
The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
That’s pretty awesome!

Kudos on your movie choice with Nightmare Before Christmas. I just watched Corpse Bride with my 11-yo daughter on Friday.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
I counted my 4K UHD Blu-ray collection. 607 movies. I knew it was in the hundreds, but I didn't realize it was that big already. I've only watched like 25% of them. [face_tongue]

I have a problem.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
In other movie news, I finally watched the #Snydercut of Justice League. Having finally seen it after following the stories for year, I am even more infuriated that this wasn't the version originally released. The characters are consistent with the previous movies. The tone is consistent with the previous movies. Plot threads set up in previous movies have payoff and continuation here. Everything is just better. And I wish I lived in a world where this film was the one that came out and Warner Bros kept going with it so that I could watch Part 2.


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
Hey, Serti. How's life treating you?
Well this is the first time I've been able to post in like 2 weeks, so it's been a bit much lol.

First, my PC died. I order parts to fix it, and California gets the worst storm we've had in decades. More snow here than I remember my entire life. Power goes out due to a tree on the lines. We didn't have electricity for a week. There was too much snow to drive out. I've been walking my half mile driveway covered in snow nearly to my knees to get to out, so a coworker with 4x4 could pick my up at the end of my road. I've been using my laptop for stuff, but it doesn't have my IGN password saved, and because the net is terrible, I couldn't convince CAPTCHA I wasn't a robot.

BUT! Things have turned around. Got power back a few days ago, PC is put back together, and the snow has melted enough to be able to drive in and out.

And it was good exercise, so that's nice I guess.
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Well this is the first time I've been able to post in like 2 weeks, so it's been a bit much lol.

First, my PC died. I order parts to fix it, and California gets the worst storm we've had in decades. More snow here than I remember my entire life. Power goes out due to a tree on the lines. We didn't have electricity for a week. There was too much snow to drive out. I've been walking my half mile driveway covered in snow nearly to my knees to get to out, so a coworker with 4x4 could pick my up at the end of my road. I've been using my laptop for stuff, but it doesn't have my IGN password saved, and because the net is terrible, I couldn't convince CAPTCHA I wasn't a robot.

BUT! Things have turned around. Got power back a few days ago, PC is put back together, and the snow has melted enough to be able to drive in and out.

And it was good exercise, so that's nice I guess.

Holy cow! I remember growing up in Redondo Beach, and trying to imagine what real snow looked like. There was a commercial for a place called Santa's Workshop (I think it was located in the San Bernadino mountains), and they boasted that they had REAL SNOW!

Crazy to hear the weather has been all over the place everywhere [face_shock]

Glad you were able to prove you aren't a robot....................or are you??