
::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
This is for the three people that still check the board, and can no longer post in the Green Dragon.

Give me a shout if you find this place, I'll be out smoking some pipeweed.


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
The TOS has been updated, shithead! Curse all you fucking want, it's perfectly okay.

There's a sticky on the Vesti about the big change.


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
It's a welcome change. Now we can talk like real men!

So, would you agree Rick's ass looked great on the last episode of WD?


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
I'm guessing you mean the one before the mid-season break since that's when you posted but honestly I wasn't paying attention. I'll just assume it was as dreamy as ever.

So who else is going to see the Hobbit? I've heard that anyone dressed as a hobbit, a dwarf or an eagle gets in for half price.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 6, 2004
My god, The Sack lives. I take a short 6 year break from the boards and the Green Dragon inn is no more? It's a sad day. I thought I would stop by again, see If any of the old-timers still got on here. Glad to see you sack, warms my heart.
::masturbates dry::


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
Sup Cam. I don't know if you know me or not but I've seen your name a time or two here.

I'm guessing someone here has read this book before so I was wondering if you could tell me something about it. It's The Legend Of Sigurd and Gudrun and I bought it on the cheap recently. I saw it was a Tolkien book so figured it was good. If not, it only cost me a buck.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
I come back after a couple of years away, and I find the Green Dragon Inn is no more?! DARN YOU, SARUMAN!!!!

At least the people here are old vets. Long time no see, Sack, Camel Toe, and Sinister! How's life? [face_dancing]
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::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
Camel! Seeing you again tightens my pants. I missed your dry wit, in addition to your dry jerking sessions. You know who to ask for lube, should you feel an indian burn coming on.

Plojob! What's happening, brother? You're living in China, according to your sig? How did you end up there? I visited Japan for two weeks over the summer, in my neverending quest to track down The_Dan. Unfortunately, our paths never crossed.

Hey Sinny, don't just sit there. Pour the drinks for our old friends, you worthless POS!

::sets a fresh bowl of extra salty pretzels on the bar::


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Summary: Over the past three years, I went to Chile (summer 2010), added Spanish and Asian studies as minors, went to China (May 2011), graduated after a fifth year of study (last May), and now I've been studying Mandarin in Henan Province to improve my language skills before doing work or grad school (see icon). They've got a good certificate program for foreigners, and the cost of living here is super cheap for Westerners. Even though Sias is a private university, the tuition for programs is only around $1400-1800/year, depending on the program! And I got a tuition scholarship since Lee U. was a partner school and I visited them through a Lee trip in 2011, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I might be here next year as well. Chinese New Year was awesome here!

Sad to see the boards in such a state. Metroid is about the only board not almost dead of all my former regs, and some users and I are in the process of reviving the Phantasy Star Online board with PSO2 coming out in the West sometime soon (though I broke down and downloaded the Japanese version). Heck, I've actually been posting on the Vesti frequently! Back in the old days I could up my post count pretty well without touching the Vesti! lol Still, good to see some of the old regs.


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
That's great to hear, Plo. How do you like the Chinese people? I still can't get over how nice everyone was in Japan. I almost didn't want to come back to the states. My only issue was the food!

How was Chile? South America is on my list for places to go. I take one international trip per year, I'm hooked on traveling now.

::chugs an ale and travels to the men's room::


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
The Chinese people are really great. Lots are curious about the outside world, and eager to have a foreign friend. I even have friends who barely speak English, so it's perfect for me to get practice.

Oh my gosh, Chile was incredible. Santiago is nestled right at the feet of the Andes, so you see mountains most places you look. There's a bit of smog, like in most large cities, but even it can add beauty; the natural beauty is best, though, after a rain washes the smog out of the air, and then the scenery becomes REALLY clear. The people I met there were pretty nice. It felt like a cross between a cleaner, cheaper New York City with a personality mixed between Californians and Southerners. I went in their winter, so it was kind of nippy, but the snow on the mountains was really pretty. Lots of stuff to see there. Also, Viña del Mar is a beach area about an hour or two from Santiago - VERY pretty there. I don't have time to post pics right now, but when I do I'll put some up. The cost of living is comparable to that of the States. I didn't feel much of a price difference between Kentucky and Chile. Video games are more expensive (a DS game then was as much as a new console game), but produce is super cheap, especially if you buy from one of the ferias (open air markets). I got a kilo of pears for a dollar.

