
Original poster
If I pretend there wasn't a change and I'm just high on acid it makes it easier to deal with.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
Started playing DA Origins again, after a years pause.
-Feels good. It's like coming back to your favourite fantasy book!

Again , I chose rogue because it gives me chance to open every chest and door from the start, thus giving a lot of extra XP and loot. And it also gives me chance to focus the other rogue on archery while the main hero focuses on lockpick and cunning.

Good times!


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
OK thanks. You?

At the 5-6 hour mark I wasn't all than enamored yet. Now, at the I don't even know what hour I'm on mark @ level 19, I certainly am though lol. Still don't think the story is that good, and borrowed from other sources at points as well. However, unlike it's predecessor, it has plenty of other stuff to make up for that shortcoming imo.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
Pretty good overall.

I went 2H warrior (human) and am having alot of fun with the Scorpion Spear, great for pulling in archers and mages and laying waste to them. Still figuring out alchemy and blacksmithing portions and the only new follower besides the original 3 I have now is Vivienne. It looks like they sacrificed the story for more "open worldness," but it's hard to come to that conclusion based on what I've seen so far. If the Hinterlands are any indication however, that would seem to be the case.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Well I've more or less found that to be the case still this far into it lol. I'm a human warrior myself. Sword & board style. Crafting weapons & armor kinda reminds me of Kingdoms of Amalur. You'll see. It's pretty good. Potions....I don't like what they did here. You've seen you get 8 healing potions for the whole party. They are free, and restock for free, but you only get 8 for the whole group. You'll be able to up that a bit(I'm at 12 atm), but it's still bare bones considering you don't regen health between fights anymore AND there's no more healing magic anymore either. The other ones you have to get the recipes for them, and then once you do it costs you ingredients to restock. For example it costs you an elfroot per potion to restock lyrium potions for mages. You can also upgrade your potions to make them more potent. Again, you'll see as it's not too complicated.

I found it took some time to wrap my head around all the new/changed gameplay features. That's prolly why I wasn't so enamored right away now that I think about it. It's bad because there's no manual this time, and there's a lot of new/changed shit. Not even an in game one, and that seems fubar to me for a game this size with this much to do lol.
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The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
Well I've more or less found that to be the case still this far into it lol. I'm a human warrior myself. Sword & board style. Crafting weapons & armor kinda reminds me of Kingdoms of Amalur. You'll see. It's pretty good. Potions....I don't like what they did here. You've seen you get 8 healing potions for the whole party. They are free, and restock for free, but you only get 8 for the whole group. You'll be able to up that a bit(I'm at 12 atm), but it's still bare bones considering you don't regen health between fights anymore AND there's no more healing magic anymore either. The other ones you have to get the recipes for them, and then once you do it costs you ingredients to restock. For example it costs you an elfroot per potion to restock lyrium potions for mages. You can also upgrade your potions to make them more potent. Again, you'll see as it's not too complicated.

I found it took some time to wrap my head around all the new/changed gameplay features. That's prolly why I wasn't so enamored right away now that I think about it. It's bad because there's no manual this time, and there's a lot of new/changed shit. Not even an in game one, and that seems fubar to me for a game this size with this much to do lol.
I actually liked this part though, because it required me to figure out how I wanted to Balance out the tactical map vs straight up fighting. Now I never switch off my Warrior Inq but use the tactical map to give orders to my squad (or tell my archers to stop getting into melee distance of dragons).


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
The healing thing is a bit annoying because it basically forces you to fast travel back to camps all the time to restock potions all the time. Makes things much more interesting though, Right now I'm using Cassandra, Varric and Vivienne or Solas. At the moment, I'm tempted to tank for the group and use Varric and the 2 mages being I have that ability to pull enemies from a distance, could use the tactical map to setup a nice kill zone. Something to play around with at least.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
The healing thing is a bit annoying because it basically forces you to fast travel back to camps all the time to restock potions all the time. Makes things much more interesting though.

Just wait lol. You're only a few hours into it. By the time you get to where I am in the game I suspect you'll be downright sick of it like me if you already are finding it a bit annoying(like I did at your stage in the game).

