
Feb 5, 2006
If you had to pick your 3 least favorite and/or worst Zelda games, which would they be? Don't include Four Swords because they're not traditional Zelda.

For me:

1. Phantom Hourglass
2. Zelda II
3. Spirit Tracks

I hate to say it, but Nintendo really screwed up Zelda on the DS. They're not bad games by any means, but Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks just aren't as good as the others. Zelda II I picked for obvious reasons, game needs a remake.
Jan 9, 2008
I'm going to pick FSA specifically because it wasn't a traditional Zelda. You may as well rule out any other game in the series because of significant changes that they make. I can't agree with you on PH either; I thought it was awesome for the most part. I didn't like ST, though, either, but probably for different reasons, such as there being very little to really explore as well as the horrid Spirit Flute. Ugh.

Hard to choose a third least favorite when so many of the other games are at the very least good. I think I may have to go with ALttP if only because it is the least memorable. It's not bad at all, but there's nothing particularly special about it that separates it from any other games in the series, like sidescrolling or RPG elements that AoL had, or an emphasis on sidequests or story like MM, etc.


I peed in the pool
Jul 8, 2001
1) Phantom Hourglass
2) Twilight Princess
3) The Wind Waker

I agree with you about Zelda and the DS, but I never played Spirit Tracks because Phantom Hourglass was awful. Those games brought repetitive and bland environments to handheld Zelda games, I'd even say they have less variety than the original handheld Zelda, Link's Awakening. I don't know why Nintendo thought they had to prove that you could play a Zelda game with nothing but a stylus (and why do 3d on a game with N64/PSX graphics? I hate that about the DS, especially when it's great at 2d).

Twilight Princess and The Wind Waker were rehashes of OoT and MM, with hardly anything that pushed the series forward in new and meaningful directions (unlike Skyward Sword, from the sounds of things!). Twilight Princess was a linear mess for what feels like an eternity, all the way until you collect every last Light Seed in Hyrule. Additionally, Zant started as a great villain but quickly became one of the lamest villains in the entire series.

The Wind Waker was bogged down by a predictable layout (one island per square), slow sailing, a fetch quest, and once again an inability to push the series forward in new directions. It fell victim to feeling more like a game than an adventure, just like Twilight Princess after it. I know many people disagree with that, mostly because they found the world convincing, but I could never get past the predictable nature of it, it felt too manufactured. Other minor things also brought down the experience further, such as the mediocre stealth mission, repeated assets (ghost ship was just a ****ing submarine), and the button-mashing combat (and having to wait for a knocked down enemy to stand back up before attacking them again).


Landing Guy
Jul 9, 2007
I loved every game except the two DS games which were meh for Zelda, but good games overall.



Almost Not a Noob
Apr 26, 2011
Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks and Zelda II.

Dishonorable mention goes to FS/FSA.

As much as I dislike Twilight Princess I had sort of fun playing it. Meh...


Mr. Minish
Nov 1, 2007
DallasJR said:
I loved every game except the two DS games which were meh for Zelda, but good games overall.
Pretty much this, with ST being worse than PH. I guess I'd add FSA to complete the list but even that was fairly enjoyable.


Eldritch Millennial
Feb 21, 2010
Baldur's Gate
I've only played the home console Zeldas, but of them, my three least favorite, in reverse order, are:

3. Ocarina of Time
2. Majora's Mask
1. Wind Waker

That being said, I enjoy all of the Zelda games. :)


Jan 9, 2005
Least favorites:

3. Four Swords Adventures
2. Legend of Zelda
1. Four Swords


3/4. Phantom Hourglass/Four Swords Adventures (though there's a big gap between these two games and the next one on the list)
2. Four Swords
1. Spirit Tracks

Deleted member 2154006

Original poster
3. A Link to the Past
2. Four Swords (DSi)
1. Zelda 2

I also hate Link's Awakening, Wind Waker (cuz of the sailing), and the old nes game. and based on what avgn said, the cdi games look pretty ****ty.
Nov 3, 2011
I'd have to go with:

3. LoZ

Even for the time, it's bad. It lacks imagination, everything looks pretty much the same, you had a big world where you had to walk aimlessly and without any kind of direction to see if by chance you happened upon a dungeon. The dungeon design was poor and most things you needed to learn by chance, maps were unclear and it was possible to get to the Boss without the items required to defeat it, with no possible ways to solve this but dying. Besides, the save system sucked.
How it should have been: TP. Huge overworld, plenty to do yet you could find your way to the next dungeon without exploring for hours.

