
Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
That is adorable. Sounds like your nephew is on the right track! Did you get him a greatest hits compilation?


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
He is on the right track, but, I don't think he's really identified what he loves yet. So far he listens to everything whether it's Willie or Metallica; anything he can get his hands on. And truth be told, I think he wanted a greatest hits but my aunt got him the newest album at the time. I'll probably give him my Super Hits version if he wants it.


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
So you're familiar with them, that's great. I was gonna show another but until Tuesday I thought there were only 2. But now I see there's one about the moon, one mentioning Huns, and another about pony rides and coupons. That's in addition to my favorite, this one:



Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Need to get a list of the old regs


I know I'm forgetting several, but those were some of the main ones...

Actually, I think @marhari still posts.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Ecles, Ehhhh, and Camel Toe were some of the main regs as well. All the others in addition to Dan and Chris were good as well, but if we could just get those five back, this place would be amazing again.


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
Damn it, IGN. I stopped getting alerts for this thread and just assumed Sinny killed it.

When I went to Japan in 2012, I tried every avenue possible to contact The Dan. How cool would it have been to meet him there? I never did get a response, I'm worried he got washed away in a tsunami or murdered by samurais. Morgoth enters my life like once every two years with a crazy, rambling Morgoth-esque e-mail. I'll shoot him one with a link here and see what happens.

So far he listens to everything whether it's Willie or Metallica; anything he can get his hands on.

I bet you've gotten your hands on a lot of willies over the years. Am I right, Shire? Shots for everybody!




::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
I tried alerting you on a few boards as a test. Let me know if it works so I can do it more often for your annoyance.

Did you see the Metallica Sportscenter commercial that just came out? It's funny and all over the internet. I'd track it down for you right now, but I'm kind of in the middle of something.

::reaches for bottle of lube::


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Damn it, IGN. I stopped getting alerts for this thread and just assumed Sinny killed it.

When I went to Japan in 2012, I tried every avenue possible to contact The Dan. How cool would it have been to meet him there? I never did get a response, I'm worried he got washed away in a tsunami or murdered by samurais. Morgoth enters my life like once every two years with a crazy, rambling Morgoth-esque e-mail. I'll shoot him one with a link here and see what happens.

So far he listens to everything whether it's Willie or Metallica; anything he can get his hands on.

I bet you've gotten your hands on a lot of willies over the years. Am I right, Shire? Shots for everybody!


...Shots fired? [face_tongue] *rimshot*

That's a good one, haha. [face_plain] *sips an icy cold in the corner*

Speaking of alerts, I see people alerting others like this: [URL='']@TheSackofJohnMadden[/URL] but even if someone does that to me, I don't get alerted. I don't know if I turned them off or what. I'm probably showing my e-ignorance now but I don't know what is up.

Cheerwine is awesome. I remember back when it was just a Carolina thing, and dad would bring home a bunch from his trips to Charlotte. Now it's pretty much everywhere in the Southeast EXCEPT Kentucky.

I wish Ale-8 would expand more outside its area.


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
I tried alerting you on a few boards as a test. Let me know if it works so I can do it more often for your annoyance.

Did you see the Metallica Sportscenter commercial that just came out? It's funny and all over the internet. I'd track it down for you right now, but I'm kind of in the middle of something.

::reaches for bottle of lube::
I think I saw at least one post, but it never lets me know like I imagine it does for others. Surely it's not just a cell option.
*is still in the dark ages technologically speaking*
I have seen the Metallica SC ad and I have to say, it doesn't wow me. It's alright, but nothing mindblowing. I'm not sure James and Rob even talk in it.
My favorite is the Guitar Hero: Metallica with college basketball coaches Roy Williams, Rick Pitino, Bobby Knight and Coach K.
Second version:

Plo, I've seen you mention Ale-8 before. I'd like to try some. And I'm so glad I'm not the only one who knows about Cheerwine.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
Sorry it took so long to get back to you, been a busy week.

In the first ad, you see the coaches slide in one by one with their instruments, wearing the clothes Tom Cruise wore in Risky Business, while Bob Seger's Old Time Rock And Roll plays. They start playing along but are cut off by Kirk Hammett, as he stands with the rest of Metallica and says "What are you doing?" Bobby Knight responds by saying, "We're playing the Guitar Hero." Lars informs him that now there's a Guitar Hero: Metallica. Roy Williams says "So?", and James Hetfield responds by saying "So it means you're going to have to put on some pants, pops!" Bobby Knight yells "Who are you calling pops?!" and throws the drum kit. Cut to announcer guy who tells you about the game while Metallica's All Nightmare Long plays in the background.

