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Aug 13, 2000
mjm0415 said:
@Ltbays, Logan's name came from his biological father. So he's a Jr. So I suppose his full name is James "Jimmy" Logan Howlett. Since his mom in the origin comic was creeping with the grounds keeper Logan. LMAO. Also looking forward to a part 2 since after all the credits roll he ends up in Japan drinking at a bar and telling the Japanese girl he's drinking to remember.

Thanks. I had a feeling there was something out there to explain it, but I didn't want to say something I couldnt' confirm. My memory has always been a bit faulty.

BigPunisher2099 said:
ya, @LtBay, theres entire series called Origins, i beleive 4 years or more back, they had this story of wolvie, well similiar anyway, great book i thought newayz, you should pick it up.

I remember reading one or two of the original comics in the Origin series, but it seems like it's been years now. I couldn't even tell you for sure where I put them or if they haven't been thrown away. I'd love to find some Trade Paperbacks to catch up on all the stuff that's happened since then. The last one I read introduced the character X-23.

Lately I'm an extremely casual comic book reader. My hardcore days were the 90s. Ever since water leaked into the basement right on half my collection, a sizable box with tons in it, I lost the passion for collecting them.
Dec 14, 2008
Do you people honestly think that they cared much about the comics or continuity or logic? This I believe was almost the epitome of hollywood escapism.


May 12, 2008
it could have been better in my opinion. the most impressive use of powers by a character was when Kayla made Srtyker "walk until your feet bleed, and then walk some more" and Cyclops roasting the gunmen towards the end.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
There was just one part in the movie that I found confusing. It was the part where Stryker, Sabretooth and Silver Fox are in the lab together towards the end. Sabretooth is whining about wanting adamantium and Stryker says no. At that point Silver Fox says, "He's using us", and then she runs up for some reason I don't know and then Sabretooth chokes up and lifts her up off of the ground ready to kill her. Why? At that point Styker was screwing both of them. He wasn't releasing Silver's sister and had lied to Sabretooth. I thought Silver Fox and Sabretooth were going to unite against Stryker. Sabretooth even tells Stryker to let Silver's sister go right? Yeah. Confusing. They both realize Styker is using them. Silver tells Sabre this. Sabre defends Silver's sister. Silver runs up. Sabre chokes her. Ummm...yeah......

I didn't like Silver Fox's and Wolverine's reunitation(not a word) either. It wasn't given any importance. Anticlimactic. I was waiting for her to say I really did love you or something.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 23, 2005
powerfulone1987 said:
There was just one part in the movie that I found confusing. It was the part where Stryker, Sabretooth and Silver Fox are in the lab together towards the end. Sabretooth is whining about wanting adamantium and Stryker says no. At that point Silver Fox says, "He's using us", and then she runs up for some reason I don't know and then Sabretooth chokes up and lifts her up off of the ground ready to kill her. Why? At that point Styker was screwing both of them. He wasn't releasing Silver's sister and had lied to Sabretooth. I thought Silver Fox and Sabretooth were going to unite against Stryker. Sabretooth even tells Stryker to let Silver's sister go right? Yeah. Confusing. They both realize Styker is using them. Silver tells Sabre this. Sabre defends Silver's sister. Silver runs up. Sabre chokes her. Ummm...yeah......

I didn't like Silver Fox's and Wolverine's reunitation(not a word) either. It wasn't given any importance. Anticlimactic. I was waiting for her to say I really did love you or something.

I think he either just wanted to make her scream to make wolverine come back and fight him. Id ont remember him telling her to let her sister go though, my memory sucks. And didn't she admit to loving him right before she died?


No Longer a Noob
Sep 23, 2005
Mmmmm...Carlos said:
Do you people honestly think that they cared much about the comics or continuity or logic? This I believe was almost the epitome of hollywood escapism.