2. MM

Another failure. Pointless endelss quests which took the whole 3 days to complete, where playing the fast song of time would prevent you from getting where you wanted and you had nothing else to do but wait while time went by slowly. All that just to get a mask that was part of another quest that would get you another mask or maybe a piece of heart... and that would be it. No more uses for that mask whatsoever... 3 masks were useful, the others were just filler. And characters... characters lacked any kind of depth, they we're just running like little clocks, not a single drop of realism in any of them. The attempt to add depth actually made every flaw mor obvious. I wouldn't have been surprised to find out each of them was a robot in the end of the game.
How it should have been done: WW. Every quest actually had a point, and the characters actually seemed to live... no more clockwork characters repeating every action over and over again. One could believe they were living and all.

1. OoT

Do I need to say anything about this one? It played more like a movie than a game... every thing you had to do was spelled out for you, they guided you through every step of the road. Only real choice you had was to go first to Shadow Temple or Spirit Temple. Other than that, you had to do as you were told. It really took away the sense of adventure this game is supposed to have.
How it should have been: PH. Phantom Hourglass limited the places you could visit by making you find charts, yet the world was there to explore at your leisure and the game didn't push it on you to go here or there.

Any thoughts?


No Longer a Noob
May 10, 2003
Worst Legend of Zelda games:

3. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - A good game, but I simply prefer the top-down perspective and emphasis on item-use found in later Zelda games.

2. Phantom Hourglass - Fun sea exploration (and island-charting, map-marking), but the "drawing symbols" puzzles brought the game's action/pace to a gridning halt (the TOK was also a bit boring until the end).

1. Spirit Tracks - No overworld exploration and the Spirit Flute. Enough said. On a positive note, there were some good puzzles and I enjoyed Princess Zelda's role in the game.

So, Zelda 1 was bad for letting you find and figure things out on your own, but Ocarina of Time was bad for holding your hand? [face_confused]

Your simultaneous criticism of Majora's Mask's characters and praise for The Wind Waker's characters... huh? :^O The NPCs in The Wind Waker, overall (aside from a handful), changed less than did the two-dozen characters in Majora's Mask.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 22, 2008
Zelda II was amazing

1. Phantom Hourglass
2. Spirit Tracks
3. Zelda I

PH would be a tier worse than both games below it though. I didn't play FS/FSA but from what I've heard they would definitely take ST/LOZ's place.


Oct 29, 2011
But I love ALL of them!! I find it quite sad that PH and ST have been bashed a lot... The games were imaginative too because they brought in a lot of new items and creative ways to solve puzzles. Basically they were like a breath of fresh air; they had a completely new style which was communicated well to the player through motion controls. Princess Zelda in ST was a great character and I loved the references to tWW that they made through her.

Before I get bashed for that though I acknowledge there were flaws. I didn't like the train in ST and the linearity of dungeons bothered me. But the soundtrack in ST was amazing.

Anyway... back to the point lol.
My worst 3 zeldas...

That's not in any order, they're all amazing games, it's just that I don't love them to pieces like the others. For me charm and character is important in a game and that's just subjective. I also haven't played FS, FSA or the oracles (though I REALLY want to)


I peed in the pool
Jul 8, 2001
SouthpawLink said:
So, Zelda 1 was bad for letting you find and figure things out on your own, but Ocarina of Time was bad for holding your hand? [face_confused]
I think he's purposefully trolling. [face_tongue]

Although either way it sounds like he never played the original Zelda without the instruction manual and map, which were a part of the game as far as I'm concerned.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 1, 2007
In the least negative way possible...

1. Phantom Hourglass

2. Link's Awakening

3. Spirit Tracks

just of the ones I've beaten. Just from playing Zelda II I can tell you it would be my least favorite.