I actually liked this part though, because it required me to figure out how I wanted to Balance out the tactical map vs straight up fighting. Now I never switch off my Warrior Inq but use the tactical map to give orders to my squad (or tell my archers to stop getting into melee distance of dragons).
You liked which part? If you refer to the lack of an in game manual, I don't see how that would effect you figuring out your balance between tactical map and real time fighting.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I think ponsco is referring to the healing thing, because it forces you to figure out strateigies to take down enemies without taking damage. I could be wrong however. I'm thinking that this is going to become too much party micromanagement for my liking, especially at higher difficulties for my tatse.
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No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Yeah that makes more sense lol. That said, I still liked to use the tactics screen for that to avoid the aforementioned pausing/micromanagement. For me, this game is big/long enough without me having to pause it every few seconds in combat. It's also less immersive that way for me. It doesn't feel like a real, chaotic, flowing battle anymore when I'm pausing all the time. It starts to feel gimmicky to me. Tactics are not an option for dealing with that anymore though as they are now simply use ability X, use it a lot, or don't use it at all. Lame. Combat does require more pausing/micromanagement, and that's not a good thing imo. The potion/healing dynamic, the crappy squad AI, and the even crappier tactics system are the main reasons so much more pausing is required here. The ability to pause mid combat has always been in the DA series, but here it's pretty much required if you're playing above casual. That's not good for my play style.
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Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
They oversimplifed the AI tactics IMO, wish it was a bit more like Origins in this respect. I don't mind pausing at the beginning of the battle to set things up, but I don't want to pause continually durng a battle to change tactics. It's OK during a boss fight, but not for just regular encounters. I'm using 2-Handed and Battlemaster (I think) trees, don't have a specialization yet. As long as I keep my gear updated, I'm doing OK with regular encounters. Playing on Normal right now.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Yeah I've been on Normal too. I'm a sword & board guy with Champion spec, and it's not even fair for baddies anymore. Now enemies can't even damage me most of the time. I took on a level 19 dragon last night w me & my party also level 19, and I didn't lose ANY health w my inquisitor. Not once the whole fight. He was never able to get through my guard to damage my health bar. So now I don't even care about the other party members. If they go down, they go down. I'll finish up on my own thanks lol. I'm level 20 atm, and I'm about ready to push to the end just cause I wanna start my mage run. I'm such an impatient lad lol.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Also I wanna finish up because all of a sudden I am WAY over leveled for the remaining areas. The toughest enemies are 5-6 levels below me. That makes for very boring combat, and even worse, NO xp for kills.[face_plain]


The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
Yeah I've been on Normal too. I'm a sword & board guy with Champion spec, and it's not even fair for baddies anymore. Now enemies can't even damage me most of the time. I took on a level 19 dragon last night w me & my party also level 19, and I didn't lose ANY health w my inquisitor. Not once the whole fight. He was never able to get through my guard to damage my health bar. So now I don't even care about the other party members. If they go down, they go down. I'll finish up on my own thanks lol. I'm level 20 atm, and I'm about ready to push to the end just cause I wanna start my mage run. I'm such an impatient lad lol.
I don't think the Dragon's level really matters that much. The dragon on Storm Coast was easily the hardest enemy (since my character has hit double digits) I've faced and I've fought dragons on a higher level than him. I actually ran out of potions and had almost no way of keeping my teammates alive. If it weren't for the invincible power from Champion I would have not survived the last 3 seconds of the battle before my whirlwind took it down. Damn thing armored up 5x more often than any other dragon.

Besides that one guy, the game is too easy on normal. Because of which, I've put it to casual because fuck it shit gets hilarious.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I don't think the Dragon's level really matters that much. The dragon on Storm Coast was easily the hardest enemy (since my character has hit double digits) I've faced and I've fought dragons on a higher level than him. I actually ran out of potions and had almost no way of keeping my teammates alive. If it weren't for the invincible power from Champion I would have not survived the last 3 seconds of the battle before my whirlwind took it down. Damn thing armored up 5x more often than any other dragon.

Besides that one guy, the game is too easy on normal. Because of which, I've put it to casual because fuck it shit gets hilarious.

Sounds like you went 2H Warrior as well. Will be adding WW on my next level up.


