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Almost Not a Noob
Feb 25, 2004
Went to see this today and it was actually really good. I have no complaints and it actually made sense having Scott in it, to tie into Professor X.

I still how ever (and it isnt a complain, as just a nagging issue) dont see why they had to make them brothers? I understand how they replaced Dog with Sabertooth and it did actually work in terms of story.

But on top of it being untrue, it also makes X-Men 1 make no sense. When they fight in X-Men 1 you dont get any sense of that relationship. This is why they should just stick to cannon and not change things.

Now it makes no sense in terms of fitting into the 3 x-men films on that levels. Otherwise I was very impressed. Also Deadpool got quite a lot of screen-time, but its just a shame they decided to make him not talk at the end, since that made no real sense without his wise-cracks.
Jun 3, 2009
Film makers always take liberties with the characters they acquire, as they did with Wolverine. As with all comic book movies, in my opinion, they can always be longer. Gambit should have had more screen time. He just moved the story along, didnt really offer much. I had questions at the end. Such as, Xavier being aware of the facility, but unaware of Wolverine seeing as how in XMen 1, Xavier had no idea about Wolverine. The Sabertooth/Wolverine brother thing was a decent touch...though how Sabertooth gets dumbed down to the ignorant beast he was in XMen 1 is beyond me.

Over all....I'll get it on DVD
Jun 12, 2009
The movie was beast, but come on now they messed up deadpool completely. first of all, he never had his mouth sown shut, and his swords were never inside of him. come on now.
Jun 12, 2009
lastwordsspoken said:
Film makers always take liberties with the characters they acquire, as they did with Wolverine. As with all comic book movies, in my opinion, they can always be longer. Gambit should have had more screen time. He just moved the story along, didnt really offer much. I had questions at the end. Such as, Xavier being aware of the facility, but unaware of Wolverine seeing as how in XMen 1, Xavier had no idea about Wolverine. The Sabertooth/Wolverine brother thing was a decent touch...though how Sabertooth gets dumbed down to the ignorant beast he was in XMen 1 is beyond me.

Over all....I'll get it on DVD
Well, it never said anything about xavier knowing about wolverine, he just knew about cyclops(scott)wolverine wasnt around when xavier got there


Prime Member
Feb 9, 2003
i dont understand how they'v managed to mess this film up so badly. i loved the other x-men films (last stand included) but thought this was awful... yes the action scenes are great but im not an idiot n its naive to think that comic book fans just wanna see loads of mutants duke it out. Its cool for a game but not for this.

I dnt know y the writers didnt focus on the character, cz potentially it could have made a great film, like the reviewer said, wolverine is an interesting enough character that with the right story we could have really cared about how he came to be as he is.

In fact come to think of it the best bits were the begining (showing him as a kid with normal bones) the middle (when he had metal combined with his bones) and the end (spoiler...when he forgets everything and sets things for x-men 1)

i didnt care about anything else (besides cyclops and xavier turning up) very disapointed in this movie
Jun 11, 2008
I have to object to one thing you said which was that Christopher Nolan couldn't direct good action scenes, many of the action scenes in both The Dark Knight and batman begins were good especially The Dark Knight, Jon Favreau he also did good the only problem is shortness of the scenes, which when you buy the special edition and watch the deleted scenes you find that they were meant to be longer or at least one of em any way, and i thought daredevil was pretty good to which was also directed by Jon Favreau, a whole bunch of the time it's not the wire work that's anoying/tiring it's the CGI, if it's not toned to the point it's realistic it's a waste you can't trick your mind at all that it's real which is what happens with X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the claws look way to fake in a lot of the scenes and they don't make up their mind of were they're going to be, they're always in some new position
Aug 10, 2009
X-Men Origins: Wolverine has left a nice impression in viewers. Beginning of the movie is outstanding and stylish. Special effects are done beautifully. Logan's character is enlightened like it should and left a mark in viewers mind.



Oct 21, 2011
Absolutely terrible effects! They destroyed the good story by making senseless changes, the pace was one of the worst ever and all the character were shallow. This movie is almost as bad a dragon ball and the last airbender....almost.
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