But I don't dislike any of them, even PH. I loved that game.


Disneyland Musician
Jul 20, 2007
I would like to know why so many people dislike AoL (Zelda II). From a combat perspective, it blows away Zelda I, and it's not like the stories are that much different (considering that stories weren't exactly the most emphasized aspect).
Nov 3, 2011
PDarkLink said:
Although either way it sounds like he never played the original Zelda without the instruction manual and map, which were a part of the game as far as I'm concerned.

I never did. Damn you collector's disc! My opinion has changed.

1. Collector's Disc
2. Collector's Disc
3. Collector's Disc


No Longer a Noob
Jan 1, 2007
ScottyWK said:
I would like to know why so many people dislike AoL (Zelda II). From a combat [hl=transparent]perspective[/hl], it blows away Zelda I, and it's not like the stories are that much different (considering that stories weren't exactly the most emphasized aspect).
I personally just don't have the patience to try and get through that game. I'm going to, but it's going to take forever. Because of that, I would just rather play pretty much any other Zelda.


Don't forget to bring a towel.
Aug 10, 2008
Why are we forgetting the CD-i Zeldas??

1. Wand of Gamelon
2. Zelda's Adventure
3. Faces of Evil

I don't have to say why they are the worst, it's just a fact.


Disneyland Musician
Jul 20, 2007
Synthetic_Craze said:
ScottyWK said:
I would like to know why so many people dislike AoL (Zelda II). From a combat [hl=transparent]perspective[/hl], it blows away Zelda I, and it's not like the stories are that much different (considering that stories weren't exactly the most emphasized aspect).
I personally just don't have the patience to try and get through that game. I'm going to, but it's going to take forever. Because of that, I would just rather play pretty much any other Zelda.
And that is what irks me most about the criticism with that game. I'm assuming your patience is in regard to difficulty.

The only thing that AoL lacks, IMO, is the lack of usable items. You don't have bombs, a bow and arrow, etc etc, but the spells you learn in their place more than make up for it. And unlike items in most Zelda games, you actually have to be really judicious in how you use them so that you can make it through a dungeon with the proper amount of magic left.

Personally, beating AoL was more rewarding than beating any other Zelda title.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 6, 2010
I can't really say which are the worst since I either think they are good or they are decent.

Sad to see that every single game has been put on the worst list, though

...except Link's Crossbow Training...

and LA and OOA/S and ALTTP and TMC, but that's beside my point.


i'm a loner dottie, a rebel...
Nov 11, 2006
Lost_In_Translation said:
I've only played the home console Zeldas, but of them, my three least favorite, in reverse order, are:

3. Ocarina of Time
2. Majora's Mask
1. Wind Waker

That being said, I enjoy all of the Zelda games. :)

I just lost all respect for you [face_tongue] Those are my 3 favorite.

And I don't know... I can't rank them like that.

But it just goes to show you how good Zelda games are, when games like Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are considered the worst in the series.
Jan 9, 2008
How could I forget Link's Crossbow Training? #-o [face_tongue]

I'm not sure if I'd really count it at all. As much as a deviation as FS and FSA are, they still have quite a bit of Zelda in them. LCT, on the other hand, is really mostly a Zelda themed shooting gallery, and even then it's really only based off of one game in the series. I would go as far as to say it's further removed than Nuts & Bolts is from Banjo-Kazooie.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 1, 2007
ScottyWK said:
Synthetic_Craze said:
ScottyWK said:
I would like to know why so many people dislike AoL (Zelda II). From a combat [hl=transparent]perspective[/hl], it blows away Zelda I, and it's not like the stories are that much different (considering that stories weren't exactly the most emphasized aspect).
I personally just don't have the patience to try and get through that game. I'm going to, but it's going to take forever. Because of that, I would just rather play pretty much any other Zelda.
And that is what irks me most about the criticism with that game. I'm assuming your patience is in regard to difficulty.

The only thing that AoL lacks, IMO, is the lack of usable items. You don't have bombs, a bow and arrow, etc etc, but the spells you learn in their place more than make up for it. And unlike items in most Zelda games, you actually have to be really judicious in how you use them so that you can make it through a dungeon with the proper amount of magic left.

