
The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Darn those pesky hits right at the start and at the end [face_tongue] Nicely done.

Are you really apologizing for a double-post on this board??? Please, double-post more!


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
Yeah, we need lots more double posts. And IGN needs to alert me when people post here, wtf.



Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
It's tax season, so he might just be busy. But it has been quite a while.

Well, at least I know he's been playing some Rocket League on the Xbox :D

I've been having pointless debates about whether or not these sprites are 16 bit or more 32 bit.

I was saying it looks more 32 bit, they said 16 bit. At the end of the day, it was all just a waste of time haha


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
I was actually coming here to see if Nac showed some sign of life too :(
It's tax season, so he might just be busy. But it has been quite a while.

Well, at least I know he's been playing some Rocket League on the Xbox :D

I've been having pointless debates about whether or not these sprites are 16 bit or more 32 bit.

I was saying it looks more 32 bit, they said 16 bit. At the end of the day, it was all just a waste of time haha
They look 32 to me. [face_thinking]
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Well at least his xbox is alive! Tell him hi for me.

Will do! I actually don't see him on much, just like notifications here and there. :(

But I'm glad he liked that particular was really tough! Maybe it's just the Xbox controller, or maybe the game itself has iffy controls!
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The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Wow... I have no idea how so much time has passed since I posted here. I wasn't getting notifications of others posting and the next thing you know it's APPARENTLY 7 months later...

I'm sorry I've been away so long

I am alive, though I've been ridiculously busy at work. It's like tax season didn't end until the end of June. Last week I worked until after 11pm 4 days. And worked 14 hours on Saturday. Hopefully things start to settle down a little now.

And hey, there was a Pseudo sighting while I was gone! Wild.

Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :(


How is "everyone"?
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The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Well, hey, as long as you've got a plan!

:( Kind of a sad plan, though.

The kids are a handful, as always, but good times. The youngest lost a tooth last night. Fell out while she was brushing her teeth. She didn't realize and spit it out with the toothpaste and it went down the drain. I had to take off the Ubend to recover it.


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
I went camping myself this past week. Went with my BFF, for his birthday. Had a lot of fun. Only went for a couple days, though.





The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
That's awesome. Went parasailing in Harrison. That was surprisingly gentle.

This last weekend went to a lake with my inlaws and took the kids tubing and water skiing. It was fun! Also, my old body gets sore after tubing and water skiing. [face_tongue]


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
That's awesome. Went parasailing in Harrison. That was surprisingly gentle.

This last weekend went to a lake with my inlaws and took the kids tubing and water skiing. It was fun! Also, my old body gets sore after tubing and water skiing. [face_tongue]
I've always wanted to go parasailing. One of these years, for sure.

Takes different muscles than you're used to using, I bet. Like every single muscle, lol. [face_tongue]
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
That's awesome. Went parasailing in Harrison. That was surprisingly gentle.

This last weekend went to a lake with my inlaws and took the kids tubing and water skiing. It was fun! Also, my old body gets sore after tubing and water skiing. [face_tongue]
I've always wanted to go parasailing. One of these years, for sure.

Takes different muscles than you're used to using, I bet. Like every single muscle, lol. [face_tongue]

Try to stick the landing!



Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
That's awesome. Went parasailing in Harrison. That was surprisingly gentle.

This last weekend went to a lake with my inlaws and took the kids tubing and water skiing. It was fun! Also, my old body gets sore after tubing and water skiing. [face_tongue]
I've always wanted to go parasailing. One of these years, for sure.

Takes different muscles than you're used to using, I bet. Like every single muscle, lol. [face_tongue]

Try to stick the landing!

Hahaha, ouch.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Oh, geez. Thank goodness my parasailing was nothing like whatever that guy was doing [face_tongue]

Back at work from my August Holidays now. Blargh.


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
Yeah, work has been pretty steady, getting into our busy season. Burning Man is next week, I think, and after that they all come home and bring 14 friends and ugh. Trimming season is the worst. But I guess it pays the bills, so I shouldn't complain too much.