Clearly they do not, which is why most people are complaining


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 12, 2004
I've got to say I'd rather see X3 again than this movie. I was disappointed. I agree with most of what was written in the review. I was hoping it was just my glasses or a bad movie projector during some of the CGI scenes. And I too hate when a movie uses the cables over and over. It just doesn't look real.

As a cajun kid, I was really hoping Gambit was going to be badass but he looked just like that guy does in FNL episodes, especially after his accent went away. I don't get why they messed with Deadpool's comic makeup or gave Reynolds such a limited role.

Seems like this movie was to show off Jackman's muscles than to really put out a good X-men type movie. I hope they got back to building off of the X-men franchise because I'd really prefer to see X4 than this kind of crap.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 23, 2005
Diego_33 said:
I've got to say I'd rather see X3 again than this movie. I was disappointed. I agree with most of what was written in the review. I was hoping it was just my glasses or a bad movie projector during some of the CGI scenes. And I too hate when a movie uses the cables over and over. It just doesn't look real.

As a cajun kid, I was really hoping Gambit was going to be badass but he looked just like that guy does in FNL episodes, especially after his accent went away. I don't get why they messed with Deadpool's comic makeup or gave Reynolds such a limited role.

Seems like this movie was to show off Jackman's muscles than to really put out a good X-men type movie. I hope they got back to building off of the X-men franchise because I'd really prefer to see X4 than this kind of crap.

"Seems like this movie was to show off Jackman's muscles than to really put out a good X-men type movie."

It is called wolverine for a reason...but yeah I agree with most of what you said, and well Magneto will probably come out before another Xmen movie if another Xmen movie does come out at all
Jun 20, 2008
Every comic book fan (and their mamas) knew this would be a awful movie. Marvel has no concern to please their fans, they just wanna make some money. Anyone that thought this movie was good ,and reads comics, needs to go into their bathroom and shoot themselves. Its that simple. And yes IGN reviewer Jim Vejvoda, it was exactly the disaster i thought itd be. Bathroom.....shoot your self. IGN please start payin me so i can tell these people the truth, and not these people u have doin the reviews.......with their dirty lies!


Aug 13, 2000
predaking14 said:
Every comic book fan (and their mamas) knew this would be a awful movie. Marvel has no concern to please their fans, they just wanna make some money. Anyone that thought this movie was good ,and reads comics, needs to go into their bathroom and shoot themselves. Its that simple. And yes IGN reviewer Jim Vejvoda, it was exactly the disaster i thought itd be. Bathroom.....shoot your self. IGN please start payin me so i can tell these people the truth, and not these people u have doin the reviews.......with their dirty lies!

There's a few things I see wrong with your statement. One being, not everyone believed this movie was going to be aweful. In fact, I'd say it's safe to say only the most deticated Wolverine fans will hate the changes. As for everyone else, who's to say?

Also, this is a FOX movie. Marvel hasn't gotten the license back, but when they do, I have no doubt they're going to do a reboot. I just hope they can get Patrick Steward back on to play Professor X. Maybe even Hugh Jackman for Wolverine, though only if they can't find someone better (not saying he's a bad. Just saying I wouldn't be against seeing a new actor give it a shot).

As for anyone shoting themselves for enjoying it, I think you need to reevaluate your life.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 12, 2004
I got the ending with him in a bar... the Deadpool ending would have been better... what's with that ending? Is that girl suppose to be Itsu which would eventually lead to Daken? Or am I expecting too much and it's just really a stupid ending?

I like X3... actually I like all 3 X-Men movies. They weren't great superhero movies like Dark Knight but still good in their own way.


Jun 18, 2008
ltbays said:
predaking14 said:
Every comic book fan (and their mamas) knew this would be a awful movie. Marvel has no concern to please their fans, they just wanna make some money. Anyone that thought this movie was good ,and reads comics, needs to go into their bathroom and shoot themselves. Its that simple. And yes IGN reviewer Jim Vejvoda, it was exactly the disaster i thought itd be. Bathroom.....shoot your self. IGN please start payin me so i can tell these people the truth, and not these people u have doin the reviews.......with their dirty lies!

