
Oct 12, 2001
It's about time! I'm glad I never wasted my time playing that steaming pile of horse excrement. Good riddance. Now if we can just get rid of Rock Band we'll be doing good. They've been a scourge on the gaming community since they came out.
May 11, 2010
Fine work gentlemen, thats one heck of a visual history. While I'm not sad to see Guitar Hero go I do hope everyone at Neversoft lands on their feet.
May 31, 2004
It's a shame that both Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk came to this, but you know what? It was all but inevitable that this was gonna happen. Let's face it, the last few Tony Hawk games sucked, I couldn't even think of trying to play them as I'm a big dude, and trying to fit on that stupid peripheral would've been suicide. There was no other way to access them either. It was proprietary.

Guitar Hero was great at first, even up 'till World Tour they were very well done, but they started going down hill from there. Activi$ion really needs to let their developers and franchises take a much needed break between games at times, like a year or two between cycles. Perhaps if they did that, they wouldn't be in this conundrum.

Activi$ion needs to really sit down and think about what gamers REALLY like. And while we used to love Guitar Hero and Rock Band, nowadays we're so burned out by it that honestly we don't even want to bother playing them anymore. The result was this, Guitar Hero is now dead, and Rock Band? Soon before long it's gonna join it in the grave.

Tony Hawk is about done too it seems. That game should've gone back to it's roots. The first few games in the series, hell, even up to Tony Hawk's Underground and it's sequel, were fantastic. I never played Project 8 so I can't judge that game.

Bobby Kotick? That jackass NEEDS to be fired! Plain and frigging simple! The guy is a moron, and he's pretty much running Activi$ion's reputation into the ground. Any time the guy opens his mouth, he sounds more and more stupid. Seriously Activi$ion, he needs to go, period.

I refuse to buy another game from Activi$ion, period, until they get things right. No more milking the cow before the cow can even recover it's milk fully. EA is just as guilty at times, especially with their EA Sports games.

Though EA certainly did do the right thing in cancelling NBA Elite 11, which would've received ass-tastic reviews anyway. They're getting it at least. But God, they need to let Tiburon rest and have another team take over Madden for a year or two I think, maybe by then Madden will be, you know, good? As in the polar opposite of sucky? **LOL**

Anyway, that's neither here nor there, I wish Neversoft the best of luck, and hope they truly hit paydirt again. They are a great company, and I feel they deserve so much better than the blow they were dealt.



Prime Member
Dec 13, 2009
I loved DJ hero, I am a super huge fan, and it's a shame, and a travesty that they dropped it. They should've just dropped Guitar Hero, Maybe Harmonix will pick up the DJ controller and save us? :{


May 26, 2010
I never got into Guitar Hero myself. I bought Rock Band so that people who came over would have something to do because people seemed to like playing it and it was a fun party game that was accessible to every skill level. I think it just got over played. I heard about it at work, at college, at home and when I went to other people's house. I am glad people don't talk about it anymore, but I still use the mic on Rock Band sometimes for my favorite songs. Nothing wrong with finding an excuse to sing a few good oldies from time to time, w00t. I hope Rock Band makes a come back, but like everyone else is saying, I hope it's like 5 years before they come out with a new one, and they take time to think and actually make it fresh and fun again.
Jul 11, 2001
I was highly excited when Guitar Hero World Tour came out. I had GH3 at the time and couldn't stop playing it. Man, was I disappointed. Both my drumset and guitar failed after 2 weeks of gameplay. The same thing happened after i got another set. 2 times i had to swap the entire set, and it still lasted only 2 weeks! I ended up returning GHWT, bought rock band 1 instruments, and rock band, finally selling my guitar hero games and switching to Rock Band. I've stuck with Rock Band ever since, enjoying the ability to export almost every track from one game to another. A feature GH never was able to live up to. The only Guitar Hero game I ever bought since then, was GH: Metallica. Fortunately, it was the best GH game since GH3 and i'm not likely to ever sell it. RIP Guitar Hero :)


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 29, 2008
I do have to admit I find it rather humorous that Activision decided that axing the franchise was a better choice then either releasing 1 Guitar Hero game a year instead of 5, or upping their "game" plan to compete with Rock Band 3. Still I think IGN is kinda wasting their time with all these eulogy articles. It seems rather silly to believe we have seen the last of Guitar Hero.


Nov 8, 2010
If the games can be a hit once, they can do it again. I'm sure we'll be seeing a new guitar hero for the next generation.
Mar 18, 2006
Activision: Destroying Video Game Developers And Franchises Since 1997. Also, Guitar Hero is far from "DEAD"! It just needs to stop being published by the evil bastards at Activision. Thankfully it finally has been. This is actually GOOD NEWS, as obviously it will eventually find a new home with a better publisher. The Guitar Hero label has way too much marketing appeal to simply die because Activision says so, & you all should be used to IGN blowing simple news stories like this way the hell out of proportion. It's what they do best.


Nov 7, 2010
there not evil there either retarded or really worried about the bottom line + Guitar hero got boring after the first one
Oct 29, 2010
well that was a surprise . I mean couldn't have seen that coming with the ridiculous sellout of the franchise ? It was an overkill . They should have released a single game each year like what they've been doing with call of duty franchise .

Ive never bought a single game of GH before or any other rhythm game for that matter .If I ever will , I will make sure I don't buy a sequel and just buy one game off the series especially when it's really not a "series" per say .
Jan 30, 2011
I loved the older Guitar Hero games like 1-3 I still own 2 and 3. But after playing Guitar Hero World Tour and Guitar Hero 5 and then Band Hero they begin to lose my interest. At least we will still have RockBand which has progressively gotten better than Guitar Hero.
Hopefully we will not lose that to.
R.I.P. Guitar Hero!!!!