Also there've been a ton of fires in California, and it's not been that bad here, but the smoke is starting to wear me down. It's been like, 5 weeks. The smoke isn't bad, but it's constant all day, night day night. Early morning is worse cause the inversion layer. And there've been a few close calls within a couple miles of me. A tweaker started a fire down at the end of the road, a tree fell on some electric lines. It's just like constant worry about fire. Ugh.

Yay California, lol.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Yeah, the fires have been bad here in BC, too. Lots of smoke. Sometimes so bad I could only see one block away. It's actually mostly cleared up now. One day, I could not go home because there was a fire in the area behind my part of town and police wouldn't let anyone through.

"Trimming season"... Maybe I don't understand your job... what is trimming season?


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
Yeah, the fires have been bad here in BC, too. Lots of smoke. Sometimes so bad I could only see one block away. It's actually mostly cleared up now. One day, I could not go home because there was a fire in the area behind my part of town and police wouldn't let anyone through.

"Trimming season"... Maybe I don't understand your job... what is trimming season?
Oh snap, that sounds way too close to home.

California grows a lot of marijuana, so in the fall, a lot of people from all over the world just start showing up, hoping anyone will hire them to trim weed. The "Emerald triangle" is most well known for it, but where I live is also one of the top counties for marijuana. So you end up having people that've never been here before, pretty much homeless just hoping for work, when these days there really isn't much work to be had, because most growers use machines and their friends that need work, instead of hiring outside workers.

EDIT: To clarify, I work at a grocery store. But these people will come in, and hang out all day, begging people for work, money, food, a place to stay, drugs, ect.

I've literally had to call cops on a guy because he decided he didn't want to use the bathroom or the woods so he was shitting in our parking lot.
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Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Yeah, the fires have been bad here in BC, too. Lots of smoke. Sometimes so bad I could only see one block away. It's actually mostly cleared up now. One day, I could not go home because there was a fire in the area behind my part of town and police wouldn't let anyone through.

"Trimming season"... Maybe I don't understand your job... what is trimming season?
Oh snap, that sounds way too close to home.

California grows a lot of marijuana, so in the fall, a lot of people from all over the world just start showing up, hoping anyone will hire them to trim weed. The "Emerald triangle" is most well known for it, but where I live is also one of the top counties for marijuana. So you end up having people that've never been here before, pretty much homeless just hoping for work, when these days there really isn't much work to be had, because most growers use machines and their friends that need work, instead of hiring outside workers.

EDIT: To clarify, I work at a grocery store. But these people will come in, and hang out all day, begging people for work, money, food, a place to stay, drugs, ect.

I've literally had to call cops on a guy because he decided he didn't want to use the bathroom or the woods so he was shitting in our parking lot.

What a crappy situation.

I'm sorry. For the pun, too :(


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
I chuckled at the pun. [face_tongue]

Yeah, that sounds like an unfun time of year for sure. Sucks worse for the people that came in hopes of work and found nothing, I'd imagine.

I've had a terrible cold the last few days. Took yesterday off work, which I rarely do, but back in the office today.


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
How goes everyone's Fall? It rained for the first time here today. Just a little sprinkle, but allegedly we're supposed to get more tonight-Wednesday. I'm totes excited. [face_tongue]


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Winter is hitting earlier than usual this year. It has been dropping down to freezing at night time. Snowing in the higher areas of town. I formally object to this happenstance.
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Hey Nac! Let me know the next time you're going to play Altered Beast, I want to try getting that online multiplayer achievement! Assuming we can still play it online


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Hey Nac! Let me know the next time you're going to play Altered Beast, I want to try getting that online multiplayer achievement! Assuming we can still play it online
Lol, will do. I was playing it with my son, telling him all about when I first got my Sega Genesis and memories that go along with that and this game. However, then I started up the game and discovered it was the arcade version, not the Genesis version, which was disappointing.
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Hey Nac! Let me know the next time you're going to play Altered Beast, I want to try getting that online multiplayer achievement! Assuming we can still play it online
Lol, will do. I was playing it with my son, telling him all about when I first got my Sega Genesis and memories that go along with that and this game. However, then I started up the game and discovered it was the arcade version, not the Genesis version, which was disappointing.