Personally, beating AoL was more rewarding than beating any other Zelda title.
I'm sure it would be rewarding, but I judge how I like Zelda games on how much fun I have WHILE playing them plus the feeling I get after beating it. I can't say as I haven't beaten it yet, but I'm just guessing that even after beating the game I would still have more fun playing a different part of the series. I'm just not the kind of person who thrives on that kind of intense difficulty. I like it sometimes, but for the most part I need a balance that doesn't turn the game into a job. I think it's cool that other people appreciate Zelda II for that, I'm just not sure that I will. We'll see.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 19, 2010
United States
1. Phantom Hourglass
2. Spirit Tracks
3. Four Swords Adventures

Four Swords is fun with friends, but the DS Zeldas are a chore and not worth one's attention.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
3. A Link to the Past
2. Adventure of Link
1. Legend of Zelda

Synthetic_Craze said:
I'm sure it would be rewarding, but I judge how I like Zelda games on how much fun I have WHILE playing them plus the feeling I get after beating it. I can't say as I haven't beaten it yet, but I'm just guessing that even after beating the game I would still have more fun playing a different part of the series. I'm just not the kind of person who thrives on that kind of intense difficulty. I like it sometimes, but for the most part I need a balance that doesn't turn the game into a job. I think it's cool that other people appreciate Zelda II for that, I'm just not sure that I will. We'll see.

This guy says it best. I played through a lot of Adventure of Link (up to the 4th or 5th dungeon if I recall) and at that point, it was just far too difficult to enjoy. I spent hours getting through to the end of a dungeon only to die at the very end... and then I would have to start all the way back at the beginning halfway across the overworld. [face_angry]

I know A Link to the Past is a sacred game (and maybe I'll give it another try soon), but I never really felt too enthusiastic about it. The dungeons felt too long and I found the dungeon music really bland..


Disneyland Musician
Jul 20, 2007
I_get_mad_babes said:
3. A Link to the Past
2. Adventure of Link
1. Legend of Zelda

Synthetic_Craze said:
I'm sure it would be rewarding, but I judge how I like Zelda games on how much fun I have WHILE playing them plus the feeling I get after beating it. I can't say as I haven't beaten it yet, but I'm just guessing that even after beating the game I would still have more fun playing a different part of the series. I'm just not the kind of person who thrives on that kind of intense difficulty. I like it sometimes, but for the most part I need a balance that doesn't turn the game into a job. I think it's cool that other people appreciate Zelda II for that, I'm just not sure that I will. We'll see.

This guy says it best. I played through a lot of Adventure of Link (up to the 4th or 5th dungeon if I recall) and at that point, it was just far too difficult to enjoy. I spent hours getting through to the end of a dungeon only to die at the very end... and then I would have to start all the way back at the beginning halfway across the overworld. [face_angry]

I know A Link to the Past is a sacred game (and maybe I'll give it another try soon), but I never really felt too enthusiastic about it. The dungeons felt too long and I found the dungeon music really bland..
Ok, first of you really find LttP as your 3rd worst Zelda game? I know everyone has their opinions, but have you not played any of the recent handhelds?

Now that that's out of my system - you're right, the dungeon music was bland. Most music on the NES was pretty bland (anyone remember LoZ's dungeon music?). In regards to having to start all the way over, that's why I loved the game. It made you be extremely judicious with your combat so you didn't just go in swinging the sword and blowing through enemies. You had to make sure you were precise with everything, otherwise you'd be punished badly.

BTW, if you guys ever plan to finish the game, if you die in the final dungeon (which is an absolute maze, it's wonderful), it doesn't start you back at Zelda's death bed. It starts you at the beginning of the dungeon.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 1, 2007
ScottyWK said:
I_get_mad_babes said:
3. A Link to the Past
2. Adventure of Link
1. Legend of Zelda

Synthetic_Craze said:
I'm sure it would be rewarding, but I judge how I like Zelda games on how much fun I have WHILE playing them plus the feeling I get after beating it. I can't say as I haven't beaten it yet, but I'm just guessing that even after beating the game I would still have more fun playing a different part of the series. I'm just not the kind of person who thrives on that kind of intense difficulty. I like it sometimes, but for the most part I need a balance that doesn't turn the game into a job. I think it's cool that other people appreciate Zelda II for that, I'm just not sure that I will. We'll see.

