
Dec 7, 2011
I think it is Four Swords for the DSi. It also has a single player mode which is boring, and getting hit is CONSTANTLY ANNOYING!! #-o


No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2010
Getting hit means you need to learn to play better. You don't blame the game for taking damage.

Here's my three worst. Now I'll say that I liked every zelda game, so they're not bad. They are just the ones I like least. And I have negative nostalgia to alttp. It is the game that though me when I was 9/10 that dying in a game isn't bad. Only problem is that game had me die about 150 times when I played it when I was 9/10.

1. A Link to the Past
2. Spirit Tracks
3. OoT

I've already explained alttp. Spirit Tracks for all the above reasons. My main one is that the train hurt exploration. Instead of walking through a field findin treasure I got to ride a train and miss a good bit of possible exploration.

For third honestly I had trouble thinking of anything. AoL was a fun challenge, LOZ was nice to see the origins of the series and a good game, MC/WW are my favorites, FSA is awesome, etc. I honestly enjoyed OoT a pretty good amount. I just got stuck finding a third game. If I have to give a reason, the supposed great story felt a bit too simple of a story. Plot wise I think of it as being the lowest in 3d zelda games.

FSA is awesome. I'm mad at myself for giving that game away to a friend. Really fun game and dark link fights were some of the most fun fights in the entire series. And I played it solo and still loved it.
Jan 9, 2008
I did die a lot in ALttP my first time through. Stuff like rats in the sewers at the beginning, or the Ice Palace or Wizzrobes, etc. I would say AoL might have been easier if they got rid of the lives system, and if you didn't have to grind so much(and change the max level to 10 or 20).


No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2010
^ AoL was a fun challenge but AlttP was the deathfest? You're an odd one, Mehdi. [face_tongue]
Like I said I beat AlttP when I was 9/10. I beat AoL when I was 14 and had become better at games. If I attempted AoL at 9 I'm not sure how much hate I'd have for that game.
Jun 12, 2011
I'll put the three games that I had the most trouble beating.

When I played Majora's Mask, I got stuck in the region where the Stone Tower is.
When I played Legend of Zelda 1, I got stuck in the second to last dungeon.
When I played Adventure of Link, I got stuck way at the beginning.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 10, 2008
3. TP

This game had alot of promise in the first half, but the pacing was killed after the fourth dungeon. Things got even worse after the seventh, as the last two dungeons sucked and Ganondorf was shoehorned in. The game was inexcuseably easy as well. Bosses taking off a quarter heart of damage throughout the entire game? What the hell is that? And then there is the lack of great NPCs. I'm talking about those not central to the plot. We all know how great Midna was.

2. PH

This game brought about the death of exploration in Zelda games. The islands were all bland, with the only distinguishing characteristics really being color pallette swaps. Dungeons were dull and overly simplistic. They didn't really do anything new, even with a new control scheme. The story was also pretty bland. And then there is the Temple of then Ocean King. Making us repeat the same areas of that dungeon over and over again? Why? Even worse than that though, was combat. It became little more than tap to kill.

The reason ST isn't on this list is because I feel that it righted many wrongs of its predecessor. People fault the train for limiting exploration even more than the boat, but consider the number of optional train stations scattered throughout the world. PH only had a handful of optional islands to discover. I believe ST had about 20 optional stations waiting to be discovered and explored. There was also the fact that each track held the possibility of hiding a rabbit to capture. So it may have not been the exploration that we're used to, but it was definitely an improvment over PH. ST also had higher difficulty. The Tower of Spirits had some of the most challenging puzzles in all of Zelda. Bosses also put up more of a fight (thats not saying much, but still). There were more sidequests with collectibles like the stamp book and other things to find at all of the various stations. The story was presented better with the history of the Lokomo, Cole and Byrne, and Zelda's involvement. The game had a great intro as well. I never understood why this game seems to get more hate than PH.

1. AoL

There is a difference between challenging difficulty and punishing difficulty. Forcing the player to lose all progress towards a level up and restart at the very beginning of the game after every game over is punishment. Its not fun. It serves no purpose and improves the game in no way. It is bad game design. And when the rest of the game is as challenging as it is, this flaw stands out even more. It is true that the combat is more in depth than most, if not all, other games in the series. And this means the player will die alot. Its hard to find motivation to continue to improve in this game when you are consistently punished for trying. Some people will say that the answer to this is to just grind in the overworld until you are suitably overleveled. Why should this be necessary to enjoy, or even play the game?

Yes I dislike this game because it is too hard. And when the difficulty comes from poor and frustrating design choices, it is a valid complaint. And I'm not one to shy away from difficulty done right. I love the original Zelda and ALttP. I also love Fire Emblem and Monster Hunter. Those games don't punish the player. They challenege them.


The Return of Nubbiness
Aug 27, 2006
Everyone that is sucking Zelda II's balls in this thread needs to stop, because I just don't understand how you could feel that way about such a mediocre game. I'm playing the game right now, and it's maddeningly difficult to the point that it isn't fun. Maybe people who suck at video games like me just have different opinions, but it's still not an enjoyable game to me. Speaking as somebody who has yet to play every Zelda game (though I'm getting there), I have to say that the only game above Zelda II on my list of most disappointing Zelda games would be Phantom Hourglass.


