
Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Question: is beyond more the gameplay style of Heavy Rain? I tried the demo for Heavy Rain and hated it.


Sep 27, 2006
Yes very similar to heavy rain so may not be your thing if you don't like the interactive movie/choose your own adventure style of gaming found in games like heavy rain and the walking dead, and beyond.

To be fair though these games are more about story, immersion, choices, and character development, so demos don't really do them justice. Regardless, doesn't sound like your type of game I guess.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I don't like games that tell me what to. Press this. Press that. I want to play.

And I thought the Heavy Rain went waaaaaay overboard (for the small bit I played). Unconscious actions shouldn't require button mashes. They're unconscious. "Press /\ so your character will turn sideways and edge through a gap." No, that be be part of simply going forward. I think I made it to the fight in the room with the girl, and I was out. It was just too much watching for icons and not enough playing.

Thanks for the input.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
I need to get a PS3 to play Heavy Rain. And I just might do that until something entices me enough to get the PS4. I'm sick of Microsoft's antics. I thought Tomb Raider was pretty well channeled and controlled and I hate it. So how does Heavy Rain compare to TR? And then compared to one of the Fallout series? I know. I'm cheating. ;)


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Is there any combat in either Heavy Rain or Beyond Two Souls of any game play value? It looks kind of lame on the previews.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Robiton with be able to answer better, but from what I remember from the Heavy Rain demo, it was done with button prompts.


Sep 27, 2006
jyerxa: Okay here goes, heavy rain and beyond ts. Just finished beyond two souls and it was great. The graphics really do look next gen at times just amazing, not that that matters to you guys necessarily.

These are not open world games so very different to something like fallout or skyrim. Combat is qte's for heavy rain, and a reflex based system for beyond. Both work well for this type of game. They are basically interactive movies where you make choices such as truth, lie, evasive, angry for dialogue sections, and at times make choices that impact on how a scene plays out.

For example, if you are being chased and are captured you may have to escape your captors or a prison, if you were never captured then you will play an entirely different scene, maybe wandering through the woods looking for food? So a bit like a choose your own adventure style game. Somewhat similar to telltales the walking dead game yet also distinctly different.

They really are very innovative games in that they don't play like anything else out there. The production values are top notch, and they are strongly aimed at a mature, adult audience. I'm sure most teenagers would hate these games and find them boring. Heavy rain sees you playing a father who's son is kidnapped by a serial killer, and beyond also has some very mature themes, you even play as a homeless person at one stage living under a bridge.

If you are open minded about the types of games you play and the above sounds interesting then definitely give them a try as many people are blown away by these games (check the user reviews on metacritic if you want some opinions from others). If on the other hand your gaming time is limited or you are partial to specific genres or gameplay types e.g. fallout style exploration and freedom only, then these games may not be for you.

Hope this helps, I really want people to try these games as I have played hundreds of games and these rank up there amongst the more memorable ones. Happy to answer any more Q's you may have. ;)


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Very cool commentary. Thanks Robtion. I will have to put both of these on my "to do" list for a later date. They sound very interesting but not worth the expense of a new game. I am waiting for a game to come out that I can't resist before I get the next console. I don't really know which one yet. I think I'm going to get the PS3. Even though the PS4 is on the horizon. I need a game with some interaction to it and time invested to play. I think the Publishers and Developers have the cart in front of the horse. They make games prettier and easier and neglect the original appeal and spirit of video games. I love being dumped into a world I know nothing about and set off to explore it's environment. Mental exercise have you? $60 - $70 is just a little to steep to watch a movie with a control paddle.


Sep 27, 2006
No problem, let me know what you think if you ever get around to them.

Now is a good time to get a ps3, they're cheap and have a huge backlog of games, which are also cheap. Then again you are supposedly going to be able to play ps3 titles on the ps4 via streaming/gaikai, but who knows what the range/prices/timeline on that will be?

You should try living in Australia, new games go for around 100 dollars over here. I never pay that, usually import my games or get them on special. Beyond was only 68 dollars on release day here on special, so I grabbed it.

Sounds like you might like demon's souls and dark souls. Very little hand holding, solid combat mechanics, good exploration, but extreme difficulty and a learning curve.

