
Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
I'm at the point in my life where gaming isn't as big as a priority or even as big of a hobby as it used to be years back, so not having experienced a game isn't as much of a concern to me anymore, where that I would feel some sort of need to rush to experience something everyone's talking the same time, gaming is still a form of entertainment for me, and like I said, Mass Effect is one of those series that I would like to get to ....eventually.
But like the acclaimed and popular TV shows or movies that are over 20-years-old and more that I'm just now watching for the first time...I don't really feel a pressing urge to rush my entertainment, particular games, anymore. I figure that if Mass Effect is as great as people say, it'll stand the test of time, and will be worthwhile no latter when I play it.
Understood. I have a similar outlook. Once you play the games, our bemusement at your having not played them yet will make more sense.

Just out of curiosity, how did you play the series?....did you play it on console, and did you get all the essentially story-based DLC for all three games?...if not, did you feel like you missed out on anything?

I heard rumors that there was talk of a Mass Effect HD Trilogy Collection with all DLC included, however, others have pointed out that if they were to include the entire series with just the DLC essential to the story, would still take up a lot of space.

I also read that when Mass Effect 3 came out, that if one wanted to get all the DLC, the total package would cost over $800....that's just for Mass Effect 3....even with the game's age, with a company like EA, it's no wonder they make so difficult for the consumer.

I'm sure it could be done....if CD Projekt RED can deliver The Witcher series with all content effectively to consumers at a reasonably price point, I don't see why it can't be done with Mass Effect....and from my understanding, The Witcher series contains more content and the latter two games have more details visuals.

....anyway, I'll stop derailing the thread.
I played on console, both on Xbox then later on PS3 when I flirted with being PS3 only for a while. The DLC takes up a lot of space because there's a tremendous amount of voice acting for all the branches. I am a hardcore ME fan so I have all the DLC (minus store exclusives). $800 is an impressive but specious number. That's for all the full price exclusive editions that have different guns and skins for various retailers, it's not an indication of the amount of content available for the game and definitely doesn't apply to story DLC.

You will definitely miss out if you don't get any story DLC but not all of it is essential. The following list comprises the dlc I think delivers the best Mass Effect experience.

Mass Effect
- Bring Down the Sky

Mass Effect 2
- Cerberus Network
- Kasumi Stolen Memory
- Overlord
- Lair of the Shadow Broker

Mass Effect 3
- From Ashes
- Leviathan
- Citadel


Nov 29, 2002
I feel uneasy about my #10 choice. It's not that Witcher doesn't deserve to be in a top ten list, because I think it does, but I think a game like Starcraft has more lasting power and deserves to be ranked higher.

Batman: Arkham Asylum is also a great game. Really nailed the feeling of being Batman.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I think none of the ME DLC is necessary. Some of it is kind of fun.

I played 1 on the 360 and then again on PC. I played 2 and 3 on PC. If you want to avoid installing Origin you have to go the console route, because it's mandatory for 3.


Prime Member
Jun 3, 2010
I feel uneasy about my #10 choice. It's not that Witcher doesn't deserve to be in a top ten list, because I think it does, but I think a game like Starcraft has more lasting power and deserves to be ranked higher.

Batman: Arkham Asylum is also a great game. Really nailed the feeling of being Batman.

I also ran into some crossroads when making my lists. I decided to go with games that had a lasting effect on me personally over ones that I was very enamored with when I first played them, but have faded slightly as the years have gone by.

Sure, I get all that, but from what little I know about your tastes it seems like ME was made for you. Anyway, enjoy it when you get around to it!

I know, and it definitely seems completely suited to my tastes. I'm definitely plan on to playing it.

Thanks the recommendations in this thread that cleared up some things for me, I think I'm going to get the Trilogy Package on PS3 as the way to experience it for now. The PS3 Trilogy package seems to be the one that contains all the content from ME1 and ME2 right on the disc that you said makes for a satisfying experience, as for ME3, it looks like the Extended Cut is free, and I don't mind getting the other last 3 DLC packages for the final game.

Understood. I have a similar outlook. Once you play the games, our bemusement at your having not played them yet will make more sense.