Super Star
Jul 23, 2005
Canada, Eh?
@JohnnyFingercock , thanks for defending Spirit Tracks. I finally got around to buying it a couple weeks ago and just beat the game yesterday. I was blown away by it. I heard so many negative things about it, got curious for it lately, read a few really positive reviews, then decided to take the plunge and finally buy it, it was cheap so if I didn't end up liking it, not a big loss.

The game was really fun. Really liked the story, didn't mind the train much and like you said there was plenty of exploration to be had, you just had to look for it. There were a ton of hidden tracks to get, with hidden bunnies and stamp stations. There were a lot of mini games and side quests that you could do and even 3 boss battle ''endless pits'' to challenge yourself.

Aside from the first temple/temple boss, the dungeons were really cool and the boss's were a lot of fun to fight. I was so impressed.

Doing everything with the stylus wasn't nearly as annoying as I thought it'd be and grew on me within 5 minutes of playing. Only reason I haven't picked up PH is because I can't find it. =p

ANYWAYS, mine have to be.

1. Link's Adventure
2. LoZ
3. N/A

I love all of them, those are the only 2 I can think to even mention, not because they suck or they're terrible, they were just really frustrating. =p but satisfying.

Deleted member 4122759

Original poster
Honestly the only Zelda game I haven't enjoyed is Skyward Sword, so...

1.Skyward Sword

Oh and if Four Swords for DSi counts, that was God-awful. It'd be number one if you count it.


No Longer a Noob
May 10, 2003
I'd count A Link to the Past's laser-shooting Beamos as the series' first robotic enemies.

P.S. - Spirit Tracks is in no way, shape or form a better Zelda game than The Legend of Zelda 1. Do you remember Sir Frosty?! He has to be least-creative enemy Nintendo's ever dreamt up.
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Mr. Minish
Nov 1, 2007
I'd count A Link to the Past's laser-shooting Beamos as the series' first robotic enemies.

P.S. - Spirit Tracks is in no way, shape or form a better Zelda game than The Legend of Zelda 1. Do you remember Sir Frosty?! He has to be least-creative enemy Nintendo's ever dreamt up.
What about foes like the Armos or Blade Traps in the original LoZ? I've always seen those two as machinery which is out to get Link.

LoZ doesn't have the Spirit Flute so it's obviously better than Spirit Tracks.


No Longer a Noob
May 10, 2003
Armos were soldiers turned into stone (cf. Zelda 1 manual). I always thought that was the result of magic. I see Traps as mechanical (wound-up) enemies set up by the smarter enemies. I would distinguish mechanical enemies from electronic ones, such as the previously-mentioned Beamos.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jan 15, 2010
After thinking about it again and playing for swords, I have to remit my original comment and say that four swords is the worst Zelda game. It's just a grass cutting treasure hunt. FSA had puzzles and way better weapon and item usage.

New list

Four swords
Phantom hourglass
Spirit tracks


Apr 1, 2012
Honestly the only Zelda game I haven't enjoyed is Skyward Sword, so...

1.Skyward Sword

Oh and if Four Swords for DSi counts, that was God-awful. It'd be number one if you count it.

This is my list. Skyward Sword had a dull and predictable storyline, the world felt small and repetitive, 10 minutes after pairing up with Fi and I wanted to kill her (I'd rather have Navi), I wasn't a fan of most of the music, and the dungeons were too short and easy. Reading reviews of it with the headlines of "Skyward Sword; Ocarina of Time has met its match" makes me shake my head in disapproval, because I know it will only lead the Zelda franchise down a dark and dreary path. With so much positive feedback, no one is paying attention to the many mistakes it had. Don't be hatin' on me SS fans, this is my just my opinion.


Almost Not a Noob
May 5, 2010
1. LoZ. I think it's pretty boring, and it's pretty much unplayable without a guide, unless you burn down every bush in the world.
2. Phantom Hourglass. I don't really hate it, it's good, but definitely weaker than everything else.
3. N/A. I love all the others, so it'd be too hard to choose one.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 21, 2001
Spirit Tracks
Phantom Hourglass

I don't have a third, but I actually flat out dislike these games to the point where I sold Phantom Hourglass (the only Zelda I've ever parted with) and can't get myself to finish Spirit Tracks. I know that they have a few compelling features, but I have enough forced linearity in my games, the train tracks thing just adds to that needlessly. Paradoxically, I actually love controlling the train itself, so it's a bit of a conundrum.