There's a few things I see wrong with your statement. One being, not everyone believed this movie was going to be aweful. In fact, I'd say it's safe to say only the most deticated Wolverine fans will hate the changes. As for everyone else, who's to say?

Also, this is a FOX movie. Marvel hasn't gotten the license back, but when they do, I have no doubt they're going to do a reboot. I just hope they can get Patrick Steward back on to play Professor X. Maybe even Hugh Jackman for Wolverine, though only if they can't find someone better (not saying he's a bad. Just saying I wouldn't be against seeing a new actor give it a shot).

As for anyone shoting themselves for enjoying it, I think you need to reevaluate your life.

yup, remember 20th century fox is the worst movie makers, they add cheese to everything thinking we actually like that, don't ask me why
Jan 16, 2008
"Anyone that thought this movie was good ,and reads comics, needs to go into their bathroom and shoot themselves. Its that simple. And yes IGN reviewer Jim Vejvoda, it was exactly the disaster i thought itd be. Bathroom.....shoot your self."

So, Vejvoda should commit suicide because he didn't not like this movie enough? Check a mirror, buddy - you might be a dickhead.


Oct 26, 2004
ill admit i kind of like x3 but some parts of the movie make u scratch your head and be thinking wha? (professor goin past juggy and not have any meaning, psylocke going un notticed, not speaking and dying at the end. ect.) and thats why people dont like it bc some parts didnt make any sence if you knew what was going on. and i wish people would stop compairing marvel movies to dc movies they are 2 diff companys with diff story universes. keep it up everyones going to look like star wars geeks vs star trek geeks and do you really want to bring it to that lvl? lol


May 3, 2009
I'm sick of Wolverine being portrayed as such a wimp. Where is the savage wolverine that we all know and love. I like Hugh Jackman's passion for the role but personally i think his time is over, he gave it his best shot but lets find someone else. Find an unknown actor who is somewhere near the right height. (Wolverine 5'3" Jackman 6'3")who already has the tough, "im not gonna take shit from anyone" attitude and when its time to kick someone's ass have him go apeshit. In the movies Jackman feels too much and expresses it verbally. Wolverine holds it in and takes his anger out when kicking ass. Also it would be nice if the directors would stop taking liberties with the origin. Sabretooth and Wolverine as brothers...come on. Lets have a redo like with the Hulk. Less money on the big name actors, more on the story and fight scenes. Not special effects like explosions but choreographed, comic realistic fight scenes. No more pussy Wolverine and cleaned up Sabretooth! Give us the comic in movie form. The real comic book Origin in real life.
P.S. Ryan Reynolds was born to play Deadpool.


Jul 16, 2002
I'm probably in the minority on this, but if Marvel gains full rights to the X-Men and they do a reboot, I hope someone else plays Wolvie.

I'll be here all week.


Oct 26, 2004
i dont know about that one although hulk and punisher have been recasted but they were flops so who knows. it might also depend on how much jackman wants by the time they make another wolverine movie too. but whats wrong with jackman? i thought he did good hes like ryan for deadpool i thought they were perfect for the role.


Aug 22, 2008
I know this is about the 10th time I posted in this thread..but I don't care.

I wasn't a big Reynolds girlfriend is though.

I got to say he has that perfect personality to play Deadpool.


Feb 10, 2005
Was a good flick. Reynolds as Wilson was a great match. Just did not agree with the mutilation of the "Deadpool" portrayed in the movie. But otherwise great comic book movie.
Aug 6, 2008
Okay first of all, have you guys ever just watched a movie as regular people, and not dumbass critics. Seriously, you guys think you know everything about movies but you look at the regular viewers' review, and its a lot higher. You critics are all the same, you don't take the time to actually respect a movie rather than cut it up at all the tiny flaws.


