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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]X-Men: First Class: FTW or WTF?[/link]
by IGN Movies

Finally! The X-Men: First Class trailer has arrived, with Magneto and Xavier getting their prequel on. But is it FTW or DOA? [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Nov 5, 2010
Ill be honest I had no hope for this movie anyway to start with but the trailer has given me a little hope. Its looked Okay, not sure about the cold war back drop. Im just gonna use this chance to damn Brett Ratner and anyone associated with the script of X men 3.....WTF were you thinking Bryan Singer made 2 of the most influential superhero movie using IMO the best and more interestin concept of any comic book, it is timeless like its character and they go off and kill a load of characters to make it a dramatic movie! It was a disgrace, Origins wasnt half as bad and thats sayin it something. That had one of The Black Eyed Penises in it, william or something, terrible terrible movies. Long live X-2 and that amazing Nightcrawler intro!
Oct 3, 2008
Trailer was pretty good, this could actually be a good movie. I was worried at first, but the trailer removed that doubt for the most part. Looking forward to seeing more.
Aug 16, 2010
Have to say Im VERY impressed with this trailer and am confident this movie will be a blockbuster. Here's why: The films that Fassbender and MacAvoy have been attached to in their short but already very notable careers have been nothing short of amazing! These guys aren't Channing Tatum and Paul Walker - they can freaking act!!! I actually thought the previous X-MEN films were kinda lame, although I may be a bit bias because First Class has a special place in my <3. But seriously though, I was pleasantly surprised by how well-casted the leads were in this film.


Aug 13, 2007
Trailer looked good, though Wolverine Origins kinda screwed up he timeline. Still, the trailer has me hyped.


May 12, 2010
I think its going to suck, and feel a force of fanboy and movie goer disapproval unlike even X3 and Wolverine could muster combined. But only becasue its trying to pass as a prequel within the set continuity. I think if they had decided to sell it as a reboot (ala Star Trek) it would be recieved better, but thats not the way they went and it will be their undoing.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 11, 2001
I have been a big fan of X-men since I was young, starting out as a little kid watching Saturday morning cartoons 20 years ago. I kinda agree that I can't seem to be enthusiastic about 1st class, and the trailer didn't help. I feel this movie will be lacking more than x-men origins. Wolverine being my favorite X, and lets be honest its everyone's favorite X, without wolverine the x-men are just no fun. But like x-men origins has proven to us wolverine without the x-men is also no fun.


Apr 14, 2010
I have so much hope for this movie. The cold war backdrop I'm still not sure about,but the scene with Erik and Charles about conflict gives me chills each time I watch it. Just knowing how evil and bad ass Magneto can really be. Also the scene with Hank turning into Beast seriously made the trailer for me, as I was curious if they were gonna show him at all as a human before the change.


Mar 19, 2003
Is it just me, or are the CG effects getting worse and worse. I'm all for using the effects to fool me into thinking it's real, but this looks as bad as the Green Latern costume overlay on Ryan Renolds.
Oct 29, 2002
If you going to have Mystique in the movie. The girl who plays here needs to be hot! Ya the dropped the ball on that one!


Mar 24, 2010
It has some potential, I'll give it that.
I'm sold on this trailer tho so I'll give it a shot.
There is still a chance for them to screw it up however.
I'm wondering if they use this as a chance to reboot the series and tell what would happen if the mutants were to come out in the 1960's rather than today. That would be pretty interesting.


Sep 8, 2006
you all just going to see a movie, because a u-boat is being lifted, this is more or less 30 second of a 2 hour movie! this movie looks a total failure!sucks big time!