Termina Moon Society
Sep 10, 2000
Clock Tower
My top worst Zelda games with #1 being the worst are as follows:

1. Four Swords Adventures
2. Zelda II: Adventure of Link
3. Spirit Tracks

I didn't count the GBA Four Swords because I look at it more like a mode than its own game and I obviously didn't count Link's Crossbow Training since it is just a technical demo for a useless plastic accessory.
Feb 2, 2013
(I like all of the tloz games but these ones are my least favourite)

3. Majora's mask
I only dislike this because this game has taken me 2 - 3 years to actually get past the destruction of the earth. (The moon crash)

2. The adventure of link
I was really excited when I got this game yesterday as a rom, and this shitty game reminded me why I like Tloz, and that was because Tloz is f***ing awesome. And the adventure of link wasn't so it can go f**k off

1. Link's awakening
Today I downloaded Link to the past rom, It was f***ing awesome, so I thought that links awakening would be better. So I got it and from the moment I played it, I realised that it was the shittiest tloz game. If you look at how nicely link to the past is animated, and then you look at links awakening, you would think that links awakening was 15 years older. The gameplay is horrible. I felt like throwing my laptop out the window when I realised how bad this game was

My three favourites are

3. Wind Waker
It is an amazing game. Keeps any bored person interested from the moment it starts. And it is a really f-ing cool game

2. Four swords adventure
I loved this game like anything. It was amazing, nice graphics, amazing gameplay, and mind blowing puzzles, + the game is challenging

1. Link to the past FTW
This is and will always be the best Zelda game in existance. Epic graphics, looks very modern for a SNES game, it is really challenging. This game is amazing. I got it as a rom today and have not stopped playing eversince. Even as I wrote this article, The game was on in the SNES emulator. Anyway, this game is a classic game, unbeatable. Any Zelda fan who has not played link to the past, is not a true Zelda fan



No Longer a Noob
May 10, 2003
It's ironic: I've become that which I used to despise, viz. one of those guys who sees Ocarina of Time as defining The Legend of Zelda franchise. But really, it does (the glaring flaws of the later games have helped me to see this). I think the next console title will make or break my continued support of the series (depending on whether or not Nintendo will deliver on their promise of going back to the series' roots).


Nov 29, 2012
I concur with Spigelwii and JohnnyFingercock's sentiments regarding Adventure of Link. I had a love / hate relationship with that game. I did get some enjoyment out of it. But at times it could be really tedious, especially with all the grinding involved to increase your life, magic and sword levels. It was often more frustrating than fun and maddeningly cryptic.

A month or two ago, I downloaded the AoL ROM just for old time's sake. I played it for a day or two and then deleted it. I decided not to torment myself again. I've passed it several times, so I have nothing to prove.
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Almost Not a Noob
May 31, 2009
I used to despise Zelda II with a burning passion, but I've been playing it recently and I'm actually enjoying it. The combat is frantically fun, and the exp system reminds me vaguely of Demon's Souls. (Speaking of which, I've been playing that game recently too, and had a similar change of heart about it.)

Still, my list would be:
3. Phantom Hourglass
2. AoL
1. Spirit Tracks

Although, I think the word "worst" is too negative to describe how I feel about these games. I love them all, but these three games were unfortunate enough to be at the bottom of my list.


I peed in the pool
Jul 8, 2001
A year later and I wouldn't change my worst 3. I haven't played Spirit Tracks though, and I suspect that it would be in my top two (which is why I've never played it).


Nov 29, 2012
I can't name three just yet, since there are several games I haven't played yet. So far, it's just AoL. Another thing I disliked about it was the music. I don't think Koji Kondo was involved in that project, so maybe that's why it sucked.

I hated Majora's Mask at first but had a change of heart and grew to like it. I'm surprised to see anyone would name the original LoZ. I thought the difficulty level was perfect. It was challenging & fun to explore. It was a neat game during its time. Maybe I'm seeing it through the rose colored lenses of nostalgia, but I loved LoZ.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 26, 2011
Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword were the most disappointing; Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks were the worst.
Dec 13, 2012
I'm not sure why people are even counting in the hand held games. These games are just side quests to boost DS and GBA sales. Nintendo didn't make these games to uphold the series. The main games that we need to look at here are the games that are released on major gaming consoles.

But when looking at these major console Zelda titles, only one of them was actually terrible. That one is TP. Every other Zelda game, IMO, is a master piece.

Sorry, not including hand helds.... they simply don't count in my eyes.


Nov 29, 2012
@ Im_in_Parapa:

Solid points. My thoughts exactly. I also think of the handheld games as being kinda extraneous. They're on a different playing field.


Feb 18, 2013
I'm not sure why people are even counting in the hand held games. These games are just side quests to boost DS and GBA sales. Nintendo didn't make these games to uphold the series. The main games that we need to look at here are the games that are released on major gaming consoles.

But when looking at these major console Zelda titles, only one of them was actually terrible. That one is TP. Every other Zelda game, IMO, is a master piece.

Sorry, not including hand helds.... they simply don't count in my eyes.

Why would the handhelds not count and how are they just side quests? I'm pretty sure majoras mask was only 4 dungeons and mostly side quests while links awakening, oracle of ages, and oracle of seasons were all 8 dungeons each. Spirit tracks and phantom hourglass blow and I haven't played minish cap, but oracle of ages and links awakening are my second and third favorite zelda games and I'd take them over majoras mask, twilight princess and skyward sword any day