
Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I hope Yahtzee reviews Remember Me. He seems to have similar pet peeves to me, even if he is less than forgiving in some areas. The only review I ever really disagreed with was TRU, and I got the idea he barely played the game before he decided to rant on it.


Sep 27, 2006
Well, just finished Remember Me, and I really enjoyed it. Great setting, interesting story and ideas, and Nilin is a fun character to play. The combat does take quite a bit of getting used to and could be much better but it is not bad once you get the hang of it and unlock the 6 or so very cool special abilities. The game looks really good and future Paris is a highlight. Memory remixing is a good idea and is fun but does not have a lot of depth with only a few available choices in each memory. Overall 8/10 and definately worth playing. I would love to see a sequel but will not hold my breath as it seems unlikely this game will sell well unfortunately.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 22, 2008
Well, just finished Remember Me, and I really enjoyed it. Great setting, interesting story and ideas, and Nilin is a fun character to play. The combat does take quite a bit of getting used to and could be much better but it is not bad once you get the hang of it and unlock the 6 or so very cool special abilities. The game looks really good and future Paris is a highlight. Memory remixing is a good idea and is fun but does not have a lot of depth with only a few available choices in each memory. Overall 8/10 and definately worth playing. I would love to see a sequel but will not hold my breath as it seems unlikely this game will sell well unfortunately.

I agree with your assessment, I definitely enjoyed the theme and presentation of it, gameplay did take some getting use to. My only gripes are not being able to skip the cutscenes and the length of the game itself.


Sep 27, 2006
@iRockedYou: Yep, on my second playthrough currently and it would be nice to be able to skip some of the less interesting cutscenes. When you say length did you find it to be too short? It is not a long game but fairly standard 8-10 hr campaign for this sort of genre I think. Of course it would be nice if it were longer though ;)

I found the setting to be quite similar to that of Binary Domain if you have played it (good game worth a play if you haven't). Also got a bit of a Beyond Good and Evil vibe at times, perhaps just the female protagonist and French design sensibilities.

The Last of Us only days away now, and with a lot out excellent reviews! Looking forward to it.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 22, 2008
@Robtion I think the cutscenes are what really stretched the game to the 8-10 mark, as most missions were really linear and short, even the boss fights. You can beat Kid Christmas in under 5 minutes for example.

And I pick up my copy of The Last of Us today =] , that has to hold me over for a while because I'm starting to save up for the xbox one later this year. Have you considered which console you're going to get for next gen?


Sep 27, 2006
@iRockedYou: Re:Remember Me: I don't think the missions were too short but I did spend a lot of time walking around just taking in the world. It is a linear game with great art design and an interesting setting. Could have been better but still good in my book ;)

Yep I am about 5 hours in to The Last of Us. Pretty great so far, loved the prologue/start, even almost brought a tear to my eye within the first 20-30 mins which is something no other game has even come close to doing (could be to do with me being a recent-ish father so I could relate to Joel's situation though).

I really like PS exclusives and have had only good experiences with the PS1, 2, and 3 so definately PS4 (though I also had an both an xbox and 360 as well for a while). I guess I am one of the people against all the controlling, anti-consumer garbage the XB1 seems to try to force down your throat. Kinnect - not only must purchase but can't turn it off, forced connection/check ups/DRM, can't play offline games offline(Seriously?), and it's region locked. Microsofts whole attitude recently has also turned me off [face_shame_on_you] It supposedly uses cloud processing; it seems not because it brings anything extra to the experience, but because almost half the local RAM is being eaten up by the Operating System, Kinnect functions, and TV stuff [face_frustrated] Actually plenty of other reasons beyond those mentioned but I don't want to rant [face_tired]

Overall the region free thing is a big factor for me though. XB1 locked, PS4 not locked. I live in Australia so being able to import games from other countries ([face_flag]) for almost 1/2 the price charged in Australia is a pretty big bonus :D


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 22, 2008
@Robtion again I agree with you, Remember Me is a pretty great game, and easily sleeper hit of the year.

