
Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Bummer, I had a similar thing happen with the last of us, which has or had an auto save glitch. Lost my first 6 hours of progress and almost gave up on the game because of it. Glad I didn't though, I would have been missing out. Just made sure to do a manual saves and never trust auto save from then on.


Oh boy. [face_whistling] If I didn't hose up like that I would have beaten that game in two day and lose interest in it. But it turned into a 3 day game. ;)

Fallout is NOT a short game at all! I am semi retired now and have lots of time and in addition may have a little more patients nowadays compared to when I was....... oh say 30 years younger. [face_tongue] I have the time to invest in Fallout. Boredom seems to be biggest and most common complaint about that game. You do have to travel on foot the whole game. And some times that takes a while and can get tedious. But you always have the option to fast travel at your disposal if you chose. I prefer that over all length over watching TV. Just a heads up.

I have only gotten to Miss Blaise's hobby of stone cutting so far. (Still in the first Chapter) Reason being the installation of my PS3 and upgrading my home network as well. Lot's on my plate.

I picked up Saint's Row 4 over the holiday on sale. I need a few good laughs in a game too and Saint's Row the Third just cracked me up. I haven't got it yet.

I'm still looking forward to the early releases of the 2014 PS3 games. I want to make sure I'm all set up right for when they get here. Deception 4 is the game that provoked me to get this PS3.


Sep 27, 2006
Yep I liked that about Fallout 3 but don't have any spare time anymore. Basically only if I stay up late once the baby is asleep, and then I am wrecked the next day for work [face_tired]

Ah, her lapidary, I remember it well. I know what it's like to get busy, read it when you get time, don't make it a chore. Let me know how it goes once you get to it though, very fun books ;)

SR4 looks great with the super powers and aliens. I loved SR3. Great sense of humour and cool character customisation. I made a hot vampire chick [face_devil]

Deception sounds cool, I will keep an eye out for it when it releases.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
What do you think of Lara's makeover? I find it hard to believe they changed her face so much for this. Her eyes actually look Asian.


Sep 27, 2006
Hard to tell from the footage so far, I have seen some that looks good, and some that looks weird. I will wait and see when the game releases before I decide if the change is good or bad ;)


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Well, Arkham Origins is pretty . . . meh. I'm playing it, but it's buggier than the others (I've frozen twice) and feels very "been there, done that." The upgrade system is so horrible lately there hasn't been any upgrade I wanted, but holding on to upgrade points means you can't access your map quickly. >.<


Sep 27, 2006
That's a shame, had a feeling, guess that's why I haven't played it yet.

As for the new TR vid in link below is pretty good, I think the new face is an improvement.

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Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
It looks like it is going to be step for step the exact same game that I played on the 360. Every single step. I'm am really going to need a true next gen step up before I would ever play that again. It wasn't that good. Graphics are cool sure. But how about some improved physics and motion? I really wasn't impressed the first time. So I'm going to need a lot more to play that game again. At least that is how I feel about it now.


Sep 27, 2006
It looks like it is going to be step for step the exact same game that I played on the 360. Every single step. I'm am really going to need a true next gen step up before I would ever play that again. It wasn't that good. Graphics are cool sure. But how about some improved physics and motion? I really wasn't impressed the first time. So I'm going to need a lot more to play that game again. At least that is how I feel about it now.

Yep definitely not for you, it's the exact same game with some upgraded textures and effects asically. I'm sure the sequel will have upgraded physics, animations, etc but hopefully also better story, and gameplay that is not quite so shooting focused.
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
The vid worked. I agree the new face is better. That beady-eyed, constantly pained expression is minimized. :D It still wont be any fun to play for me, but I'm sure those that do will enjoy the new effects. Until they say, "we've upgraded the dialog to actually have characters discuss what's going on," I will probably not be interested. :D

Although, I think they have the looks wrong. What I think any real person would do is wipe their face. Crap on your face is pretty annoying. It tickles, it itches. I think they should consider animating Lara wiping her face down, brushing her arms off. I know they're really proud of those effects, but like the ass-suit, all I can think about is, "I just don't think that's natural." They want everything to be so realistic, but realistic means no one walks around in an outfit that crawls up their ass. It means no one keeps dripping or dried crap on their face.


Sep 27, 2006
Yep, you make some good points.