The second ad starts similarly with the Bob Seger song playing, but no one is in the house. Cut to outside where Metallica has the coaches tied to a tree, followed by James saying "You really thought we'd let them prance around in their underwear for OUR commercial? We think not." Metallica turns around and starts walking away from the house. James presses a button which sets off a bomb and turns the house into a huge fireball as All Nightare Long blares loudly. Announcer guy describes the game again, the end.


The Mod of all Dwarves
Sep 29, 2004
Your deception is not amusing Plo.

When you said porn with a link, what do most people expect?

Instead, this:

"left hand, or right hand?
Left-handed for the vast majority of things."

After reading and getting only that am going to bed now and will probably use my right hand, maybe left too - switch hitting if you catch my drift.

Ask your friends at the heath and sex boards; they'll say it's better that way so give it a try. Just looking out for you buddy and good to see you again too. Your hugs using both hands couldn't be more appropriate.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Chris! I hope all is well with you. I still think of you every time I listen to the Dwarves or the Supersuckers. :)

I just got back from 4 days in Las Vegas! First time there. I am not good at gambling. I'm pretty ok at drinking though.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
I lost my money at the slots, Plo. Not too much. Just enough to confirm I should stay the hell away from slots.


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
Chris! I hope all is well with you. I still think of you every time I listen to the Dwarves or the Supersuckers. :)

Cassandra, that's kind of like how I think of you whenever I pass by a gloryhole! Where'd you stay in Vegas? What did you do besides gambling? Any adult establishments? I know Vegas quite well, I've gone three times this past year. My picture is on the wall at the Bunny Ranch.

Plo, I share your line of thinking for gambling. At least in poker I have control over what I'm doing for the most part. For Chris:



Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
We stayed at Mandalay Bay. Nah, we didn't ever make it to the Boom Boom Room, even though we got many invitations from street walkers. But there were free boobs everywhere, why pay?

I was there for work, but we got off at 5pm daily. On night 1 we walked the strip and explored most of the hotels - saw the fountain and the volcano @ Bellagio. On night 2 we saw O by Cirque du Soleil. It was absolutely amazing. On day 3 I broke from the group and did my own thing which included Blackjack, lots of Jager, a shark reef aquarium, a bar made of ice, an oxygen bar, some exploring, and more Jager... which eventually led to the slots that left me down $80. I think I had bad mojo from passing up the LOTR slots. I had a feeling I should have played one for good luck. All the themed slots cracked me up. It looked like a pinball palace in places.


The Mod of all Dwarves
Sep 29, 2004
Not much Plo. Just getting ready for bed and deciding which porn DVD would be best after todays long and hard haha, get it? strenuous work. Release you know man? Every level.

Glad to see you all doing well, this end is TCB Elvis or Danzig style whichever you prefer. So all is well except where is Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I would like to speak to him in person. If memory is correct - which probably isn't so solid - I think he lived in Florida, Ft. L. That'd be worth a short drive. Now no beatings... nobody would get hurt, but it really cracks me up just thinking about it. The conversation would be epic asking him beforehand if we could do an audio recording to share with the world.

Cass I think of you 3-5 times a week looking at your "Friggin Awesome CD" & "Hank III/Assjack" which always reminds me of you. It's impossible not to in a cd case that gets used and opened often. They're just cool to look at you know. Also watching ATHF, which cannot be watched without thinking of you as well. Good memories. You should have known better than to gamble though - house always wins. Watching the people who really play those slots they're unhappy, very sad. It's like they're dead inside - any win is like poison because they'll put it right back in the machine to lose again. Haven't gambled in a long time, an old x had a severe problem. She spent all her Xmas money (family, friends and me - me right?) at Harrahs, a diamond member, all that. Those aren't good memories but did observe enough to know that being addicted to "Video Poker" and slots isn't fake, especially Video Poker. Weirdest thing ever. Sad too. Luckily she's no longer in my life but hope her the best. Without me.

