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Jun 19, 2009
To me, this movie just says that Hollywood is getting desparate- After The Dark Knight Rises finishes are we going to get another Batman reboot trilogy in 2017? Does this bother anyone else? Where are all the ORIGNAL stories? Thank God for Inception, but please, give us something fresh for a change!
Aug 28, 2010
I like the whole 60's vibe i think it was a clever way to go to make it "fresh" again and give it an origin with a twist vibe. This movie feels like a special edition comic movie movie instead of a reboot or even an attempt to restart a franchise, more a stand alone. But I just don't understand why movies need so many characters crammed into the plot. Though x1 and x2 had it perfect and could have run for yrs with the same characters if it wasn't for last stand. T


Feb 3, 2011
Why in the hell does everybody on these boards keep screaming about the "reboot" factor? Am I missing something? The beginning of the trailer pretty clearly screamed "prequel" not "reboot."


Feb 3, 2011
@ dponeil
Origins:Wolverine ended with the 3 Mile Island incident. That pretty clearly makes in 1974. There's no ambiguity about it.


Aug 2, 2010
After the disgust i'd felt after leaving the theater after watching wolverine i had sworn off ne xmen films while fox still had the rights. but i know the fanboy in me wont be able to resist but i will wait a few weeks at least to c what kind of reviews it gets. and even then maybe wait until i can rent it.


Oct 3, 2010
@ mensadevoid:

Now I know why so many people and the fools at IGN didn't like X-Men 3 because they thought it was the last film that killed the series. You guys obviously missed the very ending when Magneto moved the chess piece, which means that the Cure didn't work.

I still don't get why people didn't like the Wolverine movie either. What sucked about it? Not enough blood? Boo hoo, it's a PG-13 movie. Die Hard 4 was PG-13 with very little blood too and it destroyed all the other gay Die Hard movies.


Oct 3, 2010
Linklex77 said:
I've a lot of fanboys complain about the inconsistencies in this movie when compared to the original movies. As a "fanboy" I'm ok with these and don't really care too much. Though I will admit one that's bugging me. lol. It would be nice to know how The White Queen is a grown woman in first class, but she's a child in Origins.

I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it. If anybody is to be blamed for Fox' lack of continuity in its movie adaptations it should be Marvel Comics. They screwed up all the continuity in their comic books by releasing all of those "alternate reality" versions of their comic series in the 1990s. Uncanny X-Men, New X-Men, Dark X-Men, etc. It was Marvel Comics that got greedy by releasing so many different versions of their old titles that many long-time Marvel comic book fans like myself simply couldn't keep up with all of the different titles, especially when Marvel started charging $3.00 bucks an issue! Sorry Stan Lee, but high school kids were not that fcking rich back then any more than they are now.

I mean, you guys ask why Emma Frost is a grown woman in this movie but a child in X-Men Origins: Wolverine? Make some sense out of [link=]this[/link] before you start bitching. Marvel Comics dug this hole for you guys to complain about, not Fox.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 28, 2005
Saw the trailer and it was "meh." Not that the trailer was bad or anything, it just felt a bit flat and didn't have enough to excite me. Also, am i like the only person that enjoyed Wolverine Origins? i thought that movie was pretty cool.


Feb 13, 2011
I thought they did a decent job. I would have loved that they kept the characters the same from the First Class comic (Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Beat, Iceman, and Angel) but I'm really not all that torn up over it. The one thing I'm ECSTATIC about is the fact that thy got the costumes right! Those are the exact First Class costumes.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people complain that the cast has changed. They're missing the point that's a PREQUEL, meaning the characters are obviously going to be different! If you want to align it with the X-Men films, Wolverine didn't even meet Xavier until the first film, this a prequel, do the math.


Prime Member
Oct 31, 2002
zelmo makes a good point; it's not like the comics are any less confusing or inconsistent.

but what i keep saying is, this could be BEFORE before the 'first class' that we are familiar with. as in this is an untold story of how Xavier and Erik TRIED to make a team of heroes - and ultimately everything falls apart, leading Xavier to make a NEW 'first' class with Cyclops, Jean Grey, etc.

(my fanboy hope is that this movie will have the Shadow King in it, so we'll see Charles save Erik from him only to get his own back broken = wheelchair.)

as for Emma Frost, we've seen her 'possess' other people's bodies before. who's to say she's not like hundreds of years old and she just persists thru the ages by possessing younger girls?


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 14, 2009
I'm not sure how I feel about the trailer yet. Heck, I'm not sure what to think about ANY of the Superhero movies coming out this summer. The trailers for this, Thor, Captain America, and especially Green Lantern are all just terrible....