The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
Fought the Dragon in the hinterlands this morning. Got my ass kicked once i had it's health more then half gone because it called a bunch of little dragonlings that murdered my idiot party and left me alone against it and like 5 or more of them and no potions left. There are too many of those little bastards for so little potion in this game. I liked the other games in terms of potion better where i could have as many as i collected in my inventory to be better prepared for fights like that. I would have won if i could carry at least 15 to 20 potions. 8 isn't enough.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
There's a Perk that allows you carry 12 potions. I think it's under Cullen's tree? Have a look.

Also, you can just equip the regeneration potion in your second slot to give you a bunch of more healing opportunities. You can equip up to 5 for each character (the limit can be raised with a Perk).

I ended up beating the Dragons with my Knight Enchanter, lol. The Blade attack gives you essentially unending barriers and I was thankful when the little dragonlings came along because it would allow me to keep my barriers full. Being able to reflect attacks back is great too. The KE focus move allows you to bring everyone back to life and give everyone health, so I used that pretty often too. Well, whenever I could build up the meter.

The dragon I had the toughest time against was one of the ones in the Emprise du Lion. It didn't help that the game slowed to an absolute crawl in terms of framerate towards the tail end of the battle.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I don't think the Dragon's level really matters that much. The dragon on Storm Coast was easily the hardest enemy (since my character has hit double digits) I've faced and I've fought dragons on a higher level than him. I actually ran out of potions and had almost no way of keeping my teammates alive. If it weren't for the invincible power from Champion I would have not survived the last 3 seconds of the battle before my whirlwind took it down. Damn thing armored up 5x more often than any other dragon.

Besides that one guy, the game is too easy on normal. Because of which, I've put it to casual because fuck it shit gets hilarious.
Well that's actually the very dragon I was talking about. He's level 19. Never even touched my health bar. Nobody went down either. I was down to 2/12 healing potions, so my party was using them, but he wasn't SO bad. My guy and Blackwell made short work of his guard(Shield Bash= +400% damage vs guard x2 with two of us using it). Either way, you don't think the dragon's level vs. your party's level matters? Now that's just plain ole silly. Fire up a new guy, and as soon as you get to the Hinterlands go fight that one, and THEN tell me about how the level differential doesn't matter lol. Orrr...go fight the SC dragon when you're 3-4 levels higher than he is. It absolutely matters.
Do you happen to know what the cap is ? 25 like Origins ?
I do not. Finished it last night @ lvl 22, but that's not the cap of course. Startin' up a mage today after work. My final opinion on it is it's better than DA2, but not as good as Origins.
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The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
Well that's different. I'm talking about the difference between the dragons vs. how they act out there. It was less "harder" than it was "took way longer because he kept armoring up faster than the rest of them so health packs actually became a problem.

I took on the level 13 dragon in the hinterlands back when I was 7, and it actually was going sort of decently for a bit. Only my guy was standing but I could cheese him with bull rushes and attacks and with patience and dodging got him down to around 1/3 health. That is until one tail-swipe sent my flying in the air as if I had been whacked by a giant troll from the Skyrim game, flying several hundred yards above the planet, before plopping back down in front of the dragon with most of its health back mid fireball and dragonlings. That fucked me up.
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No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Well yeah, the dragons that generate guard will be tougher/take longer than the ones that don't simply because, in essence, that's extra health you have to get through to kill it that the other ones don't have.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
Well, I attempted to fight the Hinterlands dragon yesterday and got roasted !!! [face_tongue] Wasn't setup correctly for the fight at all, learned my lesson.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
For the dragons, I suggest using sw/sh style warriors in your party(your inquisitor notwithstanding of course lol) for your meat/tanks simply because they will not go down as easily as 2H party members, and they won't go through the healing potions as fast either.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
Are you talking using both Cassandra and Blackwall with a Mage to take advantage of the elemental weaknesses ?


