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Apr 10, 2010
Maybe the trailer did exactly what it was supposed to do and tricked me into seeing something that wasn't there, but this is the first X-Men trailer I've seen in a long time that seems to have that cold, unpredictable tension of the first X-Men and X2.
That alone has me excited. Could it be possible that Singer can sloooooowly guide this ship into safer waters? I'm not saying First Class is gonna be amazing, but it looks like it could show fans and casual audiences what the X-Men franchise can do when it's actually trying something unique - and that's being the best their is at what they do.
Yea, I used a wolverine quote in a movie with no canuck in it. Come and get me...


Feb 14, 2011
hate to say, this film is already disapointing....
not accurate atall....
if it were really a xmen first class it would be cyclops,beast,jean,iceman....thats it....why is havok in there and mistuiqe? what the hell is going on....will they ever get it correct to the films???!!!???!!! this comic fan does not seem to think it will ever happen...
ps....the way they introduced nightcrawlers dad....HE WASNT EVEN A MUTANT IN THE COMICS! mistuiqe f**d a human and gavbe birth to kirt!....get it right...


Oct 4, 2010
matt82881 , i so agree with you thats what i been trying to say to some of these people, but they seem to forget that we are the fans that read the comics and we love the characters and the stories and to see it in the movie and they disregard the source material its a insult to the fans, i don't care what anybody says i am not going to spend money on this movie and if anybody is a real fan they will boycott this movie so they can do it right. like i said this movie was made for the non-fans PEACE! one more thing i did not see the third one in theaters when i read what the story was about i did not rent it i download it for free cause they were not getting my money so if you all want to spend that money and be disappointed go ahead


May 16, 2008
I was hoping for a stripped down version of the x-men before everyone and their mom was a mutant. Gives us a few like the original movie. Don't give us this over whelming fantasy. Seeing beast in beast mode sucks, see azeral sucks also, Havok was in X-factor and get rid of those red beams.

Just give me a stripped version of X-men, not hell bent on having everyone and their mom in it, and the complexity of a friendship, dear I say brotherhood, turn sour.


Prime Member
Oct 31, 2002
OK I'm going to say this one more time, and then I'm going to give up.

This movie could very well take place BEFORE Xavier recruited Jean Grey, Nate Summers, and who WE know as the 'first class' - and I think that's the POINT.

we're SUPPOSED to be surprised, scratching our heads, wondering, 'waitaminute, who ARE these people?' my god, if you want a panel for panel recreation of a story you read in a comic book, READ that comic book!

here's the twist: Charles and Erik are wondering what to do about the emergence of more and more mutants. "We're going to be feared and hunted" says a cynical, survivor-of-Auschwitz Erik. "Not if we show the world we can be heroes!" says an optimistic Charles. OK, let's go solve the Cuban Missle crisis!
but guess who gets proven right?! and guess who tries to sweep it under the rug and goes out and recruits another team of mutants and acts like THEY are his 'first class'?

look, even with the re-structuring of the x-men movies (Iceman and Rogue are the same age?) there is hope that this movie will hold to that continuity AND our own precious version of events. as in this movie takes place in the 60's and we saw a younger Charles recruiting Scott Summers and others in the Wolverine movie which will happen 20-30 years later. plenty of time for Charles to be like "oops, my bad, let's try again!"
feel better now?


Jul 10, 2010
Great Title for this article and I have to Scream WTF!

I am sure for the average movie go'r this will be a good move, and that is probably their target audience. As for someone who has collected X-Men Comics for the past 15+ years and fully understands the backstories, this is utter garbage to me and I will not see, nor rent this movie when it comes out. When it comes out to HBO or any of my movie channels I will pass.

This is not first class and will not be the first terrible X-men movie. Congrats to Marvel for whoring out their works to any idiot who wants to make a movie about it.

Yes I am a little mad, LOL, again it's just a move, a movie I wont see
Jul 21, 2009
I think this movie will be good. Yeah i was looking forward to seeing the original five x-men but beast is still good. Jean Grey is my favorite but even though she isn't in the movie, i will still go see it. The trailer laid out a good hook for me at least. Im so excited to see this and can't wait.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Very Nice. I agree that this movie will probably live up to and even surpass expectations. I can understand some ppl being apprehensive, pessimistic, "gotta see it to believe it"...but you really won't know what you are getting into till you are there.

Anyway, like the Star Trek reboot in 2009...I love seeing the origins of a team. How it all came together. Why people are the way they are. I wanted more than flash backs. However seeing the other films had me salivating for an X-film that started from the beginning.


Oct 2, 2004

your theory maybe plausible, if havoc was not in first class... especially considering he is scott summers' younger brother. which sorta throws off any timeline continuum considering havoc would be like over 50 when the first x-men (from the trilogy) takes place.
Dec 28, 2009
I saw the trailer once and i was amazed by what i saw but i have to watch t again.The movie has a lot of characters some of them i am not aware of but most of them i know, i truly would have loved the idea of having Wolverine in the movie with Hugh Jackman as making a cameo appearance.


Feb 5, 2011
someone needs to start a new x-men film universe, because this one is stale, i have no interest in brian singers x-universe anymore, if this was not a singer project maybe i would be on board but i am so sick of the x-men he created. and let's face it the last stand ruined any possible future story lines and it would be ridiculous to try and salvage it. though i am hopeful for aronofsky's wolverine(fingers crossed for awesomeness), but we need to start over on x-men and to do it right, we need sentinels, genosha, mr. sinister, the savage lands, and for all that is sacred APOCOLYPSE!, who is with me, all together now, hell no we won't go, to see x-men ruined any more!
Feb 9, 2011
Must say i was disappointed after watching the trailer. It would probably be a lot better if marvel studios were doing the movie instead.


Dec 17, 2010
Trailer looks kinda cool , but I'm pissed that they are still trying to stick to the uber -fuc*ed timeline that was destroyed in the original trilogy. And what's with the sibling stuff? I mean first , Wolverine and Sabertooth are not brothers , then they are in Wolverine, who knows for Wolverine 2. Then Professor X and Juggernaut are not brothers in X men 3. Now Havok and Cyclops are not brothers in First Class. And why is Beast instantly turned furry and blue? I thought he was just buff and hairy at first...
Aug 1, 2008
@kesarge I can't remember his name but he is Nightcrawler's dad, if you watch the rewind theater trailer it will tell you
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