I'm bemused myself, it's just one of those games that kinda slipped away from me, despite being right in line with my tastes.

I'm sure my not having played Mass Effect seems equivalent to a person who gives the impression of loving JRPGs, but who's never played Chrono Trigger or a Final Fantasy game.

You will definitely miss out if you don't get any story DLC but not all of it is essential. The following list comprises the dlc I think delivers the best Mass Effect experience.

Mass Effect
- Bring Down the Sky

Mass Effect 2
- Cerberus Network
- Kasumi Stolen Memory
- Overlord
- Lair of the Shadow Broker

Mass Effect 3
- From Ashes
- Leviathan
- Citadel

Thanks for this. It looks like the Trilogy Package for PS3 contains everything you say is needed for Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 right on the disc...which I prefer.....ME3 Extended Cut is free on PS3 and I don't mind shelling out for the 3 remaining DLC for Mass Effect 3 to complete the experience.
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Prime Member
May 17, 2012
No matter what I am doing gaming will always be the center piece hobby. I don't get game near as much as I used to--haven't had a chance yet this week and won't have much of a chance through to thanksgiving, but I will get my time in.

I still find film, all except for their musical scores, boring. And It's rare for me to really like a score but it's always interesting to me what the composer chose to do for what scene.

I still go on drives every now and then and I still love driving. That's my only other hobby but that's fucking expensive.
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Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Mass Effect is overrated. The series got worse with every game.
It's a damn shame, too.

And when I tried to play ME again a few years ago, the original didn't hold up near as much as I though it would. I beat the original ME three times and thought the trilogy would go down in history.

Two is a good game just not the RPG I wanted and the way the story started to get drawn out got to me. I still haven't played 3 because I just didn't give a shit anymore.
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Prime Member
May 17, 2012
And as for my most recent game the only concern I had over Alien was "is it high enough".

That fucking game: it was just about the most perfect experience I had with a horror action/adventure type game.

I don't read many reviews anymore and that's basically why, games like that. The reviews I read of that it wasn't what they said about Alien in particular that annoyed me. It's that I find most reviewers talentless ass hats.

The stuff they said about Alien in a lot of cases wasn't opinion that I opposed, but literally either wrong or ignorant. It was really sad.
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Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
Since I haven't posted in here yet, I might as well give it a try. As I sat down to make a list, I realized how much it has changed. Note that the era of games involved has not, though. That isn't a sign of games improving. It is a sign of changes in what I value in a game. Also, it is a sign of the games I think of when I happen to be writing the list.

The only game that get a clear ranking is the number 1 game: Mario 3. For some reason, there are too many good memories here. It has endured being replayed for too many years. I don't see how it could be made better than it is. This is a fixture in my family and it takes one. Interestingly enough, this is a new number 1. I suspect that is just a sign of the shifting of what I value in a game.

As for the other, in no particular order:

Planescape Torment: The story was incredible. The characters were great. The combat/gameplay was a bit weak at times, but it is possibly my favorite RPG of all time.

BG2+ ToB: This is a good sister game to PS:T. The story isn't quite as good, but the gameplay was better. Overall, I loved it and the ending was perfect for me. It made enough of an impression that I have never felt the urge to play it again and still actively do not want a sequel with those characters in it.

WoW: (new contstant) To deny this one a slot on the roster would be silly. It has soaked up more of my life than any other game. I have enjoyed it immensely. I have some great memories of this game. The gameplay is capable of shifting to be whatever that particular player needs it to be in that stage of their life. I started out a mage DPS junky. I then went mellow and was a healer for a while. Eventually, I wound up the leader/tank figure. Each iteration gave me something different to experience and enjoy. It has been a staple for many years and it deserves all of the success it has achieved.

V:Bl: (new contestant?) I loved the characters. I loved the gameplay. It gave you many ways to solve all of the problems presented to you. The more I think about it, the more I think it did this better than Deus Ex did. Even if the last section was a bit rushed, it was still an overall incredible game. It is a shame we will never see a true sequel. It also helps the world/setting were pretty good.