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I believe that would work well, yes. Provided you have decent gear for that group of course. As with most games, there's many ways to skin any given cat. So I can't/don't wanna say any particular party configuration is THE way to go because there probably is no such thing in reality. I've just seen for myself time and again, when it comes to the rest of the party, that sw/sh warriors(Cass/Blackwall for me) stay on their feet a lot longer, and don't suck down the healing potions like 2H do(Iron Bull for me). Actually, this has always been the case in the DA games. Even my 2H Hawke/Warden characters needed more healing than my sw/sh style characters. It wasn't a big deal though as you could have plenty of healing potions, healing magic, regen between fights, etc. to cover that. In DAI though, it can be a problem in tough/long fights like dragon fights, or situations where you'll have a string of kinda tough fights in a row.
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Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I can see a couple of different strategies working, I just need to keep a better eye on my party and move my mages out of trouble / keep aggro off them.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Oh yeah. You gotta keep an eye on mages/ranged characters. They will sit there and get pounded if you don't move them yourself. One thing about me being a mage this time is less babysitting in that regard. I generally go with 2 warriors, a mage, and a rogue. That's SOP in DA games for me, but there are times I deviate from that of course. Since I'm the mage this time, I only gotta keep an eye on my rogue. Rogues can do MASSIVE damage, but they are also squishy to compensate for that.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
From what I've seen, DW Rogues are devastating to Mages/Ranged chraracters, but very weak against armored foes. Think the only time I'll use one is when I play one as the Inquisitor. Just got the Specialization quests, definitely going Reaver with my 2H warrior.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
True, but I find mages and ranged characters to be a far bigger pain in the ass than melee guys. Even those big hitting, 2H berserking sub-boss types. I kite 'em as a mage while my ranged rogue makes a pin cushion outta them. Speaking of pin cushions, there is a skill in the Archery tree with that very name. It grants +5% damage per consecutive hit on an enemy for 10 seconds, and it's passive. No cooldown. Actually quite devastating in boss fights, dragons fights, etc. when they are mostly the ONLY target being attacked by your party's archer. Find the high ground in any fight for another passive +25% damage with no time limit or cooldown. Archery gets little love here, but you can fuck shit up with that too if you know how to build/equip/position said archer.

I've never liked the Reaver spec in DA games, but the tree looks pretty badass this time around. I went Champion with my sw/sh warrior. It fits well as it buffs your defenses and guard quite a bit. Templar has a good looking tree too though. I really like all 3 warrior specs by the look of them tbh, and that's a first in a DA game for me.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I'm going Reaver because I'm a 2H DPS warrior and that's the best fit as a damage dealer and since I sided with the Mages, Templar doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Think I'm going to start using Blackwall more instead of Cassandra for my tank for that reason. It's funny because next game I was thinking about a DW Rogue because it was fun in DA2.

How are you liking Mage so far ?
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No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I like it. Have not gotten the spec quest yet. Actually getting to Skyhold was the last thing I did last night, so I'll get those quests soon. I'ma prolly go Knight-Enchanter.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I'm going Reaver because I'm a 2H DPS warrior and that's the best fit as a damage dealer and since I sided with the Mages, Templar doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Think I'm going to start using Blackwall more instead of Cassandra for my tank for that reason. It's funny because next game I was thinking about a DW Rogue because it was fun in DA2.

How are you liking Mage so far ?
I see you finished your first run. Final analysis? Where do ya rank it compared to the first two games?


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
Story wise, it falls between Origins and DA2 IMO although I'm intrigued to see where they go next with this. There are a bunch of different directions they can go. This game is by far the most fun to play though with all the different open worlds to explore. I think they struck the right balnce between Origns and DA2 combat. Some of the side quests are pretty lame, but most of them are pretty good. One thing I learned is that you have to stay on top of your equipment, or combat becomes pretty difficult. Overall, the game is right there with Orgins for me. There are some things that can be improved on, but this was a huge step in the right directionl.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I agree with the what's next part. That last scene w/ Flemeth and her "old friend" was the most intriguing part of the whole game story wise imo. I find the story to be kinda like ME3's story. Some of the segments are good in of themselves, but all of it doesn't really come together very well by the end. Plus some of the segments are.... just silly & unbelievable tbh. Like the Warden part for example. Plus I love the Wardens as a faction, and they really trampled all over them/their reputation in this game, and I just don't like that lol. Regardless, the Wardens story here is one with too many GTFO! moments for me to swallow it regardless of my general opinion on the Wardens themselves. I was quite disappointed by that part myself.