I chose to get the X1 because my brother is getting the PS4 and we collect all the systems. I just traded a bunch of games in today and it totaled $134 so I put that on his PS4 preorder. I love Sony's approach for the next gen, and although I'll only use the X1 for gaming and not for all the excess "entertainment" I do think they are taking a bigger jump into the future with the way the gaming business is going.

I think Sony will eventually get on board with a future console that goes with digital distribution and loosely the same kind of restrictions.


Sep 27, 2006
[URL='']@iRockedYou[/URL]: Sounds like a good idea, always nice to have access to both consoles.

It may be the future of gaming given time but I will put it off as long as I can, as it is not a direction I look forward to, and I don't want to support it. I am also not a fan of DLC, Season passes, and micro-transactions but like you say, unfortuanately that is where things are going (I got the season pass for Injustice and The Last of Us against my better judgement).
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Almost Not a Noob
Jan 22, 2008
@Robtion I can handle DLC, just not Day 1 DLC. Day 1 DLC should have been included in-game, and now that both the X1 and PS4 are doing Bluray and have the RAM specs to match I don't see why the content would be withheld next-gen.


Sep 27, 2006
@iRockedYou: Unfortunately content will still be withheld next gen because it is profitable for companies to do this. Thus my problem with DLC in general.

So what is looking good to people next gen?
I like the look of Infamous: Second Son and Killzone: Shadow Fall (saw some great new footage on Rev3/Sessler games) on PS4, Dead Rising 3, and Titanfall (probable timed exclusive) on XB1, and a bunch of other multiplatform games like The Witcher 3 and Final Fantasy 15.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Personally, I think next-gen is a boondoggle. There's nothing wrong with the current gen. They're going to hold games hostage to force us to buy them though, which pisses me off to no end.


Sep 27, 2006
Wow, a boondoggle?! I have to say I've not heard that before [face_thinking] Quick google and bam, it is a word (kind of, made up by the NY times in 1935 apparently). Nice one [face_applause]
I agree current games are great (loving the Last of Us), but having seen some videos recently of FFXV, Killzone:SF, and Infamous:SS, AC: Black Flag and various others they are pretty impressive. They have convinced me.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I don't need better graphics. I need better games. Why should I spend money so I can play [insert franchise name] 6? Am I really going to get $500 out a new console considering the repetitious crap publishers put out every month?

No. I don't doubt I'll eventually get one because they'll hold a game hostage for it. Some game *coughLast Guardiancough* that they could have easily released on the last generation, but figured it was anticipated enough to hold hostage so I'll have to spent ~$600 for it.

At least Sony didn't follow MS's example regarding used games. It's a shame that was even a conversation, but at least they didn't bend us over there.


Sep 27, 2006
@LisaB1138: I hear you. The Last of Us is a good example of a better game I believe. The graphics are nice, similar to those in the new TR but it is the story, character interaction, exploration, scavenging, and emotional connection that makes it a great game. As I said above this is the only game I have ever played that genuinely almost brought me to tears. This is also the closest thing I have seen to survival horror in a long time, with limited ammunition and weapons and at times a real sense of fear. The enemy ai is pretty great and reacts to what you are doing e.g. run in barefisted and they will swamp you, pull a gun out and they will yell warnings to each other and dive for cover. It is not so much an original or particularly innovative game but it is more a culmination and refinement of many of the best gaming elements of many games over the past 20 years.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I downloaded the demo yesterday and I liked it. I too thought it had a survival horror feel to it--- a very welcome attribute. I'm going to trade in GOW Ascension (no reason to believe I'm ever going to finish it. It was a pointless game to begin with.) and get $15 while I can.

TR2013 is now down to $30. So help me decide: get the more expensive game I want or get TR so I can finally bitch about it honestly? [face_thinking]


Sep 27, 2006
Both great games in my opinion (be extravagant and get both) but I would go for The Last of Us over TR as the strong story and survival horror elements are really more to my taste. TR is more action, traversal, and shooting oriented, TLoU is more stealth, survival, and story oriented.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Well, I took your advice and got The Last of Us. Granted, I'm not very far in the game--I was just given the girl--but I keep waiting to play a game. So far, aside from a few gun battles, it's been very follow the bouncing ball--or icon. Go here, wait for the prompt. Go there. Wait for the prompt.