Shadowrun (Genesis): I have spent so many hours just doing random matrix runs that I can't even begin to count. The random mission generator in this game really is the heart of the game. It got to the point where I knew every story point by heart and could do even the most unweildly of mazes by memory. I still didn't want to put it down. The music was simple but enjoyable. The characters were soso and rather simplistic. The setting was great, though. The gameplay was a blast.

PSIV: Great characters. A fun story. A graphics style that oddly enough held up decently enough. This was just a great all around RPG.

LttP: This is my favorite Zelda game. The world map was well done. The dungeons were fun. The gameplay as a whole was great. It was all that a Zelda game should be. LBW was great, but LttP is still better.

Morrowind: I had to choose a TES game. Ultimately, Morrowind wins out. Oblivion is highly overrated to me. It strikes me as generic fantasy. Skyrim is great. It is worlds better on the technical side. It improved on the technical improvements of Oblivion but wasn't just the generic crap fantasy that Oblivion spun. I also have a soft spot for vikings. Morrowind wins, though. The setting was genuinely unique. The different locations were varied. The freedom you had was incredible. It didn't have a messed up auto leveling systems. The quests were fun and interesting. You didn't have the auto compass back then. I am uncertain if that is good or bad. I just loved everything about it.

Tetris Attack/Puzzle de Pon: This was probably the quintessential puzzle game for my family. We played tons of Tetris. We played this even more. What really sets it apart is how once you learn the physics engine, tricks become possible that were clearly never intended. It is kind of like how the Melee crowd goes nuts for that particular Smash game. Flipping a panel while it was in mid drop to keep a chain going for another 10 links was always a triumph. As I became better, it was no longer a long shot, either. It was all skill.

And for the honorable mentions:

Hearthstone: It is still too soon to determine if this one has a place or not. With that said, the strategy is very well done. It is F2P done well. The fact you can keep playing back and forth between your phone, computer, and tablet is a nice bonus. It is the first game in a long time to grab me to the point where I am actively following and learning the strategies in it over the long term. I get pretty pissed if work keeps me so busy for a stretch that I lose out on a daily. The internet messing with me is also irritating me for the same reason. I prefer it once the meta settles down. It then develops a chess like feel. We know what each other has after turn five. It is then a matter of who can out think whom with just a pinch of luck thrown in.

Saint's Row 3: Oh dear lord this game is a riot. I have a hard time remembering the last time I laughed this hard. I prefer it over 4. The super powers were fun, but I don't think they added much, but instead detracted a bit. The gameplay of 3 was the better balance in my opinion. The cast was a blast. The way it owned the absurdity of the genre was welcomed. I still can't stand GTA. This series, I love. It took what was good about the gameplay in this genre, and then reveled in the absurdity of the stories that go along with it.

FFVI: This is probably the best FF game. The characters and story were well done. The twist half way through the game was a shock. I like that the twist came half way through instead of in the last 20% of the game. It lets you really feel and see the consequences of how it all shakes out. They even change the character you are seeing the story through. That was a bit disjointing, but it was also an interesting twist. It is easily the classic FF for me.

Deus Ex: This is a great game. The options and paths you can pursue are impressive. The gameplay is a bit slower but still very enjoyable. The setting did a lot to sell the game. We all know the praises of the game, so I don't need to go on about it.


Nov 10, 2013
One of the cool things about Elder Scrolls Online is that, for some of the races/characters, the action is set in Morrowind.


Nov 29, 2002
Oh I am glad someone mentioned Tetris Attack. I meant to give it an honorable mention but forgot to. Like East mentioned, there is a lot of depth to that game, and to me it is waaaaaay more fun than the original Tetris.
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Prime Member
May 17, 2012
One of the cool things about Elder Scrolls Online is that, for some of the races/characters, the action is set in Morrowind.
I like starting in in Daggerfall so Morrowind is the last are to go to when you're into veteran ranks. The pace of that is a lot more old school, but you'll also feel leveled up.

The progression arc in that game is really well done.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
East's list

It's funny, we like a lot of the same series and genres, but the only individual game we agree on is VTM:B (which is what I assume you meant by "V:Bl:"). And it didn't even make my top 10. I'd go with different games from the Mario, Phantasy Star, Deus Ex, Final Fantasy and Elder Scrolls series.