Dragon's dogma may be worth a look also, as long as you don't mind fantasy games. Also both are 3rd person perspective games, and you can customise your own characters (and their primary follower, and choose your own party of 4 in dragon's dogma). I played as an attractive elf ranger type lady, with an equally attractive elf mage/healer lady as a follower.

The Saboteur is also a great open world game along the lines of GTA but set in occupied Paris. You are an Irish racecar driver/explosives expert who joins the resistance and blows up lots of Nazis. Really good jazz soundtrack, great artistic style, black and white with colour bleeding in as you liberate sections of the city. A massive game. Also, you live in a cabaret/strip club. Bonus ;)


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I will mention that Willem Dafoe is from my husband's hometown, Appleton, WI. My husband was actually in a musical with Bill's sister (Shenandoah) and "married" her and the big joke is what happened in that tent after. :D He was "Bill DAY-foe" back then.

I have discovered that the Fatal Frame series is available on the PSN now. I was hankering to be scared, but I only have Xbox copies and the 360 is upstairs. I cook dinner downstairs. So a copy on my downstairs PS3 will make being scared and cooking dinner easy. Only $10 each too!


Sep 27, 2006
He seems like an interesting guy, good actor. I believe Mel Gibson's sister lives somewhere in my area, also Russell Crowe has a house nearby apparently. Everyone has to live somewhere I guess.

Fatale frame (called project zero over here?) is a cool series, I like the camera gameplay mechanic, adds a lot of tension. The Japanese ghost/ring style scares are also something I really dig. Wish they would port them to the vita, would work very well with the Vita's tech and ps2 games look really good on the smaller, super clear OLED screen. Add some headphones and you have a good platform for scary titles.

I am playing lone survivor currently on vita, pretty cool survival horror Indy title, see link if you're interested.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I don't play games in teeny-weeny eye strain-o vision. Except Angry Birds. Pigs must die. :D

I will never forgive Nintendo for not bring FF4 to the US. Turns out, I can't play the PS2 version I downloaded. I can't invert the Y axis. :( I must have been able to on the Xbox version. I can't believe I beat the game without that ability.

And it's almost Batman time!!


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Sound is a very big part of gaming thats for sure. With headphones it can make that little screen seem much larger I imagine. There is just no way for me though. [face_tongue]


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Robtion I checked out demon's souls, Dragon's dogma and dark souls. They look interesting thanks. I will have to check into them when I get a Sony.

What do you guys know? If you get a playstation 4, I am starting to get the feeling now that all of the PS3 games will be able to be down loaded to the PS4. However the old ps3 disks will not work. I know some will be that way, but what about the releases that are about to come out? That Deception game for the PS3 is the one I am really interested in. It is going to be a PS3 game released in early 2014. That might be what determines which system I get next.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
If I remember correctly, there were almost no games out for the PS3 on launch. I'm not getting a PS4 until there's a game I have to have a PS4 to play on.

Also, PS3 games are going to be a lot larger to download than PS2 games or PS1 games. I don't know that I'd be comfortable expecting to DL all the PS3 games I wanted to play to a hard drive. [face_thinking] I also just like having the disc. I feel like Sony can't switch the rules on me.

Also, I double-checked my Xbox copies of FF. I can switch the Y axis on the Xbox versions, and damn, do they look better. People forget what an upgrade the Xbox was graphics wise over the PS2.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
I don't know that I'd be comfortable expecting to DL all the PS3 games I wanted to play to a hard drive. [face_thinking] I also just like having the disc. I feel like Sony can't switch the rules on me.

You got that right. Xbox changed the rules so many times people don't remember them all I am sure of that. I got the Arcade model because I am an exclusive disk player on my own time. I don't want the internet and xbox live. It's my private time to myself. So xbox created online/dlc games they call arcade games right? That is down loadable only with out an option to play on disk. These games are not that large so why not on disk? I'm stubborn and I got the arcade model just for the sake of testing MS integrity too. If I buy an offered stand alone, MS needs to stand up and honor what they offer and not change the rules as time go's on. I'll harp on this until MS is out of the gaming business if I have too. MS is trying to force online xbox live. I'll never buy their junk again. [face_not_talking]


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Oh no. I'm on my down with MS soap box. Sorry all. [face_peace]