Sack that picture really made me smile hard seeing it, so damned funny. Haven't seen that or the other ones after photobucked dumped the images and that was it, not really pleased by any means. Just looked at the Samhain tour and can't believe that's all. How disappointing. Danzig has lost his mind: a friend in Iowa saw Danzig winter 05 in Chicago "House of Blues" and got roughed up by paid thugs, kicked out for imitating my justified spit in KC. Just spoke with him and he says no way should anybody ever spend money on him, what's next, Misfits reunion, another Samhain tour etc. He's still pretty mad and can't blame him - spitting is a sign of respect in the world Glen came from, when mine landed during "She Rides" he looked at me like he was hurt or something and wiped it off his face. A Great Moments in History kind of thing, my friend did not fare so well and makes good debate about how much of a loser Danzig really is now. Would still like see him though even if I did get kicked out, makes a great story after all.

Sin I still have your Xmas card. Organizing paperwork about a yr ago found and didn't throw it away. Have a picture but don't understand this new ign format enough yet to post images or care right now. Looks like you're up to your old ways, or new ways; very good, good to know you're alive.

Plo what's up with my Christian Rock Board these days? Remember when we owned that place like it was truly my home and everyone was invited? Those were the days. We wrestled with so many ideas and thoughts, such pleasures... speaking of pleasures and wrestling I'd better go now. There's still some work to do tonight having picked "Ass I Am #7", it's bedtime right now. Or maybe more important, finding a dirty sock. You know what I'm saying right? Haha of course you do.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
LOTR SLOTS?!?!?!?!?!?

I would make an exception for that. :D

EDIT: Chris, the CR Board's been archived for a couple of years now as I recall. But yeah, those times were good. I got into some of my favorite bands through that - Haste the Day, most prominently.

As for Ehhhh, I haven't talked to him in a while. I know he's a Floridian but I forget where. We sometimes chatted on FB, but it's been a while.

I need to get a VPN so I can get back on FB. Maybe I can summon Dan back here as well.
Last edited:


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Sack that picture really made me smile hard seeing it, so damned funny. Haven't seen that or the other ones after photobucked dumped the images and that was it, not really pleased by any means.
I got this! Photobucket is for the birds these days. I moved 'em all over to an Imgur album for your viewing pleasure.

Do yo remember how pissed off Ehhhhh was about this one??

Not cool, man. Not cool.


The Mod of all Dwarves
Sep 29, 2004
Thank you a million times or more Cass, you have no idea just how much that made me smile; no idea!! Oh my, that is something that is truly priceless beyond words. Every picture, just fantastic wow. Each one has a story to tell and couldn't be more pleased to see them especially at this exact moment. So uplifting like Ehhhhhhh listening to Relient K or something. No wait, it's nothing like what he must feel like listening to that garbage I take that back.

That pic above am still dying laughing over, poor Rory! He didn't know what he was in for did he? Hahaha

Yes, he was quite angry - most anyone in the world or even here at IGN would have instinctively burst out laughing, because there's no way you can't say that's not cool even those were his exact words. Can't believe you found the original quote, can't stop laughing this is all too much too soon but wouldn't have it any other way; this is like the old days, the good days of IGN. The Last Supper... will have to print those all at a Walmart soon, so worthy to see such fine art in my apt making everyone who sees them smile and laugh too.

Plo what do you mean about CRiB? What does that mean here and why, it doesn't sound good like someone shooting a dog after saying they were going for a nice walk.

Many do believe when telling the true tale of my hand in it's creation, had a community thread in my name; helped people you know. Like Rory. Send him a pm or email saying Morgoth would enjoy meeting in person to specifically discuss religion and politics. If remembered, those were his strong points where he really shined in every way possible.

It's nice to be back. And now, goodnight.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
What's a Rory? Is that Ehhhhh? I had no idea you guys were on a first name basis!

Morgoth, making friends wherever you go.


The Mod of all Dwarves
Sep 29, 2004
Well Rory Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh is the only Rory ever known period so that name was kind of difficult to forget. Name fit the face too, both crude - almost nonhuman like. But yea my little buddy and I were on first name basis, he called me Chris though never recall giving him permission to do so. What fun we had. It's kind of filtering back just how angry he used to get, that's so awesome.

