the whole point of the game to me, which is why I didn't enjoy Pikmin 2 quite as much. I've not yet played much of 3, so maybe that'll overtake this when it's released on Switch?

9. Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal

Always loved this series and this is the best of the bunch. Almost an RPG at times with levelling up weapons etc, just nails that fun factor with the on-screen carnage.

10. Mario + Rabbids

The game nobody wanted, but everyone ended up loving. I seldom have the motivation/patience to complete a game 100%, but for Mario + Rabbids I genuinely couldn't help myself (including the DLC).


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Great list, @mattybicky.

My list from 2015 was Halo 3, Halo 2, World of Warcraft, WWF No Mercy, Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros 3, Final Fantasy 6, Ori and the Blind Forest, Final Fantasy 4, The Witcher 3

Cyberpunk 2077 isn't out yet, and it may earn its spot on my list, but now I'm gonna update my list. I'm going to change it to be the top 10 games I enjoy in the present, instead of looking at it like top 10 games I enjoyed at the moment as I did in 2015.

1. Halo 3 (as part of the Master Chief Collection remaster)
2. Overcooked: All You Can Eat Edition (this is essentially just Overcooked 1 + 2 remastered in 4k/60fps)
3. Rocket League
4. Halo 2
5. Ori and the Will of the Wisps
6. Super Mario Bros 3 (from the SNES remaster collection)
7. Ori and the Blind Forest
8. WWF No Mercy (I expect WWE 2K19 would replace this but I haven't played it yet)
9. Super Mario World
10. Cuphead

My top 4 games are multiplayer-dependent. In other words, I don't enjoy them nearly as much in single-player. So Ori would be my #1 single-player game.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I need to fit a From game in here. As I was playing TMNT today, I realized that From changed the way I approach and appreciate boss fights. I used to think of them as something boring to overcome, but I now have a deeper appreciation for the (sometimes painful) process of reading moves and adapting my playstyle to counter attacks.

That's something I didn't really do until I got into those games.

The question is, what do I put up there? It's Bloodborne or Elden. BB was my first, and I ended up kind of powering through it. The lows were very low but the highs were exhilarating.

With Elden I actually learned how to deal with almost all the bosses (I cheesed Malenia) I learned their patterns and generally put in the work to win on my terms. But I didn't quite get the same thrill inside with BB, because that was my first, and because I was kind of stabbing in the dark with that one.



No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
Pathfinder WOTR would definitely be on my list the only question is how high. I think it probably slots at 4. I think I’d drop Last of Us.

I think last of us and fire emblem time has cooled my opinion on a little bit and helped Witcher 3 and RDR2. I worried about recency bias at the time but both of those games belong.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 18, 2004
I need to fit a From game in here. As I was playing TMNT today, I realized that From changed the way I approach and appreciate boss fights. I used to think of them as something boring to overcome, but I now have a deeper appreciation for the (sometimes painful) process of reading moves and adapting my playstyle to counter attacks.

That's something I didn't really do until I got into those games.

The question is, what do I put up there? It's Bloodborne or Elden. BB was my first, and I ended up kind of powering through it. The lows were very low but the highs were exhilarating.

With Elden I actually learned how to deal with almost all the bosses (I cheesed Malenia) I learned their patterns and generally put in the work to win on my terms. But I didn't quite get the same thrill inside with BB, because that was my first, and because I was kind of stabbing in the dark with that one.


Bloodborne. Elden Ring is like a greatest hits album of their games.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I have to give some sort of a shit about a boss to not see them as just an obstacle. From has a little mythology but not any character. They’re just an obstacle. An obstacle to another boss.

Bloodbourne is their best I think. None are my top ten.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I will say: If you enjoy Fromsoft, you’re enjoying for the sake of itself. The art of boss battles.

I was definitely cooked. I need to give the Yakuza games a real chance. From what I’ve played, when you fight a boss you hate them. And Like a Dragon has really won me over.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Outside of a few cool quests, dungeon and raid bosses were my favorite part of WoW. The endgame is what I loved most. I had fun as an Arcane Mage in Lich King and Cataclysm raids.

That's what appealed to me about Monster Hunter initially. In theory it sounded like a game full of raid bosses. But I didn't like the gameplay.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
And we’re so old, top ten list changes are fun, but I’m curious about the next ten, these days.

10-20 are all the almost made it games.

That’s stuff like
VP Bloodlines
SOCOM Navy Seals - can’t help it I loved it.
Maybe a GTA game like VC or SA.
Silent Hill
Battlefield 1942!

… for me.

Except those really aren’t top ten for me. Weird. All great but like 10-15.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
And we’re so old, top ten list changes are fun, but I’m curious about the next ten, these days.

10-20 are all the almost made it games.

That’s stuff like
VP Bloodlines
SOCOM Navy Seals - can’t help it I loved it.
Maybe a GTA game like VC or SA.
Silent Hill
Battlefield 1942!

… for me.

Except those really aren’t top ten for me. Weird. All great but like 10-15.

My top 10 already started to feel pretty mushy after Uncharted 2. Like counting wotr 1-7 is really solid these are some of the best entertainment I’ve had and I think it holds up well over the years to multiple trips through and return visits. 8-10 are already into like well that was good but I haven’t replayed it much.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
My top 10 has definitely changed since what I posted in 2020. For example, I replayed Mario Bros 3 last year and realized I don't like it more than Mario World. Ghost of Tsushima is now in my top 10 too.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
And we’re so old, top ten list changes are fun, but I’m curious about the next ten, these days.

10-20 are all the almost made it games.

That’s stuff like
VP Bloodlines
SOCOM Navy Seals - can’t help it I loved it.
Maybe a GTA game like VC or SA.
Silent Hill
Battlefield 1942!

… for me.

Except those really aren’t top ten for me. Weird. All great but like 10-15.
10-20 is an interesting thought exercise. I'll think about it and maybe give it a try, but I'd need to update my top 10 first.


Nov 10, 2013
My list would certainly include some different games now. I think Bloodborne and Divinity Original Sin 2 would get consideration now from me, among others.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I loved Divinity OS2. Honestly, I am sort of liking Like a Dragon more. I can’t really compare because one can’t replace the other, they’re so different.

But if you made me choose…. And it’s the characters. I fell in love with the cast and even the city of Yokohama.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
I wish I’m not looking at marginal around the edges changes to this list in 2030.

I look back on page 1 and that post was really quite different than my 2020 post. But then like by 2022 one really strong new game.