This guy says it best. I played through a lot of Adventure of Link (up to the 4th or 5th dungeon if I recall) and at that point, it was just far too difficult to enjoy. I spent hours getting through to the end of a dungeon only to die at the very end... and then I would have to start all the way back at the beginning halfway across the overworld. [face_angry]

I know A Link to the Past is a sacred game (and maybe I'll give it another try soon), but I never really felt too enthusiastic about it. The dungeons felt too long and I found the dungeon music really bland..
Ok, first of you really find LttP as your 3rd worst Zelda game? I know everyone has their opinions, but have you not played any of the recent handhelds?

Now that that's out of my system - you're right, the dungeon music was bland. Most music on the NES was pretty bland (anyone remember LoZ's dungeon music?). In regards to having to start all the way over, that's why I loved the game. It made you be extremely judicious with your combat so you didn't just go in swinging the sword and blowing through enemies. You had to make sure you were precise with everything, otherwise you'd be punished badly.

BTW, if you guys ever plan to finish the game, if you die in the final dungeon (which is an absolute maze, it's wonderful), it doesn't start you back at Zelda's death bed. It starts you at the beginning of the dungeon.
I do plan on finishing it but I can't figure out what to do in the very beginning. Any tips?


Disneyland Musician
Jul 20, 2007
Go to the town to the southeast first. You should find clues on where to go from there. Basically, in most stages of the game, there are certain obstacles preventing you from advancing too far so that you go to the correct dungeon and obtain the correct spells first. IE: You can't go west first because you won't be able to jump high enough to make it through the cave (not yet at least).


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 3, 2005
I haven't played many of the handheld games so that eliminates some choices but I'd say

Four Sword Adventures
Twilight Princess
The Windwaker (although the game had a few things I did enjoy about it)


Jan 9, 2005
Synthetic_Craze said:
I do plan on finishing it but I can't figure out what to do in the very beginning. Any tips?
Try to find the Wise Man in every town (because they always have a spell for you, and there are two easily accessible towns in the beginning), and start by exploring the northeast (you may have to go through at least one cave in the dark before you find the item that lights caves).


No Longer a Noob
Jan 27, 2004
I knew Windwaker would be in here. [face_rolling_eyes] Shame on all of you [face_shame_on_you]

Well, not like anyone would listen anyway. I liked Phantom Hourglass. [face_tongue]


RE2 >>>>> All RE's. And I'm not a Mod.
Dec 12, 2004
mariotunic said:
I knew Windwaker would be in here. [face_rolling_eyes] Shame on all of you [face_shame_on_you]

Well, not like anyone would listen anyway. I liked Phantom Hourglass. [face_tongue]

Opinions are offensive, from what I've seen. [face_mischief]



Almost Not a Noob
Jun 6, 2010
Just rechecked all of the posts. Now the oracle games are the only ones that haven't made it on someone's list unless I missed them.

inb4 someone posts the oracle games as being on their worst list.


Mr. Minish
Nov 1, 2007
Xiaber said:
inb4 someone posts the oracle games as being on their worst list.
Almost nobody here talks about the Oracle games much so chances are a good majority of users have yet to play them, never mind rank them. I can only think of three people who I know have played at least one of them:, SouthpawLink and Volgavia_slayer. It's a shame since they are very awesome games.


Landing Guy
Jul 9, 2007
Falcor007 said:
Xiaber said:
inb4 someone posts the oracle games as being on their worst list.
Almost nobody here talks about the Oracle games much so chances are a good majority of users have yet to play them, never mind rank them. I can only think of three people who I know have played at least one of them:, SouthpawLink and Volgavia_slayer. It's a shame since they are very awesome games.
But I've played both multiple times and they are awesome
Nov 3, 2011
I Played the Seasons game. Liked it a lot (Not on my top3 though). Always wanted to play Ages, but never got it. They should be available through VC.