Also the exchange rate is about 500 pesos to one dollar. And they use the same currency sign we do, so you'll do a double take when you pass a McDonald's ad for a double cheeseburger priced at "$500". [face_tongue]

If you speak Spanish, it's really a great place to go. Spend at least a couple of weeks there, though that's nowhere near enough to get a good look at a country.


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
::returns after lengthy absence::

My apologies, I was starring in a Lord of the Rings themed porno.

Plo, I found a thread of yours on the Vesti a while back that I found interesting. Ask a guy living in China anything, I believe was the title. Just wanted to give you some props.

Would you ever consider traveling to the middle east? I'm seriously kicking around the idea of Dubai this winter, assuming my house sells by then and I can take a nice vacation. I'd imagine I'd have to keep the gay jokes to a minimum.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China

Yep, I remember that. Title was something along those lines. Was fun.

I would love to go to the Middle East sometime, but if I went, I'd go to the West Bank to see some friends in Ramallah. Dubai's too much swag for me, lol. Besides, I'm gonna be here another year!

Also, click the link in my sig; you've returned in time to see my 10K! I didn't mention the old gang because I thought you all were gone by now, but I did give the LOTR board a fond mention or two. :)


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
Great thread, now tell me more about her!


I think I can handle Dubai, I got the swag. I'll just have to bring a shitload of money. I wonder what currency they even use.

My wife completely bungled the yen conversion in Japan and bought a $250 bathrobe. I was not surprised.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Oh her? She's apparently the fairly recent sensation from Vietnam with cup size F. But she's one of those who doesn't need to bare anything to look freaking amazing.

And looks like the UAE dirham is the currency.
Jun 18, 2004
Are they ever going to release part fucking two of the hobbit? This shits ridiculous , Valladammit!

**pours out ale for the fellowship**
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::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
::enters and turns up Return of the King soundtrack::

Gimli, nice to see you've stumbled back to Middle Earth. Ready the ale, I have a confession to make.

I, The Sack, a self-professed LOTR fan who has even taken the LOTR tour in New Zealand, has yet to see the Hobbit movie. I feel like a disgrace to this fine forum. Am I truly missing out on greatness?


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
::enters and turns up Return of the King soundtrack::

Gimli, nice to see you've stumbled back to Middle Earth. Ready the ale, I have a confession to make.

I, The Sack, a self-professed LOTR fan who has even taken the LOTR tour in New Zealand, has yet to see the Hobbit movie. I feel like a disgrace to this fine forum. Am I truly missing out on greatness?

Go and buy the DVD now, you deprived bastard. [face_tongue]

It takes a little more license with certain portions of the book (they couldn't wait till Mirkwood for Bilbo to make a kill, for one), but as a movie it's pretty good. And Andy Serkis is at his finest with Gollum.
Jun 18, 2004
Aye, this coon's counsil is true, tis truly outstanding. Especially the dragon at the end.

uh, wait...spoiler alert

Crazy how much the lil gimster dug that movie at 4


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
Sack, I'm not saying The Hobbit is the greatest film ever or anything, but if you enjoyed the LOTR trilogy you'll probably enjoy this one too.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Actually, come to find out the typhoon was the reason for the cooldown. It didn't affect us much at all, but as the typhoon made landfall, stronger winds and cooler temperatures hit Henan Province for a couple of days. I actually had to wear long sleeves one evening.

Now I'm sure the coast of China got hit harder.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Look up Di San Xian (地三鲜) and La Zi Ji Ding (辣子鸡丁). Really good stuff!