Nov 5, 2010
The Dark Knight, Iron Man(1st one) and Batman Begins basically ruined all other comic based movies for me. Until Marvel starts making movies with less cheese in them they will all be rentals for me.
Jul 13, 2008
You know what, it's a story that isn't about Wolverine that just happens to feature other mutants. So I'm on board. C'mon guys! Le's do it!!
Mar 1, 2009
the film does look well made and the trailer is good...but this isn't the first class Darwin, seriously? it should be Warren Worthington Angel, not Angel Salvatore [i hate more or less everything Grant Morrison has created, he is a douchebag] and i seriouly hope they get the diamond form of Emma Frost right this time


Prime Member
Apr 5, 2006
There is one guy who should have made the cut in the film... Forge... I was just thinking, they have the blackbird but who made it? Forge would have been instrumental in the building of a lot of things and even though he was not in the original stories, He would have add more ethnic diversity as well as a good side story to the film.

Just a thought though... The movie looks like it could be good. I will see it no matter what...


Feb 11, 2009
I hope this has nothing to do with the other Xmen movies and by that I mean I hope they dont try to link them somehow. As good as they were at the time they and Origins included completely gang raped the Xmen.
It also seems now that they cant really make another Xmen movie starring Wolverine for a while which is a shame because I would really like to see a proper Xmen movie with Wolverine being Wolverine and not taking control of the whole team. Cyclops manning up and being who he should be, throw in Gambit, Bishop, Forge a good storyline where they dont try to make people who shouldnt be related, related, giving people powers they dont have in the comics and trying to screw with the history of peoples storylines. Ahhhhhhhh I could go on but I'll stop.
And if anyone asks why Wolverine isnt in this movie its because he hadnt joined the Xmen yet.


Oct 11, 2010
0 and utter dislike....and i want the star trek xavier back


Dec 22, 2009
Its not Nightcrawler, it is Azerael, his father.

I agree with the fact that no Wolverine is a good X-men movie.

I could not agree more with lets reboot the whole movie series. The first two were really well done, minus the story was too much about wolverine than the X-men.

I would like this to take its own story and continuity and go with it. See how the X-men form, how Magneto falls and forms the brotherhood. Watch what they do before they are hated and when fighting someone not Magneto. I am excited to see what they come up with. X-men are my fav comics and if this bombs I will lose faith in Marvel's ability to make movies that have the fans in mind.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 27, 2005
I am still not interested in seeing this. If this was a reboot then I might consider it because all the other X-Men movies were horrible. I really wish they would just start over and offer us a different villain then Magneto. He has been done to death. I would have really loved to have seen Apocalypse or Dark Phionex as the main villains but we kept getting Magneto.
Feb 7, 2011
I give this trailer a grade of Meh... at best. The idea of averting some Cuban missile crisis fiasco is interesting and the chemistry between Charles and "Erik" seems to be there, but it didn't restore any of my faith regarding the script. Sure, the visuals and characters look great, but so did X3 and Origins *I spit on their film-graves*. Without better story elements, I don't see any reason to give a shit about this movie, either. I don't expect a completely faithful adaptation of the comics, but I at least expect the essence of the characters to be respected (think Nolan, and forget Schumaker). If the film diverges drastically from elements established in the comics, then the writers are treading on the very things that make me want to see an X-men movie. I don't want to simply see mutants fighting; I want to know why they're fighting; I want to believe in their cause and even imagine fighting alongside them. Otherwise, what's the point? Proper writing is what gives any scene it's impact, and that's exactly what was lacking in the last two films. One can only hope the writers have learned that lesson... Still, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Magneto (if they get names in this one...) force crush a Russkie and stab some guy in the hand. (Whatever happened to Magneto: Origins?!) And with all that aside, I'm looking forward to the Wolverine REBOOT... kenjutsu vs. Sniktjutsu! Arigatou gozaimasu!
Feb 7, 2011
Great idea with Forge! Who knows? If they're still shooting, then maybe it could happen... If they actually cared about what X-men fans want...


No Longer a Noob
Apr 3, 2002
I thought IGN knew its comic history, how can you ask where's Wolverine? when he wasn't even a founding member, neither was Storm?. did you guys learn about him from watching cartoons?.. oh lord.


