
Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2005
no one here really likes lolbrawl at all, its campy, its glitchy, its imbalanced, and more then anything its just boring compared to melee or 64, you aren't gonna find anyone here willing to play you in brawl, cuz we all prefer melee, and the only time anyone here will touch brawl are for the mods like brawl+, brawl- or project M.

in short; you're better off looking at other sites for lolbrawl matches, go find a site tahts still willing to put up with all the character imbalances, the glitches, and overall boring campy nature of brawl, because you will be waiting a long long long time to find anyone answer back to your message wanting to brawl ya, espicially when we've got melee we could play that doesn't have a single bit of brawls problems, or at least not nearly as many.

just look at how long it takes for half the peoples posts on the FC thread to get answered, you're better off going somewhere else looking for brawl matches.
Apr 11, 2011
Eh, it's whatever I just need something to do to kill time same reason I got Black ops and ect. Even if the game isn't that great as long as it kills time .. and if anyone is still willing to play i'll be more then happy to get on with em.
Question though what do you mean "Melee" that doesn't have online does it? I kind of skipped that game ..


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2005
no, melee does not have online.

but it has something brawl does not.

it has good, balanced, gameplay.

go to a melee smashfest, or tournament, and go to a brawl smashfest, or tournament(offline both of em) and watch the difference.

melee will have extremely fast combo heavy gameplay, brawl will have retarded slow, campy gameplay where the point is usually to time the oppenent out instead of actually beating them in the match..and its glitchy...and you're only gonna see around 4-5 characters in a brawl tournament because everyone else either gets raped hard by those said characters, or gets raped souly by one of em(metaknight and since meta is the easiest character to learn, and also the most broken, and oped character in smash history, able to take out most characters with just 3 moves...ya, he's the most common character in brawl tournaments)

in melee you will see about 15-20 of the characters in the game used, because all of the characters in melee....(except maybe the very last few of em) stand waaaaaaaaay better of a chance at placing well, and doing decent, in the game, compared to 3/4ths of the cast in brawl.

point is, people hate brawl cuz of its lousy character balance, and its boring overdefensive glitchy shallow gameplay.

casuals think that the only thing nintendo changed in lolbrawl from melee was its speed...but thats far from it....tiny other changes like less hitstun, and the removal of advanced moves like L-cancelling and wavedashing(neither of them are glitches, and i swear i'ma slap the taste out of the next casuals mouth who lables them as one, yes there were glitches in melee, yes some of em were allowed in tournament play, no neither L-cancelling or wavedashing were glitches.) single handedly ruined alot of characters overall, and thne aside from teh physics changes, they went and nerfed several of the other vets even more, c.falcon is now one of the worst in the game, ganon IS the worst in the game, and is reduced to basicly a punching bag in brawl.

i'm straying off topic alot here...anyway....ya....

no one here likes brawl, ur better off searching at other sites other then IGN's smash bros board for lolbrawl matches, because you're not gonna find anyone willing to play it against ya here, unless its for one of the mods like brawl+, brawl-, or project M which fix all of brawls lousy character balance and gameplay issues.
Apr 11, 2011
I see ..
I didn't realize brawl was this broken .. I'll look around at gamestop and what now for melee for sure now.
And I'm pretty sure you don't want this convo to go on forever so one more question if you don't mind .. Where does one get "Brawl+" or any of the other ones you listed? I'd really like to at least play Brawl+ with someone It's slightly boring playing all these single player games ..


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2005
its a mod u have to download to an SD card.

you have to have lolbrawl to play it.

but....all you do is download it to your SD card, and then use an exploit from ingame, that restarts the game with the mod on, soon as your done, turn the game off, and the mod stops, leaves no traces on ur wii, has no possible ill effects whatsoever, it runs none of the risks at all of using an actual system mod on the wii....and it technically can't really void ur warrenty from leaves absolutly no traces whatsoever on the system, unless you happen to send the system in for repairs and forget to take the SD card otu....then nintendo could check the SD card itself and see whats saved on it....

then it might void ur warrenty..

but the chances of that ever happening are pretty much zero.

anyway, i can't rememeber any sites off the top of my head, but just go look up the mod(s) online, brawl+ for the most part is kinda dead, Brawl minus and project M are both still in development, but the demo's for both are available, and both of them have more active people playing em that you could find to play ya then b+.

however, if you have friends/family offline to play against, then ya any of em would work.

but keep in mind, these mods were meant to fix the multiplayer and bad balance issues of brawl, they didn't really test em or mess with em much on single it'd be really glitchy if you played any fo the single player modes with em active.

but who seriously plays smash for its single player experiance anyway? after you've used it to unlock everyone, single player, whether its the SSE in lolbrawl, the adventure mode in melee, or the classic/original single player in 64, no one reall plays the single player modes much, smash has always been about its multiplayer.
Apr 11, 2011
Alrighty, I guess i'll be searching for a little bit then.
Until then I find these hacks or whatever you want to call em I'll finish off twilight princess for the 9th time lol. Eh, I kind of live in the middle of no where so I have little friends near by and my family is away for a week LOL So It's been pretty shitty finding no one on brawl :< Guess I got it at the wrong time.
Thanks a bunch man. I owe you one. :]


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2005
i'll give ya one tiny bit of advice...

if you really wanna find matches in brawl...

(regular brawl)

try a place named allisbrawl.

now bear in mind they are all pretty much like me, aka competitive smashers, but many there are still willing to play brawl despite the fact that they know how imbalanced and glitchy it is.

now if yuo want a site full of mostly casuals who aren't anywhere near a competitive level, and fairly easy to play against.

but keep in mind some competitive players drift over there from other sites like allsibrawl ro smashworld you may bump into a true compettiive player there too, which might supprise ya.

but they're still pretty friendly...just...usually way out of most of the other players leagues there, and usually only face the other compttiive players there, or use the site for other wifi games.
Apr 11, 2011
Thank you so much. :) I'll check the site out asap and I did find Brawl+ one of my friends had it when he played brawl. Lol .. Just when I gave up on brawl online I just bought all the old school Legend of Zelda games on my VC .. well worth it.
Anyways, Thank a bunch man glad to see friendly people on here last place I went to everyone was cussing and ect at each other. [face_confused]

and .. I really don't mind the competitive type of people I do enjoy a good match


No Longer a Noob
May 11, 2011
look at the last post that was made before yours here...

may 21st

tbh you'd have better luck at allisbrawl then here still, the smash boards here at IGN HATE brawl, hence the reason the brawl matchup board is dead, and the majority of the board is made up of troll posts.
Feb 28, 2009
Jayoshi said:
I wonder if anyone has any ideas for the new super smash bros. It would be awesome to discuss it.

This is the wrong thread to discuss ssb4 ideas. Majority of ideas usually discussed on the SSB4 Idea Thread. Just to help you out real quick.


No Longer a Noob
May 11, 2011
you'd be better off going to the wii lobby, or games community board, this board is pretty much melee only, no one who posts here really likes brawl, check the last date of the post before yours, sept 25, so'd have much better luck at other boards.

I myself only play brawl if I'm extremely bored, otherwise I and my friends just stick to melee as well.


Dec 15, 2009
I know this has no relevance being that I'm not seeking to battle anyone just yet, but I'm gonna say it anyways: Have you guys been to lately?

Go there and search "Wii U" and you'll find that you can pre-order the next Super Smash Bros. game for Wii U.

You can also pre-order Lego City Stories.