
Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Anti grav is the first one you get and seems like the best one, which is a little disappointing.
Best is sense solar stuff I think. You get instant intel that… makes it all too easy if anything.

But slow time is also a favorite. Have you gotten that yet? It’s awesome. You can walk through your own shell casings and they’ll bounce off you as you’re firing.

I almost never used shouts in Skyrim.

CP 2077 added so much to gameplay though that it sort of over shadows SF. The new builds and how you can choose to play in CP is second to none in the Sim/RPG genre. That’s how I think of them now.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
Slow motion is NG+ only.

In the base game, I used personal atmosphere and sense solar stuff mainly. Personal atmosphere makes encumbrance irrelevant. That alone is great.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
I use personal atmosphere and gravity wave for enemies that like to do melee. I’m 200 hrs in and I think I’ve reached a saturation point. It’s time to clean up the remaining questlines and finish the main story.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I will finish this first NG+ run. I am then done. It is an odd RP experience, NG+. They should have laced the personal interactions with companions with more comments reflecting the changes. Once I am done with that, I am going to start CP.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Finished the Crimson Fleet questline and the end was a disaster.

I really hated the escape run from the money ship. I didn't know where to go in a few places and died a couple of times. The first time I hadn't saved in ages so I got to replay a big chunk of time. 🙄

Then I did the final attack which involved a big difficulty spike in ship combat vice anything I'd done to that point. I hadn't really had any difficult dogfights yet, so I died several times at various stages of those battles. I ended up cheesing the end fight by running away and recharging shields a few times.

On top of that the final battle on the Key, which should have been a highlight, bugged out on me and failed to load a NPC who opens a door to proceed. So I had to load an old save again and replay stuff.

Overall a pretty crappy experience.


Nov 10, 2013
I didn't have any of those issues with that quest. In terms of fights, I am actually disappointed that there is not more challenging ship combat in this one.

I put a lot of early points in ship skills and with the Narwhal, it seems like I can crush most any opponent so it was overkill. I may also have removed the natural antagonist I would have had by siding with the Crimson Fleet. I may have to seek out combat in more places, or just go pirate near the end of my run for the fun of it.

I am also going around and getting most of the special powers, but frankly those quests seem very Fed Ex and underwhelming once you do a couple of them, they are all exactly the same pretty much. Missed opportunity.

I am level 39 now and finally got to upgrade my ship crew size after putting a boatload of points into social skills. The game is kind of a B+ overall, but I have enjoyed my time with it.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Ship combat seems entirely dependent on how you ship is equipped. Auto cannons melt opponents before you can even target them.

I had no issues with the conclusion of the CF quest but earlier missions did give me a problem.


Nov 10, 2013
Yeah, the Narwhal's auto turrets are devastating if you have a lot of reactor points in your weapons, which I always do. The ship has strong hull and shields, and by the time anyone wounds you they are likely blown to smithereens. I also put points into boosting my shields, engines and weapons, which combined with crew members seems to make you quite strong.


Nov 10, 2013
Make sure to adjust the auto turrets to be facing forward as others have recommended. I added some contraband cargo containers to my Narwhal but otherwise have done nothing to it and it is an absoute tank.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
Narwhal makes all ship combat easy. This isn't Dark Souls where you grind the best weapon and still have hard fights. Use weaker ships if you want challenging space combat.

I am almost done with the second play through. About time to move on.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Narwhal makes all ship combat easy. This isn't Dark Souls where you grind the best weapon and still have hard fights. Use weaker ships if you want challenging space combat.

I am almost done with the second play through. About time to move on.
That’s true isn’t it. Maybe that’s why the Souls game soured on me? Just this sort of tap dance that you wash rinse repeat and nothing really matters. I think that might be how I started to feel.


Nov 10, 2013
Bethesda games all reach a breaking point where you break the game by getting too powerful, and that's part of the fun of these games. I just didn't think it would be this fast with ships. Frankly I feel like I wasted a lot of points because only a few quests even have challenging ship combat at all.