Shadow of Mordor looks like it could be great from the latest 8 minute gameplay vid. I really like the idea of the Nemesis system if it is fully developed. You should check it out.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I don't know. It looks good, but I'm not a big fan of open narrative games. They're like filler in an anime. They can't do too much because they have to leave options open, and this game is actual filler. I must ask my husband about the canonicity of having one's own personal wraith. [face_nerd]

I beat AO yesterday, although I handed the controller to Douglas for a couple of the huge fights. This game loves to throw LOTS of enemies at you (like 20) and it frustrates me because 1) I'm not that good at the combat system and 2) run of the mill criminals with no protective gear take an insane amount of damage and get back on their feet too quickly for a knock out punch (most unresponsive animation in the game.) I was going to go around and collect all the Enigma packs, but once the game is over, they station a lot of snipers around which makes it really too annoying to be much fun.

I think, if they do another game, they need to get Batman out of Gotham. Surely Bruce Wayne can go on a business trip somewhere and have to be Batman in Venice or Tokyo or someplace.


Sep 27, 2006
Yes well as soon as I heard that the 3rd game was being made by a different developer I had my doubts. I could already see things getting stale in the second game, as it lacked the 1st games great narrative which kept pushing you forward.

As for LOTR's cannon, I am far from a purist when it comes to that kind of thing. I am hopeful that the main story will be good as I saw some interviews from game informer with the writer they hired from read dead redemption and the lead designer which emphasised that story is very important and has been given due attention. It seems the Nemesis arcs may be supplementary to the main storyline?


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
LOL Lisa. :^O That is definitely a feminine thing that any woman would do immediately after getting soiled. And I kind of think most of us guys would wipe our face and the guck off as a matter of reflex. Unless you are a trained Navy SEAL that lives for that stuff. [face_shock]


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
This whole redefining Lara is where they are losing me. It occurred to me last night when I was watching Ancient Aliens with my son. The first four Tomb Raiders were very educational. Who ever the original story writers were, were very educated in ancient tombs. Best illustrated in "The Last Revelation" with the Egyptian tombs and mythology. I actually found that fascinating. I learned more about Egyptian history playing Tomb Raider that I can apply still today. And I miss that. I am never going to Egypt and it was kind of cool to walk around in that environment and listen to the ancient stories.

Lara was never a defined woman. The harder they try the worse they fail with me too. #-o


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
As for LOTR's cannon, I am far from a purist when it comes to that kind of thing. I am hopeful that the
main story will be good as I saw some interviews from game informer with the writer they hired from read dead redemption and the lead designer which emphasised that story is very important and has been given due attention. It seems the Nemesis arcs may be supplementary to the main storyline?

LOTR is my husband's thing, so he would have more issues than I. I was merely curious. He didn't have major issues with LOTR, but we've both gotten impatient with what's happening with The Hobbit movies.

And maybe the main story will drive the Nemesis stories. There's lots of ways to get from A to B, just as long as you get to B. It does seem to give the player a lot of options, and let's face it: in today's gaming world of "press X not to die" being able to play how you want has a certain appeal.

My first thought when I saw the Nemesis thing was RTS, something that doesn't interest me at all. Even the charm of Brutal Legend could not force me continue playing that game (that, and my inability to do Guitar Hero type stuff.)

And I'm SUPER PISSED they are making a horror game based on Alien and it's in first person perspective. [face_angry] At this rate, I'll be forced out of gaming simply because they're all going to be FP POV.


Sep 27, 2006
Yep, I much prefer 3rd person, it's a lot more enjoyable. Alien isolation actually looks like it could be really good, I will likely play it. I would be much more excited if it were 3rd person perspective though.

I loved Psychonauts but Brutal Legend just didn't hook me. A shame, it seemed like it would be great.

@jyerxa: Yes. History is very interesting and can make games more engaging. Uncharted series does that a bit, dropping info on Sir Francis Drake, Marco Polo, and others which is one reason why it's stories are better than most games (along with good writing, pacing, and likeable character).


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I've never been able to actually beat Psychonauts. [face_silly] I get to Meat Circus and I can't get past the rising water section. I still adore the game. It's so clever.

There is actual history in the new Tomb Raider. There was a Queen Himiko and a kingdom of Yamatai, and the location of Yamatai is a subject of debate. Archeologists actually believe they may have found her tomb, but further excavation was halted on the Emperor's orders. It's interesting to me that she's a bad guy in TR, because Himiko is a good guy in Okami. There's really not much known about her, and much of what is known comes from Chinese records, not Japanese.


Sep 27, 2006
I've never been able to actually beat Psychonauts. [face_silly] I get to Meat Circus and I can't get past the rising water section. I still adore the game. It's so clever.

There is actual history in the new Tomb Raider. There was a Queen Himiko and a kingdom of Yamatai, and the location of Yamatai is a subject of debate. Archeologists actually believe they may have found her tomb, but further excavation was halted on the Emperor's orders. It's interesting to me that she's a bad guy in TR, because Himiko is a good guy in Okami. There's really not much known about her, and much of what is known comes from Chinese records, not Japanese.