Got pretty nippy here the past couple of days. Probably in the upper 50's to mid 60's for the most part. I'm actually wearing a light hoodie today.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
The La Zi Ji Ding looks boss! Is that spicy?

You find yourself eating more veggie meals than meats there?

Yep, the "la" in this case means spicy. It's pretty good.

Yeah, the meals are usually 80-100% veggie. When I order stuff with meat, it's usually not too much meat because it's more expensive here. But I could go vegetarian here if I wanted.

For dinner tonight I had this dish called Qingjiao Rou Si, which is green chillies and strips of pork, put on top of steamed rice. That was good.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Hello, old timers.

I see that the last post in the Green Dragon Inn was a uninspired "LOL". Sack, forever classy.


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Life is good. I’ve got a not-awful job, a mortgage, and a good man. Getting geekier with each passing year. I’m ok with that.

Current interests include doing online secret santas, crafting for comic cons, and plotting the murder of Joffrey Baratheon.


::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
Doing well, Ploman. Just got back from a weekend jaunt in Tijuana, Mexico. It was fun, yet depressing at the same time. They really have no money there, the restaurants and bars are practically empty. Tourism is way down because of the drug cartels. Thankfully I didn't encounter any bad people - I guess they were too intimidated by my jockstrap.

What's new in China? Meet any sexy ladies?

::sips a Tsingtao::


Title Envy<br><b>WARNING:</b> Known to neuter.
Sep 29, 2004
Plo – I’m on reddit almost daily. That’s where I do the secret santa stuff. Here is one of my favorite boards (NSFW):
I’d be back to IGN full-time if they had that kind of thought-provoking content.

Sack – I’ll tell you what I’ve told my mom a dozen times, “Just because I like rainbows & vaginas doesn’t mean I’m a lesbian. But it might. Nice tits.”

::fingers through beernuts::

Ooo, Tijuana. I really want to take a substantial vacation but I can’t seem to get inspired enough about a destination. Maybe one of those new tours they have in Colorado – a secret vacation I can’t recount to 90% of the people I know.
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Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Doing well, Ploman. Just got back from a weekend jaunt in Tijuana, Mexico. It was fun, yet depressing at the same time. They really have no money there, the restaurants and bars are practically empty. Tourism is way down because of the drug cartels. Thankfully I didn't encounter any bad people - I guess they were too intimidated by my jockstrap.

What's new in China? Meet any sexy ladies?

::sips a Tsingtao::

Actually, yes! I asked a girl from Luoyang to be my girlfriend on New Year's Eve, and after much consideration (and even having me ask her folks), she accepted on Chinese New Year's Eve! We've been together almost 2.5 months now.

I put a thread up on the Vesti as soon as I could afterward:

*cracks open a Harbin*
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::drops pants::
Dec 8, 2003
You go, Plo! So what was that like, an american dude walking into her home in China and confronting the parents....did they take it well? I have asian friends here who exclusively date other asians because of strict parents, and we're talking guys who are in their 30s who still can't go against their parents on this issue. I bet you won them over pretty easily, you're a genuinely good dude.

::adjusts jockstrap::

Damn it, Cass. Those weren't the beernuts.

I got really into traveling about five years ago, and I try to do an international trip once a year. You should try New Zealand! They have helicopter LOTR tours!

::clicks on dragons fucking cars and settles in for lunch::


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
I was super nervous, but they took it quite surprisingly well. They enjoyed meeting me as well. Basically, they didn't care about the nationality or even a lot of the other little things that Asian parents often care about - the main thing is that my folks and I were also Christian (the whole belief compatibility thing) and that I would love and take care of their daughter. Her parents are actually pretty cool, and they're definitely still in love with each other after almost two and a half decades of marriage. If my gf and I wind up getting married down the road, I think I'll enjoy having them for in-laws. Plus, they're AWESOME cooks! :D

My parents met her over Skype a few weeks later and really like her a lot. She was VERY nervous, probably more than I was meeting her folks, and she thought that their enthusiastic approval was just giving face for the moment until I told her repeatedly it was genuine.