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Aug 30, 2003
being entertaining is one thing, pissing on continuity, story lines and being completely illogical are another.
I understand changing things to suit the medium. I can see not having some villains in the movie or changing them to suit a movie over a comic.
But making half the characters retarded with little to no motive or explanation for their actions makes no sense.
Agent zero was a german guy called maverick in the comics, now he's inspector tequila. what the hell was that?


Aug 30, 2003
how would the character be wolverine if we checked our brains at the door?
The whole idea is that he is the anti-hero, best at what he does, which is killing. Yet, only x2 really gets into this, with x1 hinting he isn't a nice guy and x2 showing him rip people up. Yet, x3 he is pussed out and in this one, he never does much showing him as a bad guy that we are led by previous movies to believe he is.
Its hard to forget that stuff let alone years of comic book persona, but movies alone, they aren't even consistent.
Aug 18, 2007
@ PinchofSalt:Its goofy thinking like yours that keeps these movies from getting better. the i dont care its just a movie blah blah blah attitude hurts the industry. if you cant even recognize legit complaints from actual fans of the characters then you have no business even bothering to comment on the movie and what true fans think. Maybe you should stick to watching reruns of family guy. I mean if the quality of the film then why even open your mouth on a msg board? or are you just one ofthose lame people that just has to run your mouth for the sake of hearing your self talk?


May 5, 2001
the movie is called "xmen origins: wolverine" exactly X-MEN. Wolverine is merely a character in the X-men universe. All that we're pointing out is that they changed the fundamental basics of a character. Deadpool is the "merc with a mouth"... except he now doesn't have a mouth. Good choice with that one. I KNOW it's a Wolverine movie, but you can't piss on other characters and destroy their backstory just because you're focusing on 1 character. ESPECIALLY since this was supposed be a jump off for the other characters. It'll be hard to do spinoff movies of the characters with the writers/driector changing everything that people like about them.
Aug 18, 2007
@the people talking about deadpool, in the comics he got his healing factor from Logan but do to iirc his cancer his healing factor is in a constant state of use and makes it even more effective than logans. iirc.


Aug 30, 2003
man of jokes, I can't remember if it is more effective or less, but regardless, they didn't even touch on this idea. imagine if the movie had instead explained that when logan left, they used some of his dna to give deadpool the factor to keep him from dying as he was a valuable agent. That would then explain how he could get the mutant power surgery instead of just doing it and then denying sabretooth the same surgery. Doing it the way they did it made no sense to anyone. You should not expect the audience to create a rationale why some guy with swords could withstand the same torturous procedure as wolverine when sabretooth is told dead on that he would not.


May 4, 2009
This site has an interesting and funny review of the movie.


Jul 11, 2006
I feel like they need to reboot the series, they can hardly do anything after X men 3, and I dont want spin offs every 2 years, I say reboot the series with the same actors/actresses, stay true to the characters (how sabertooth didnt recognize or say anything about wolverine in the 1st film, how juggernaut and xavier didnt say anything even though theyre brothers and so on), add sentinels, genosha maybe, and apocalypse too (he doesnt have to appear in the 1st film, but appear eventually)


Prime Member
Aug 24, 2007
This was 2 movies - X-Men origins Wolverine and X-Men Origins: Deadpool. Of course, we can complain about how they treated Deadpool - because it was his origin as well. And it was a ridiculous one at that.

Did anyone catch the goof when he was on the operating table. When Striker lowers the blanket, we see his mouth sewn shut. The next time we see him, he has no mouth (it look likes it's been sealed over with skin).

And I figure that Sabretooth could've withstood the treatment, but that Striker was lying to him. The only reason why Striker didn't give Sabretooth the adamantium treatement, was to keep stringing him along because once he got the treatment he would be out of there.

But what totally didn't make sense was the fact somehow Striker could make mutants at will by some mysterious process of injecting them with DNA!!!

What the crap is that about?!?! You can make anyone a mutant with any power they want? What is this Heroes?
Jan 9, 2008
all u comic nerds and harsh critics who are mad need to chill out, no its not a 4 star movie or nething buts its still good, i will admit im a bit of a nerd myself, but... the common movie go'er is not and so they would have not the slightest clue on wtf is going on with all this comic mythology, infact it probably woulndt make since at all to them, thats y i think this movie is the way it is, and thats y is not a 100 percent true to the source material like a lot of movies do based on something else, like "wanted", so calm down its not the end of the owrld, and in my opinion the worse thing they did to dead pool was casting VAN WILDER as him, what a horrible choice


Nov 17, 2005
Comic book continuity criticisms aside, this movie (as a film in itself)is freaking terrible. Comic book continuity included this is total destruction and defamation of character.