Jun 2, 2008
the good...the casting was perfect(except for Sabertooth, i would have liked Tyler Mane from the first X men film.) and a good story that stuck close with the comic. The bad..some of the worst,piss poor action scenes and wire work i've seen in comic movie. (possibly worst then Daredevil) Had this movie been done by somebody like Robert Rodriguez and given a ballsy R rating it probably could have kicked the kind of ass Wolvie deserves but this was pretty much a letdown. ( how about a solo Deadpool movie damn it!!)


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 12, 2004
Dodgerules666 said:
Okay first of all, have you guys ever just watched a movie as regular people, and not dumbass critics. Seriously, you guys think you know everything about movies but you look at the regular viewers' review, and its a lot higher. You critics are all the same, you don't take the time to actually respect a movie rather than cut it up at all the tiny flaws.

Not going to talk for the masses, but I for one give movies a lot more fail space than most people do. Don't believe me... I enjoyed the recent Fast and Furious movie. I like Superman Returns.

I liked Wolverine and was very excited going into it. Like I said in another post, the CGI was weak and juvenile in some spots. The big cinematic moments that occurred every 10 minutes where Wolverine posed with claws out as a big fireball filled the background or he screamed out to the heavens after something bad happened got old quick.

The X-Men franchise is so in-depth that it's almost an insult to only focus on 1 character. I was hoping they were going to base the movie around Wolverine but also give proper character development to some of the other main characters. Striker and Sabertooth were really the ones who got it. I did like that they started Wolverine back in time and had him fighting through the different wars. That was a good touch.

Sorry if I don't smoke a lot of pot and just stare blankly into a screen as the colorful pictures scroll through. I watch and form my own opinions so I can talk with friends... or people on a forum.


Aug 13, 2000
crowden said:
I'm probably in the minority on this, but if Marvel gains full rights to the X-Men and they do a reboot, I hope someone else plays Wolvie.

I'll be here all week.

I agree, but not because Jackman has done a bad job. I just think like comics with various artist, it's time we see another version of Wolverine.
May 3, 2009
I guess since I wasn't expecting much from the movie it allowed me to enjoy it. The movie was exactly what I was expecting from the commercials, a bunch of action sequences all involving wolverine and a little bit of story. Could it have been better? Of course, but I give films based on comic books a little bit of slack. I was very excited that Liev Schreiber was sabretooth (nothing against tyler mane, he did what he could with the script), I wish his character had more depth but that's okay it was better than the treatment he received in the first x-men film. I thought the swords in deadpool's arms were really stupid, but once again I knew that was coming from the commercials.
For those who thought they were going to hate it and ended up hating it, what can I say? Go with your gut next time and don't lay down the $5-$12 for the ticket. I had a lot of fun watching it.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This movie was an insult to Deadpool, seriously, wtf??!!! Why did cyclops have to be there, why did deadpool have grafted KAtana's, and some of the powers he had, and the shut him up to boot?!!!!! The comic book deadpool was perfect, Ryan Reynolds was the perfect cast imo, but the f'd it up. Just sad really. If you arn't a comic book fan this movie was alright, but if you are it's an insult, it's sad that they don't realize the comic books themselves are what keep it away from the masses not character building, plot and dialogue


Jul 16, 2002
ltbays said:
I agree, but not because Jackman has done a bad job. I just think like comics with various artist, it's time we see another version of Wolverine.

Well said.

I guess it's that he hasn't done a great job either, imo. I was spoiled by a 90's cartoon. :)


No Longer a Noob
Sep 23, 2005
crimsonfuryj said:
This movie was an insult to Deadpool, seriously, wtf??!!! Why did cyclops have to be there, why did deadpool have grafted KAtana's, and some of the powers he had, and the shut him up to boot?!!!!! The comic book deadpool was perfect, Ryan Reynolds was the perfect cast imo, but the f'd it up. Just sad really. If you arn't a comic book fan this movie was alright, but if you are it's an insult, it's sad that they don't realize the comic books themselves are what keep it away from the masses not character building, plot and dialogue

Why do you care if cyclopse was there or not. He didn't impact the movie one bit. They do cameos and stupid things like that in comics and cartoons all the time. As for deadpool, the movie wasn't called wolverine and deadpool, it was called wolverine, so I am startign to forgive the fact they did what they did to him. IF they did that to Deadpool in his OWN movie I would be like wtf but this time it was more of a "meh whatever" moment. He gets his mouth back at the end anyway and probably lost all his powers, so not a big deal really as long as he ends up the way he is suppossed to.


