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Mar 10, 2001
MYSTIQUE WAS NOT MAGNETOS SIDEKICK! f'ing hard is that? There are definitely occasions where she followed his lead...but she wasn't some dumb bitch that hung on his every word.

I'm not excited about this...I think it's going to be the same disaster as the other two x-men movies...which were MISERABLE.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 22, 2008
They already ruined it for me. Especially with that horrible Pheonix story. I'm not interested in watching them continue to butcher what they've already mutilated.
Mar 7, 2009

You just described all my problems with the franchise. You know what I don't get, why did they neuter Rogue. Wolverine already had a girl that hanged around him before Jubilee. You know who she was, Kitty Pryde. All they had to was have Kitty Pryde in the movie, but no it makes more sense to completely destroy one of the most powerful mutants ever. Yep the fans will definitely buy that, retards.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 5, 2009
Posted by: Jesse Schedeen
I like Darwin and Angel as much as the next comic book geek, but what exactly are they bringing to the table here?
Its because they are black. That and the fact that this is a 60's movie. How can you not have black people in a 60's movie! Honestly, what other black X-men can you think of? Tag? His power is kind of useless. Its sad theres not "much" diversity in X-men.
Aug 4, 2010

Its a good thing you skipped out on Wolverine, because it was everything bad about the original trilogy combined into one movie.


Sep 2, 2010
I know this is nitpicking, but in X2 there is a news interview playing on a tv in the bar and it is an interview with Dr. Hank McCoy aka Beast. And he is not in his blue beast phase yet. So if they are trying to stay with the continuity of the series, this doesn't fit. Either way, I don't know if I'm all that interested in this film. We'll see.


Feb 12, 2011
'Phil Pirrello, Entertainment: "Where's Wolverine?" '

Sadly, i thought this within a minute into the trailer. Whether it was Hugh Jackman or not, X-Men are nothing without wolverine (personally). Im not a huge comic buff, but i grew up with the x-men tv shows, and the movies, you cant have a movie without wolverine.

The fact that wolverine never shows signs of ageing would be a perfect way for even Hugh jackman to be in it, or atleast make a guest appearance. Personal opinion of course......


Ninpo BakeunRyu
Jan 21, 2004
i'm glad i've forgotton the intricate storylines of every comic book i've read so i can just go out and watch a movie
Jul 27, 2008
i think fox should give marvel the rights back this looks like it doesnt want to be epic just the opening trailer music....remember superman returns that trailer was great too,also by the same group


Oct 3, 2010
Either I suck for liking the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie, or I'm too f'ing cool for IGN (I pick the latter). This movie looks awfully weird so far because it appears to blend the original X-Men with the Hellfire Club as students at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters(?). I'm not sure how that will work out, I'm just stoked to finally see Emma Frost in an X-Men movie. Her dominatrix character was one of my all-time favorite villains in the comic book series, and they appear to have found the right woman to play the part. I like the replacement actress they chose for Mystique too; didn't think they would have found anyone to match Rebecca Romijin.

I'm loving this movie already though, because showcasing the Original X-Men opens the door for the Classic X-Men in a sequel. Banshee and Thunderbird anyone? How about Zoe Saldana as a young Storm/Ororo Munroe?


Prime Member
Oct 31, 2002
Well, at least we don't have to wonder anymore, if this was going to be a total reboot or a prequel, tied to the continuity of the trilogy. It looks like the latter.
I'm going to be open minded; the deviation of the original movies irked some for making up its own history and it veered off into its own weird conclusion. So we're now getting a prequel to that weird history might be good?
Continuity aside, if it has a good story and strong characters and excellent acting, it will be a good movie.
I'm just scratching my head as to why they had this opportunity to say, "okay, my bad, this is how the X-Men *really* started"(with Cyclops, Jean, Beast, Angel, and Ice Man) with a prequel REBOOT - but no, we aren't that lucky. [face_tongue]


Apr 8, 2005
I have mixed feelings about the movie. To me the X-Men FIRST CLASS I know is Prof.X, Cyclops, MarvelGirl/Jean Grey, Beast, Iceman and Angel. I thought it was gonna revolve around the actual ORIGINAL team. Since its not wtf.

