
No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2019
Majora's Mask, Adventure of Link and Legend of Zelda Part 1 are my least favorite games in the series. However, I would never call them the worst since I like all the games in the series.
Nov 27, 2019
Why does everyone hate the DS games? Ok, they may not be the best ever, but I think they were really fun, and Spirit Tracks has the best soundtrack of the series in my opinion. Plus, you can play them on the go! And by that I mean actually on the go, not like BOTW, that has an enormous system, the DS can fit in my pockets. Overall I'd say that the DS games are very underrated, and that the worst games are
TLOZ 2: Adventure of link
TLOZ: Tri force heroes
Nov 27, 2019
Why does everyone hate the DS games? Ok, they may not be the best ever, but I think they were really fun, and Spirit Tracks has the best soundtrack of the series in my opinion. Plus, you can play them on the go! And by that I mean actually on the go, not like BOTW, that has an enormous system, the DS can fit in my pockets. Overall I'd say that the DS games are very underrated, and that the worst games are
TLOZ 2: Adventure of link
TLOZ: Tri force heroes
Nov 27, 2019
Why does everyone hate the DS games? Ok, they may not be the best ever, but I think they were really fun, and Spirit Tracks has the best soundtrack of the series in my opinion. Plus, you can play them on the go! And by that I mean actually on the go, not like BOTW, that has an enormous system, the DS can fit in my pockets. Overall I'd say that the DS games are very underrated, and that the worst games are
TLOZ 2: Adventure of link
TLOZ: Tri force heroes


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2019
I don't think any Zelda game is bad, but I can't beat MM, AoL, and LOZ Nes. They are too hard for me. In MM, I struggled to keep up with the time limit. It really wore me out. Don't get me wrong. In the end, I had a lot of fun playing MM, though. In Aol, I didn't know where to go after the first dungeon. In LOZ NES, which is the very first zelda game, I did pretty good until I got closer to the end. I can't find the rest of the dungeons.
I’d say mine would have to be Four Swords, Phantom Hourglass, and Tri Force Heroes.

Not that I hate any one of these games, mind you. I don’t think there is any objectively bad Zelda game. I like Tri Force Heroes, and I think Phantom Hourglass is okay, and I’ve never even played Four Swords. But they’re the three games that I would probably lose the least sleep over if they hadn’t ever been released.