Jul 16, 2002
ltbays said:
I agree, but not because Jackman has done a bad job. I just think like comics with various artist, it's time we see another version of Wolverine.

Well said.

I guess it's that he hasn't done a great job either, imo. I was spoiled by a 90's cartoon. :)


Jul 19, 2006
i saw the movie three weeks before it came out. i thought it was alright. what i hated the most is they did the same thing to deadpool as was done to venom in spiderman 3. venom and deadpool are two characters that you cant throw into a movie and then kill off at the end. like wtf! if you plan to have a chacter like those two you dont just kill them off at the end. deadpool has soo much history so does venom.i think its time to make comic book/video game movies to be made in cgi. so they can keep movies going without having to kill off characters that arent suppose to die and you dont have to worry about the actors aging and muslce lost.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 10, 2009
Finally saw the movie and enjoyed it for what it was. There are several things I could look past, it certainly suffered from the same issue that all of the Xmen movies did, they were too overambitious and tried too hard to cover too much material in too short a time to do it "right". However that didn't prevent me from enjoying the movie.

There is one gripe I had, that I can't look past. What they did to Deadpool was rediculous and unecessary. They could have used any other faceless mutant for "weapon 11", they didn't have to ruin Deadpool and remove his ability for future features. Ryan Reynolds must have been pissed considering his dedication to the character. If you notice they even changed the actor for weapon 11, it isn't Reynolds.

At least they did Wolverine and Sabertooth well enough as that is who the movie hinged on. But the only other really distracting thing was the terrible consistency of the special effects. I couldn't believe how poor some of them appeared, even basice things like Logan's adamantium claws. I would suspect this movie will look terribly cheesy in bluray with such poor effect work.


Prime Member
Nov 9, 2000
I hated what they did to Deadpool. They took the Merc With a Mouth and turned him into a really, really stupid thing. In taking away his, y'know, trademark MOUTH, removing his entire personality by making him a programmable robo-person, and giving him practically every freaking mutant power in the whole damned movie, any and all recognition of a character that I wholeheartedly enjoyed was gone.

I was actually kinda digging the movie for what it was until that abomination of an adaptation of a comic character showed up. In fact, my girlfriend noted that I pretty much scowled throughout the rest of the film. With the exception of course for the scene featuring a pretty awesome cameo by our favorite mutant leader.

As you can imagine by the overall tone of this comment, I was bitterly disappointed by the fourth Wolverine movie. To take actors and characters with so much potential and make a by the numbers action flick, with seemingly little respect for the source material, isn't a crime. But at the very least I think it should be worth a kick in the groinal regions.

Yeah, that will teach them to make bad movies!

Oh right, I almost forgot. Did anybody else notice that "Deadpool's" katana blades couldn't actually fit in his arms? Not without losing any and all ability to bend his elbows at the very least.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 23, 2005
cMARVEL360 said:
i saw the movie three weeks before it came out. i thought it was alright. what i hated the most is they did the same thing to deadpool as was done to venom in spiderman 3. venom and deadpool are two characters that you cant throw into a movie and then kill off at the end. like wtf! if you plan to have a chacter like those two you dont just kill them off at the end. deadpool has soo much history so does venom.i think its time to make comic book/video game movies to be made in cgi. so they can keep movies going without having to kill off characters that arent suppose to die and you dont have to worry about the actors aging and muslce lost.

Deadpool didn't die though. His head has been cut off more than once, even in the movie he reached for his own head and said "shhhh" he even broke the 4th wall right then and there.