That's cool. I know they make references to the Kamakura period and various other things in the game too, which I like, as I was married in Kamakura, at the hachiman-gu shrine. Japan is an awesome place with a fascinating history. I lived there for just under a year teaching English.

I did what I said I would not and I am currently playing TR again on the ps4 as I caved and bought the Definitive Edition. I'm enjoying it again, and it looks really good, crazy price though. I am definitely a fan of her new face, much easier on the eyes but it can look strange at times or from certain angles.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
My husband taught English in Japan too--thirty years ago! We're hoping to make it there this year. We've been saying that for 10 years, but I think this is the year.

Less than two weeks till TLOU DLC. Been chasing down enigma data packs in Batman to kill the time.


Sep 27, 2006
@LisaB: That's great, hope you make it there, Japan is really awesome. I would go every year if I could afford it.

Playing Infamous Second Son and as a big fan of the previous games I am loving it. Graphics are great and the gameplay is super smooth and fun. The traversal of the city is fast and it really does feel like something that couldn't have been pulled off last gen due to technical limitations. The story is fine but not as good as infamous 1, same goes for the generic enemies. Still a really fun game, a must have for any early ps4 owners. Also play Infamous 1 & 2 if you haven't yet, they are great games ;)


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Well, I guess I have to get a PS4 now. The new Batman game looks bat-a-licious. :D

Currently killing time trying to climb the tower in Shadow of the Colossus. That is really an amazing game.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 22, 2008
@LisaB: That's great, hope you make it there, Japan is really awesome. I would go every year if I could afford it.

Playing Infamous Second Son and as a big fan of the previous games I am loving it. Graphics are great and the gameplay is super smooth and fun. The traversal of the city is fast and it really does feel like something that couldn't have been pulled off last gen due to technical limitations. The story is fine but not as good as infamous 1, same goes for the generic enemies. Still a really fun game, a must have for any early ps4 owners. Also play Infamous 1 & 2 if you haven't yet, they are great games ;)

I just finished wrapping up the game for the second time. Maybe it's me but it felt really short as for main story content. Sure district clearouts add a little fluff, but the main story can be completed what maybe south of 6 hours? The rest is just monotonous filler.

Sure it looks great but the game itself is nothing groundbreaking beyond visuals.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
I've been playing "Deception 4 Blood ties". It scored an 8.6. But there is hardly a peep out of IGN about this game. [face_thinking] And not only that, but it seems IGN took the whole game board down like a week before it released. You have to type it in to find anything about it. Rated really high yet it seems to be ignored. Weird. [face_raised_brow]

Well any way if you are familiar at all with Deception Kegaro or Deception Dark Delusion and enjoyed those on the playstation. This is a MUST have. It is excellent! And the game play is exactly like it was back then and is so sweet on the PlayStation 3! The improvements are the way games should evolve. With the system and not by the will of the producers.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Well, I've coined a phrase: "Anticipoint." It means to anticipate something that you know will disappoint you. I anticipoint the new Godzilla movie.

I also anticipoint "The Evil Within." Finally, a 3rd person horror game, but IGN just posted a demo article about the game not being particularly scary. An over powered protagonist and lots of "boo!" If only the new Alien game was 3rd person. It looks awesome.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Sorry for the double post, but I just wanted to plug an upcoming game.
This is a puzzle-platforming adventure game being developed by an Alaskan Native company. It looks gorgeous. It's not out yet, but should be out later this year for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.


Trailer here.

I lived in Alaska for five years, so I'm a little biased, but I think the game looks charming.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
The potential of these next gen platforms is amazing if good talent and creative minds get back to developing games once again and quit getting pushed around by the publishers. If the publishers want to get rich invest in talent and not technology.

Lisa that looked awesome. I'm just slathering and drooling for the next gen stuff to tickle my fancy. As of yet? Still 360 and PS3. I'm still more exited about PS3 up and coming games.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
The potential of these next gen platforms is amazing if good talent and creative minds get back to developing games once again and quit getting pushed around by the publishers. If the publishers want to get rich invest in talent and not technology.

Lisa that looked awesome. I'm just slathering and drooling for the next gen stuff to tickle my fancy. As of yet? Still 360 and PS3. I'm still more exited about PS3 up and coming games.

I plugged it over at TRF and someone from the development company actually registered to comment. Yay, indie games, right?


Sep 27, 2006
@jyerxa: I was wondering what you thought of deception. Have been thinking about getting it on my vita as it looks like a fun handheld/on the go game.

