
Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Sack, I suspected that those were a bit too small & salty to be beernuts.
New Zealand would be amazing. Must price check.

Plo, I'm happy for you both! You make a cute couple.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
OH! The board we're posting on reminded me. During the Spring Festival break, my gf watched LOTR for the first time in forever, and I introduced her to The Hobbit. Then we went and saw the new flick a few days after it came out in China (about three months after the West for some reason). She loves the series.

Also, it's a really good thing she took my advice and waited till I was with her to see ROTK. She HATES spiders. [face_tongue]


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
Well Cass, my sack might be the size of half a beernut, but it did the job. First baby coming in November! Thanks for sampling though, maybe I should cut down on my sodium intake.

Plo, did the Hobbit have subtitles in China?



Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
First baby coming in November!
That is so exciting! Congrats to you and your wife. When do you find out the sex? Will Lil' Sack be named after a LOTR character?

I rented Desolation of Smaug and am STOKED to watch it. I'm not buying that shizz anymore until the extended editions come out. It's ridiculous how many copies of the original trilogy I ended up buying.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Well Cass, my sack might be the size of half a beernut, but it did the job. First baby coming in November! Thanks for sampling though, maybe I should cut down on my sodium intake.

Plo, did the Hobbit have subtitles in China?


Congrats on the kid!

And yep, certainly did! I still don't see why it came out three months after the West got it, though. CATCHING FIRE, of all things, came out here a day before it came out in the West.

First baby coming in November!
That is so exciting! Congrats to you and your wife. When do you find out the sex? Will Lil' Sack be named after a LOTR character?

I rented Desolation of Smaug and am STOKED to watch it. I'm not buying that shizz anymore until the extended editions come out. It's ridiculous how many copies of the original trilogy I ended up buying.

As a movie, I enjoyed it. However, as an adaptation, it kind of sucked because most of the actual plot is either shortened, adapted, or cut to make room for a certain romance arc that Tolkien never allowed.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Old man! I'll be 33 this year.
I'm still childless.

Oh no - what am I going to do with all this money and free time?



Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
Ha, gotta love Hedonism Bot. I'll always remember him for two lines. One is him mentioning "humiliating a pheasant"; and the second is him talking about a bomb at the orgy. "There were piles of bodies everywhere. Then the explosion hit."

If you want kids I could probably give you a few while you're still relatively young. How many you want? 2, 3? [face_mischief]


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
My favorite Hedonism Bot line is: "I trust the orgy pit has been scraped and buttered?"

LOL. Nah. I'm not ready to be the kind of person I would want my kid to be. You know, a respectable human being and all.


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
Sinny, I brought you some WD-40 to knock all the rust off your penis so you take it for a test run. I know it's been a while.

Cass, who says you have to be respectable to have a kid? I'm fully expecting mine to be a cantankerous prick just like his pops. Thoughts on the Oberyn Martell head explosion? Have you read the books?
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Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Haven't read the books.

THOUGHTS?! Ugh. My thought is - why did I let myself get attached again? I know better.

Horror and gore don't bother me. I'm into Tokyo gore and all that shizz. But damnit to hell, that last scene HURT MY FEELINGS. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about it. All day yesterday I close my eyes and see bits of brain matter.

I also feel inexplicably upset with my book reader friends, to which I had recently proclaimed my admiration for Oberyn. Now I know that behind their dead eyes they were thinking MUAHAHAHAHA BITCH, YOU'LL SEE.

All that being said, I love any movie or TV show that can make me feel - something - besides derision. Bring on the glorious pain!


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Sack, you reminded me of a joke, but damnit, now it's been done and the timing is off. Fuck it, I'm going for it anyway.

If you want kids I could probably give you a few while you're still relatively young. How many you want? 2, 3? [face_mischief]

I believe one would need a tetnus shot before you poked them with that rusty old thing.


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
I don't know which post I'm supposed to reply to. [face_worried] I am kinda mad you didn't acknowlege my backhanded dig though.

