
Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Mr. Morgoth, your special brand of weirdness has been sorely missed around these parts.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Cool camera. Wifi and GPS? Yes please.
I'd actually really like to see pictures of your new living quarters when/if you get around to it. I'm always interested to see how foreign teachers (and others) are set up.

Plans for the week? Work. Cook that chicken while it's still fresh. Maybe do some papercraft in the evenings to get stocked up for comic con next month. Super exciting as always! ;-)


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
I definitely plan to post pics of the apartment. The campus is actually finishing new units for foreign teachers, and I've been told I'd be in one of them!

Also, I read in the downloadable instruction manual for that camera that the GPS might not function well in China... Oh well, not a dealbreaker. [face_tongue]


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
Plo, once you move in, I'd like to see your bidet and your underwear drawer. What are you teaching there? I assume it's English?

Where's the comic con? You already missed the big ass one in San Diego. I'm a horror convention guy. There's usually some attractive chicks all bloodied up in skimpy outfits that make the trip worthwhile.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
I have never been to SDCC. Maybe someday. I go to 2-4 cons a year between Austin and Dallas. Waco recently had their first con, second one coming up in September. This one is actually a horror con - Con of the Living Dead they're calling it - but they're kinda all the same from my experience. I mean, a Sons of Anarchy actor is headlining the thing - not exactly horror.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Plo, once you move in, I'd like to see your bidet and your underwear drawer. What are you teaching there? I assume it's English?

Where's the comic con? You already missed the big ass one in San Diego. I'm a horror convention guy. There's usually some attractive chicks all bloodied up in skimpy outfits that make the trip worthwhile.

Yep, I'll be teaching oral English there.

From what my main contact there tells me, things might not be completely set up on schedule. I might have to be put up in the university hotel for a little while, even into the start of the semester if things get delayed long enough. :(


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
I have never been to SDCC. Maybe someday. I go to 2-4 cons a year between Austin and Dallas. Waco recently had their first con, second one coming up in September. This one is actually a horror con - Con of the Living Dead they're calling it - but they're kinda all the same from my experience. I mean, a Sons of Anarchy actor is headlining the thing - not exactly horror.

Oooof, that guest list is putrid. Freaking Opie is headlining? Goldberg? The two black, jawless zombies from Walking Dead?? I might as well set up a table as The Sack from IGN. I'm not saying you won't have fun, but that's gotta be the weakest lineup ever. You dressing up?

Plo, do you teach mainly older students or are they college age?


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Oooof, that guest list is putrid. Freaking Opie is headlining? Goldberg? The two black, jawless zombies from Walking Dead?? I might as well set up a table as The Sack from IGN. I'm not saying you won't have fun, but that's gotta be the weakest lineup ever. You dressing up?
LMAO. Yes, awful guest list, just like the first one in Waco, and likely several more to come until they get a bit more press. Especially the zombies... friggen hilarious. But I'm not typically there for the "celebrities" - especially in Waco. I'm there for the artists and the cosplayers. Anyway, if their first con didn't look like such a joke to me, I wouldn't have had the balls get a vendor table which ended up working out so well. Excelsior!

Manu Bennet was at the first Waco con. He's now popular for Arrow, but he'll always be Crixus from Spartacus to me. Now, anyone who has watched Spartacus in it's entirety has seen Mr. Bennet's package... several times. So when I met him I was so very tempted to whisper in his ear "Hey, I've seen your penis." But I didn't. Because he already knows.

No, I don't think I'll dress up into character. But I'll geek it up for sure. At any given time I will be representing Star Trek, Star Wars, LOTR, Adventure Time, Doctor Who, and X-Men.
And I'm totally ok with that. ;-)

When is the last time you went to a horror con, Sack? Do you have a plan for how to keep your confused boner in check when those scantily clad zombie babes walk by?
(That reminds me - has anyone else seen Zombie Strippers? Because if you're into zombies and/or strippers, this is the movie for you.)