Plo, I don't have time to elaborate on the Christian Rock Board right now so will leave that to the imagination until later. And no, lol, Relient K has no good songs, apologies but we have to agree to disagree there. No offense, it's just that way.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
LOL - And so it begins....
Tell him what's what, Plo!

Sam Baker is my newest musical obsession. He grew on me slowly. He's sort of laid back like Willie Nelson.
Last edited:


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
Oh Rory, Rory, Rory - the man behind one of the greatest rants in IGN history. I will post at the end of this message for your viewing pleasure.

::clicks on Sam Baker::

He ain't half bad for an old fart. Speaking of music kicks, I've been cranking this one nonstop for days. I love me some metal, but when I discovered pirate metal my life changed. Wonderful job on that Morgoth compilation, by the way. Sightings of Chris the Morgoth was probably my favorite thread of all time.

Hey Plo, what's a VPN?

Chris, I'd personally fly to Florida just to watch an encounter between you and Ehhhhhhhhhh. Check out the following Rory Christian Rock board rant, as promised. It was all prompted by some young ruffian posting a picture of Ehhhh meeting Relient K, with a big penis photoshopped into the frame (at least I think it was photoshopped):

This thread needs to be deleted NOW:

The whole board is being overrun with spamming trolling idiots. I strongly recommend the banning of any user who might laugh at that thread, because it shows what their true intentions are. Most of them are extra usernames of certain users. You might want to check out the users Chris_The_Morgoth, Izzit, Goshma_Ballsitch, The_Cymek_Stalin, ATLRockU, maddie7777, TheSackofJohnMadden, and NINDSFAN, and see if any of them are the same guy. I really need some help here, we never get to enjoy the board like we should because of them. They ridicule Christianity, the bands we like, and us. It's ridiculous, and I'd really appreciate it if a mod was assigned to the Christian Rock board. I've seen mods get assigned to boards with spam problems before, so I'm hoping you'll help us out. Thanks in advance.

You are all getting banned for this one. You prove that you are nothing but pathetic good‑for‑nothing jerks. You're all idiots, and are here for no reason but to ridicule us.


Sack, Chris, Izzit, which ever one of you who is making an attempt at insults, you must have such sad lives if this is what they consist of. Ha, how pathetic. It's a consolation that I helped you waste all of your time.

The ones that laughed at it are on his side, and considering that the guy knows me and has one post, he's obviously one of their extra usernames.

I never telling you or anyone else on this board. I probably won't ever post a picture on myself on IGN again, and I won't let it go this time. You may be innocent here Sack, I don't know about you for sure, but there are people here using extra usernames to do this. It's impossible that someone just happens to sign up and do this. Too many times have you guys re‑convinced me that you really are here because you are Christians and you like Christian music. I'm done believing that. Whether you are really Christians, I may never figure out. But this thread proves to me that you don't really care about being my friend. Don't try and explain yourself. This is going too far.

That wasn't directed at you, Sack. Neither is the rest of this post, so calm down.

Now, don't any of you dare act like this is nothing. It's one of MY pictures of meeting a cool guy, something I enjoyed, and freaks like you ruin it with your perverted crap! I hate the sick crap you people pull, and you need to stop. If you TRULY meant everything you said, you idiots wouldn't do something like this. If you were sincere Christians, you wouldn't laugh when spam threads were made like this. If you hate me for being a Christian, fine, that happens. But leave my pictures alone!


Now, don't you dare act like my friend after that. If you were my friend, you'd tell those guys to stop, you wouldn't let them post that. But no, you didn't just laugh at it, you said that God thought it up. It's ridiculous that you can act offended when I call you a liar, and yet you do something like that. I don't see the sense in that at all. BTW, it's not your pictures that people are doing horrible things to. It's mine. You can't understand that. It's gonna be pretty hard for you to ever convince me that you are actually my friend. And tell me, are you Chris, or not? I don't think I've ever gotten a straight answer from you.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
He ain't half bad for an old fart. Speaking of music kicks, I've been cranking this one nonstop for days.
Oh. Your. God. That is fantastic!

It's one of MY pictures of meeting a cool guy, something I enjoyed, and freaks like you ruin it with your perverted crap!