Certain changes like Havok and Cyke aren't brothers in the movie according to Bryan Singer, the Angel chick (who I thought was Pixie at first) didn't even debut until 2001 is all of the sudden in the 1960s, Azazel BAMFs up and is Mystique baby daddy but in the Wolverine video game its "hinted" that the John Wraith dude (the black dude in Weapon X) is the baby daddy, its crazy!

But its Xmen and I'm an Xmen whore so FTW.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 25, 2005
Alot of people are bitching about Wolverine not being anywhere in the trailer. Get over it, its the 60's, so according the the canon for the movies, he's probably fighting in Vietnam or something while all this is going on. Personally Id rather not see Wolvie in this film, as Id like to see the other characters take charge and not have to rely on his "charm" to get through their predicaments.

Oh, and I liked the Wolverine movie, so ner-ner.


Jun 20, 2001
I'm still pretty irked that they chose to remove Cyclopes, the original Angel, Iceman and Jean Grey from this film. The way the franchise has treated Cyclopes especially pisses me off.

That said, it looks better than I was expecting. The Xavier/Magneto will determine if this movie works, and the use of a real-world event (Cuban Missile Crisis) excites me. I enjoy it when super-heroes are involved in the real world, and how they would change an event.

It looks good, not the film I probably want, but I let it stand on its own - though I'm much more stoked for Cap and Thor.
Mar 16, 2010
Two things that bug me. 1: Beast. In X2, we saw a glimpse of Dr. McCoy, and he hadn't undergone the transformation. Only by X3 was he blue. 2: a similar complaint. Wolverine saw The White Queen as a teenage girl, this one she's grown up already? Other than these two missteps, I'm actually quite pumped for this movie.


Nov 30, 2009
Ha I love the the pathetic sheep losers who say wolverine was crap, x men 3 was sooooooooooo crap who just agree because everyone else says the same thing. DEADPOOL was crap in that move other than that it was exactly the rest of all the other x-men movies so SHUT UP MORONS


Apr 19, 2010
the character roster and timeline of the movie doesnt make sense..and Scott and Alex not brothers?? screw you Bryan Singer, I know Captain America and Thor will make more money..I give this movie a WTF.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2009
Danrk, you astound me with your wit and tact. I am amazed at how convincing your argument is. baaah baaah go the sheep. you my friend are a moron


Oct 3, 2010
Scott and Alex are not brothers, but how much you want to bet that Captain America and Thor will end up being brothers just to create controversy? Loki will actually end up being their father. Odin who?
May 2, 2009
Scott and Alex are brothers. Along with Gabriel. All of them could project energy in one way or another. Scott doesnt find any of his brothers or his dad until later though. I still dont get why they call it First-Class and not have Xavier's first class in it (aside from Beast). Yes, it has the older generation of Mutants (not the first generation) but at least name it properly.


Jan 26, 2011
I used to love xmen. I loved the xmen movies and xmen legends video games. Those 2 games rocked and at the end of the second one, it appeared as if there was going to be a third one. Well about 5 years have passed and no video game. The third xmen movie also came out like 5 years ago, and it is because of this reason that I have lost almost all interest in Xmen.


