
Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
I don't keep up with many CTs nowadays lol I just come in and occasionally post. [face_tongue] Final Fantasy XIV has like my undivided attention [face_tongue]


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
I don't game that much during school, but I did find the time to get through the new inFamous last weekend. Probably gonna Gamefly the remainder of the PS4 games that interest me once the semester's over.

That's not too many though, so I might end up buying a 3DS as well. Or load myself up on RPG's like FFX HD and Ni No Kuni. [face_tongue]


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
Nice [face_tongue] Yeah FFXIV is the only game I have on my ps4 atm because...well I upgraded from ps3 to ps4 so it was free [face_mischief]


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
I've gotten through ACIV, BF4, KZ4, and now inFamous on PS4, plus the PS+ stuff (Resogun, Contrast, Outlast... Don't Starve isn't really my thing, haven't played Mercenary Kings yet).

So I guess all I really want to catch up on is NFS Rivals, Knack (lol), and then Watch Dogs comes out next month. Played through Rayman and Tomb Raider on PS3 so no need for that really.

And dammit I wish they would announce a release date for Diablo 3 already


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
FFXIV makes it so I really haven't wanted to play anything else on my end lol I have the new BlazBlue for PS3 but have only played it for like an hour before going back to XIV, same goes for Tomb Raider [face_tongue] lol too much stuff to do. [face_hypnotized]

lmao they give a release date for Diablo III and then you'll be on that like how I am on XIV. [face_tongue]


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
Yeah, if they'd just give me a chance to give them my money already!

I've never jumped into an mmo for fear of losing myself [face_tongue]

Had an early Easter dinner tonight with the family, was pleasant.


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
That's understandable. Most of the stuff I play is just me messing around by my lonesome.

Renewed Gamefly yesterday since they offered me a month back for $1 and the offer expired next week. They sent out NFS Rivals this morning. Gonna try to get MGS Ground Zeroes next so I can knock it out of the way before I'm back home for the summer.


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
lmao Gamefly always tried to get me to come back for at least like 2 years before they finally gave up [face_tongue]


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
As long as they keep offering me $1 deals between semesters I'm in lol.

Got NFS Rivals in on Monday, it's pretty fun. Doesn't seem as polished as Hot Pursuit was, though.

I'm gonna wait patiently for Ground Zeroes instead of going for something more readily available since next week is finals week and I don't exactly need two games to distract me. [face_tongue]


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
I miss Underground for the ps2. The ps3 NFS games are ok but I hate how they don't have an option to drive with a manual :(

I have absolutely no games on my radar other that when Persona 4 Arena 2 drops in september that'll get me to play my ps3 again [face_tongue]
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Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
I loved Underground 2, it's one of my favorite racers.

That said, Rivals is pretty good thus far. But none of the recent NFS games can match up to Burnout Paradise.

Gamefly sent out Knack, heh. I'm not expecting a whole lot.

Just got one project and then finals week, and I'm off for three months. I am definitely looking forward to that.


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
Oh yeah most definitely. First game on the ps3 that I actually dove into online multiplayer [face_tongue] I think at one point I was ranked 90 in the world [face_tongue]


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007

I was like top 30 in the world for assists in Resistance 2 at one point lol. Weird random stat.

Saw some Sunset Overdrive gameplay footage. Wish it was coming to PS4.


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
Sunset Overdrive? What's that about?

EDIT: Nevermind just saw it. Looks pretty cool, but like you said too bad its only on the Xbox One.
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Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
Yeah, it looks like Insomniac is trying to make up for that terrible turn Overstrike made when it turned into Fuse. MS is letting them be themselves here.


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007

Wooh, done with the semester. Time for summer.

Double wooh, just ordered me a 3DS XL


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
Haha well double congrats [face_tongue]

Zelda makes me want a WiiU but I don't know about buying another Nintendo system i'll barely use. I did the same thing for my Wii, I bought it just for Zelda, barely had 5 games for the system [face_tongue]


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
I know what you mean. Mario Kart convinced me more than anything, I played with a friend today and it's the most fun I've had online in a long time. Smash is the other big one for me, I don't think I can stomach a handheld version of it.


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
Yeah. I'd say this new one is probably the best yet. It's beautiful, plays well with a good variety of tracks, and has a competent online structure.

I borrowed the Wii I gave my sister a few years ago so I could transfer my downloads over to the Wii U. Can finally play the classic Mario's and Zelda's again. <3


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
I gave my Wii to my niece since she wanted it and i'm like well ok even though I do miss my old games it made her happy so that's all that matters [face_tongue]

I think about getting a WiiU sometimes but I know with the exception of Mario or Zelda it would probably collect dust like my Wii did lol [face_tongue]


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
I know what you mean, Ninty consoles are always primarily for Ninty games for me. But I have a lot of affection for Mario Kart, Smash, and Paper Mario as well so it ends up being good enough.

Though I will have to check out Bayonetta 2 I suppose. First one was some zany fun.


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
I know that feeling lol

I'm currently chugging along in my FFX HD playthrough, been a while since I played a JRPG


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
Ah FFX, Zanarkand...good times [face_tongue]

Only thing going on with me is as usual FFXIV [face_love] god I love this game lol


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
I got R&C: Full Frontal Assault from Gamefly today, played through it. Short little game, but pretty fun take on tower defense with the Ratchet formula. It was a bit better than I expected, I usually don't care for that sort of thing but when you throw in some good old fashioned R&C gameplay, I'm in lol


Not Fudge
Apr 9, 2014
Okay, so I just really discovered this board. I used to love the ratchet games...finally got the collection.