I'm not giving up, but so far I'm rather unimpressed with it as a game. Maybe if I'd played Uncharted I'd be less surprised at the lack of "game." Anytime your television ads tout that someone thinks they're watching a movie as opposed to playing a game, it does rather admit that the "game" portion of the game is rather underdone.

However, the demo did have that stealth aspect going for it. Maybe it's just a slow start?

I'm also disappointed with the en media res that throws you into a story that has nothing to do with a zombie apocalypse. Hopefully that changes as well.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Update: I've now met up with "Bill" and we're starting that mission. I'm enjoying it for the most part. Any portion that requires a lot of shooting is never my favorite, but as long as I can choose how to proceed, I'm happier.


Sep 27, 2006
Well hopefully you like it once things get moving a bit more and you start to meet some infected. It is a linear, story driven game though so don't expect fallout or something. What did you think of the start/prologue, I thought it was quite well done, very cinematic?

There is plenty of gameplay in the game don't worry, also a lot of options for how you want to handle situtions once you unlock more weapons etc. It is also quite long for this type of game.

As for en media res what exactly is your issue with this? Where would you like to see the story begin?

Edit: Woops: Wrote this at the same time as your last message. You ninja'd me ;)
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Well, it's not that the story should begin anywhere else, I just felt it was dumb storytelling. His daughter gets shot and now it's years later, and he's all scruffy and angry and smuggling guns with some chick we don't know. He just is, OK? Dead daughter = angry gun smuggler. Move on, nothing else to see here. It was like in PoP 2 when the charming prince vanished for this angry stranger. He's angry now, OK? He just is.

It doesn't take much to fix these things. Just the right piece of dialog can do it, the right moment. For me, the issue isn't whether a particular character would do a specific thing, but what are the circumstances under which he would do it. No need to rub our faces in it. This complaint is rather small, though. The game does do a good job overall and yes, the prologue is very well done. I just felt the jump was needlessly sparse.

I do wish the developers had decided to let us discover more on our own. Is it really so passe to let us go up to every door and try to open it, a la Silent Hill? Do we have to be told from across the area, "hey, this opens!" with an icon?


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Update: Beat the game. I liked it. I don't know why anyone would complain about the ending. Maybe they don't have kids. It was spot on, IMO.

I spent a lot of time dying and cursing during firefights. At the hospital, after you escape, I was having great difficulty, so I handed the controller to Douglas, as I am want to do when I get annoyed. That's he he discovers I loaded his save file when I started the game. I cleaning the kitchen and asked him to pop the disc in and get it ready for me to play. He does and gets back to the start menu. I start it up again, and hit "continue" and the beginning of the game starts. What he didn't tell me, and apparently didn't know realize until he kept dying, was that he started the game on hard mode, and I'd been playing the whole game on hard mode. #-o I never play games on hard mode unless it gets me extra gameplay content. So we jete'd back to normal and then kicked ourselves because we were so close to finishing. Oh well.

A couple of times I got really pissed at the dumb crap the developers made me do, like not shutting the gate that had been braced with the pipe behind us in the sewers. You just said "that won't hold" but we leave the gate wide open so we can have a stupid firefight. But I really enjoyed the stealth aspect and looking for stuff.


Sep 27, 2006
Great, glad you enjoyed it. Sure no game is perfect but this does a lot more right than wrong and in my opinion is one of the best games i have played (would fall in my top ten list).

I am a father so know what you mean, I can't see any parent making a choice different to the one Joel made.


Sep 27, 2006
It really is great. I feel sorry for people who don't have access to a ps3 and have convinced themselves that this game is not that big a deal and they can go without it. They really are missing out.

POTENTIAL SPOILER WARNING: I saw a couple of decent videos for anyone who has finished the game and is interested, on Rev3games (youtube) Sessler's the last od us spoiler cast and on IGN also Moriarty and Millers spoilercast. I don't agree with everything said (especially the stuff about Joel ending up a baddie due to his big decision) but still entertaining.