Radioactive Lizard
May 17, 2012
Monster Island
I'm only a few hours in, but not hooked yet. Cleared out the research station on Kreet(?) and then got dusted by space pirates when I left the planet.

One of these nights I'll try again.

I also think the game doesn't do a very good job of explaining how to do stuff like trading inventory with your followers (I figured that out), how to tell how many of a specific item (like weapons) you have without dropping them, and how to put stuff in your ship's cargo.


Nov 10, 2013
A lot of that stuff isn't explained, but the mechanics are so similar to how it is done in Skyrim and Fallout that I quickly figured it out. What I found harder initially was the space mechanics and how to put reactor points in different areas, etc, but that also was derivative of prior space sims.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
NG+ done. Time to move on. It was an odd RP experience for a one time deal. No interest in doing it again, though.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
Hahaha. It crashed as the credits rolled. First crash for me. I get the point SF. I get the point.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I kind of enjoy how much I hate Sarah Morgan. I hate played her loyalty quest last night and found myself laughing every time she needed some kind of reassurance, which was absurdly often.

Also how come the

kid you find seems unaware of Cora? She told me there aren't any kids around and I'm scratching my head thinking where's Sam's kid? They seem to be the same age and even look alike.

Also someone get her some new clothes for fucks sake.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Getting closer to the end. I've really enjoyed my time with Starfield, but the fact that I don't like most of the characters is a pretty big drawback. Barrett, Coe and Andreja are all just alright. Sarah is awful. Most of the other NPC are nobodies or annoying. Genghis Khan is an exception - I wish that dude could join my party, but alas. And I liked Delgado.

Bugs aside, the mechanics are good. I like combat, I like looting, I like persuasion and lock picking and pick pocketing.

Also I'm using Amelia Earhart as my combat buddy and dressing her up in all kinds of ridiculous stuff.


Nov 10, 2013
I agree that the companions were deeply disappointing. They could have been so much more interesting. But this is Bethesda, I'm not surprised.

I agree that the strengths of the game are the traditional Bethesda gameplay mechanics like lock picking, pickpocketing, persuasion, etc. as well as new wrinkles like manipulation. I had the most fun doing stealthy things in this game and I am not usually a hack, sneak and steal type of player.

I am just kind of bumping around and trying to explore a bit at level 40 before finishing this off.

I want to dig into some of the more absurd Bethesda exploits and weirdness before I move on--like this planet that apparently has way too many easy animals to kill and is thus considered an XP exploit.



Nov 10, 2013
I just went to this planet, which is just to the right of Kryx and relatively easy to reach with a jump or two on any decent ship. And yes, it is an easy and amusing XP farm, because there are a lot of basic organic creatures roaming around a savana type environment.

It might be a great place to rush to early for a NG+ run where you come here and level up rapidly for a bit. It's also probably a great spot to build an outpost.


Nov 10, 2013
I think that's it. But skill points are a huge benefit, given no level cap. You could max out the entire tree if you wanted, and carry that into NG+ for example.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
I agree that the companions were deeply disappointing. They could have been so much more interesting. But this is Bethesda, I'm not surprised.
I’ve been surprised that I like any of the companions. I actually remember their names this time. I wish they had fleshed out more than the four romanceable ones; I’m not sure whether characters like Marika have quests or not. They’re not great but definitely a step forward for Bethesda.


Nov 10, 2013
I have been surprised by exploring some of the higher level planets. I thought I had screwed myself by stealing a ship that was too small of a grav drive to return, but after a few hours I learned a pro tip which is that you can always return to core cities, no matter your ship strength.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Interesting. I was in a similar situation once and didn’t realize that was an option (not that it would have helped because I had contraband). I did enjoy plotting a series of jumps to get to my safe house where I store all the contraband I recover from stolen ships.

I’m doing the Ryujin quests now and discovering interesting side quests as I hop around the galaxy. As repetitive as the “talk the rampant AI down” quests get in these games I always like them.