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 19, 2009
Tjbrule said:
If I am ridiculous "fanboy" and you want to "shut me up" answer me these 3 questions that anyones who has actually seen the xmen movies... and grown to care for them... and then gets let down... RIDDLE ME THIS! why oh why if beast doesnt turn blue till after x2... and if you watch x2 they show hank macoy in human form talking about the cure... so why is he blue already... just to make money off of retards like you thats why... in xmen origins.... emma frost was very young... almost a child... and xavier was anceint... almost as old as he is now... then why is she now older then him?.... and last but not least... why does her gown turn to diamond... in every comic ive seen... she takes a bullet and there is a hole in her dress.. but w/e... im a ridiculous fanboy.. and the directors not ridiculous for not following the plot lines... FUCK YOU ASSHOLE

Resorting to name calling hardly gets your point across. And I am quite aware of the inconsistencies. But if that was really an issue, take it up with Marvel as someone said as the comics are littered with retcon after retcon

Inconsistencies aside, my point is see the movie before passing judgement.
Feb 13, 2011
Story wise this movie is going to blow. But I'm sure the action is going to be great, and isn't that what you Americans love so much?

The story is just all wrong for this, they should've just rebooted the movies, it was needed! How is this 40 years before the first movie? Wouldn't Mystique be 60 years-old, and would that make Beast like 60 as well...... Also in the first movie Charles said that his among his first students were Cyclops and Jean Grey....

Welcome to plot hole city gentleman. Of course some of the ign ppl liked the trailer, because they probably never touched a comic book. Which is exactly why they need to axe a lot of their staff.
Feb 13, 2011

I hate that quote, "go see the movie before you pass judgment". The kid that you were talking to is right, this movie is going to blow. The action will probably be good, but the story is going to blow. But all you morons are still going to love the movie and talk about how brilliant it was. This movie has more plotholes than the show "Lost" has in its story.

I for one will not be seeing this movie. Just like I chose not to watch the first Hulk Movie, Elektra, Ghost Rider, Wolverine: Origins, Daredevil, and Punisher warzone. Because I can spot a heaping pile of shit from a mile away.


Feb 10, 2011
I like the look but does this mean they aren't going to be doing anymore specific movies like they did with Wolverine? I guess the Wolverine didn't do good enough to do a Magneto movie?


Feb 13, 2011
How do you have a story called "The First Class" that doesn't include the first X-Man. I refuse to see this movie and be part of Marvel's continual cinematic rape of one of their most interesting characters.

I can't wait for when this movie fails and the conclusion the creative geniuses in charge of Marvel movies conclude that it's due to Wolverine not being in the movie, it couldn't possibly be to a crap story or screwing up their characters/mythos.

Feb 9, 2011
This would get a WTF for me. I don't want to pass judgement since i haven't seen it, but something about it doesn't seem right. Hopefully its not filled with cheesy one liners like in the original X-Men series....


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I've been saying WTF since the first X-men. The time lines and character ages have been mutilated from the beginning.
Why is it SO hard to stick to the established script. STOP REWRITING MY BIBLE YOU DOUCHE BAGS.


Mar 12, 2009
Personally, I don't see what the problem was with The Last Stand and Wolverine. I loved them. Yeah, TLS was a in my taste, but I still loved it. I was a little concerned about this, but the trailer got me interested in it again. Granted, I have not followed the comics religiously (sorry), but I am still interested...


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 8, 2009
I hope it doesn't bomb, because I really don't want to see Wolverine in another movie for a while, unless it somehow doesn't just revolve around him. This movie looks FTW.


Sep 5, 2005
I'm really surprised, and disappointed in a great deal of our IGN commenters. Just reading the last few, and only one person out of five liked the trailer, and the reasoning for their dislike? nothing to do with the content of the trailer itself, but having solely to do with the fact that the film (which hasn't even been completed) doesn't match the comics history and genealogy EXACTLY. How pathetically unimaginative of you all. I'm sure you all hated Batman Begins and the Dark Knight for the same reasons, right? Oh, you didn't? then maybe you should give this flick, which seems to be making all of the right moves in my opinion, a chance. No it isn't Jeff Parker's First Class, no it doesn't have all of the original X-men (though it does have one), and yes, a lot of the relationships we're seeing happened at very different times in the comics continuity. Does that mean we can't enjoy it? Don't we enjoy reading alternate history stories in the comics all the time?
Ask yourselves these questions, and then think about just how badass this movie can be.
First Class FTW.