For a complete change of pace I'm now on deadpool. Just a bit of light B-grade entertainment. Not sure yet how I feel about it, will give it some time.
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
POSSIBLE SPOILERS: Casting Joel as a baddie is too farfetched. When you've spent a good portion of your life living for your next meal, "saving humanity" is not a concern. It's a concept you can't afford. It's like the current trend towards "responsible" crop and food animal production. Only those that can afford to worry about such things do so.

I also think there were enough hints dropped in the game that made the Fireflies look morally ambiguous if not self-serving. Does anyone truly believe they would be passing out that vaccine like candy on Halloween?
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Sep 27, 2006
POTENTIAL SPOILER WARNING: Exactly. I think anyone referring to Joel as bad is being very naive. Given the circumstances and the state of the world I think he acted in a very realistic manner, and put himself in extreme danger to help a girl who he has come to think of as a daughter.

That's not to say that he necissarily made all the right choices as he has obvisouly been impacted by the harsh realities of the world he lives in and he has learnt that you have to do what it takes to survive. Although it seems lying to her will eventually come back to bite him, I can still understand his motivations for this.

As you said the Fireflys seems far from virtuous themselves.


Sep 27, 2006
Well I'm playing Killer is Dead currently as I am a fan of Suda51's games. Not far enough in yet to give an opinion but I will get back to you. I really like the look of puppeteer but will have to wait on money and spare time for that.
I hear a time splitters game may be coming to ps4. Just remakes of mp maps I think but I always liked timesplitters.
Anyone else looking forward to or playing any games currently?


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
SPOILER ALERT! Joel isn't a baddie IMO. That is the whole concept of TLOU, Everyone is a hero/villain, to themselves. That's why it is so enthralling, its so real. If an outbreak happened, this is how people would react. You need to survive. Now would I make the choice that Joel made? I don't know. You don't know unless you are in that moment yourself. I loved Ellie and didn't want her to die. is the human race's chance for survival. Amazing ending to the greatest game ever made so far.
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Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
If I were to say I am looking forward to anything? It would be the next Fallout game the most. I have been playing the Mass Effects, Oblivion and Skyrim and that has pretty much kept me happy. I use to hate RPG's but I am finding that they are an absolute blast nowadays. I find them as exciting as the original TR's were. Especially the Fallout series. It has all of the exploring and isolation feelings I liked with the TR games of old. TR kind of had a strategy and story to it too once. And Fallout is great at that! Especially New Vegas. Fallout has been around a while and slipped under my radar. I didn't think I would be interested. I was wrong.

Currently playing Minecraft and When I feel like a good laugh I play Saints Row the third. Not going to get the Saints Row 4 yet. It might be a little to over the top for me.

What ever it is. The thing I need to enjoy is the third person view. I don't like first person games because............................. well I just don't. [face_tongue]


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I don't like first person view either. I find all those floating hands somewhat comical, but mostly I'm very susceptible to motion sickness. No game is worth that feeling. I wish developers understood that when they don't offer a 3rd person option they're auto culling people like me from their customer base.


Sep 27, 2006
RossLeyshonInception: I agree it's an amazing game, and you are correct, there is no way Joel is a baddie, I think he made the right decision given the circumstances.

jyerxa: All great games you have mentioned though I haven't played new Vegas and didn't finish fallout 3 due to a game ending bug (so buggy on ps3 even after the patches) :( I really like the combat system (VATS). I much prefer 3rd person also but it's not done very well in the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games unfortunately.
Saints row 3 is great fun for a really over the top gta style game. I look forward to playing SR4 one of these days. Mass effect trilogy: some of my favourite games of this generation. I played a female commander Shepard, the invisible sniper class (infiltrator?), mostly paragon choices.

LisaB1138: I much prefer 3rd person games too but I definitely like 1st person games as well. What are some of the games you have played and liked in the past or currently (other than the amazing team ICO ones and BG&E)? Is there a particular type of 3rd person game you like? Just wondering so I can perhaps recommend games relevant to you.