Check it out, the freak in question never even got called out by name. Ninja.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Hey, Chris, your username is Chris_the_Morgoth. Most people would automatically call you Chris for short anyway. And no prob, agreeing to disagree is fine. I like lots of other bands as well anyway. ;)

Sack, a VPN is something one can download to let you access sites that would be otherwise inaccessible due to restrictions like location. They're often used by people in China and other nations to access Facebook, though I still haven't gotten one yet. I need to though, since I miss my friends from college and high school.

Oh man, I remember that rant. He probably went a bit too far with the ranting, but he did have a point. Doing that to his pic really was rather crude and uncalled for.

While the convo's on the topic of music, I'd encourage you to check out Ivete Sangalo, a samba/Bossa Nova singer from Brazil. She's got a ton of good stuff. Here's a link to one of her quieter songs, Quando a Chuva Passar. She's got a lot of other ones as well, including Sorte Grande, Nao Me Conte Seus Problemas, Bota Pra Ferver, etc. She also has many collaborations, including several with Shakira, and she also participated in the collaborative effort that was this year's World Cup theme.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Hey, Chris, your username is Chris_the_Morgoth. Most people would automatically call you Chris for short anyway.

Oh man, I remember that rant. He probably went a bit too far with the ranting, but he did have a point. Doing that to his pic really was rather crude and uncalled for.
I was only permitted to call him Chris after the submission and approval of a notarized hand written request, in triplicate. Until then it was Mr. Morgoth. Sometimes I still call him Mr. Morgoth, just because I think it sounds pretty badass.

Oh Plo, I do feel sort of bad about the whole thing. Not so much about the picture – that is just a standard “welcome to the Internet”. Crude, yes. Uncalled for? Well, we'll agree to diagree there. ;-) Other than that though, Ehhhh got bullied and he only deserved maybe half of it. So yea, I feel half-bad.


The Mod of all Dwarves
Sep 29, 2004
Hey, Plo, you have it wrong. It's "Chris_The_Morgoth". Do it right or don't do it at all. That's what all the ladies say am I right? Like, all the ladies including your lady friend. Plo you do know what I mean right?

Speaking of doing things right, Sack, that's by far the best thing I've seen in a very very long time. Laughing out loud alone doesn't happen often, I mean really laughing, piss your pants almost eyes running with tears laughing, but with wild success you managed to hit the mark.

Couldn't reply till now as it was simply too much, too funny that speechless doesn't even describe how it felt. Everyone at work saw it today after printing it out, texting a link last night to friends as well. Everyone loved it just as much as I did and just couldn't stop laughing either saying is that real? You did that? Seriously is that for real?

Sometimes you do something great in life like that against bullies like Ehhhhhhhhh, who deserved every bit of that, yes, a welcome to the internet pic which I honestly did not produce but after reading that the 1st time and even now really wish I had or could claim credit but that's the kind of things real heroes do. Rory was nothing but a bully. These days filing a lawsuit against him for such drastic actions would probably be quite easy - the hate displayed is absolutely legendary, there exists nothing to compare it to. Nothing.

Wonder how many puppies he strangled or drowned after posting that? Ehhhhhhhhhh had many problems, all I ever wanted to do is help which as you can see still is the case. I'm looking for him now in fact.

Sack, we'll find him. Don't do Facebook so might make an acct just for this and once I find him, sending a nice invite I'll let everyone know when and where it'll happen. I want a sincere apology, more sincere than the one he gave after his silly rant and in person too. That's when we can discuss God, current and old politics, his confused concept of sex and relationships with women or men if that's his deal as suspected and much, much, more. You're invited to be mediator should he attempt violence against me - the main reason for wanting an audio recording at the very least. I wouldn't sue him if he threw a sucker punch but being handicapped it would show his true nature, totally worth dodging his slow pudgy sweaty fist trying to talk him out of being just plain mean and evil. Because that is what he'd do, bullies don't change but I always hold out hope that they do. Especially Rory. He was obviously "special" - mentally handicapped to be blunt so he might not remember any of this anyway. Reminding him could perhaps be akin to the therapy he's likely doing today.

Music wise maybe we (Ehhhhhhhhhhhh always held admiration for you Sack, could be the avatar used though, not sure) could turn him on to the classic oldies I've been listening to lately, The Meatmen, Dead Kennedys, Dirty Rotten Imbiciles, etc.

The Meatmen's "Crippled Children Suck" would be so appropriate.

Goodnight, more to come soon, the saga continues....