And yes I noticed that whole blade being longer than his forearm thing. When I first saw it in the pictures I thought they just stayed out, and I kept thinking wow those would get in the way of a lot. I guess it's like sepherioth being able to pull his 7 ft long sword out of the sheath in one movement, even though his arms aren't long enough.
Oct 24, 2008
Saw The Movie and guess What.. I Loved It except for one famous exception.. What they did to deadpool.. but lets remember ppl.. this is a wolverine movie.. not a deadpool and wolverine movie.. and certainly not a wolverine and gambit movie.. did the movie have to many charcters... yes.. did i care if they developed all of them ... no.. they only needed to establish wolverines and sabretooths story.. but it hurts me personally.. why do that to to my merc... saw an interview with reynolds.. and he is a devoted to doin a deadool movie.. only if they will nail it.. and i'll take his word if they do make the movie.. but back to the movie at hand.. love how scott never saw wolverine and how they even threw professor xavier in there.. Just fuckin loved it..


May 10, 2006
Well considering this movie was based solely on Wolverine, i thought it was awesome. To be quite honest, i didn't really have much sympathy for other characters because they weren't the title characters of the movie. I loved the movie, and i really don't think it had too many characters hammered in because it is a Wolverine movie, not a gambit or deadpool movie.... If anyone wants a gambit or deadpool movie then wait for one, as a wolverine movie, this rocked! The last 20 mins of the movie was the best!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I was pretty disappointed with X-Men: Origins.
It was a fairly decent movie with these two exceptions...
The CG was pretty bad for a high budget movie... and being that it was the movie that was to open up the "Summer Blockbuster" season, it was a let down.
The other issue being the story. As far as Wolverine goes, his story was pretty intriguing, but the rest of the story was VERY clutterd. There was too much going on and honestly a lot of it could've been left out without hurting the film.
You're right about this NOT being a Deadpool, or Gambit movie, but WTF?! Was that DEAD POOL OR APOCOLYPSE?! lOl...

But again, the CG... that should've been A LOT better. That whole fire escape thing was terrible lOl. And with movies such as Transformers, Star Trek, Terminator, and EVEN GI-JOE coming out, i'd consider Origins a fail...



Dec 26, 2001
People bitching about the amount of mutants in the movie?? are you serious? Let's go back and take all the extra mutants out. I bet people would bitch even more about that! This was about Wolverine. Period. I love seeing a glimpse of other mutants. Most will never get thier own movie, so a glimpse is better than nothing at all. The Movie wasn't the best, but it did what it was supposed to do...


Prime Member
Aug 24, 2007
I didn't mind the mutants, I thought it was quite fitting. The problem I had was the fact that they reduced the Weapon X program to merely adding adamantium to Wolvie's skeleton!

Where was the bestial Wolverine? Where was the berserker rages? The Weapon X program was about making the perfect soldier - complete with drug induced visions, false memories, and reducing the subject to something more than just an animal.

But in the movie, it was just, 'Hey, let's a give a guy adamantium!' The Weapon X story is, like, 90% of the character.

And Wolvie can be put down with adamantium bullets? Then why didn't Stryker equip every soldier in X2 with adamantium bullets? And if it requires Adamantium bullets, why was he shot and then collapsed in X2 by a regular bullet if it takes Adamantium ones to get through his skull?
Mar 17, 2009
I dont feel that the number of the mutants was the problem. it was how they tried to cram them all in an hour and half minutes of a movie. I ended having to have to explain all the characters to my friends with me because the movie really didnt. Otherwise i agree with everything else in the article, word for word. It was not good but not horrible either
Aug 23, 2008
i think it would've been a stronger story if the movie had just revolved around those all-too-brief flashes during the opening credits. that would've invested real time to actually develop the characters and their relationship. that would've made it more gripping once each brother began to slowly pull their own way. i really wanted to see wolverine span the century, not just a few weeks inside of a decade. then towards the end, have the two characters join stryker's team and have logan leave eventually. send sabretooth, easing into his deterioration, after silverfox, leading to an intense climax that finally sends sabretooth into a full-time baddy. THEN have logan grudgingly agree to the weapon x program and end on wolverine's dramatic creation/betrayal. that would totally bring people back for a sequel. save the whole silverfox never really died/deadpool creation for the sequel, too.
Mar 24, 2009
I read Ign's reviews and a lot of readers reviews and almost didn't go to see the movie. If you liked X1-X3 then you will like this movie. I loved the movie and so did everyone else in my family
Nov 4, 2008
Saw the film over the weekend and couldn't agree with this review more.