As for deadpool, it was not good. Unfortunately very generic combat and boring to play, though it was funny. I didn't finish it though. Much better to pick up xmen origins wolverines revenge if you want a great 3rd person action game with satisfying combat.

So far I am really digging Killer is Dead. Very stylish art design and presentation and simple but incredibly fun combat. I like the crazy Japanese vibe the game has going on and I am not bothered by the optional and supposedly sexist gigolo missions. They're funny. Why do people have to take everything so seriously? About 1/2 way through the game currently I think.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
I had a lot of bugs and lock ups with my 360 and New Vegas. But the game play was fascinating and I put up with it until I finished it. There is so much replay value to New Vegas I am going to get it again if they make it on the PS4 platform. Lots of mysteries still yet to discover or resolve. And if you play it on Hard Core mode which is different from the difficulty setting it enhances the game so much more. You need to sleep because you get tired and that affects you sneaking and sniper skills. You shake and miss more. You need to eat too. You get famished and unsteady. You get dehydrated. Radiation sickness let alone getting shot at. It makes every thing you find in the game a necessity to survive. Every movement and decision has relevance. I ate it up! All supporting the thrill of the over all game and objectives.

I like the female characters the best too. I like the fact they usually depend on stealth, sneaking and long range fighting skills such as a sniper or bows and arrows and archery rather than brawn.

My gosh you are so right on about the character select and designs in Oblivion and Skyrim compared to Saints Row. OOoo EEEe! The ladies in Saints Row can be drop dead gorgeous if you want! Hot Damn! :D


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Games I haven't mentioned that I loved . . . Okami. I don't have a favorite game, but Okami is probably as close to a perfect game as I get. I loved the Onimusha series, God of War series and Devil May Cry 1&3. Hated 4. Like DmC for the gameplay, felt the reboot not well-written (although not nearly as objectionable as TR2013.) I loved Silent Hill 1&3, like 4 for what it tried to do, and really really like Fatal Frame series. I really love the new Batman games. I liked Heavenly Sword (still looking for that Kai spinoff game.) I loved Psychonauts. I loved Brutal Legend until it turned into RTS Guitar Hero. (I can't play Simon Sez games.)

Basically, I like Tomb Raider set in other games. :D Are you exploring? Are you finding stuff? Do you really control what your character does/how it plays (as opposed to being prompted and scripted or trial and error combat.) Sure, Onimusha/GOW/DMC are hack n slash combat, but Onimusha/DMC had that whole dark isolation vibe going and GOW had the set pieces (even if you couldn't explore like Lara.) GOW also had a great story.


Sep 27, 2006
Well I really like the sound of hard core mode. You have convinced me to give new Vegas a try once I get a bit of spare time ( if that ever happens). I wish more games would acknowledge the need to eat and sleep, especially survival type games, though you don't want to make it too much of a chore of course.

I think a new Fallout game on ps4 would be amazing, it could be very immersive with the new technology.

Yes I love character creators in games and can spend hours just messing around with them. If I have the choice I will usually play as a female character in 3rd person games. If I am going to be staring at them for hours on end I would much prefer to be looking at a member of the fairer sex ;)


Sep 27, 2006
LisaB1138: You ninja's me again. We have similar taste in games it seems, I like all of those games. I think fatal frame would be great on the vita given the gameplay and nature of vita controls. God of war (the original game) has one of the best stories in gaming, love that game. Psychonauts (surreal), and heavenly sword (king Bohan and co) both amazing. Devil may cry the original was so good for it's time, the reboot is fun, great combat and graphics. Onimusha series was really good.

Conan was a god of war clone done on a budget with a fairly bland story but great combat if you haven't played it and are looking for a good action game. Also as mentioned earlier xmen wolverine's revenge has some of the most enjoyable combat of any game, with great counter and finishing moves.

Did you ever play Enslaved? Linear, story driven game with simple yet fun combat by ninja theory, but if you liked heavenly sword and the new DMC then you would possibly enjoy it. I loved it personally. How about Darksiders 1 and 2. I never got into them but sounds like they may appeal to you possibly? Catherine is one of my favourite games of this generation and really worth playing for an adult looking for a good story and something different. Heavenly rain also very different but awesome as a branching interactive movie with a great Seven like story.