No Longer a Noob
May 3, 2009
1- Super Mario World (Unless I get to "cheat" & use All Stars+SMW.)

2- Link To The Past

3- Final Fantasy 6

4- Star Ocean: The Second Story

- Metal Gear Solid 3

- Virtua Fighter 5/Final Showdown

- Knights Of The Old Republic

- Super Mario 64 / or F-Zero GX (If I wanted to avoid using more than one from each series.)

- Ocarina Of Time / or Super Bomberman 2 (Same as above to avoid multiple entries.)

- Quake 3: Arena

Generally/Pretty much my top 3 or 4 are set in stone unless we have criteria such as only 2d/3d, no multiple entries/compilations, and such. Which is why I didn't number any of them after as it can vary depending on the week/year when asked other than the first 4.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
IGN did their top 100 of all time recently. Their top 10:

1. SMB3
2. Link to the Past
3. Doom
4. Super Mario Bros.
5. Portal 2
6. Half Life 2
7. Super Metroid
8. OoT
9. Halo 2
10. Tetris


Nov 29, 2002
IGN did their top 100 of all time recently. Their top 10:

1. SMB3
2. Link to the Past
3. Doom
4. Super Mario Bros.
5. Portal 2
6. Half Life 2
7. Super Metroid
8. OoT
9. Halo 2
10. Tetris
They must be placing a heavy emphasis on games that were influential during their time.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
IGN did their top 100 of all time recently. Their top 10:

1. SMB3
2. Link to the Past
3. Doom
4. Super Mario Bros.
5. Portal 2
6. Half Life 2
7. Super Metroid
8. OoT
9. Halo 2
10. Tetris
I don't like all the 2's.

Half Life and Halo 2 were not as good as their original games. And fuck Tetris.

I don't like that list at all.

Super Mario is a great gaming icon with consistently great games over the decades but that list is pathetic.

Fucking Tetris. Such a waste of space on a top ten list.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jan 29, 2006
In no particular order:
- Skies of Arcadia - This will always be one of my all time favorites. It just had it all in my opinion; great story, characters, gameplay, sidequests and soundtrack.

- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - My favorite Zelda game. The darker atmosphere and the sidequests really make this stand out from the rest for me.

- Resident Evil 4 - My favorite RE game. Admittedly this was the first RE game I actually played (I had tried RE1 but could not get past the controls) but this game had great controls and the atmosphere and environments were perfect for this franchise.

- Fallout New Vegas - Although Fallout 3 was my introduction to the Fallout series and is a game that I love, New Vegas took everything from 3 and added to it with better quests and new mechanics and gave the player more control over the story.

- Star Fox 64 - My favorite N64 game, I have no idea how many times I beat this game.

- Pokemon Red - The good old days before they added in all the unnecessary mechanics like gender, breeding, nature, etc.

- Perfect Dark - My favorite FPS. If this never came out GoldenEye would be in its place but this game just took everything great in GoldenEye and made it better.

- Mega Man X - Love the soundtrack and this will always be a favorite for nostalgic reasons.

- Street Fighter 2 Turbo - My favorite fighter, plus same reasons as Mega Man X.

- Final Fantasy Tactics - Spent many hours on this game, just really liked the gameplay.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
In no particular order:
- Skies of Arcadia - This will always be one of my all time favorites. It just had it all in my opinion; great story, characters, gameplay, sidequests and soundtrack.

- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - My favorite Zelda game. The darker atmosphere and the sidequests really make this stand out from the rest for me.

- Resident Evil 4 - My favorite RE game. Admittedly this was the first RE game I actually played (I had tried RE1 but could not get past the controls) but this game had great controls and the atmosphere and environments were perfect for this franchise.

- Fallout New Vegas - Although Fallout 3 was my introduction to the Fallout series and is a game that I love, New Vegas took everything from 3 and added to it with better quests and new mechanics and gave the player more control over the story.

- Star Fox 64 - My favorite N64 game, I have no idea how many times I beat this game.