Prime Member
May 18, 2008
@blades of steel....okay wolverine origins sucked
because wolverines claws looked plastic it was cheesy as hell, adamantium bullet? gay, wolverines
memory is fucked up because his healing factor
blacks out tramatic experiences. Oh and the fact that they turned deadpool into some fucking gayer
version of gimmick. Oh and did i mention the fact
that the story was complete garbage...the only thing
they did correctly was the casting for sabertooth.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
It's not that they don't follow the comics "EXACTLY". It's that they don't follow them AT ALL. I don't mind when small things are changed to fit a movie, but they drastically change events to fit the 2 hour movie standard. the Phoenix SAGA boiled down to a couple hours, TONS of characters left out completely. Potential romances impossible due to drastic age changes. How could an Ice Man fan or Rougue fan or Gambit fan relate when their characters are childified or left out of important events they were a big part of? No ones asking for a direct word for word representation, just for it to at least maintain the main characters and events.



No Longer a Noob
Jul 23, 2003
nothing in that trailer looks like the 60's other than jfk. The Clothes, hairstyle and design look modern. That lack of attention to details furthers my negative reaction to the movie. I REALLY wanted a good reboot too. The Film makers all know HOW to recreate the 60's, they just didnt want to.


Oct 2, 2004
Really?!?!? An X-men: First Class movie without Cyclops? I never seen a franchise screw up a character that was considered to be the original x-men so badly and now to exclude him completely... really?!?!?


Oct 4, 2010
I honestly do not know what to expect from this film. At least the trailer looked alright. Hopefully this movie ends up surprising me and ends up being pretty good. I did not like any of the xmen and spiderman movies so I am pretty hard to please when it comes to comic to film adaptations.


Aug 22, 2010
all of these x-men movies make me want to cry.The characters they introduce are never done right,alot of them getting no back story because there are new characters every five minutes and the back story these characters get are not what happened in the comic.Im not a big comic reader but I know X-Men like these directors should and they fail me everytime and that includes the wolverine movie.
Jun 18, 2008

Why is Xavier the same age as all of the students?
Why is Beast the only original X-man on the first team?
Why are Mystique/Emma, villains, part of the first class?

James McAvoy sounds horrible with a british accent. You just have to go into this way no expectations hoping to be pleasantly surprised or convince yourself to like it so you don't feel like you've wasted your money.
Jan 21, 2010
@ moviemanofsteel

"James McAvoy sounds horrible with a british accent."

Your joking right? It's his natural accent... He is from the UK.


Feb 13, 2011
although it looks cool and all first class without cyclops and jean gray is like justice league without superman and just doesn't fit
Aug 31, 2009
The tone seems better than I expected. Regardless 90% of people commenting on this page will see this movie anyway whether they are saying it looks good or bad.


May 16, 2006
Awful trailer and poor casting choice for Prof X. The only thing I know that actor from Wanted?

I think the movie will be alright, the actors didn't seem as young as I thought they were going to be. I think most of the core group is in their late 20's.


Oct 3, 2010
Again folks, you can just toss your entire continuity argument out the window when it comes to any Marvel-to-movie adaptation, because Marvel did that as well the moment that they introduced alternate realities and the What If? comics to their pantheon, which they've been doing since before a lot of us here were even born.

Continuity was thrown out with the very first X-Men movie when teen Rogue fell in love with a teen Iceman, just as with the Marvel comic books where the same characters from 40 or 50 years ago are still running around all buffed out and in tights when they should be hobbling around in walkers and wheelchairs by now. Not to mention the amount of Marvel characters that were "killed off" then miraculously come back to life. There's not much difference between Hollywood and comic books. Get over it! This trailer is FTW!
Jul 19, 2008
All I have to say is that this trailer is amazing. But I don't mean in a mind-blowing, "wow, that was awesome" kind of way. I mean from a marketing viewpoint it took a movie that had nothing but bad press and amazingly low expectations and created genuine buzz and even cautious excitement. All in a minute and fifty one seconds. That's a huge sea change. No matter your opinion you have to admit that there are a lot more people who are saying "I'm seeing this in the theater" than there were last week. That's why I vote FTW!


Dec 31, 2009
Did they really have to make another one? Seriously? Its like big mommas house 3, the first one was ok but 2 sequels? Mind you there will be some morons out there that will part with good money to see this straight to dvd crap..


May 27, 2005
The only real problem I have with this entire project is the students who comprise the "First Class". Banshee, Havok, Mystique, Beast, Darwin and Flygirl? The decision to including these characters was probably made by a FOX exec pulling names from a hat. Cyclops' younger brother suddenly becomes his MUCH older brother (according to this film, Alex was born in 1947 and Scott in 1970). Banshee's younger than the Beast and half as old as Xavier, who coincidentally found him in X-Men Origins Wolverine when he was 11 and Xavier was 40.


Dec 17, 2010
Awww another X-men movie... they've already butchered it enough.
LEAVE X-MEN ALONE! *sobs under a blanket
Sep 21, 2006
If this had actually been a re-boot there could have been hope, the other films just give it far too much baggage.
Can this series just die so that Marvel can get the rights back, give it to Whedon, & do it properly?
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