Sep 27, 2006
Woops, I meant heavy rain, not heavenly rain [face_silly]

Finished Killer is Dead. Loved it. As I said above, very stylish with really fun combat, a bit like devil may cry but simplified and with extra helpings of style. The look of the game is great, especially certain, dream sequences, and levels (the train, vampire castle, and moon mansion). The frequent boss fights are overall very cool. Took 11+ hrs to finish the campaign and 2/3 of the side missions. The game is built for replayability with ratings for each level and unlockables. The story is very confusing and makes little sense overall unfortunately but there are some nice cutscenes and it is all still very stylish. Overall 8/10 for me, but not a game for people who don't get Japanese culture and wackiness.


Sep 27, 2006
@jyerxa: DeceptionIV sounds interesting, never heard of it before. Let me know if any good info is released on it, e.g. gameplay, trailers etc.

I'm really looking forward to Lily Bergamo on ps4, even with very little to go on. I am confident it will be great as I really like Killer is Dead (KiD) and Suda's games in general. If they can build on the combat from KiD I will be happy. I just hope this releases soonish and in English as my Japanese is very limited.

Trivia: A Lily Bergamo is a variety of flower.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
The first Deception game I played was Deception - Dark Delusion. Then Kagero. There was another release but I can't remember it's name, that came afterwards. At the time I called it an engineering game. You had resources to use and set up or design to achieve an effect. A chain reaction of different traps that once activated slung your foe through a brutal beating thus escaping and survive. It could be really comical if it all worked out right. You have to come up with the idea. That is the part I like. Kind of like Minecraft. You make it happen. There were a bunch of different traps to use. Geesh. I checked out the board and the last real comments were eight years ago. I thought this game was forgotten and gone for ever. I'm glad to see it back.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
So my 15 year old son and COD fan starts playing the The Last of Us. He get to the first real stealth room--in the abandoned office building in Boston--and it's killing him he can't shoot his way out it. He has no patience.

"Why do I have to wait ten minutes to take down a guy?"

"It's like five seconds, Michael. You've got to wait for the right moment to move or they'll see you and it's over."

*moves too soon* They all attack. He starts shooting. Clicker gets him.


"Grasshopper, you need strategy and patience for this game. You cannot run and gun your way through this world."

I guess I"m myopic in my game taste, because I don't see how anyone could not enjoy using stealth more than point and shoot. I guess COD has conditioned him to need lots of noise.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jan 22, 2008
So my 15 year old son and COD fan starts playing the The Last of Us. He get to the first real stealth room--in the abandoned office building in Boston--and it's killing him he can't shoot his way out it. He has no patience.

"Why do I have to wait ten minutes to take down a guy?"

"It's like five seconds, Michael. You've got to wait for the right moment to move or they'll see you and it's over."

*moves too soon* They all attack. He starts shooting. Clicker gets him.


"Grasshopper, you need strategy and patience for this game. You cannot run and gun your way through this world."

I guess I"m myopic in my game taste, because I don't see how anyone could not enjoy using stealth more than point and shoot. I guess COD has conditioned him to need lots of noise.

I'm torn between both styles of gaming. I have moments when playing a stealth game where I just get bored of the slow pace, especially with games with interesting stories (TLOU, DISHONORED, SPLINTER CELL BLACKLIST). Then when a game is full of action where the time seemingly passes by too quickly, it creates a sense of a lack of content.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
I've been having trouble all this week commenting.

I love the stealth tactics! Not enough games have it in my opinion. I think it was the first Metal gear solid that I saw some really good stealth action. I've seen attempts in other games but not as good as the PlayStation. How many gens do we have to go through before the console platforms figure out we like games and NOT all of this Tech mumbo jumbo. [face_talk_hand] Enough already. [face_raised_brow]


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Wow. It seems like this board is back up and running. Cool.