Oh....I do wanna say I think the high dragons look awesome in this game, and I think the high dragon fights here are among the most enjoyable combat in any of the DA games.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I really didn't see the Wardens story painting them in a negative light, but I can see how it might seem that way. DA2's Legacy DLC sets this up very well because you can see the desperation of the Wardens when it comes to Corypheus, they knew that he was a threat to them, but you really didn't understand why until now. The Wardens were desperate and desperate people often make huge mistakes, even if they mean well. I have a feeling that there will be a DLC dedicated to the Wardens that gives us more insight into what's going on with them.

There are a couple of possibilities of what's going on with Flemeth's "old friend" as well, not sure which is true yet, but neither one of them is good.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Actually I don't think it sets it up well at all. The Wardens thought Corypheus was dead until you show up and tell them otherwise, so why would they think he's still a threat to them? How could HE make them desperate? He didn't. They were desperate because they were ALL hearing the Calling at the same time(not because of Cory), and THAT'S the #1 problem I have here....they bought into the idea it was a real Calling, and they did so without even trying to find another explanation. Now how the hell are ALL Wardens, from the greenest of the green to the most grizzled vet, gonna get the Calling at the same time? More importantly, how aren't those said grizzled vets gonna figure something was up(at least CONSIDER it), and realize it's probably NOT a real Calling? How about the Warden-Commander? The only rational explanation here is someone is faking it, and yet they clearly never even considered that. Why not? Cause it's impossible? Well so is EVERY Warden getting the Calling at once, right, so wtf? So what do they do then? Just assume this Calling is genuine, even though such a Calling is unprecedented in the history of the Wardens, and that is just beyond retarded looking at the facts here. So then what's their solution to this problem? To sacrifice the lives of Wardens for a blood magic ritual that summons demons and allows them to possess other Wardens. Seriously? Turning the order into a demon army is their solution lol? How did they come to THAT solution that's even more retarded than the conclusion that led them to this point? Because some random magister from Tevinter, that NONE of these Wardens even knew before these events, said that was the way. WHAAAAT lol? You have GOTTA be shittin' me?

I mean that's seriously just pretty damn awful right there, and it DOES make the Wardens look bad. It makes them seem incompetent, downright stupid, naive, and easily manipulated. These are not the qualities that come to mind for me when I think about the Wardens. So yeah, they threw them under the bus big time here imo, and I personally hate it.
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Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I'm gonna have to disagree a bit here. In Legacy, there were at least a few Wardens that were aware of magical prison that Corypheus was placed under. I got the feeling that the Warden leadership in Weisshaupt was aware of this as well. The fact that Corypheus had the same ability as the Archdemon to move to the nearest Tainted creature upon death, he may have had the ability to influence the link the Taint provides to the Grey Wardens as we saw with the dreams of the Hero of Ferelden durng Origins. It's not said explicitly, but that's what I took away from it. Corypheus is an anient being that may have the a similar insight into the taint as the Architect did in Awakening, but he wanted to march into the Black City and rule as a god. As a tainted creature, if he knew that the Wardens were a threat because of how they're tainted in the Joining, what better way to eliminate them than to make them think that they're receiving the Calling. I know that this is a bit of a stretch, but it is the only way any of this makes sense.

Did you ever read the Calling book ? Just want to make sure you undersatand what the Calling truly is and why Wardens go to the Deep Roads to die when it happens. Given that scenario, it's not out of the realm of possibility that the Wardens became desperate to end the Blights before they all answer the Calling. As a result, if a Tevinter Magister of the Venatori using the power of suggestion due to Blood Magic could point them down a path such as this. Wardens would gladly sacrifice themselves to stop the Blight forever if they thought the plan would work.

That being said, you would think the leadership would realize what's going on and realize that they were being manipulated and what about Alistair and the Hero of Ferelden (if they're alive) ? The concept of the Calling is one of the Warden's biggest secrets that very few outside the order know about. It's even more secret than the Joining. This mass Calling could very well be the reason the Wardens have gone into hiding now that I think about it. Be interesting to see how it turns out.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I'm not questioning the fake Calling. That Coryphues could do that. I'm questioning how the Wardens aren't suspicious of it. Highly suspicious of it in fact. Suspicious of the fact that EVERY Warden is feeling it. I'm questioning that their first and apparently only conclusion is that it's genuine. That's not even the worst of it though. It appears that Erimond is the reason that is so, and that's plain ole ridiculous.