Jun 10, 2005
I almost didn't go to see this movie as a result of this review. I'm very picky about what I see in theaters because after paying 11.50 for a movie I become very critical of it's quality. I'd like to be wowed and blown away. The points made in this review struck me as well thought out and appeal to what i look for in movies of this sort. It doesn't need to be oscar material, just good action, good FX and no completely illogical events that break the mythology they are trying to establish within the film.

As it turns out I went to see it because it was a boring rainy sunday with little else to do. I'm glad i went because I found hat I largely disagree with this reviewer and many others. The film is on par if not better than Iron Man. The action was quite enjoyable and th Drama was there in an amount you'd expect from a comic book adaptation. Not every comic movie can be the dark knight. It's silly to expect it.

Being I read the comics in my teens i get the disappointment at how they treated Characters such as Deadpool and Gambit. But aside from not being Cajun, or smart, Gambit was alright for me. He was what he was, a cameo appearance.I doubt that it would lead to a gambit movie, and if it did I doubt it would have the gritty feel with a semi serious story it deserves. So lets hope it doesn't happen.

I wish i could have a reasoned debate with someone who hated this movie to see what that person was so offended or put off by. I'm a critical film viewer and really didn't find much to be dissapointed by.

I hated Xmen 3 with a passion. Was bored through the new Superman movie. Saddened by Punisher war zone. Enjoyed Iron Man but didn't get what all the fuss was. Really wasn't too into Batman Begins but was astounded by the Dark Knight. That gives a little sense of how critcial I am of comic book films. Daredevil was complete and insulting rubbish BTW.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 12, 2004
it's obviously too late now but I think the movie would have been better if instead of Agent Zero tracking Wolverine, Striker would have had Deadpool track him after he received some of Wolverine's 'healing powers'. This would have fixed the stupid ending with Deadpool having all those mutant powers plus it would have been better (make more sense too) as Sabretooth and Deadpool tracked him down at 3 Mile Island. The ending could still be the same where, Sabre turns on Deadpool and says that only he can kill Wolverine.

The movie would still be about Wolverine but it would have given the proper character development of Sabre, Deadpool and Striker.

Just a thought. Now I really can't wait for the Avengers build up since we know Marvel can make a good movie based off of the comic book lineage.


Prime Member
Aug 24, 2007
@Diego_33: I completely agree. A simple change like that would have gone a long way into making it more of a cohesive movie.

On another note: This has nothing to do with comic book nerds 'nitpicking' a story to death. We're not complaining over organic webshooters over mechanical ones. We're not debating a Gamma bomb detonation versus nanites.

This is just straight up inclusion of sloppy continuity and elements that just don't jive with each other.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
Liberties are always being taken with these Comic Book Movies. They're movie adaptions. Not Comic Books. They're not meant to be exactly like the comic book. You have the comic book for that.

People are just being picky and difficult for the sake of being. We've been through numerous Comic Book movies at this point and none of this is new to you. You should be use to it by now and I'm sure you are b/c you were probably complaining during all of the others as well.

Accept it for what it is and stop criticizing it for what it isn't because it was never meant to be.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 20, 2008
this movie was pretty bad to me. I think i can even say ether way you look at it from a comic book fan(me) or just watching it without reading the comics it was bad all round.

first with staying true to the comics i can understand them changing some things but its in how you do it. In saying that they did a poor job with how they changed things. deadpool.....can't even talk about how bad they mess that up at least give him some more screen time. I don't think i even need to make a list of what they messed up and how they could have done better because the fans already know.

Now just watching the movie(no comic fan bias) i will have to say that for a wolverine movie it had a lot less action then i would have expected. The fight scenes that were in it was very short lived and some had very poor effect to them( did i just see wolverine chop up the side of a building ladder like he was in a loony toons cartoon). Also we could have done without the blob fight, how about showing a fight scene with all them as team x for more then 5 mins. Now the story was just cookie cutter and did not give wolverine much depth. I mean wolverine has a short temper and he is mad because his girlfriend(spoilers)........ died but did not really dead until the end but by then he lost his memory so....who really cares at that point.

anyway they could have done better they hooked us with flashy trailers that was most of the action that did not really live up to it.