@LisaB1138: Nice find! Never alone looks great, amazing art style.

I agree the footage I have seen of the new batman game from e3 is looking pretty nice. I just hope the story is good as per arkham asylum. The evil within also looking good though I will be playing the witcher 3 and shadow of mordor in October when it releases.

I saw a leaked gameplay trailer of Bloodbourne and it is looking pretty cool.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Robtion = It felt and played just like the games of old. For that I absolutely loved it. It was a blast from the past. It is short if you have a good memory. It is challenging as heck the first time through. But as you develop better traps and memorize the room layouts it has only individual challenges to gain perks. That remains a challenge for me. I need a story and a challenge combined. So after about the third game it loses that challenge for me. I think there are two alternate outfits I can get. But I need a story to get there. So I’m kind of finished with it. Excellent though, the first time you play it. You’re in a constant state of panic. LOL

So. I finally bought it. Beyond Souls. I think I get it today for that matter. That got game of the year right? You know IGN gave it a 6. How on earth can that be? Signs for me that it was way beyond overboard with promotions. Just doesn’t make any sense. It smelled fishy to me from the start really.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I'm with you: anytime a game gets the hell promoted out of it, I get cynical.

@Robiton: I'm curious about Shadow of Mordor myself. My husband is a huge LOTR fan, but I'm not sure if this is going to be too fanfictiony for him (not that the movies didn't go there! The Hobbit feels like it's all fanfiction!)

Douglas bought a PS4, so I can play new games. Woot! I would have bought one for Batman, I'm sure, but now I don't have to.


Sep 27, 2006
Woops. I meant I will be playing Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age: Inquisition in October. The Witcher 3 will have to wait until Feb next year.

jyerxa: I really enjoyed Beyond Two Souls. Plays like a really great interactive movie with some amazing graphics. It still looks better than most games on ps4, especially the underwater scenes and the later levels.

LisaB1138: I am optimistic about Shadow of Mordor, lots of good videos around on it and the Nemesis system looks really innovative. Ps4 is still sparse on games but I'm sure that will change as of later this year. Incidentally I think the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is still the best looking game on ps4 currently. Really did a good job upgrading the graphics on it (not that that helps if you didn't like the gameplay).
Aug 23, 2012
Id like to see Tomb Raider return to its roots after this trilogy (Yes, I said trilogy. Look on the official TR forums, 2013 series IS a trilogy!).

Anyways, I want cocky, hard as nails, tough girl lara back. I don't like the new Lara. She seems too soft. Also, 2013 felt kind of like Angel Of Darkness. There were no tombs to explore and it was linear. Hardly any adventure at all.

Thats what I miss about the old series. TOMB raider and having an adventure.

ALSO, does anyone know if the Amazon listings for the 360 and PS3 version of Rise of the tomb raider are real? I don't want to buy a next gen console yet (No extra cash) and id like to get the 360 version.
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Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
I think I caught those. They seemed really.................................. some cheap down load thingy. If we are talking about the same thing it looked kind of like and old style RPG. Needless to say what ever I saw didn't take me to long to go look at something else.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
In theory, the PS3 is not going away, at least according to Sony. The question becomes whether publishers will trust that gamers will continue to buy games for the older systems and therefore continue to publish for them.

It could be nice to see the less . . . commercial type games get more love on the older systems. More survival horror, more action/adventure--perhaps it will be cheaper to develop for the last gen systems now and developers may try to exploit that.

Currently replaying Psychonauts for the Xbox. I love that game. Never been able to beat it, but I love it.


Sep 27, 2006
In theory, the PS3 is not going away, at least according to Sony. The question becomes whether publishers will trust that gamers will continue to buy games for the older systems and therefore continue to publish for them.

It could be nice to see the less . . . commercial type games get more love on the older systems. More survival horror, more action/adventure--perhaps it will be cheaper to develop for the last gen systems now and developers may try to exploit that.

Currently replaying Psychonauts for the Xbox. I love that game. Never been able to beat it, but I love it.

You may be right. If that is the case the Wii U may do well as it is similar to a ps3 I believe. For example see Bayonetta 2, didn't go next gen.

Psychonauts is awesome, I loved it back on ps2 or Xbox (can't remember which I played it on). The humour and the style of the world are great. Such a cool concept for a game.

Did you ever play Alice: The Madness Returns on ps3/360? Also had great art design and a dark sense of humour which I loved. Only game I ever got a Platinum trophy for.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
I'm kind of pissy nowadays towards game publishers. In fact I am very pissy towards them. Games are about what I want not what they think I want. And one thing I really hate and I will not hold off on this one at all. I hate buying a new system just to play a new game that could work just as easily on the older platforms just as well. And then never get another good game fore that system until the next gen is about to be released. there is a pattern here folks. And them maybe I'm just in a pissy mood too. LOL.