Now why the hell would the Wardens think this "plan" of Erimond's would work, or even trust him at all? There is no sell for that. You're killing half the Wardens to turn the other half into abominations in a nutshell. The half that's left will surely die before killing the other Archdemons. Probably before they can even find one, and even that's assuming they can find them at all, AND find them before the darkspawn do. All of which is highly unlikely given the numbers. They won't be able to replenish their losses either of course. It's a terrible plan from a logical, strategic, and military point of view. In other words, it's fucking retarded on every level lol.

Now about this trust thing...they don't know Erimond from shit. An unknown Tevinter magister comes along telling them it's genuine, and suggests the above retarded plan, and they take it all at face value and agree? They're not even the least bit suspicious of this guy? Like you said, how the hell would he even know about the Calling unless he was involved? No way I can swallow all that. Again, there's just no good sell for any of it. Erimond said Clarel "agonized" over the decision. Yeah? Well it's shoulda been real easy...."HELL no! Wardens, seize this asshole. We're gonna find out what he's really up to, and what he knows. Specifically, how the hell he knows about the Calling." This guy isn't even a Warden, so why should they think his goals align with the Wardens? Ridiculous. All of it.

I can handle a few plot holes/GTFO moments in my games and movies and such like the next guy. This Warden story line is just swiss cheese though. Ridiculous at almost every key point. That's not acceptable imo. Especially when dealing with my favorite faction in Thedas lol.
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Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
If you have just played the games, I totally agree with you that this Warden Story Line has a bunch of holes. Why in God's name would the Calling would make them this desperate, right ? So I have a question for you, do you know why Wardens go to the Deep Roads to die when they are "Called" ?


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
The Calling signals the coming of the end of a Warden. If left unchecked, they'll eventually turn into ghouls. To avoid that fate they go into the Deep Roads to strike one last blow against the Darkspawn and die on their own terms.

Regarding Erimond, the Wardens themselves contacted Tevinter (and others) for help regarding their Calling. They have no reason whatsoever to think that it's fake because there is no precedent for it. I'm sure they acknowledged that all of them hearing it was odd but that was an aspect of why they were so desperate. They could find no answers as to why it was occurring to them all and were consigned to the fact that they would all die anyway, so that's what made it easier for them to accept the blood magic compromise that Erimond put forward.

Well, to be clear, it was only Clarel that agreed to it. The rest had to follow suit or get the fuck out of dodge. Also, I'd like to stress that Corypheus had infiltrated the Warden's ranks as a high ranking member (either Larius or Janeka) thus he might have helped the idea gain more traction than it might have without him.

Speaking of the Wardens as a general group though, only the ones in Orlais and Ferelden (and presumably the Free Marches) were the ones following Clarel. You've still got a bunch in the Anderfels (and other areas) and we don't know how they reacted to the fake Calling (or even if they heard it to begin with). Though, they seem to be dealing with their own shit if the epilogue is to be believed.

tl;dr - Wardens were desperate, figured they were all gonna die, wanted to hunt and kill both remaining old gods before then, Clarel agreed to blood magic idea, shit hit the fan.

Although, I would have expected some of the Wardens to follow Loghain/Stroud/Alistair away from the crazy French lady. lol


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
If I recall correctly, I thought they actualy turned into a Darkspawn themselves (which is basically a ghoul lol). Do you think that this mass Calling could be the reason for the Warden's behavior in the epilogue ?

So was it Clarel that contacted Tevinter or was it someone at Weisshaupt ? I didn't catch that first time through.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
No, I think there's another reason behind the Wardens at Weisshaupt going quiet. The fake Calling is done with at that point and the game makes a mention that the southern Wardens (should you elect to not exile them) sever ties with those at Weisshaupt before Weisshaupt goes completely quiet. Should you exile them, it mentions that there is a fight or something at Weisshaupt before the whole falling silent thing. Maybe The Architect has taken control?

I've typed Weisshaupt far too many times for one post.

I'm fairly sure that Clarel contacted Tevinter and whoever else she could.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
Is the Architect still alive in your game ? Do we know for a fact that the mass "calling" is over ? Personally, I'm not sure.