One of the chinkiest things Microsoft did was with the Resident Evil 5 gold edition. With Sony you got RE5 and ALL of the DLC that came afterwards on one disk. Not so with MS. You got down load tokens. What the hell?! [face_shock] That was really a cheap move on MS part. For a gamer like me with theArcade ver of the 360 that meant I had to get a hard drive. Get an internet connection. Pay for MS live and then be able to down load my TOKENs. All the while Sony gamers could play it right out of the box with one disk.[face_angry]

And then there is Fallout New Vegas Ultimate edition. It is kind of like Resident Evil 5 Gold in that you get all the DLC and yes it’s on two disks this time with out any token crap. BUT! I don’t have enough space for a Microsoft update. Hummm. Ok. I check what is available at Game Stop and notice the USB external harddrives MS sells. Okay I have an extra 8 gig USB flash drive. And I still don’t have enough Space?! For an UPDATE? What the ?????? [face_beatup]

MS has it greedy eyes set on Gamers passions and I hate that they are so slithery and slimy about the way they try to get into our pocket books.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Ooops. Sorry guys. I killed this thread. I'm over it. [face_peace]

Sony PS 4 launched today. I read yesterday that if you have a PS3 game you really like there is a code that came with your disk that you can enter on the PSN for $10.00 and have a down load PS4 compatable conversion of that game down loaded so you can keep play your PS3 games. I thought that was kind of cool. Because right now I am eyeing two soon to be released PS3 games and not PS4.


Sep 27, 2006
jyerxa: Sorry been away from the net for a while with some internet outage issues and house renovations. The upgrade programming is okay but limited to a handful of games. PSplus is an amazingly good value offer that Sony offers though where you literally get so many free quality games you can't play them all.


Sep 27, 2006
LisaB1138: Should be great just like the rest of the game. More Ellie action sounds good to me.
Also heard TR is getting a next gen port, not that you guys would be too interested as I know you were less than impressed with the new TR.
jyerxa: Just had a thought, as you are a Danger Girl fan. Not sure if you read books but if you do I would highly recommend the Modesty Blaise series of novels (see my avatar). There is also a collection of newspaper comic strips which are great but the novels are really cool escapist thrillers in the style of James Bond bit with a strong female protagonist and much better writing.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I know I'm going to Tomb Raider hell for this, but when I read this quote:

“The Tomb Raider sequel is the next chapter of [Lara’s] development…"

I simply couldn't resist.


Sep 27, 2006
He he, funny. Definitely been a couple of big development from the looks of things.
I have to admit I am interested in seeing where they may take thinks from here, now that they are done with the 'origin' story. Really hope they hire some better writers for the next game though.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
They're never going to be done with their "origin" story. Trust me, the next game will be full of more of Lara's personal discoveries than archeological ones. ;) After all, she can't discover too much when every location is crawling with people to shoot.

Although I confess to wondering, after investing so much of the gameplay into mere survival, how they're going to fill up game time. Lara can't be cobbling together weapons on every adventure and learning to "fight" all over again. One wonders (with hope, I would imagine) if they might dismantle their overbuilt upgrade system in favor of something less intrusive and more meaningful. [face_thinking]


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Robtion I am a horrible reader. I am pretty sure I am dyslexic. I have a hard time reading for enjoyment. My favorite novel was the Hunt for Red October. From the very first page I could smell the salty air of the ocean and feel the winter frost crystals in my beard. It created images on every page. Flight of the Intruder did the same thing. From the very start I could see the cockpit panel glow in the night and hear the whine of the jet engins and tracer bullets coming up in a stream of light from the ground. If I can't project those kinds of images as I read it is hard to keep my attention. If the book is written right I love it. If the auther is showing off his command of the english language I can hardly finish the first chapter. And if I put a book down it is doomed. So................ what do you think my chances are with the Modesty Blaise series? ;) I guess I need a lot of physical and environmental discriptions to enjoy a book. Sounds like a very cool series. How discriptive is it? Assuming it is a paper back type of novel.