Sep 27, 2006
Playing Abe's Oddessey New 'n' tasty. Really great, faithful to the original but rebuilt to look lovely and play so much more smoothly. Highly recommend it to those yet to experience Abe's adventure or to fans of the series. Only PS4 currently but coming to most platforms later.

Also playing Blue estate. On rails shooter using the Dual Shock 4 motion function and touch pad. Really fun, mindless, comedy-shooter, with a fun, juvenile sense of humour. Not to be taken seriously but worth a look at the demo for anyone interested. Warning, my be seen as mysoginistic by some.
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Sorry for the late reply. Just got back from vacation in Japan. I'll look into Alice: Madness Returns. It's not a sequel is it? Because I'm a little anal about playing games in order.


Sep 27, 2006
Sorry for the late reply. Just got back from vacation in Japan. I'll look into Alice: Madness Returns. It's not a sequel is it? Because I'm a little anal about playing games in order.

Ohhh, that is great, you have my envy. I hope you had a good time, I love it there, such friendly, polite people too. Any highlights?
Yes it is a sequel but you really don't need to play the original, though the game did come with a free copy of the original on ps3 when I bought it. The original is quite old though so shows its age.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Oh, many. Visiting Japanese temples and gardens is like walking into a painting. There was one classic Fatal Frame moment: we visited an Imperial residence in Kyoto, a very large, traditional Japanese house that the current Emperor stayed in during WW2. There was this inner courtyard garden with a wooden walkway all around, and Douglas turns to me and say, "you're right. This is really Fatal Frame. I can make it more Fatal Frame though." Then he turns and runs along the walkway in a really girly fashion. I died laughing. I tried to get him to do it again on film, but he couldn't do it.

We also did a ghost tour and visited the shrine of Oiwa, a very famous Japanese ghost whose influence can be seen in Ringu and Ju-On.

I don't recommend going in July, however. Stick to spring or fall if you have a choice.


Sep 27, 2006
I know what you mean, the history and temples are amazing. I was married in one in Kamakura where a previous emperor was assassinated. I lived in Japan for a year and the summer humidity doesn't bother me, I'm from Australia so its much hotter here. Late March to mid April is great for the cherry blossoms though, and Kyoto is pretty in Autumn with all the orang and red trees around the temples.

The ghost tours sound cool, I really liked the Fatal Frame games (called Project Zero here in AU for some reason?) And the Ring was a great movie (not the original Japanese version though, too creepy).


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Project Zero is the Japanese name. I guess they though we Yanks needed a different name?

I liked The Ring too, but I haven't seen the original. If their relationship is anything like the American The Grudge and Japanese Ju-On, I imagine The Ring will be much stronger on storytelling than Ringu. But I'll have to get the disc from Netlfix to find out since it's not streaming.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
And the new playable teaser for Silent Hill is awesome . . . awesomely scary.:D


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
*breathes life into thread* Happy New Year!

So . . . how's everyone? This is a followup to all our discussion last year. Any opinions to share? Shadow of Mordor any good? I tried playing the Alien game, but when you have to look away to climb a ladder, you know it's not going to work for you. Pity. Yahtzee actually liked it.

Speaking of scary, "The Babadook" is a great scary movie. Very well done.


Weekend Gamer
Mar 22, 2008
*breathes life into thread* Happy New Year!

So . . . how's everyone? This is a followup to all our discussion last year. Any opinions to share? Shadow of Mordor any good? I tried playing the Alien game, but when you have to look away to climb a ladder, you know it's not going to work for you. Pity. Yahtzee actually liked it.

Speaking of scary, "The Babadook" is a great scary movie. Very well done.

LOVED Shadow of Mordor. The ending was a little... lacking... but if you're in a hack n slash mood, I'd recommend it. If you're in a hack n slash mood and even a mild LOTR fan... then why haven't you purchased it yet? :D


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I only buy games I'm certain I'll have a good chance of liking. (Or, in the case of TReboot, a game I was certain I wouldn't like, but it was worth the net $12 to validate my certainty.) Money's not an issue, but my time is. So I like to get a feel from those who like games similar to me, so I know I'm not wasting my time.

I'm very disappointed the new Lara Croft game is only for PS4 and Xbone. We have one, but it's upstairs in Douglas's room, and playing in his room doesn't appeal. I wanted a big downstairs co-op fest. I find it off they didn't do it for the PS3 considering they put out a PS2 version of TRU, but I guess there's good reasons for it.