Feb 27, 2008
i agree with HiroFORCE, i enjoyed the movie a lot. i read this review before watching the movie and was kinda expecting it to be bad. but to my surprise, i was loving the movie more and more as it progressed. action scenes were awesome and yes, there were a couple of very flawed CGI scenes (*cough*Blackbird*cough*), but overall the effects were good enough. i seriously dont know why someone would hate this movie, it's better than all the spiderman ones and on par with Iron Man. It's just as good as X2, and WAY better than X3. Just go watch it with an open mind and not expecting a Heath Ledger-Oscar worthy-Joker performance and you'll enjoy it.
May 4, 2009
I feel the flaw of this movie was the same that hurt Spidey 3. There were just too many characters, and there is no way they can all be adequately developed in 2 hours. Blob and Wraith were barely in the movie, Gambit has maybe 5-10 minutes of screen time, Deadpool gets absolutely screwed. I'm most disappointed in Deadpool's limited role and quick killing off. He's such a BA character to kill off in a 5 minute battle sequence after his transformation. I thought this was a good movie that could've been great if the spectrum was just a bit limited. The relationship b/t Wolverine and Sabretooth was developed well, but other than that very poor character development.


Aug 13, 2000
cschoe31 said:
Deadpool has an optic blast in the movie? huh? and he was given Wolverine's healing ability after cancer destroyed his physical features, right? Not to mention Sabertooth being brothers with Wolverine... This is the crap the keeps me from seeing it in a theater, but I'll probably catch it at a drive-in if it's paired with something decent.

I'll just say you seem to have your facts a bit out of order. He was given the optic blast at the same time as the healing factor, along with a few other powers. I think there are some that think it wasn't Deadpool at all, but some sort of clone of him. Seeing as this is Wolverine's movie, we'll have to wait for the Deadpool film to see if they try to sort it out or just reboot.


Sep 23, 2007
yeah they really screwed over any chance of deadpool movie i never knew he had retractable swords either. But for everyone posting about wolvie and sabre being brothers when the actual origin comic came out it eludes that james howletts(wolverine) mom had an affair with thomas logan sabretooths daddy.
Jun 9, 2008
I just got back from the Movies and this is an awesome movie for Wolverine fans. But over all I highly agree with the whole Deadpool and Gambit problem. We can only hope that there will be a Deadpool movie. Perhaps he had a power that saves him from death or had a more advanced healing power that allows him to recover from losing his head. Who knows, but if a Deadpool movie does come out lets just hope they can get it right and fix some of the problems he got in X-men Orgins.


May 4, 2006
this coulda been such a great movie. if only it wa smore like one of the better marvel movies...the first Blade. rated R running around killing everyone blood and gore non stop less jokes and kid friendly moments. woulda been great. oh what studios do for more money. the scene near the end where gambit says "wow i didnt think you were serious when you said youd kill everyone." but he only killed one guy. idk.


Nightwing's #1 Fan!
Nov 28, 2004
As a diehard comic fan for over 25 years and not a huge Wolverine fan normally I can honestly say that this movie didn't disappoint nearly as badly as X-3 did. True, they changed some of his origins but heck the editors at Marvel will probably find a way to work the movie origin into cannon since for as long as I've been reading Wolverine he's gone through more origins than any other character going.

Perhaps adding Zero and Blob was a bit too much yet it kept to the black ops feel of Logan's CIA days. The scenes with him and Creed were well handled and certainly created the hatred shown in the comics.

Basically the movie was strong with only a few slip-ups and that centers mainly on Deadpool. I enjoyed Ryan Rynolds portrayal very much but I think they pushed his abilities beyond belief with the way he was 'porting that fast but especially with the optic blasts. That pushed things. Also it seems they wrote out why Wade went into the Weapon X project so that was let down.

Gambit was played very well though his accent needed some work. Taylor Kirsch could have used more screen time but that's merely a devoted Gambit fan's opinion. They should have also showed more of his actual powers. The charging of his cards or his bostaff would have been very cool.

I disagree with that opinion that both Wade and Gambit couldn't be used in the franchise. Wade, if used in this incarnation(Yeah, that could be hard considering) has Logan's healing power which would slow down his aging. Meaning he could be the same age in future X-Men movies as he was in Wolverine.

If they could write it in, Gambit, as part of the New Orleans' Thieves Guild, had dealings with an Immortal who gave the Thieves Guild an Elixir of Life, prolonging their lives or at least slowing down the aging process. If the writers wanted to use Gambit again(and again that Gambit fan in me wants to see him again) the age thing could easily be handled with a little skillful writing.