Original poster
This is looking alot more like The Last Stand and Origins: Wolverine than I would like. I don't dig the Angel strip show either that doesn't fit with 'Charles' character no matter what age. I can't help but wonder if they are going to justify Emma Frost as a 'bad' after she took off with X at the end of Origins or if they are just dumb enough to to think we forgot that movie was 3 years ago. All that said I'm still interested because it is X-Men and I'm sure I will still enjoy the movie despite it's many flaws just like Origins and Last Stand. It really does suck though to think of how good they could make these movies if they had the right people in charge. The story behind Charles and Erik will hopefully pull through and maybe this will deliver but I'm definately skeptical heading in.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 19, 2009
I hope to shut up all the ridiculous fanboys who have yet to see the actual movie that its mildly successful. I am gonna wait til the move is out to pass judgement


Feb 12, 2011
If I am ridiculous "fanboy" and you want to "shut me up" answer me these 3 questions that anyones who has actually seen the xmen movies... and grown to care for them... and then gets let down... RIDDLE ME THIS! why oh why if beast doesnt turn blue till after x2... and if you watch x2 they show hank macoy in human form talking about the cure... so why is he blue already... just to make money off of retards like you thats why... in xmen origins.... emma frost was very young... almost a child... and xavier was anceint... almost as old as he is now... then why is she now older then him?.... and last but not least... why does her gown turn to diamond... in every comic ive seen... she takes a bullet and there is a hole in her dress.. but w/e... im a ridiculous fanboy.. and the directors not ridiculous for not following the plot lines... FUCK YOU ASSHOLE
Mar 24, 2004
It was definitely a WTF for me. WTF are they doing getting the X-Men involved in the Cold War battling commies?

Especially when mutants and the witch-hunts after them were originally meant to be a parable to McCarthy communist hunts.

Things have gone full circle, and the X-Men have lost all of their original meaning.


Prime Member
Oct 31, 2002
The more I think about it, we could all be way off..

1. WE keep assuming "First Class" = the first 5 X-Men (Jean Grey, Cyclops, Angel, Beast, Iceman). but I think they might be going for a story BEFORE that, as in the FIRST time Xavier tries to put a group together - and ends up FAILING big time.

2. X-Men #1 came out IN 1963 people, so quit complaining that it's tied to JFK and Cuban missle crisis and commies. This is actually pretty acurate (so far). again, if this is pre-Cyclops' team, they could very well be trying to play 'heroes' and stop the 'commies' but it makes things worse for mutants when it all goes wrong. After this failure (and falling out with Erik/Magneto) Charles will choose to go "underground" instead.

3. Xavier meeting Azazel and his mind reading powers would NOT help make the connection that Nightcrawler is his son when he meets NC years later. It's mind reading, not DNA reading. [face_tongue]

4. STOP with the whining about Beast looking human in X2. The X-Men have used tricks like holograms and other devices and powers to appear 'normal' in public for YEARS in the comics. Also in the comics, McCoy/Beast went back and forth looking human/beast-like a few times.

I'm probably missing a few assumed inconsitencies, but again, I think we could be way off.


Jan 25, 2011
I'm curious to see how X-MEN: First Class will perform at the box office especially since it will be competing with Transformers: Dark of the Moon and Pirates of the Carribean: At Stanger Tides , both films coming from franchises that have made more money than all the X-MEN films combined. Don't forget there is also Green Lantern coming out a fortnight after. 20th Century Fox will have to do some serious marketing if it's going to get people to watch this film and only just releasing a trailer now isn't a good start. But marketing alone might not make it successful, this is just my opinion.
Nov 1, 2006
Let's about the start of the X-Men without Cyclops or Jean? Not interested. Another screw up from Hollywood. Best X-Men media other than comic is still the 1990 cartoon series.


Nov 9, 2010
The more I see of this the more of a crapfest it looks. Stealing the Captian America shoulder straps not withstanding ALL the timelines and characters are WRONG. The costumes look like crap and the actors if you want to call them that look lame. The skinny beast reminds me of the FF movies where Thing was the smallest on the team. They should have just dumped this project and done an Antman with Wasp and Yellow Jacket soap opera musical instead. An Angel's a GIRL?!? Charles and Eric in bed?!? Eep! I just thru up in my mouth.