What I really liked about the stealth and saw in MGS was the flattening up against a wall and then make a tapping sound to catch the foes attention and lure them into an ambush/bushwhack attack. Being able to crawl on your belly and slither through the radar and visual eye sight of the foe. You really had to sneak like you would have to do in real life. Those were basics at the PS1 level. It does see really cheap and lazy on the developers to only crouch and then consider yourself hidden no matter how exposed you really are if it were real life. I love stealth action in video games. I think it may be my favorite way to play a game. And yes Lisa. It takes work and effort. And the rewarding feeling is well earned and not so easy come easy go.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I really enjoy the stealth in Batman. The rooms are like a puzzle.


Sep 27, 2006
LisaB1138: That is a shame, maybe he will like stealth more as he gets older? Patience is a virtue after all. So did he finish the game? I'd be interested in a 15yr old's view as it is really made for a more mature audience with the concepts of parenthood and such. Also yes batman has some really fun stealth.

iRockedYou: I hear you but if stealth is done well it should not be boring. Depends on the skills of the developer in implementing it.

jyerxa: Did you play MGS4? Very in depth and well executed stealth with so many options. The octocamo chameleon like stealth suit further enhanced the gameplay too. Easily the most in depth and well executed stealth gameplay I have seen in a game.

I personally grew up on Tenchu: Stealth Assassins, which was another of the ps1 era games that helped create the stealth genre. Lots of ninja-ing around on rooftops and over the top stealth executions. I now play Shinobido 2 on the vita, made by Acquire the developers of the original Tenchu. Very old school but still great fun.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
@Robiton: No, he hasn't picked it up again. He had an entire Saturday on his own and didn't touch it. I don't think he will finish it.

I understand on one level: If you're not having fun, why are you playing? I don't understand people who suffer through games out of some weird honor code that they have to beat it on every difficulty (or even one!) My middle child does this, and then I have to hear him complain about how dumb this gameplay mechanic is, or how cheap the enemies are. Dude, stop. It's not your job. You're not letting anyone down by no playing that game.

We all have games that annoy us in some regard, but there's enough enjoyment to overcome our annoyances (I'm looking at you, Silent Hill 4). Douglas just seems to feel he's violated the law if he doesn't do 100%, no matter how much he hates every minute.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
jyerxa: Did you play MGS4? Very in depth and well executed stealth with so many options. The octocamo chameleon like stealth suit further enhanced the gameplay too. Easily the most in depth and well executed stealth gameplay I have seen in a game.

I think MGS and TR were kind of the cross roads of video games as my kids grew and games advanced. Every body played Duke Nukem from My dad to my son. My son played Mario and my daughter was 4 years younger than her brother so she didn’t really play then before that time. It wasn’t until my son actually bought the Play Station with his own money that I was introduced to play station and their games. I was a Nintendo Dad. But who knew what the future would bring back then.

So I took him to ToyRUs to get his console and some games. Remember those days? There was an entire Isle dedicated to the Play station games. This was right before TR 3 came out. So I got TR 2 for my daughter and my son got his games he always wanted. So I never played his games. And when I started to help my daughter play Tome Raider, she lost interest and I got hooked. LOL

I never played the games my son did at the same time until Fable on the Xbox came out. He was over seas then and I picked up two on launch day sending him one. And we have kind of played the same games ever since.

So in a nut shell? I never played any MGS. I did enjoy watching them. I knew them so well when he was done I really didn’t want to play them once he was finished. And then along came Jill in Resident Evil Nemesis. I did play that one after he was done. And that is kind of how I started enjoying playing games with a female protagonist. First Lara then Jill and I really got to enjoy that and just don’t like Male protagonist games any more. It makes it that much more of a story for me. And I would rather look at a woman any day of the week.


Sep 27, 2006
LisaB1138: That's a shame but yes games should be enjoyed not a chore otherwise what is the point. As one gets older life has enough boring daily grinding with work, chores, responsibilities, without adding it to your leisure time.

jyerxa: Well we can agree on that, I also much prefer lady characters in games. Speaking of female protagonists I'm currently playing Beyond: two souls and it's really entertaining so far as a choose your own adventure style interactive story/game. Good review at rev3games on YouTube or for a funny review check out PlayStation access also on you tube. Wouldn't bother with the ign review, it's frankly ridiculous.