Oct 20, 2007
I would have to say. X-Men origins wolverine was a very good movie. The story involving Logan and Victor in all those wars was awesome as well as Deadpool's sick transformation. The only thing I had a problem with was the fact that Silver Fox and Emma Frost were made sisters. I thought it is totally BS. They were not even sisters in the comics. In addition they had nothing in common.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
walliekong said:
the scene near the end where gambit says "wow i didnt think you were serious when you said youd kill everyone." but he only killed one guy. idk.

I noticed that too! I was like, "he didn't kill styker or sabretooth. What is Gambit talking about and what was really the point afterall Logan?" Having Gambit say that line just highlighted the fact that he didn't do much of anything. They should have given him something else to say instead of pointing out the pointlessness of it all.


Oct 26, 2004
i think it was ment to be a smart a** comment towards the distruction of the island more then the killing he did. i didnt like gambits powers at all though id rather see him trow a deck of cards all over the place then charging the staff up every 2 secs....n what the hell was the crystal ball on the end for and i know what ppl going to say its a wolverine origin movie not a gambit but they could have made him look a little better. all we got was 1 card power throw that looked a lil lame i feel jipped.
Jan 27, 2009
there was bad parts but kool action wat ruined it for me was deadpool. no tumers on his skin, no full bodied costume, and then weapon xi? im srry but the movie went from 4/5 to 1.5/5


May 5, 2009
Why doesn't Hollywood make two versions of movies, one for kids ( no blood or naked people ) PG-rated version . Then a R-rated version , for adults. In Wolverines case how can there be a no blood version of a Wolverine movie. The guys main weapons are CLAWS besides he doesn't mind killing people either, the comics are very violent. They could add digital (computer graphics)Blood , like 300 or Sin City. I really don't think it would cost that much more money for them to do this. They could show the different versions in different theaters. Then release 2 DVD versions.
PS. No costume either uggh!, they could make a cool looking bullet proof one with a mask, not the tights.


Aug 13, 2000
thames1976 said:
Why doesn't Hollywood make two versions of movies, one for kids ( no blood or naked people ) PG-rated version . Then a R-rated version , for adults. In Wolverines case how can there be a no blood version of a Wolverine movie. The guys main weapons are CLAWS besides he doesn't mind killing people either, the comics are very violent. They could add digital (computer graphics)Blood , like 300 or Sin City. I really don't think it would cost that much more money for them to do this. They could show the different versions in different theaters. Then release 2 DVD versions.
PS. No costume either uggh!, they could make a cool looking bullet proof one with a mask, not the tights.

Because the cost of attempting such a thing would be way to high to justify it. Making a movie PG allows the max number of people to see your film. Movies with R ratings tend to make less as a rule of thumb because right away you eliminate anyone under 17 from seeing it.

That's not to say I wouldn't also enjoy your idea, but realistically I know it'll never happen.


Mar 20, 2008
very disappointed. can't argue much with the review either. way too may characters in one film, again. while wolverine was a little more unbridled than the xmen trilogy he is still not wolverine. i have to say the first 10 minutes of the movie is the best because you're still anticipating a good movie.

oh well, at least star trek is this week and terminator 4 in 2 weeks
Jan 17, 2008
I thought the movie got the feel right...and honestly I thought it was awesome after watching it (without hearing any other peoples' thoughts so as to keep mine pure). In the end, I felt that got it JUST RIGHT and what I expected. No more, no less (yeah, and at first I almost thought a movie under 2 hours would've been too short).


Original poster
I don't think it would cost a whole lot more to produce two films one being R rated and another being PG-13. All they really have to do is make an R rated movie then edit it like they do for TV. If they can do it for DVD and TV, then they shouldn't have any problems doing it for the movie theaters. I'm fed up with all these adult movies being watered down into kiddie flicks.


Aug 13, 2000
plm3d said:
I don't think it would cost a whole lot more to produce two films one being R rated and another being PG-13. All they really have to do is make an R rated movie then edit it like they do for TV. If they can do it for DVD and TV, then they shouldn't have any problems doing it for the movie theaters. I'm fed up with all these adult movies being watered down into kiddie flicks.

I look at it like this: A rated R version of Wolverine would be so violent and over the top, if done right, that no amount of editing could ever make an enjoyable PG movie. At least not the good enjoyable where the movie is entirely watchable. They would literally have to shot every fight scene twice, one for the violent version and one for the lesser.

It's possible when Marvel gets the license back, they'll do a reboot and make the ultra violent Wolverine movie, keeping the movie dark and violent (like the managed to do with the last two Punisher films).