Apr 18, 2009
This movie has me hooked for once reason. No Wolverine!!! Don't get me wrong, I love the character but you have to admit he got shoved down our throats in all the movies. Part one I could understand, part two I understood a little bit, but when part 3 came along and characters were talking about Wolverine being "The Chosen One" destined to stop the Dark Phoenix that's when I said to myself; "Ok, I'm getting sick of this guy." So him not being in this movie is a step up in my opinion.


Oct 4, 2010

You realize that comic movies are adaptions right so nothing is going to be like the original comic.

I don't expect that comics movies to be exactly like the comic books but i expect the core story to be there just like they did IRONMAN and the rebooted hulk and the first two spiderman movies, the xmen movies are so off the timeline is all wrong. the xmen comics have good stories they can used and modernize them but they don't use none of the source material they just pick characters and put them in the movie, if they going to make there own story they should not bother call it x-men they should call it something else and if they did that i would of appreciate the movie more but don't butcher the comic books story we fans know and love

p.s. the comment also goes to wockerdaw


Apr 18, 2009
I've a lot of fanboys complain about the inconsistencies in this movie when compared to the original movies. As a "fanboy" I'm ok with these and don't really care too much. Though I will admit one that's bugging me. lol. It would be nice to know how The White Queen is a grown woman in first class, but she's a child in Origins.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 8, 2009
Linklex77, I couldn't agree with you more. I am so sick of Wolverine in these movies. He was great in the first 2, but after that enough was enough. I am really excited for this movie after the trailer though, I think it will surprise a lot of people.
Aug 8, 2008
Im not going to judge until I see the final product...but the one thing that has killed this is the timeline and use/misuse of characters in all the films to this point. So by Xmen the last stand Mystique is about 60 years old?? Ha doesnt look like it..Alex Summers will apparently NOT be Scott's Brother?? No Archangel, No Iceman, NO Gambit (altough Gambit didnt show up till the 90's) Still Total FAIL in terms of character use and kinda doesnt make sense in all the movies to a point.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 27, 2005
@ Hells_general

When When I said that I meant just the story focused on Dark Phoenix with no other villain in it.
Jun 10, 2006
Umm Hottnikks97, Mystique is old, at least as old as Xavier, and that's even in the previous movies. Sorry to burst your bubble, but she's a GILF at the very least. That's pretty much universal cannon regarding her.

So far I really like the way First Class is shaping up, and this is coming from someone who was pretty critical of X-Men 3 and wary of more films from the licence.



Prime Member
Oct 31, 2002
no conflicts, AkronGrad2010;
same writers, same timeline, same studio. to my understanding it goes something like:

X-Men: First Class - from the famous Kennedy speech playing on the TV, at least part of the movie will take place in 1962 (October 22nd for anyone paying attention).

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Spans several decades, but the end occurs about 15 years before the first X-Men movie, which to my knowledge, doesn't date itself. I want to say the movie came out in 2000, so if you use 'real' time, then the Wolverine movie ends in about 1985. Some say it's more like the 70's, but we're just establishing a rough timeline.

X-Men (and X2 and X3) are after that. :D


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 28, 2008
The trailer was ok but not great, I'm just hoping that the film has a lot of cool action as most of the Marvel movies focus too much on making it suitable for little kids and focus too much on the story as well


Jul 16, 2002
They're so quick to reboot Spiderman, and people aren't asking dumb questions like, "What about what happened in Spiderman 1, 2 and 3?"

Is the assumption X-Men fans are morons and couldn't figure out the idea of a reboot? You know, resetting continuity and all.

As Schedeen mentioned, this would be a lot more interesting if it was only about Xavier and Mags, leaving this bastardized version of the "first class" at home.


Mar 18, 2010
I'm purely an X-Men movie fan (stopped reading the comics in high school) so as prequel to the movies I'm very much looking forward to it. I like the use of the Cold War as a backdrop for a superhero story (i.e. Watchmen) and I love the cast so far. I really hope the movie succeeds.
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