Problem is, I am not enjoying the 1st ratchet game. I went straight into the 2nd one (going commando). So much better to strafe


Not Fudge
Apr 9, 2014
UYA is still my favortie R&C game lol

Is that the 3rd one? I have to play that again, but I remembered LOVING the multiplayer for that game. Too bad no one is on there.

I can't beat Drek in the 1st game without Tesla Claw and ultra suit. I don't really want to grind for bolts either in that game.


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
Okay, so I just really discovered this board. I used to love the ratchet games...finally got the collection.

Problem is, I am not enjoying the 1st ratchet game. I went straight into the 2nd one (going commando). So much better to strafe
Yeah, the first game is pretty outdated. They really hit their stride with the core mechanics with the second game and have just been refining on that ever since.

UYA is also my favorite R&C game, though I would say A Crack in Time is probably the best of the series.

Drek is probably the toughest final boss in the series. You run out of resources too easily. But if you get the PDA in the secret area of the stormy city level, you can replenish your ammo mid-battle and that might be a cheaper route than the claw.


Not Fudge
Apr 9, 2014
Okay, so I just really discovered this board. I used to love the ratchet games...finally got the collection.

Problem is, I am not enjoying the 1st ratchet game. I went straight into the 2nd one (going commando). So much better to strafe
Yeah, the first game is pretty outdated. They really hit their stride with the core mechanics with the second game and have just been refining on that ever since.

UYA is also my favorite R&C game, though I would say A Crack in Time is probably the best of the series.

Drek is probably the toughest final boss in the series. You run out of resources too easily. But if you get the PDA in the secret area of the stormy city level, you can replenish your ammo mid-battle and that might be a cheaper route than the claw.

Do you remember if you have to buy the PDA in the secret area? Or you just get that for free? Because I might actually go back and grab the PDA then before I continue playing the 2nd game.


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
Do you remember if you have to buy the PDA in the secret area? Or you just get that for free? Because I might actually go back and grab the PDA then before I continue playing the 2nd game.
Apparently it's 1,000 bolts. Tesla Claw is what, 40k? So it should be a good alternative, yeah.


Not Fudge
Apr 9, 2014
Do you remember if you have to buy the PDA in the secret area? Or you just get that for free? Because I might actually go back and grab the PDA then before I continue playing the 2nd game.
Apparently it's 1,000 bolts. Tesla Claw is what, 40k? So it should be a good alternative, yeah.

Perfect! Thank you, thank you.

Only way to get me to finish that game is if I get the PDA then. No way was I going to go for 40k bolts without getting into challenge mode. I will play challenge mode though for increased bolts.


Not Fudge
Apr 9, 2014
So I obtained the Gadgettron and morph o ray while gaming yesterday and I tried beating him again. My health might be too low or I'm rushing it. Ended up spending so many bolts and almost destroyed him but his last few attacks were hitting me hard and I wasted most of my bolts for more devestators or blasters.

I'll revisit this game when I'm done with Going Commando most likely because I'm so sick of getting bolts in the first game


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
So I obtained the Gadgettron and morph o ray while gaming yesterday and I tried beating him again. My health might be too low or I'm rushing it. Ended up spending so many bolts and almost destroyed him but his last few attacks were hitting me hard and I wasted most of my bolts for more devestators or blasters.

I'll revisit this game when I'm done with Going Commando most likely because I'm so sick of getting bolts in the first game
Yeah, he's still a tough one, health can feel pretty limited. I got stuck on him for a while when I was a kid, it was the first game in the series I owned but it wasn't the first one I finished. I usually just went all out with the Devastator and kept buying more ammo for it throughout, if you want to be safe and not need to build up so many bolts for each attempt you can reload a save from right before the fight for a do-over.


Not Fudge
Apr 9, 2014
So I obtained the Gadgettron and morph o ray while gaming yesterday and I tried beating him again. My health might be too low or I'm rushing it. Ended up spending so many bolts and almost destroyed him but his last few attacks were hitting me hard and I wasted most of my bolts for more devestators or blasters.

I'll revisit this game when I'm done with Going Commando most likely because I'm so sick of getting bolts in the first game
Yeah, he's still a tough one, health can feel pretty limited. I got stuck on him for a while when I was a kid, it was the first game in the series I owned but it wasn't the first one I finished. I usually just went all out with the Devastator and kept buying more ammo for it throughout, if you want to be safe and not need to build up so many bolts for each attempt you can reload a save from right before the fight for a do-over.

I forgot to do a save, so I guess I'll just have to go and grab about 10k bolts before I start it again


Not Fudge
Apr 9, 2014
Okay, I'm having problrms with the battle arena. Anyone here know?

I did every battle arena challenge and yet I don't see the "impossible challenge" the one with 60 rounds listed there.....

What the hell...


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
Okay, I'm having problrms with the battle arena. Anyone here know?

I did every battle arena challenge and yet I don't see the "impossible challenge" the one with 60 rounds listed there.....

What the hell...
You might just have to progress further into the story to unlock more arena battles. Just make sure to get to it before starting challenge mode.


Not Fudge
Apr 9, 2014
Okay, I'm having problrms with the battle arena. Anyone here know?

I did every battle arena challenge and yet I don't see the "impossible challenge" the one with 60 rounds listed there.....

What the hell...
You might just have to progress further into the story to unlock more arena battles. Just make sure to get to it before starting challenge mode.

I'm actually up to the last level and I don't want to progress further until I beat that arena battle AND getting plat bolts AND getting the moonstones in the ice level.

But for some reason, I wasn't seeing it last night. I'll try again later, but it was really weird...