
Prime Member
Nov 28, 2005
sad to see activision treat their franchises this way. Cultivating an IP over time is typically very valuable to a company. Not activision! Just kill your audience with annual installments until they can't even look at your product anymore. Call of Duty is headed down the same path, only a matter of time.


Jul 16, 2006

Sorry to say but that is what is going to happen to CoD activision doesnt know how to market properly.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
IGN, you guys are full of shit. Every time a Guitar Hero game launched you fuckers did a hell of a job at hyping gamers up to pre-order the games knowing that nothing significant had been done to make the games worth buying. Now, you guys want to sound all cool by ridiculing a franchise we all knew was destined to fail since the departure of Harmonix with overused obnoxious sarcasm.


Oct 29, 2009
I'm with Gamer_I_Am on this one. IGN needs to be honest from day one when it comes to these things. Every GH release was awesome according to these guys, now it's as if every release was an embarrassment.

When a review site lacks consistency, it loses respect. Anymore I feel like I'm reading what MTV would say about things, or some other teenage hype producer.


Because I said so
Apr 17, 2007
@CronHater... what the hell are you talking about. Scores floating around an average 6-7.5 is not claiming they are "awesome". Far from it. You harbouring a grudge over some low game review of some favourite game? Sounds like it.

Also anyone who was actually interested in a GH review after, let's say the after first 7 releases, probably has a different view on the whole music genre than the average punter. And probably shouldn't be left alone in a room in my opinion.


Dec 28, 2010
I stopped playing after the piece of shit that is GH:WT came out. Rock Band dominates the music genre of games entirely. Oh and I have 2 working guitars out of about 15. Fuck you Guitar Hero.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 14, 2008
Just because you advertise doesn't mean it's awesome. The gamse like arb3320 said were not given high review scores. However, none of the games were broken so they really can't put it below a 6. All of the guitar hero games gameplay was fine the gameplay never changed so that's why the scores went down originally. Please look in to something befoer saying it.


Jun 16, 2005
also, i doubt the person who made this graphic was the same person who reviewed all the GH games on all the different systems. a website is entitled to different opinions when more than one writer is involved.


Feb 14, 2011
Anyone remember GuitarFreaks and Drum Mania from, I dunno, 1999? Like Guitar Hero OR Rock band are original at all.


Dec 31, 2009
Ok its odd reading this because EVERYONE made fun of me because i never played them. No this makes it seem like i was the smart one all along?
Jan 29, 2011
The one thing that bugged the living hell out of me about these games was that there was NO guitar strap on any of the game models. How can you carry and play a guitar at the same time without a strap?? Oh, and the 19 games in 5 years was a bit overkill.
Apr 25, 2010
Coming into the game series at its last guitar installment (Warriors of Rock), I was pleasantly satisfied. I was against the whole thing when it came out, but thoroughly enjoyed GHWoR. Its just one of those games you can pick up, play and have fun.
Oh and to theunnameddanger: FTR, I don't know about previous installments, but my GHWoR guitar came with its own strap
Dec 23, 2010
they went downhill with GH5, but Van Halen was kool...Metallica is the Best one of all

RB is heading in the same direction RB1 was kool RB2 was gay cause u had to play every song like 4 or 5 times in the solo career n 3 is Pretty much just another Band Hero oh well the music game genre is dead unless another company makes a game for us metal heads
Feb 15, 2011
well, they're getting stupid with the warrior thing.
dj hero? really?
they should have made just track packs at some point and kept the price low.
wouldn't be hard to make those and keep the price reasonable in these eco. times
i still play the old ones with my fellow adult friends and make a fun night out of it. drinkin' and rockin. safe night :)
make dif. track packs like more of the country ones too if you like.
corporate greed once again though sigh
good luck to rockband. put out a good set list and keep the price low and you'll make your money. if i want an epic game i'm getting something else as always but do what you do best. don't jack with the formula.

stay classy gang


Aug 29, 2008
Now there's an eye opener for you. That's what can happen when a franchise is too popular, and apparently is run by people with no restraint. Seriously 19 games in 5 years. Even a game a year in a series is sometimes to much, but 3? Look at the best games in this industry's glorious history and you'll see that most of them took more than a year or two to put out. What do you expect when a game is only getting 4 to 6 months of attention before it hits the shelves?