- Pokemon Red - The good old days before they added in all the unnecessary mechanics like gender, breeding, nature, etc.

- Perfect Dark - My favorite FPS. If this never came out GoldenEye would be in its place but this game just took everything great in GoldenEye and made it better.

- Mega Man X - Love the soundtrack and this will always be a favorite for nostalgic reasons.

- Street Fighter 2 Turbo - My favorite fighter, plus same reasons as Mega Man X.

- Final Fantasy Tactics - Spent many hours on this game, just really liked the gameplay.
Did you play Skies of Arcadia on the GameCube or Dreamcast?

That's a forgotten game. They don't make them like that anymore.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 29, 2006
In no particular order:
- Skies of Arcadia - This will always be one of my all time favorites. It just had it all in my opinion; great story, characters, gameplay, sidequests and soundtrack.

- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - My favorite Zelda game. The darker atmosphere and the sidequests really make this stand out from the rest for me.

- Resident Evil 4 - My favorite RE game. Admittedly this was the first RE game I actually played (I had tried RE1 but could not get past the controls) but this game had great controls and the atmosphere and environments were perfect for this franchise.

- Fallout New Vegas - Although Fallout 3 was my introduction to the Fallout series and is a game that I love, New Vegas took everything from 3 and added to it with better quests and new mechanics and gave the player more control over the story.

- Star Fox 64 - My favorite N64 game, I have no idea how many times I beat this game.

- Pokemon Red - The good old days before they added in all the unnecessary mechanics like gender, breeding, nature, etc.

- Perfect Dark - My favorite FPS. If this never came out GoldenEye would be in its place but this game just took everything great in GoldenEye and made it better.

- Mega Man X - Love the soundtrack and this will always be a favorite for nostalgic reasons.

- Street Fighter 2 Turbo - My favorite fighter, plus same reasons as Mega Man X.

- Final Fantasy Tactics - Spent many hours on this game, just really liked the gameplay.
Did you play Skies of Arcadia on the GameCube or Dreamcast?

That's a forgotten game. They don't make them like that anymore.
I played it on the GameCube and i'm so glad Sega re-released it or I probably would've missed out on this gem. If you liked SoA I would recommend you try Nostalgia for the DS assuming you can track a copy down. The similarities are uncanny, like SoA it's your typical turn based JRPG with random battles, dungeon crawling but you travel the overworld in an airship and there are discoveries for you to look for as well.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I remember that on the Dreamcast and when it released it was pretty stunning. If I remember correctly, that was one of the last great (of many) games in the DC's short life.

I'd forgotten about it.
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Jes' fine
Jun 4, 2012
I dunno. Tonight they will be:

Wolfenstein 3-D
Master of Orion 2
Master of Magic
Wizardry 8
World of Warcraft
Dune 2
Whatever I'm playing tonight
The next game on my wishlist to come on sale


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I dunno. Tonight they will be:

Wolfenstein 3-D
Master of Orion 2
Master of Magic
Wizardry 8
World of Warcraft
Dune 2
Whatever I'm playing tonight
The next game on my wishlist to come on sale
All those hard core old school classics and then WoW.

That really points to something that WoW did, I think. That was bring three generations of gamers together.
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Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
So GameFAQs is doing a best game ever list. Someone took their list and made a cute little site where you can determine your personal ranking of the 128 games on the list. What I like about this ranking is that you effectively compare each game to all the other games on the list rather than a strict round robin.

My top 10 according to Sort some games or something!

1) Mass Effect 2
2) Mass Effect 3
3) Mass Effect
4) Fallout 3
5) Half-Life 2
6) Portal
7) Dragon Age: Origins
8) Oblivion
9) Castlevania: SOTN
10) Star Wars: KOTOR


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
Using that site

1. World of Warcraft
2 Hearthstone
2 Warcraft III
2 Baldur's Gate II
2 Super Metroid
6 Half-Life 2
7 Half-Life
8 Star Wars: KOTOR
9 Diablo II
10 Deus Ex

I'm not sure about Warcraft 3 ranking that high but otherwise a very close match with the games I listed.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
1Planescape: Torment
2Super Mario Bros. 3
3Zelda: A Link to the Past
4World of Warcraft
6Baldur's Gate II
7Mass Effect
8Team Fortress 2
9Warcraft III
11Xenoblade Chronicles
12Fallout: New Vegas
13Deus Ex
14Final Fantasy VI
16Bayonetta 2
18Fire Emblem: Awakening
20Mass Effect 2

Using the site. I am questioning some of these results. After a while, you get self conscious choosing because you can guess how it is affecting the ranking.