Lisa that picture cracks me up. :^O Yeah. Lara needs some better development in more areas than one. ;)


Sep 27, 2006
LisaB1138: Here is an idea, perhaps they could fill up the spare game time with...I don't know, actual tomb raiding :) Would be really nice to see some more exploration and puzzles in the next one. Won't hold my breath though. I would kind of like to see her somewhere remote in the next game with little contact with other humans. Might help cut down on the excessive shooting. Won't happen though.

jyerxa: The author Peter Odonnell was very good at descriptions and immersing the reader. The characters are great, there is plenty of humour, and each book is a clever and entertaining adventure. There are 13 novels the first printed in 1965, British author with an excellent writing style, far better than many modern authors who just hit F7 to bring up a theosaurus when they need a fancy word. The books are not huge, fairly light reading really, but well worth the effort.

There are also a hundred comic strip stories collected into books of 3 stories per book, also written by the same author. They are also great and easy reading but not as in depth as the novels obviously. Black and white art though as taken from newspapers. ;)


Sep 27, 2006
Nice choice. That is the first in the series so a great place to start. If you like it you will like the whole series.

Yes I have read it, I have read them all. ;) Look forward to hearing what you think of it.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
LisaB1138: Here is an idea, perhaps they could fill up the spare game time with...I don't know, actual tomb raiding :) Would be really nice to see some more exploration and puzzles in the next one. Won't hold my breath though. I would kind of like to see her somewhere remote in the next game with little contact with other humans. Might help cut down on the excessive shooting. Won't happen though.

I agree, the game's formula is set. They added more shooting because they believed it would appeal to a larger demographic, and that's probably true. Cutting it back substantially would only be a bait and switch. I still think they could up the real stealth component and achieve better results. I've always felt that Lara would avoid conflict rather than embrace it. I can see it annoying her by getting in the way of her real objective.


Sep 27, 2006
Can't believe I didn't think of this before but for fans of the old tomb raider games did anyone ever play primal? I loved that game on ps2 and just discovered it has been released on the psn as part of the ps2 classics library.

Heaps of exploration and great atmosphere, and at the time of release some of the best graphics I had seen. The protagonist Jen and her gargoyle sidekick Scree were also a great pair with some entertaining dialogue. Not sure how it holds up now but I will find out soon when I download it.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I've seen the game but never played. Let me know how the PSN version works.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Yeah, I played that. It was fun and the graphics were better than most of the games up to that time if I remember correctly. I rented it then. Never bought it.


Sep 27, 2006
Well, not that anyone asked but here are my brief ps4 impressions, having picked up a launch console and played it for a while now. Hardware wise it is really great, small compact design, whisper quiet, quick and responsive menus and interface. I think it is a powerful machine with a lot of potential [face_applause]

However at this stage potential is really all there is [face_thinking] There are not many games available and no must play games currently. Assassins Creed Black Flag is fun and looks great, but it's not really a next gen game.

Killzone: SF looks great at times but to be honest it's nothing special. I expected to be blown away, at least visually, but it's kind of disappointing :( Killzone 2 and 3 were a lot better in terms of gameplay, pacing, polish, and fun, and were much more visually impressive for their time and given the hardware they are on. I think Killzone: SF might have been rushed for launch [face_worried]

Despite this I know the ps4 will come into it's own over the next year or two. Plenty of great games, and studios working on great games but for now, no real reason to rush out and get one [face_peace]


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I won't get a PS4 until there's a game I must play, which, although there's been nothing official, will probably be The Last Guardian.

It looks like Lara got a makeover for the definitive edition of Tomb Raider.. They got rid of her beady, rat eyes.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
I am in no hurry to get a PS4 either. On the horizon I only see two games that intrest me and they are both PS3 games. I am still having a great time with Fallout New Vegas right now. That game is huge!

I have not got that book yet Robtion. So no updates yet. I got it from a used book store through Amizon so no telling when it will get here.


Sep 27, 2006
@jyerxa: What are the two games out of curiosity? Sounds like it might take Fallout 4 to bring you over to the next gen?
Yep delivery can be slow, hopefully you find it worth the wait ;)

@LisaB1138: I agree 100%, ps4 is largely a waste of time currently and pales in comparison to the older consoles game libraries. I have never got a console at launch before and only got it as I had a heap of credit from old games I am finished with that pretty much paid for the whole thing.