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
I have never been to SDCC. Maybe someday. I go to 2-4 cons a year between Austin and Dallas. Waco recently had their first con, second one coming up in September. This one is actually a horror con - Con of the Living Dead they're calling it - but they're kinda all the same from my experience. I mean, a Sons of Anarchy actor is headlining the thing - not exactly horror.

Oooof, that guest list is putrid. Freaking Opie is headlining? Goldberg? The two black, jawless zombies from Walking Dead?? I might as well set up a table as The Sack from IGN. I'm not saying you won't have fun, but that's gotta be the weakest lineup ever. You dressing up?

Plo, do you teach mainly older students or are they college age?

College age. From what I hear it'll actually be mostly non-English majors - an interesting move since I hear that at several other universities the foreign profs usually go to English majors. My contact there said that they want a foreigner who speaks Chinese to help them out since their level isn't as good.

I need to start thinking about activities to incorporate into the class. I'd like to show them one or two movies that aren't too complex and have reasonably understandable English, maybe an older film and a newer one (very much considering It's A Wonderful Life as one).


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
That's pretty awesome.

So my Mexican friend from my alma mater got her visa and flight ticket; she's coming to China to study Mandarin where I just studied! I'll be there at the airport to help pick her up the evening of the 28th (my time).

I'm moving onto the campus I'm teaching at this weekend, a couple of days before classes begin. Unfortunately, getting the last step finished - purchasing and installing the household electronics - is taking forever, so I'll start my tenure in the university hotel and then move into the foreign teacher apartment whenever it's finished.

I also found out yesterday the kinds of students I'll be teaching. They'll mostly consist of freshman, sophomores, and juniors majoring in physics, business, preschool education, and art. Only going through half of each book in a semester since they're not English majors, so I'll have two weeks per chapter to help them learn!


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
Oooof, that guest list is putrid. Freaking Opie is headlining? Goldberg? The two black, jawless zombies from Walking Dead?? I might as well set up a table as The Sack from IGN. I'm not saying you won't have fun, but that's gotta be the weakest lineup ever. You dressing up?
LMAO. Yes, awful guest list, just like the first one in Waco, and likely several more to come until they get a bit more press. Especially the zombies... friggen hilarious. But I'm not typically there for the "celebrities" - especially in Waco. I'm there for the artists and the cosplayers. Anyway, if their first con didn't look like such a joke to me, I wouldn't have had the balls get a vendor table which ended up working out so well. Excelsior!

Manu Bennet was at the first Waco con. He's now popular for Arrow, but he'll always be Crixus from Spartacus to me. Now, anyone who has watched Spartacus in it's entirety has seen Mr. Bennet's package... several times. So when I met him I was so very tempted to whisper in his ear "Hey, I've seen your penis." But I didn't. Because he already knows.

No, I don't think I'll dress up into character. But I'll geek it up for sure. At any given time I will be representing Star Trek, Star Wars, LOTR, Adventure Time, Doctor Who, and X-Men.
And I'm totally ok with that. ;-)

When is the last time you went to a horror con, Sack? Do you have a plan for how to keep your confused boner in check when those scantily clad zombie babes walk by?
(That reminds me - has anyone else seen Zombie Strippers? Because if you're into zombies and/or strippers, this is the movie for you.)

*bursts through the tavern door*

Happy new year, Shire buddies! Now, to respond to a post that's like three months old.

Cass, my last convention was Monster Mania in Cherry Hill, New Jersey (March 2014). The headliners were all Walking Dead cast members. I thought I was in the front of the line for that little hottie Beth, but I was quickly informed that the line wrapped all the way around the building, so I said fuck it. I found this particular con to be way overpriced - case in point, the jackass who voiced the masked killer in Scream was charging $30 for an autograph/pic. Who gives a shit about that guy, especially 20 years after the movie came out? And yes, I've seen Zombie Strippers. Pretty sure it starred a way past her porn prime Jenna Jameson. How was your con?

Plo! Hope you and the woman are well. Check out my son, born in November. He had a dry scalp, so I put in some vaseline that worked wonders as a hair sculpting agent.



Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
How was your con?
As a vendor, it sucked the proverbial big one. Barely broke even. As a participant, it was actually really fun. I hung out with Billy West all weekend (he voices Ren & Stimpy and lots of Futurama characters.)

Adorable kiddo!! Baby well made. Congrats.


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
How was your con?
As a vendor, it sucked the proverbial big one. Barely broke even. As a participant, it was actually really fun. I hung out with Billy West all weekend (he voices Ren & Stimpy and lots of Futurama characters.)

Adorable kiddo!! Baby well made. Congrats.

I know Billy West. He was fucking hilarious on the Howard Stern show in the 90s. He was a writer on the show, and his impressions were spot on. I swear I saw a recent pic of him, and I don't know if he got some facial surgery or what, but he looked crazy weird. What was your take on his appearance?

I dig your crafts and would like to see more! What are you wearing when you're selling these things? You need to take advantage of the strong nerdbase and wear a lowcut top, and make sure to talk to everyone who passes by. A lot of these guys at cons look like they've never interacted with a woman aside from their mothers, so the slightest hint of conversation from a girl will drive them batty. They'll practically be handing you their wallets. If Sinny ever comes back here, you can practice on him.

::slides Plo an ale::

To your one year anniversary! Did you see the final Hobbit movie, my man? I thought it was badass. I put it right up there with Return of the King.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Thanks! And I did indeed; my gf and I went to see it a couple of days after it released here. We enjoyed it a lot. Way too many divergences from the book, but those were set up by the second movie so it wasn't the third movie's fault per se. I'd put them at part 1, then 3, then 2 for best to worst, in that order.

Also, Billy Connolly as Dain Ironfoot was great. And I've found my girlfriend has a double celebrity crush in Orlando Bloom and Lee Pace. [face_tongue]


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
I swear I saw a recent pic of him, and I don't know if he got some facial surgery or what, but he looked crazy weird. What was your take on his appearance?
Homeboy is not photogenic. His head shots looked weird. But in person he looked more normal.

I dig your crafts and would like to see more!
Thanks! I'll find some pics.

What are you wearing when you're selling these things?
A brain slug, DUH.

You need to take advantage of the strong nerdbase and wear a lowcut top, and make sure to talk to everyone who passes by.
LOL there are other ways. Ways more suited to someone such as myself. ;-)


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 15, 2004
Hello? Is anybody here? I just realized I'm still alive after all of these years, and I'm lost. Like, completely, utterly lost.

Sack, I remember you. And Cass, I remember you, too. And Plo, I think I remember you... With a Plo Koon icon, of course.

Holy hell, what's happened after all these years? WHERE ARE MY DAMN PANTS?!


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Yeah, this board is dead. I'm surprised not even Lord of the Rings Online players come here. We've only had a very, very few...

Since coming back in 2013 I found almost all my old boards are dead or dying. Super Smash Bros. seems to have been somewhat revived but it's not like in its heyday (being absorbed into the Mario board for a while killed its swagger). Lately it's been Vesti, GCB, and Outpost for me.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 15, 2004
Eclectic! Dan! Oh, the memories... Sinny! This fusion of the LOTR and X-Boards is awesome.

Are any of yall on Steam and/or PSN? Feel free to add me, I've adopted the PC Gamer lifestyle in the past year, but I recently bought a PS4 for my girlfriend and I. Only have MK X, LBP3, and Guacamelee, but I'm building up our collection, haha. My PSN is Baron_Bubba , and my Steam name is MrMostlyMediocre.

C'mon, Cass and Sack. Where are ya?!


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 15, 2004
It was a wondrous experience, being a part of this community. But time cannot be held back, and all things must run their course. RIP, LOTR board.



Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
*comes in to see traces of the old vets*

I'd been posting less frequently on other boards and stopped by. Sad to see the place we once loved as a ghost town now.

*chugs mug of ale*

If anyone sees this, add me on Steam. PloCoon's still my name there. And on I'm PloCoon#1167, if you wanna play some Overwatch.

Home is behind, the world ahead
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadow, to the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight

Mist and shadow
Cloud and shade
All shall fade
All shall fade

Valinor calls... It's been great.

*slips out*