Prime Member
Nov 11, 2011
Also using that site, I'm fairly happy with the top 4, but there are some strange outliers.

1 Baldur's Gate II
2 Deus Ex
3 Minecraft
4 Zelda: A Link to the Past
4 Final Fantasy IV - a game I've never played, and never voted for on the site
6 Half-Life 2
7 Half-Life
8 Portal 2
9 Starcraft
10 Star Wars: KOTOR
11 Team Fortress 2
12 Skyrim
13 Portal
14 Super Mario Bros. 3
14 Age of Empires II - Never voted for this on the site
16 Mass Effect
17 Dragon Age: Origins
18 Mass Effect 2
19 Fallout 3 - I'm not that fond of the new fallouts to be honest, but there were too many games I hadn't played at all from the consoles, so this just got picked by default I guess.
20 BioShock
21 Batman: Arkham City
22 Oblivion


Prime Member
Jun 3, 2010
So GameFAQs is doing a best game ever list. Someone took their list and made a cute little site where you can determine your personal ranking of the 128 games on the list. What I like about this ranking is that you effectively compare each game to all the other games on the list rather than a strict round robin.

My top 10 according to Sort some games or something!

Here's my Top 10 and my Bottom 10 according to that link.

TOP 10....(according to docSpock's link)
  1. Metroid Prime
  2. Zelda: The Wind Waker
  3. Planescape Torment
  4. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  5. Silent Hill 2
  6. Shadow of the Colossus
  7. Journey
  8. The Last of Us
  9. Portal 2
  10. Super Mario Bros 3.
I gotta say, I had no idea how it would sort out, but that list is one I can definitely be proud of and is right on the bulls-eye in terms of my game preferences and favorite games.

The rest of my Top 20 were rounded out by games such as Resident Evil 4, Portal, Uncharted 2, Half-Life, KOTOR, BioShock, Half-Life 2, Mass Effect, Zelda: Twilight Princess and Super Mario Galaxy...again, seems to be right on on the money.

Just as telling about my preference in games is my Bottom 10. Out of the 128 games listed...these apparently are the ones I would least like.

Bottom 10
127. World of Warcraft
127. Hearthstone
122. Kingdom Hearts
122. Final Fantasy IX
122. Monster Hunter 4U
122. Sukoden II
122. Pokemon X/Y
117. Final Fantasy VI
117. Xenogears
117. Tales of Symphonia

....again, seems right on the bulls-eye.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
4 Final Fantasy IV - a game I've never played, and never voted for on the site
This is one of the flaws of the site, you can't not vote for a game. The middle choice, "I feel the same way about both" still counts as a vote. It definitely makes some assumptions that it shouldn't be making.

I also find it interesting to see people's 11 - 20 so here are mine:

11) Skyrim
12) GTA: Vice City
13) Portal 2
14) BioShock
15) Fallout: New Vegas
16) Destiny
17) Borderlands 2
18) Metal Gear Solid
19) Metroid Prime
20) Metal Gear Solid 2

The list is incomplete though in that as far as I can tell there are no racing or adventure games on the list. I like when it gets to the point where you have to choose between games you like. I had to be honest and consider games that I'd rather play. Sure, Deus Ex means more to me than Metroid Prime and at the respective times I played them I enjoyed Deus Ex more. But all things considered is Deus Ex the game I'd rather play over Metroid Prime? Nope.
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Nov 10, 2013
This is highly unscientific and takes forever. But this is what my list showed. I have not even played some of these games, like Demon's Souls, but I voted for them at times because I knew I would like them more than the things they were compared with.