Jun 29, 2008
Way to go GH... Oh yeah has anyone seen that awesome new REAL guitar Rockband came/is coming out with?....Im waiting Rockband...................................................................................................................................................................still waiting...


Feb 15, 2011
I figured it would happen eventually that was around guitar hero metallica. When GH Metallica came out thats when it all started going down hill. Low and behold DJ hero ... please shoot me now. I feel bad for the peeps that need to find jobs now.


Mar 23, 2010
"5 Years and 19 Hero Games later" summed up the problem EXACTLY. Look at series that are actually successful AND good:

Metal Gear Solid: 20+ years and 10 games, some of which were ports. This translates into roughly 1 game every 2 years. But as we all know, the main games in the series were sometimes 4 or more years apart. Why? Quality.

Grand Theft Auto: 14 years and 6 games, this translates into roughly one game every 2.3 years. Why? Because they innovate and make a quality produce.

Guitar Hero: 5 years and 19 games, this roughly translates into 1 game every 4 months. You simply CANNOT make a quality product with that kind of a schedule. So, either the team was split up in order to work on a bunch of different crap or they simply rehashed the same game over and over with different tracks (i.e. GH3+). It is so dissapointing.

They should have just released one good one like Band Hero and then did DLC until something truely different came along. Instead they tried to keep our interest (and our money flowing) by releasing new games with the same ol' shi*. Of course we didn't keep buying. Even me, a GH addict at one point, realized that to spend another dime on a disc/periph is just stupid.

Dec 29, 2010
Thats why i say dont make any plastic dildos for fps games lol xD...i mean, with any doubt i would buy a game that supports a real guitar, conected to a console via MIDI...but i think that this day would be "the day" reality mets virtual gaming...untill then r.i.p Guitar and Dj Hero...


Oct 1, 2010
I considered the spin-off games (as in the Band-centric ones and Band Hero), to be like big massive track packs, most of them filled with *just* enough good tracks to warrant the $50 purchase.
Jun 6, 2010
This might be old, but no matter what anyone here says, this one must pay respects to this franchise in a honorable way. *Ahem*

R.I.P The Three Heroes

For in a dastardly attempt to be the king of the music market, you have been run dry of your power. You are not to blame friends. Activision was the one who did this to you, killing you instead of giving you the much needed rest you deserved. Instead of just skipping to the sorrow festivities, it is better to at least give your deaths a slight bit of honor.


For Guitar Hero: The guy who rocked out with his... er, forget it...
You were the main Hero to be affected by the mad machine of hate run by Bobby Kotick. You were dried out of the goodness that was characterizing you when Harmonix was your mother until she left you and your alcoholic, murderous, selfish, greedy and downright hateful father Activision took the reins, of which you were starting to fall apart and being raped by your father until he chainsawed your head out of your neck. Pitiful.

Despite your style, if there is only one thing this one must thank you for, is the fact that you have changed this one from an MTV-generation high schooler to a fellow with an excellent taste in music ever since 2007. This one salutes you and will remember the times this one struggled trying to beat Jordan on Expert, only to fall short of completion over 9000 times.

For all the moments of cherish, arguements and insults you have created upon the gaming community and for having your shiny moments in pop culture, we salute you. From becoming part of most of our lives and cluttering the closet of your followers with your plastic instruments, whether they were just temporal or Scorehero-type permanent, we give you a rose in you name. And from the moment the humble and downright awesome members of the Harmonix development studios made you see the light until the day the devil Bobby Kotick and its demonic company Activision, along with its Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, dragged you the depths of the ground into the unending chasm that most simple mortals of this society would call "The Abyss of Suck"... we drink a cup of wine in your name.