Jan 12, 2001
Okay it looks alright but I just feel like they have never really got the X-Men right on film. I mean the first 2 were good and I'll admit I liked the third one a little bit. The Wolverine movie was really bad and wasn't Emma Frost in that one as a teenager. I think I have a hard time with these movies because they don't care about the comic timeline at all. It really breaks me out of the movie when I see things that don't fit into what I know happens in the comics. I don't need it to be just like the comics but at least closer then this film is going to be. All in all I'm indifferent to it. I'll see it but I don't have my hopes up. I'm way more excited to see Captain America and Thor.
Oct 6, 2010

Hello?? wasnt the main focus of X3 Dark phonenix???lol and they messed it up.XD. I agree with you on Apocalpse though.It would be cool seeing him on the big screen causing destruction but oh well.


Prime Member
Apr 3, 2006
I don't trust people to take an established IP that isn't theirs and make a good movie. I'll always take a wait and see approach. It couldn't be worse than the last few I suppose. It's just hard to put an idea like X-Men in a 2 hour box and have it still be as good as X-Men is as a comic or as a tv cartoon. That takes major skill.


Feb 17, 2010

You may want to re-read that line that spawned your comment. He (Phil Pirrello) goes on to say that not once did he think or say that.

Just sayin'.
Feb 2, 2011
Here is my big question I'd liked explained if they are keeping continuity (and it's mainly because of problems from X-men Origins: Wolverine). Why is Emma Frost older and sluttier, and Charles younger (and funnier sounding) than they are in WOLVERINE, where she is young and he is a digitized (and bald) Patrick Stewart?

Also, did they make Havok stop being Cyclops brother because they had moved that sibling relationship to Wolverine and Sabretooth?

And why wouldn't Professor X be able to deduce that Nightcrawler is Azazel's son in X2 if he knew Azazel from back here (I doubt there are too many people that look like him)?

This movie is going to be too convoluted in details to work. Fox needs to just quit before they lose more money and let Marvel and Disney take over.

Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger are out this summer everyone!



Jan 20, 2011
Already screws with canon already established. In X2 theres a small cameo of Hank McCoy on Tv without blu fur. Plus First class seems have him look like crappy catface beast. Which he isn't in X3 anyway. Plus isn't Emma Frost in Wolverine Origins at Strykers prison when their breakin out Cyclops. And doesn't that movie take place way after this. But she stays the same age? Plus "Young" Mystique? Their is no Young Mystique. She is a shape changer who's been maybe even longer than Wolverine. No woman would age herself if given the choice. This whole thing stinks. No Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman.
Jan 25, 2011
I think the trailer was amazing givin life to a boring franshise that I neva cared for. I have full faith in the director and new cast member to make the movie stronger than the first 4 xmen movie. I'm looking foward to see if fox can finally make a good comicbook movie


Jan 30, 2011
It seems too convoluted. They should've just cut continuity out and started over. Having clips from the trilogy makes it part of continuity and I'm not happy about that. If I am not mistaken I thought there was a reference to Hank McCoy as a human in X1 or X2 and he is now a mutant/Beast years before he is a human that then turns into Beast? Something is wrong there. Also Havok being able to exist before Cyclops is odd. The most promising thing I took from the trailer was that Fassbender does look like a badass young Magneto.


Oct 22, 2007
That @#$% looks like complete @#$%! I am so sick of these "x-men"movies, they had a chance to re-boot this bull@#$% franchise and finally give the X-men the chance they deserve, but i guess that won't happen until fox finally looses it's contract.

@#$% i can't believe how horrible these movies are


Prime Member
Oct 9, 2001
I thought the trailer looked cool. Im deffinately going to see it. But why was their a topless bug girl showing her "goods" to a young Xavier and Magneto in a bed? lol Kind of strange... Hopefully that scene will make more sence when I see the final movie.

Feb 9, 2011
I wonder how bad these movies have to be before Marvel/Disney sues Fox for destroying their property. Maybe Lee/Claremont/Kirby etc could sue as well.
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