1) Dark Souls
2) Bloodborne
3) Demon's Souls
4) Minecraft
5) World of Warcraft
6) Civilization V
7) Baldur's Gate II
8) Half-Life
9) The Last of Us
10) Morrowind


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Using that site:

1Metal Gear Solid V
1Perfect Dark
1Civilization V
5Final Fantasy VII
7Zelda: Ocarina of Time
8GTA: San Andreas
9Mass Effect 2 10BioShock
12Zelda: Majora's Mask13
Borderlands 2
14Mass Effect
15Star Wars: KOTOR
16GoldenEye 007
17The Walking Dead
18Fallout 3
19Assassin's Creed II
20Fallout: New Vegas

Not terrible, there just weren't enough games. Many of my all time faves weren't an option.


Prime Member
Nov 7, 2005
  1. Star Wars Battlefront
  2. Star Wars Battlefront
  3. Star Wars Battlefront
  4. Star Wars Battlefront
  5. Star Wars Battlefront
  6. Star Wars Battlefront
  7. Star Wars Battlefront
  8. Star Wars Battlefront
  9. Star Wars Battlefront
  10. Star Wars Battlefront


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
DL mentioned top 10s again in another thread so I dug up this one. I'll have to think about it for a minute but I'm sure OoT is out and MGSV is in for me.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I know I want Sunset OD and Alien ISO.

It’s going to be Dark Souls vs. BloodBourne. Perhaps room for both.

I have not finished Death Stranding but I think it’ll be a shoe in. I haven’t finished because I’m doing extra stuff. Game clock is at almost 60 hours.

I also have been playing MGSV and it has potential, too.

It’s a tough call. I need to ponder it, too.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Here's my list from 2015:

1. Halo 3
2. Halo 2
3. World of Warcraft
4. WWF No Mercy
5. Super Mario World
6. Super Mario Bros 3.
7. Final Fantasy 6
8. Ori and the Blind Forest
9. Final Fantasy 4
10. The Witcher 3

Looking at it now, a few things bother me with it.

I don't like how Halo takes up both of the top spots. I should remove one of them. I understand why I did it - because I had so much multiplayer fun with both - but the fun factor and social experience is essentially the same for either of them.

I loved WoW at the time but now I usually feel like I never want to play the game again, so have it ranking at #3 seems wrong except for historical purposes.

I loved No Mercy and played it more than any other N64 game, but if I wanted to play something nowadays I'd probably prefer some of the wrestling games I had on the Gamecube (Day of Reckoning 2).

I'll have to think about this lol.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Here's my list from 2015:

1. Halo 3
2. Halo 2
3. World of Warcraft
4. WWF No Mercy
5. Super Mario World
6. Super Mario Bros 3.
7. Final Fantasy 6
8. Ori and the Blind Forest
9. Final Fantasy 4
10. The Witcher 3

Looking at it now, a few things bother me with it.

I don't like how Halo takes up both of the top spots. I should remove one of them. I understand why I did it - because I had so much multiplayer fun with both - but the fun factor and social experience is essentially the same for either of them.

I loved WoW at the time but now I usually feel like I never want to play the game again, so have it ranking at #3 seems wrong except for historical purposes.

I loved No Mercy and played it more than any other N64 game, but if I wanted to play something nowadays I'd probably prefer some of the wrestling games I had on the Gamecube (Day of Reckoning 2).

I'll have to think about this lol.
Despite having forgotten Halo and having been disappointed by every sequel, I can’t take the original Halo CE off the list.

Contemplating this, it’s about what I keep.

Both Halo and the original Call of Duty might stay.

It’d take a top 25 to cover all the games that I think deserve to be in the top 10.


Prime Member
Nov 11, 2011
Updated list:

Baldurs Gate 2
Half-Life & HL2
Civilization II
NFS: Porsche 2000/Unleashed
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Total War: Warhammer 2
Championship Manager II
X-Com/UFO: Enemy Unknown
Dirt Rally Divinity: Original Sin 2
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade

Have to replace two entries to make room for Total War: Warhammer 2 and Divinity: Original Sin 2. Subnautica and The Witcher 3 were also close to getting a spot, but not at this time. Dirt Rally and Splinter Cell are the ones to go I think.