For DJ Hero: The sweet girl who found happiness in the turntable
This one never had the chance to try you out. However, this one can tell you that you were starting to have a good run in the market, as you were something fresh. Thanks to the fact you went on a sector of music that most developers feared of going into (that is, the Electro-type music sector), you were starting to become a cult classic amongst fans of Electronic music, including this one. Unfortunately, the father of your brother Guitar Hero was going to make you follow on the steps of him. Taking a peek at your father Activision while he was taking your brother GH's head off its body was probably the worst decision of your life, which led you to the same death, and an eternity with him.

You were likely to become one of the favorites in this one's game collection. Perhaps there is still time to check you out...

For Band Hero: (Removed due to racism)
You have been dead in the basement for quite some time. Still, no one cares about you. We'll make sure the rats at least feast on your rotting corpse once we toss you into the sewers.


Let these deaths mean nothing to us gamers and the industry that powers our subculture, but a message of how oversaturation withers a franchise until it is grinded into dust, for Genesis 3:19 says: "... for dust you are, and to dust you shall return.", and gaming franchises are no different from us.

Thank you for your contribution to our gaming society Three Heroes. It is too bad that you all had to be beheaded this early. Perhaps in another age, where the plastic instrument music genre must refill that gap it once filled in 2005 we might see you again, only without the need of them toys.

Goodnight sweet princes (and princess).




Mar 23, 2006
I never understood the appeal of guitar hero or any of its incarnations, and i'm further surprized that they even bothered to bring out portable/phone versions

looks like they flogged the franchise literally to death

good riddance! 8-D


Jan 25, 2011
Guitar Hero is dead? And I never played a single game of the series in my entire life?! How mean of me. -__
Feb 25, 2009
Well the gutar toy accsesories for the consoles was just another passing by novelty.At first it was o wow but aftersometime you'll get bored of it.
Another factor that got people bored fast is that the songs most of them were obnoxious plastic music like always like hits of today ,forgotten tomorrow.
I wonder if the 3d is all worthy like people today believe or it would face the same destiny as guitar hero?At the end there are some companies that are more interested in making a short period earning that really revolutionate the gaming indutry.Phew.
Feb 25, 2011
I wonder if CoD will get the chair soon...
I think they should stop making those after the 10th entry, that's a nice round number to go out on.
Sep 28, 2010
I've still got a GHII Cherry Red Guitar...somewhere,
and i still like it, it's a simple iconic design.
And Harmonix still put heart into that game.

But yeah, Rock Band destroyed them,
way better games, and those are actually worth playing.
Still play RB3 once in a while.

Damned Pat Benatar DLC!!!! ^^

Plastic or not, it's better to pretend to be a popstar, than beeing a mediocre one like on Idols, X-Factor etc. etc.
Looking like an ass doe'snt matter among friends.
It does in society.

Okay, so it does'nt explain lady Gaga...
Exception confirms the rule.



No Longer a Noob
Dec 11, 2007
Your Face
midripple said:
Anyone remember GuitarFreaks and Drum Mania from, I dunno, 1999? Like Guitar Hero OR Rock band are original at all.
No one claimed they were ever original. What HMX and to a lesser extent, Activision, did was make the genre more accessible to a broader audience.
May 17, 2010
"Neversoft manages to create the best tracklist in Guitar Hero history and is even nice enough to not include the awful tin can drum from St. Anger." Then from what album could "Frantic" possibly be? I wonder...
Feb 28, 2011
Yea it was fun... but then they kept making more games... and more games....and then more... and i couldnt keep up....
Nov 22, 2008
so yesterday i just pulled out GH3 and it was fun i could feel the game flow thru my fingers as i was playing lay dwon and fcpremix and so me and 4 other friends are (in about an hour) all gonna play it and have guitar battles and what not.
May 10, 2001
candyknight13 said:
so yesterday i just pulled out GH3 and it was fun i could feel the game flow thru my fingers as i was playing lay dwon and fcpremix and so me and 4 other friends are (in about an hour) all gonna play it and have guitar battles and what not.

Umm... Congrats? [face_rolling_eyes]
Sep 13, 2008
I personally had alot of fun with the guitar hero series. I was down since the first. I just think it was cool to pretend to be a kick butt guitar king without the lessons. I am gonna miss the series. But I am a little hurt that they never came out with a jimi hendrix guitar hero package.