I actually just played the Genesis version at work with my art director yesterday! It was a lot easier than I remembered (two player) Oh also, he upped our health lol
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Hey Nac! Let me know the next time you're going to play Altered Beast, I want to try getting that online multiplayer achievement! Assuming we can still play it online
Lol, will do. I was playing it with my son, telling him all about when I first got my Sega Genesis and memories that go along with that and this game. However, then I started up the game and discovered it was the arcade version, not the Genesis version, which was disappointing.

I actually just played the Genesis version at work with my art director yesterday! It was a lot easier than I remembered (two player) Oh also, he upped our health lol
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Hey Nac! Let me know the next time you're going to play Altered Beast, I want to try getting that online multiplayer achievement! Assuming we can still play it online
Lol, will do. I was playing it with my son, telling him all about when I first got my Sega Genesis and memories that go along with that and this game. However, then I started up the game and discovered it was the arcade version, not the Genesis version, which was disappointing.

Hey, the Genesis version of Altered Beast is on the Sega Genesis Classics too, if you wanted to play that with your son. Or you could snag it on Steam for .99 cents!

I think it's also a free with ads game on iTunes/Android, but unless you have a controller, it's not too playable imo


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
It didn't rain again, and it's getting into the lower 40s at night. My house has crappy insulation, so it's coldish in the mornings. Me no likey. I want to have a fire but it's still fire danger season, so like, I'm not having a fire even though I want one. Living rural has benefits, but some drawbacks for sure. Only one real way to heat the house isn't that great. I could get space heaters, but that'd jack my power bill all to fuck.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Hey Nac! Let me know the next time you're going to play Altered Beast, I want to try getting that online multiplayer achievement! Assuming we can still play it online
Lol, will do. I was playing it with my son, telling him all about when I first got my Sega Genesis and memories that go along with that and this game. However, then I started up the game and discovered it was the arcade version, not the Genesis version, which was disappointing.

Hey, the Genesis version of Altered Beast is on the Sega Genesis Classics too, if you wanted to play that with your son. Or you could snag it on Steam for .99 cents!

I think it's also a free with ads game on iTunes/Android, but unless you have a controller, it's not too playable imo

Thanks! Yeah, I do intend on picking up the Sega Genesis Classics when it goes on a good sale.

I don't do PC gaming, so I don't use Steam.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
It didn't rain again, and it's getting into the lower 40s at night. My house has crappy insulation, so it's coldish in the mornings. Me no likey. I want to have a fire but it's still fire danger season, so like, I'm not having a fire even though I want one. Living rural has benefits, but some drawbacks for sure. Only one real way to heat the house isn't that great. I could get space heaters, but that'd jack my power bill all to fuck.
Here in BC we had an explosion in the main natural gas line for the Province which has put us all on voluntary rationing for the foreseeable future. As a result, our furnace is turned lower than normal and I'm always wearing a sweater or a blanket at home.


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
It didn't rain again, and it's getting into the lower 40s at night. My house has crappy insulation, so it's coldish in the mornings. Me no likey. I want to have a fire but it's still fire danger season, so like, I'm not having a fire even though I want one. Living rural has benefits, but some drawbacks for sure. Only one real way to heat the house isn't that great. I could get space heaters, but that'd jack my power bill all to fuck.
Here in BC we had an explosion in the main natural gas line for the Province which has put us all on voluntary rationing for the foreseeable future. As a result, our furnace is turned lower than normal and I'm always wearing a sweater or a blanket at home.
Oh wow, that's crazy. How did it happen?