Apr 27, 2019
Mine is this

World of Warcraft
Black Desert Online
Elder Scrolls Online
Rocket League
Pokemon Shield
Call of Duty: BO3
Shadows of Mordor


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
World of Warcraft vanilla is an all time favorite. It’s also a game I’ll never play again.

The first thing to do with a top ten list is decide what the criteria is. I always struggle with that.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 25, 2015
some games are too impressive for their time that they end up eclipsing technically better games that are not as original - so I place some of these classics here. But overall in my view, newer games are obviously better in all accounts than classic games.

tried to keep it varied in genres, but they really cater to my tastes (I usually prefer serious than tongue-in-cheek) and the way they showed me many different ways to play games. there's no ordering here other than chronological, they are all first place in my view:

1. Defender (it was a tough fight between this Atari classic and Galaga, masterworks of classic space shooting)
1. Kenseiden (a forgotten SMS masterwork in 2D melee action and boss fights)
1. Super Metroid (a masterwork in level design)
1. Spider and Web (a text-adventure masterwork in twisting interactive storytelling and puzzles)
1. Final Fantasy 7 (a masterwork in turn-based JRPGs)
1. Metal Gear Solid (a masterwork in stealth gameplay and cinematic values in gaming)
1. Shadow of the Colossus (a masterwork in exploration and huge boss fights)
1. Dark Souls (a Metroidvania SotC masterwork)
1. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim VR (decades worth of wRPG, deep lore and dungeon crawling with a shield and sword in your hands)
1. Borderlands 2 VR (decades worth of hardcore FP shooting with a gun in one hand and punches and powers in another)

guess this summarizes well my first 40 years in gaming... may the next be all VR


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
World of Warcraft vanilla is an all time favorite. It’s also a game I’ll never play again.

The first thing to do with a top ten list is decide what the criteria is. I always struggle with that.
This is actually the real question. The list I made in 2015 I had a framework of my response to them the first time I played them till when I finished playing them and that list is mostly unchanged except maybe Hearthstone for something else because they managed it so poorly I Quit.
A present tense these are the 10 best games you could get right now would look totally different.


Prime Member
Jun 3, 2010
My list today remains essentially the same as my list from almost 5 years ago on the first page of this thread.

The only difference being, swap out BioShock 2 from then for Portal 2 now. My admiration for the BioShock series as a whole has fadded over the years.

Also, Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Bros 3 constantly trading places, but that's always been the case for the past 25 or so years.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 25, 2015
I’m still considering buying VR for PS4, just for Skyrim.

if you don't have a Pro, it'll be quite a blurry experience. If you do own a Pro, it'll be less blurry. Either way, give good bye to HD gaming for now in VR. immersion is expensive on hardware and money...

Also, having a sword and shield in your own hands on psvr means giving up on regular gaming analog stick locomotion as the Move controllers lack them. Gotta get used to double your left Move controller moving a shield (or bow) and using it as a giant analog stick by itself.

less such issues in higher grade VR headsets


Jes' fine
Jun 4, 2012
I'm going to put a date cap on this question, otherwise I'll be listing a lot of new games.

Wolfenstein 3D
Master of Magic
Dune 2
Diablo 2
World of Warcraft
Ultima Underworld
Pole Position (arcade setup)


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Diablo 2 over 3?

I’d take Diablo 2 at release. Years and years after release, I’d take that version of Diablo 3.

if you don't have a Pro, it'll be quite a blurry experience. If you do own a Pro, it'll be less blurry. Either way, give good bye to HD gaming for now in VR. immersion is expensive on hardware and money...

Also, having a sword and shield in your own hands on psvr means giving up on regular gaming analog stick locomotion as the Move controllers lack them. Gotta get used to double your left Move controller moving a shield (or bow) and using it as a giant analog stick by itself.

less such issues in higher grade VR headsets
I have a PS4 Pro. I’m willing to put up with a loss of resolution and quirky movements.

I’m just really curious. If it was 100$ cheaper new, I’d do it for sure. It’s just expensive enough to make me hesitate.

I also don’t think I want used VR gear.

Can one use any VR set with PS4?