Lara's in game model looks much nicer on the new edition but not worth paying full price for the game again when I have already 100%'d it. Still looking forward to the eventual sequel on ps4 though.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
I am going to get Deception IV on release day. I haven't gotten a game at launch since I don't know when? Seems like the 360 and Perfect Dark were the last time I did that. That's been a while ago. The deception series was only on the first PlayStation. (My bad. A game called Trapped for the PS2 did come out.) So I am kind of full of anticipation what it will play like 9 years later since it's last release. And my gosh the advancements that have been made since then. I'm just going to have to get that one site unseen.

And I just have my eyes on this one. I am not overly excited about it. It is just something on the horizon. I'll wait and see what more details come out about it.
Sacrilegium. Don't know yet.

And YES! Fallout 4 will be a pre-order launch day purchase here. [face_drooling] When ever that gets here. [face_whistling]
Last edited:


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Alrighty. Update time around here.

I did. I relented and got a Hard Drive for my Xbox. #-o But I got it used for $17 on Amazon so I could play the DLC that comes with the Fallout New Vegas Ultimate edition.:D I just beat all of those missions on HardCore/Very Difficult mode. So when I finish this game I am done with Fallout for a while. That was a great find. I picked up 3 and NV last summer.

Amazon is selling PS3’s for $200 right now. So I picked up one of those while the price is down that low. And my curiosity got the best of me with Heavy Rain [face_thinking] so I ordered that for $13 also on Amazon.

I have started the first chapter of Modesty Blaise and right now Fraser and Tarrant are in transit to go see Miss Blaise. I will probably meet her tonight myself for the first time too.[face_tongue]


Sep 27, 2006
@jyerxa: Ohh, nice buys [face_applause] Treat heavy rain as an interactive movie and you should enjoy it. It is the furthest thing from a traditional game so leave your expectations at the door. And don't forget the last of us. Even Lisa B liked it and you know she has exacting standards ;)

I plan to pick up New Vegas ultimate edition soon, on your advice. Need something to play until they release some games for the ps4.

Great to hear thet you have started Modesty Blaise, I suspect you are in for a treat, such well written characters. I'm excited to hear what you think when a little further in.

@LisaB1138: Is it the HD download version? If so how does it look? Such great art design but I am ashamed to admit I never finished it. Got sidetracked at the time with travel or something.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I don't believe in a "favorite" game, but Okami is probably the game I have the fewest complaints about. Sad that Capcom dismantled Clover after that game. The HD version is gorgeous.
I'm getting Origins for Xmas.


Sep 27, 2006
Okay, that does it, I will officially give Okami another go in the next few months. Didn't end up getting Primal as I want to play it on Vita so will wait another year or two until it hopefully appears on Gaikai.

Sorry what is Origins?


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
The newest Batman game. I held off so it could be a gift for Christmas.


Sep 27, 2006
Oh right, cool. Loved 1, 2 was good but the story was disjointed and not as entertaining, haven't tried 3. Let me know how it compares.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I've heard it's not as good as the others, but as long as they kept the gameplay intact, I think I'll be happy.


Sep 27, 2006
The gameplay should be great. It's an excellent series. Do you know are there any extra playable characters in this one? I loved playing as the Joker in 1 and Catwoman in 2.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Oh man! #-o My first experiences with "Heavy Rain" were disastrous! [face_tongue]

My first introduction to the PS3 was with HR. New every thing! Menu's, controllers and such.

I love manual saves. I just loath auto saves. I don't trust them at all.

Started Heavy Rain on Christmas Eve and got into the story. Cool! [face_cool] However some how some way using my old game saving habits and trying to implement them, I turned off the auto save with out knowing it. [face_shock] I played it for 6 hours Christmas morning into the afternoon. And then Mag's got into the first fight and died. (My first effort) Well there was know way I was going to allow that to happen so I cheated and reloaded. [face_shame_on_you] [face_shock] Every thing I did Christmas day was NOT saved!!! [face_cry] So I spent 4 and 1/2 hours retracing my steps to catch back up to the story. [face_cry][face_angry][face_raised_brow] If Mag's didn't ah.................. well................... ya know............................. get ................... naked I wouldn't have retraced my steps. ;) It was grueling. [face_shhh]


Sep 27, 2006
Bummer, I had a similar thing happen with the last of us, which has or had an auto save glitch. Lost my first 6 hours of progress and almost gave up on the game because of it. Glad I didn't though, I would have been missing out. Just made sure to do a manual saves and never trust auto save from then on.