I'd like to ad that yes, it's a Wolverine film, but the liberties taken with Deadpool were too hard to swallow. This isn't 2002 anymore, and we've seen enough comic book movies get it right lately to tolerate nonsense like this.

Take Iron Man, for example. Stark is captured in the Middle East in the film rather than Vietnam, because it's more relevant and makes sense. Giving Deadpool an optic blast does not makes sense.

Filmmakers are constantly taking liberties that hurt the characters and it just doesn't fly after seeing films like Dark Knight, Iron Man and even the latest version of the Hulk.

Well, that's my rant. I suppose the Hugh Jackman fan club will come flay me alive now.
Jun 27, 2008
if they hadn't destroyed Deadpool's character.... this movie would be great. but that is my 2nd favorite comic book character ever, second only to hellboy. and to see them just ruin him like that....cant be tolerated.


Aug 30, 2003
after seeing it, I can see where the angry nerds are coming from. This movie sucked ass. Deadpool's power origin was ridiculous. Think about the swords in his arms. With that lenghth, he'd never be able to bend his arms without them extended.
Gambit was terrible. If you are trying to get away from the guy you think is capturing you, why come back when he starts fighting another character? Where was the accent?
If you are trying to kill mutants, as Stryker did in X2 and is trying to do here, with a completely cooperative Sabretooth, why create a supermutant?
How could adamantium, as we are told when wolverine is first injected, makes him invulnerable, then be able to penetrate his skull? What happened to the fact that the procedure itself was so painful it made him lose his memory?
The special effects sucked. The helicopter scene was stupid. Why did he scrape his claws to make sparks? why not light a cigar?
A lot of nitpicking, I know, but when you see a movie like the Dark Knight last year, and the Watchmen this year, you expect something a little better than X3.5
Feb 19, 2009
ENOUGH with the Deadpool complaints... the movie is called "xmen origins: wolverine" not xmen origins: deadpool... and even if deadpool was in it as much as sabertooth was i'm sure ppl would complain about gambit or cyclops or whatever... its jus a FREAGGIN movie!!! it shouldn't be taken so personal or serious these are fictional characters not real ppl... oh btw this movie made 87 million opening weekend(not bad for a so-called crap movie) take that haters!!!


Jul 22, 2004
Deadpool has an optic blast in the movie? huh? and he was given Wolverine's healing ability after cancer destroyed his physical features, right? Not to mention Sabertooth being brothers with Wolverine... This is the crap the keeps me from seeing it in a theater, but I'll probably catch it at a drive-in if it's paired with something decent.


Aug 30, 2003
also, how does deadpool survive the surgery if wolverine was the only one who could? Does anyone remember sabretooth wanting the surgery but Stryker saying you wouldn't survive? Deadpool's regen is not on par with Wolverine's and if they can just give other mutants wolverine's power, why didn't stryker build an army of regenerators?
Feb 25, 2006
first of all... deadpool wasn't killed off... even in the comics, he was once decapitated... AND because he was given wolverine's regeneration ability, his head will be able to reattach itself... there is an alternate ending, depending on which theater you saw it at, where deadpool's hand comes out of the rubble to grab his head...

but again, this movie is just a movie, meant to entertain... it was about wolverine's origins... not anyone else...
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