Speaking of tv and movies, what shows do you like other than GoT? I missed the boat on that one and I don't like to jump into stuff midway.

Sack, are you talking to me again?


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
Cass, I read the books, and I love screwing with those who haven't. My wife still thinks Ned Stark's severed melon will return as "the head of the King." I'm surprised you haven't read them. Aren't you a giant nerd?

Hey Sinny, I'm not talking to you again. Just typing in your general direction.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
I am kinda mad you didn't acknowlege my backhanded dig though.
I didn’t even catch it. WHAT DID YOU DO?!

Other than GoT, I’m excited for Sons of Anarchy & Doctor Who to restart. Vikings was awesome. Orphan Black is pretty sweet, too. I enjoyed American Horror Story. Recently finished up Breaking Bad and Sherlock.

Cass, I read the books, and I love screwing with those who haven't. My wife still thinks Ned Stark's severed melon will return as "the head of the King." I'm surprised you haven't read them. Aren't you a giant nerd?
The giantest. But I have my reasons. I didn’t know about GoT until the show started. Somewhere in the second season I bought the books, but my brother read through them all before I ever picked up the first one. Now all he does is bitch about the show and murmur, “That didn’t happen in the book.” I sort of hate him for it, lol. So now I’m afraid to the read the books in fear of ruining the TV series for myself.

Do you watch South Park? Did you see Black Friday/A Song of Ass & Fire episodes? Highly recommended.

Sinister - here's GoT in a nutshell - no spoilers
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Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Oh shit - I forgot to mention one show on now that is second only to GoT in my book - Fargo. Dat cast.


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
All I said was I could help you pop out some baybehs while you were relatively young. Guess it's not that backhanded in hindsight.

Yes, I do watch South Park and I did catch those episodes. I used to not like SP because I thought it was too profane and juvenile, but I have since dislodged the stick that protuded from my ass. In fact I love the way they rip on everyone, (dat mindblowing satire) and I would love to see another Scientology based episode.
Coincidentally, I meant to ask you if GoT had as many floppy dongs as advertised and if the dragons & zombies were still on the way. I've strongly considered jumping into the franchise but a couple different things have kept me from doing so, flaccid penises included.

As for the shows you mentioned, the only one I've watched is Breaking Bad, which I loved of course. I have heard good things about the others though. Vikings sounds like something I'd like.
I honestly don't watch a ton of new shows, since I mainly rewatch old faves. I do try to catch Walking Dead, Comic Book Men, The League, Ancient Aliens and Hangar 1, lol. Don't judge! There's probably more but I forget. Other than that it's just ESPN and Comedy Central all the time unless I find a good movie.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Profane and juvenile rock my world.

I watch Walking Dead, but the pacing drives me fucking crazy. There are some gem episodes here and there that keep me coming back. I also watch Comic Book Men when I can.

As for re-watching old faves - I recently made my way through Star Trek TNG & the first season of Battlestar Galactica.
South Park, Futurama & It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia are always in stock on my DVR and are go to programming when I just want background noise.


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
Doctor Who??


Sorry. I was invited to a party once (didn't know the host very well), and I showed up ready to booze and there was a giant screen set up in his backyard. "What is this?" I questioned. "This is a Dr. Who viewing party," was the reply. Worst several hours of my life. The fucking guy even paused it when people went to piss.

However I am on board with Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad. Just got a doormat for my new house:



Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Doctor Who makes me tingly in my lady bits. There will be a new Doctor this season. He is currently most famous for his liberal usage of the F word:

Nice doormat! Did you see the alternate ending where Hal (from Malcolm in the Middle) wakes up in bed and it was all a dream?

Sons of Anarchy has 2 seasons left, I think? I met Ron Pearlman earlier this year at a comic con. That voice melted me. The actor that plays Opie should be at an upcoming con I'll be attending. Looking forward to meeting him as well.

The SoA soundtracks are pretty badass, so long as you disregard the songs sung by Katey Segal.