May 5, 2009
I agree with plm3d they could make a R-rated version of the movie and then tone it down and edit it for PG-rated. Maybe only release the PG version for theaters and because Hollywood makes so much freakin money from DVD sales , release the full unedited version , unrated version for DVD. And like I said earlier they could use the CGI ( computer graphic )Blood. Which looked really cool comic style like in 300 and sin city. take the blood out for PG version.. this would please the adult Wolverine fan boys and make it ok for kids. Oh well it will never happen in Hollywood makes to much sense.
Oct 30, 2007
I loved the final fight scene; it was dragonball Z-like.

This movie is much better than I expected, but they did have too many characters in it.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 29, 2002
Saw the movie last night...guess I'd have given it a 3 of 5. The biggest problems were lacks of focus/direction and to many characters. Still overall of was entertaining. Everyone I went with enjoyed it, but no one was blown away...or even impressed much.


Aug 13, 2000
thames1976 said:
I agree with plm3d they could make a R-rated version of the movie and then tone it down and edit it for PG-rated. Maybe only release the PG version for theaters and because Hollywood makes so much freakin money from DVD sales , release the full unedited version , unrated version for DVD. And like I said earlier they could use the CGI ( computer graphic )Blood. Which looked really cool comic style like in 300 and sin city. take the blood out for PG version.. this would please the adult Wolverine fan boys and make it ok for kids. Oh well it will never happen in Hollywood makes to much sense.

How exactly would they edit down head decapitations and gore splashes so it could become PG or PG 13? A true film in all of Wolverine's violence would have to be a lot like the game, but with live actors instead of CGI. Though I do see an interesting thought. Make the film CGI. Then just reanimate the fight scenes. Still, I can tell you that wouldn't be as cheap as it sounds. A high quality 20 second video can take more then 5 to 75 hours to complete. Since time is money and that would take a lot of time, it is safe to assume it's also take a lot of money.


Jul 2, 2008
I saw that movie in a different light...It told the story just fine. It was the movie everyone was waiting for since X2. Everyone's questions are answered (about Wolverine's past), it was a great action movie, and it opened new questions about other mutants in a way that would make other movies possible. Gambit could've been played better though... 4/5


Aug 23, 2005
giving this movie anything higher than half a star is like saying the hottie and the nottie is oscar worthy. its a totally useless piece of film that could only be made worse if jerry bruckheimer had directed it. the intriguing thing about wolverine was that his past was shrouded in mystery. this only goes to prove that most movie-goers are idiots.
May 8, 2009
an awesome movie. =]
<3 it.
it was cool to see all the mutants coming out
like cyclops, gambit, and deadpool
nice figtin scenes!!



Aug 27, 2008
Did the writer of this film take the time to reference the comics from which these legends were born. This movie was not made for fans of the comics. In other words...who the F*** is Kayla? Deadpool and Blob...blasphemy. P.S. wanted Wraith/R.Darkholm love scene.


Mar 4, 2007
So I just saw the film.. Not an entire waste. I think that the film does a good job of telling the story of wolverine, however, the CGI/sound was god awful. Dead pool never had the powers of cyclops or swords that came out of his skin like wolverines claws either. Now I understand they need to make changes to make the story fit, but I think they could have done something a little better than that. Stan Lee, should have done something to maintain the integrity of his character. 3/5 is a good score...Wasnt the film I had always hoped it was gonna be... Guess I was just being hopeful after all of these years.
Dec 20, 2008
ehh, the movie was ok, that's all i can really say about it. wolverine and sabertooth had been my favs since the glory days of comics in the 90's so a lot of the choices they made for this movie was disapointing.

weapon x was a program trying to recreate the super-soldier formula (captain america stuff)and since the last 2 marvel movies have been referencing that, idk why they didn't stick to that.

the 1/2 brothers thing was acceptable, but i like the original story better. logan and victor just stumbled onto one another one day and victor grew jealous of logan, having powers just like his, so victor took pleasure in making logans life day leading to the death of silver fox.

the "team x" was wolverine, sabertooth, maverick, and silver fox (who survived sabertooths attack). all had some kind of healing factor but silver fox, she was a normal human but a bad ass. they all were pawns and there heads got messed with by the government with mind erasing and memory implants...idk why they didn't stick with that.

wolverine, sabertooth, and gambit do have pre x-men meetings. gambit was a bad guy character before the x-men and part of the thieves that could have been something.

May 14, 2009
got the film from the internet not wasting my money on it this film is a fine example of a lack of dedication for the fans, please re-make this movie.
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