Original poster
how long until they run CoD into the ground? wanna start a pool?


Sep 30, 2007
wait, wait, wait... there's no gh4? the series goes 1,2,3,5? did they forget to count? or are they stupid enough to think the consumer couldn't count? or maybe they just assumed we all though world tour was #4?
that's like calling gta: vice city gta4 & then san andreas gta5... wtf...


Prime Member
Sep 11, 2007
Meh, CoD is already on the path to getting ambushed and getting blown the fuck up along with the entire island they're standing on (The island is Activision)


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 30, 2010
I would not compare GH's situation with COD. I feel that GH needed more releases than the average series since people had gone out and made an extra investment in unique peripherals for it. I think two every year, one in the summer and one just before Xmas would have been sufficient for that purpose, but three or four per year is too much and the balance is tipped towards market overload and consumer confidence is lost.

COD coming out every year seems to be about right, considering that the main aspect of the game now leans towards online play. However if the updates were more substantial then they could ideally push this back completely to another year or so.

Either way I think Activision should learn from this and learn how to better respond to their customers. I think Apple is starting to do the same. They know that all the iPhone and iPad fans are going to be p***ed off if they routinely bring out a new device every year. Pure example of how holding back can actually be a good thing.
Nov 14, 2010
I personally do not think that the Guitar Hero series was going to go anywhere after the release of the third one, but alas, they went on to add drums and a microphone, and it kind of snowballed into something awful after that.
As for COD, while its main attracting point is the multiplayer, I don't understand why they have to release one a year. There have been countless online multiplayer first person shooters that are successfull without doing this: Team Fortress 2 or even Halo to name a couple. It's too bad that Activision has this stupid agenda to release crappy games on a yearly basis, and while COD doesn't seem like it will die in the near future, I predict that the series won't exist a decade from now.
Dec 25, 2009
I've never played Guitar Hero. I got it for Xmas one year, but took it back to the store unopened.

Does that make me a bad gamer?


Aug 27, 2009

the reason why they launch a new COD game every year is simple. Because they know people will buy it, they're just making all the money they can while the game's still wanted


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
DJ hero is also over? Not only guitar hero?

Crap. I didn't play DJ hero yet, and it seems like there is no more chance.
Jan 26, 2009
framesjames said:
I've never played Guitar Hero. I got it for Xmas one year, but took it back to the store unopened.

Does that make me a bad gamer?

No, that makes you a genius. I got GH2 for Christmas a couple years back and told my family my friend borrowed it and broke it when in truth I smashed it to pieces in my back yard with a sledge hammer. Just the pictures of the gameplay on the box looked so bad that the idea of going out in public to return it and being seen holding such a palpable P.o.S. and a waste of time made my stomach hurt. So having the guts to do it yourself makes you a hero in my book.


Sep 20, 2008
Maybe if they realized that modern kids are the ones playing and they dont wanna play to some old ass song like "slow ride" then maybe sale would be increased.

Make an all in one guitar hero with

and see how sales sky rocket!


May 17, 2009
Ok the writers of this article took it a bit far, the first guitar hero was ok but the second guitar hero was great. And the DJ Hero games have been great too, as long as they don't get twenty sequels.


Jan 7, 2010
Now we know how many times you can release thesame game before it finally dies...if you own one gh or rb you own them all.....
Nov 21, 2007
I jumped ship after World Tour. I really didn't like the setlist, and then I heard GH5's was even worse. And then, yeah...7 games in just one year!? Good god, talk about spreading it thin! I would never have gone for that at even the height of the franchises popularity, when I was OBSESSED! They could have just made one game and released all the other songs through DLC.


Jul 2, 2007
Lesson Learned?
It's Actvision we are talking about here.
With yearly CoD releases thats the next one to go down, eventually.


Feb 22, 2009
Sad that DJ Hero had to close down with it. The future of that game held so much potential....hopefully someone else picks that up. As for Guitar Hero, 19 games in 5 years says it all. Bobby Kotick is the dumbest businessman on the planet but just appears smart because he has high selling games developed at his company. He has no idea about oversaturation or the power that hype (years of it, not 6 months of it) can carry.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Yeah I was done with the series after world tour....mainly cause the drum set that came with it started getting crappy so I missed out on 5 and warriors. Still the best ones I believe were 1 and 2


Original poster
DJ Hero was great and came out on a consistent timeframe that I can bear. But Guitar Hero, that's where they screwed up.
Nov 4, 2009
Another reason to hate Activision. Not only do they make stupid deals with mrcrosoft that annoy PS3 COD players like myself, but they milk cash from this series like there's no tomorrow. And for Guitar Hero, there IS no tomorrow. I hope this doesn't happen to COD that's my fave game series of ALL TIME
Nov 4, 2009
Another reason to hate Activision. Not only do they make stupid deals with mrcrosoft that annoy PS3 COD players like myself, but they milk cash from this series like there's no tomorrow. And for Guitar Hero, there IS no tomorrow. I hope this doesn't happen to COD that's my fave game series of ALL TIME
Nov 4, 2009
Another reason to hate Activision. Not only do they make stupid deals with mrcrosoft that annoy PS3 COD players like myself, but they milk cash from this series like there's no tomorrow. And for Guitar Hero, there IS no tomorrow. I hope this doesn't happen to COD that's my fave game series of ALL TIME
Nov 4, 2009
Another reason to hate Activision. Not only do they make stupid deals with mrcrosoft that annoy PS3 COD players like myself, but they milk cash from this series like there's no tomorrow. And for Guitar Hero, there IS no tomorrow. I hope this doesn't happen to COD that's my fave game series of ALL TIME