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
Guess what today is! Yeah, it's D-Day, but that's not what I meant. Let me give you a hint:
Everybody's looking forward to the weekend
Partyin' partyin' (yeah)
Partyin' partyin' (yeah)
Fun fun fun fun
Lookin' forward to the weekend

I posted that on the Vestibule not long ago and got one response. I guess they don't care about this old fart turning a year older.

I understand where you're coming from on the profane and juvenile train, I mean I used to be the biggest fan of Adam Sandler. I just meant it should be within reason.
I'm glad you mentioned Star Trek btw. I still watch reruns of TNG on BBC America. Never cared for the other shows, even the highly regarded original series.
I do have a bone to pick with you about Katey Segal though. I haven't heard the songs you're talking about but I love hearing her sing on Futurama.

Assuming I don't miss the premiere I'll try to get on board this new iteration of DW.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Happy Birthday, Jim!

Eh, your mention of Adam Sandler makes me want to recant my statement about liking profane and juvenile. One must draw the line somewhere.

I never did get through Star Trek TOS, but have seen some key episodes. I watched most of Voyager. I liked it, even though the Internet tells me I shouldn't. Fuck you, Internet. I do what I want.


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
Gracias Sack, and yes. I was thrown a pizza party.

Thank you as well Cass. And I'm thrilled you remember my name. That must mean I really matter to you.

I totes agree about Sandler. His last several movies have sucked, and I understand he's a father now and feels he needs to set a better example, but I wonder if he can even be funny. On the other hand, it's kind of sad to see a guy in his 40's acting like a fool, so I can live with him not making Billy Madison 2.

I don't dislike the other Star Treks. I've tried to give all of them (except the Scott Bakula one) chance, but none of them sucked me in like the adventures of Picard, Riker, Data & the rest.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Of course I remember your name. I get a SPAM email from your Hotmail once or twice a year. Sinister Jim recommends hot horny singles in your area!
Classic Jim.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Pretty good. Game of Thrones came on last night and my favorite character is still alive. So yeah... pretty good indeed.


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
For shizzle? I had no idea. I don't even use that account anymore. Sorry!

Hey Plo! I'm doing good, I trust you are too.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Yep! GF and I just hit four months at the end of May.

Had my cell phone stolen while in Kaifeng yesterday. BE CAREFUL AT BUS AND TRAIN STATIONS! I can get back most of my contacts, and the number itself, but I lost all the photos I've taken over the last semester...


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
That's great, but the part about your phone is not. I'd be devastated if something like that happened to me.

Cass, could you reciprocate and recommend some hot horny singles in my area? Actually they don't have to be single, I'll take a pair of bi chicks too.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
My gf came to town Tuesday. She and her folks decided to get me a new phone, citing that if I'm going to work in China (as is my hope) I'm going to need a good phone. They got me a Huawei G730.

This, on top of her prior devotion and love? I do not deserve this woman.


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
Yeah, sounds like. [face_tongue] Pics?

How do you guys feel about about the current state of the NBA Finals? I probably know how Sack feels but I'm really interested in what Mama Cass thinks, since the Heat beat her Mavs in 06, yet the opposing team is a rival Texas squad.
I mean I have to have something to watch while I wait for football and college basketball, and I hate soccer.
P.S. Is it cool if I call you Mama Cass?


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Pics of the gf? Or of the phone? LOL j/k. The original thread I posted is here

And this is what the new phone looks like, though the back is more of a bluish-gray.


As for the NBA Finals, I haven't really been keeping up. I just now checked. Between the two, I say go Spurs, though I'm also a Mavs fan myself. Nowitski da best! :D

I notice Chile is in the same group as Spain and Holland this year. Don't think they'll be making it out of the group stage this time around, though they'll probably stomp Australia.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Sorry Jim, I don't know any singles in your area, but I can recommend some fairly entertaining 1-900 #'s.

Go Spurs! I'm not much into spectator sports, but do enjoy basketball.

I'm a fan of the Mamas and the Papas, but still, I in fact do not prefer the name "Mama". How's about Professor? I like Professor Cass.