Mr. Minish
Nov 1, 2007
Why should we believe you played both Oracles games when Aonuma never finished the first LoZ, Reggie?


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 14, 2011
Lost_In_Translation said:
I've only played the home console Zeldas, but of them, my three least favorite, in reverse order, are:

3. Ocarina of Time
2. Majora's Mask
1. Wind Waker

That being said, I enjoy all of the Zelda games. :)
Hipster confirmed

If you only include the main series games then mine are the ds games and zelda 2. Zelda 2, because despite the fact that it's radical departure was unique and interesting, it didn't really feel like a zelda game to me, and the ds games because of a lack of overal quality.


Landing Guy
Jul 9, 2007
Falcor007 said:
Why should we believe you played both Oracles games when Aonuma never finished the first LoZ, Reggie?
Because Aonuma is an assface.

I am the Regginator you god-damned See You NT


No Longer a Noob
Jan 27, 2004
Falcor007 said:
Xiaber said:
inb4 someone posts the oracle games as being on their worst list.
Almost nobody here talks about the Oracle games much so chances are a good majority of users have yet to play them, never mind rank them. I can only think of three people who I know have played at least one of them:, SouthpawLink and Volgavia_slayer. It's a shame since they are very awesome games.

I played them both, but I haven't beat Seasons yet. If I recall I got stuck somewhere. [face_thinking]


Eldritch Millennial
Feb 21, 2010
Baldur's Gate
hero_of_winds7 said:
Lost_In_Translation said:
I've only played the home console Zeldas, but of them, my three least favorite, in reverse order, are:

3. Ocarina of Time
2. Majora's Mask
1. Wind Waker

That being said, I enjoy all of the Zelda games. :)
Hipster confirmed
What on earth are you talking about? :^O More like an old fart. My favorite 3 games in the series are the first 3.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 6, 2005
The only LoZ game I've beaten is OOT. I've played Twilight Princess and some original LoZ. I just want to say, anyone who thinks OOT is the worst or one of the worst Zelda games...dude, wtf. That game is a masterpiece. If it weren't for OOT, I would have almost no interest in Zelda at all. Sure, it doesn't have to be your favorite, but one of the worst?....c'mon man.


Disneyland Musician
Jul 20, 2007
bosbulls2005 said:
The only LoZ game I've beaten is OOT. I've played Twilight Princess and some original LoZ. I just want to say, anyone who thinks OOT is the worst or one of the worst Zelda games...dude, wtf. That game is a masterpiece. If it weren't for OOT, I would have almost no interest in Zelda at all. Sure, it doesn't have to be your favorite, but one of the worst?....c'mon man.
I agree with you, but with all due respect, you really don't have much room to vote if you haven't even bothered to complete more than one title.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 14, 2011
Lost_In_Translation said:
hero_of_winds7 said:
Lost_In_Translation said:
I've only played the home console Zeldas, but of them, my three least favorite, in reverse order, are:

3. Ocarina of Time
2. Majora's Mask
1. Wind Waker

That being said, I enjoy all of the Zelda games. :)
Hipster confirmed
What on earth are you talking about? :^O More like an old fart. My favorite 3 games in the series are the first 3.
haha, I called you a hipster because your least favorite three are three of the most popular games. But I guess I should of figured it was because you havnt played the handheld games and like the older 2d zeldas more. I love the older games alot too aside from zelda 2, which I would like a lot more if I could finish it (Damn path to the last temple) Is there any reason who havn't played any handheld zelda games?


No Longer a Noob
May 10, 2003
A Link to the Past is 2D gaming - and Zelda - perfection, matched only by Super Metroid. Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages and The Minish Cap all wonderfully carry out - and in some ways expand on - that glorious top-down style. By this fact alone they should be exempt from all "worst" lists.

Moving on... given the in-game dungeon maps in Zelda 1, it's slightly disappointing that this feature didn't carry over into Zelda II. So, in a sense, it was harder than it needed to be.

I don't want to disappoint you! I need to finish Oracle of Ages, ASAP! It's not as fun as Seasons, but I would like to complete it...