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
Plo, it's the internet. Pics of the girl always come first, haha.

The only Cassandra's I can remember are the aforementioned Mama Cass from Mama's & Papa's and Wayne's girlfriend from Wayne's World, but I already posted about both of them before.

I'll take the numbers Cass, but can you front me 50 dollars? I'm good for it.

Maybe you'll like the name Mama once you squeeze out a few love dumplings. C'mon, you know I don't give up easily.
Professor is cool with me but only if I can call you Prof or fessy.
By the way, has anyone seen the new X-Men movie? I had pretty low expectations for it until Red said it was good but I saw it recently and loved it.

Edit: Forgot to work in a ham sandwich reference. Next time.:@)
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Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
In Greek and Roman Mythology, Cassandra was a prophetess who was never believed.

I haven't seen X-Men yet but plan to soon. With a cast like that I really can't imagine how I could be disappointed.


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
Wow, that would suck, not being believed. I'm guessing it's because she cried wolf a bunch.
You're right on the money Professor C. As I said, I had my doubts, because I wasn't impressed as everyone else with the previous films but it ties them together nicely.
That said, if you want to see it Plo, it's a good idea to brush up on the earlier flicks. It's not necessary but I would at least watch First Class again.

I had no idea who Bingbing was beforehand but I will say she plays a character I really like and she has an awesome power. And yes, Dinklage plays Bolivar Trask who has a very important role.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
I'm guessing it's because she cried wolf a bunch.
Nope. It was because she spurned the advances of Apollo. He was all butthurt so he cursed her with the power of prophecy, but also made it so no one believed her. Men. Humpf.

I love the way everyone assumed Dinklage would play Cannonball.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Wow, that would suck, not being believed. I'm guessing it's because she cried wolf a bunch.
You're right on the money Professor C. As I said, I had my doubts, because I wasn't impressed as everyone else with the previous films but it ties them together nicely.
That said, if you want to see it Plo, it's a good idea to brush up on the earlier flicks. It's not necessary but I would at least watch First Class again.

I had no idea who Bingbing was beforehand but I will say she plays a character I really like and she has an awesome power. And yes, Dinklage plays Bolivar Trask who has a very important role.

First Class was the most recent one I saw. I only need to see the rest of X3 and the most recent Wolverine movie.


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
Wow, this Apollo sounds like an assclown. And Cannonball?! WTF?

Plo, I actually have not seen the last Wolverine movie. To my knowledge though, the two solo films are not required viewing at all. And with X3, you just have to know what happened.

Professor Cass, what kind of music are you listening to now? I still remember you liked Willie and Bob and Pink. (Floyd) Tell me that isn't a great name for a band.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Fuck - no, not Cannonball. I meant Puck. The most famous little person in the Marvel Universe.

I am currently obsessed with Say Grace by Sam Baker. I bought the CD for my mom on Mother's Day, and she INSISTED I listen to it. She heard about it on an NPR program. It's really laid back. I like it.
I've also put Hank Williams III back in rotation since I heard about a Hank Williams Sr biopic in production. (Tom Hiddleston AKA Loki is going to play Hank.)
Also been listening to Nirvana. Their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was quite touching.
Other than those, I've been listening to a lot of old R&B lately. Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, The Temptations, Aretha Franklin, etc. I like to sing along to it in the car. [face_blush]

Still love all that other stuff too. Willie Nelson's Red Headed Stranger, Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon & The Wall - all get a lot of action.


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
I must say, Puck makes a helluva lot more sense. But, him as Cannonball is growing on me.

I never listened to HW3, but I know a bunch of people who do and I remember Morg posting about him years ago. And yes, I saw that about Hiddleston. (sweet!)
The Nirvana doesn't shock me but the R&B does for some reason. I expected you to list either classic rock artists or people I don't listen to or even know. Still, it's good to know you still have good taste.
I love the last few albums you mentioned and it may make you happy to learn my nephew asked for a Willie Nelson album for his birthday last year. He only turned 8 this year.
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