Nov 10, 2013
I spent most of the weekend messing around with this game and am now around level 50, with more of the skill tree unlocked. The marksman skill that increases critical hits is a good one to power up. Same with hidden attacks doing extra damage. That one is good to max out so you can snipe people from a distance for extra damage.

But all the fighting I did depleted my ammo and health buffs a lot. I am now pondering whether to finish the campaign or keep messing around a bit to try building an outpost before I give up all my money and go into NG+


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I've started buying ammo regularly, particularly for an excellent automatic rifle I got through the Crimson Fleet questline. It's chews through .50 rounds, as in I'll go through 1000-1500 rounds in a combat heavy mission, but it's such a great gun it's worth it.


Nov 10, 2013
I have like 800k, so buying ammo and meds is fine I guess, I am just surprised I actually used it all up though because I had quite a stockpile.

I actually have a ton of ammo, but keep using up the ammo for my 3-4 favorite legendary weapons and thus keep having to equip mediocre weapons etc. I also fought a lot of animals on planets, and while that gave me good exp and resources, I was not getting much ammo back from corpses since most were nonhuman.


Nov 10, 2013
So, I finally finished the main quest in Starfield, ending at level 52.

I managed to persuade both sides to stop fighting in the final confrontation, which...I am kind of proud of as a gaming feat?

I looked it up and most sites said it was very long odds to get this ending. I managed it on my first try, in part because I had put skill points in manipulation skills in addition to persuasion.

Overall, A- game that could prove to be an A with mods IMO.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I also finished tonight, and I also persuaded both sides to just give me their artifacts. I had full points in persuasion and I had the Ryujin quest manipulator thingy, so I had a lot going for me on those dialogue checks.

I ran through the first hour or so of NG+. I'm intrigued, but so far a little disappointed in how different it is. Or isn't.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Working my way through the Ryujin quests which have been pretty good. Stole a massive ship with a mess hall and everything but am reluctant to give up my little frigate yet.


Nov 10, 2013
I think the manipulator is low-key the best reward you get in the game from a quest chain. The Star Eagle is also quite nice but I upgraded to Narwhal so I didn't use it for too long.

I used the Mantis armor the entire game also. There were stronger sets but it looked cool and I liked its concealment bonuses for sneaky stuff.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
The Revenant was my favorite quest reward. That thing chewed up all my Starborn enemies.



Nov 10, 2013
Yeah, that is a good weapon.

I am not sure I am feeling NG+ sadly. It's a strange way to tackle that in a game. I might go back to my last save on my original game and just mess around a bit more with my million credits, maybe experiment with an outpost just to learn it, etc.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I’ll be interested when DLC and mods start to hit. I don’t think this game is near its full potential yet. As it is, it was great fun and a good release window. I am checking out the new Diablo 4 season and it’s weird to think that Starfield and Diablo 4 are both first party MS titles.



Nov 10, 2013
I trudged through the early part of a NG+ run and it is getting better as I acquire material possessions again, but losing all your stuff sucks. I am level 53 though and getting quite strong as I put more points into combat.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
After what Insomniac did with Spider-Man, it does annoy me that Starfield just chucks current gen bench marks out the window. Game looks great and all but not so great that a flagship game has no visual options and no RT and it’s like fuck you. The parity between X and S was a bad idea.

MS needs to dig deep and show it can program some shit for its console.

All while there are so many load screens, I can’t really understand why we don’t have more visually here.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
It has to do with the system loading and keeping track of the 10,000 potatoes in spaceships. The clutter tracking is difficult and rather unique among graphics engines.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
It’s a fun game and all but it did just fall off. I’m still glad I got an Xbox and Starfield was a nice bonus, but I am looking forward to playing Spider-Man 2 one day. FM basically is what killed my Starfield run at 110 hours. Mods and DLC will probably bring me back.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Since my kooky cult wife transitioned, I tried flirting with Sarah as she's the only option left. That wet blanket does not approve of anything. How did y'all put up with her? I wish the bartender at New Atlantis was romanceable.

I've got a ways to go to max out my crew and tons of planets left unexplored. At this point I'm in maintenance mode with this game and just hop in when I want some sci-fi action. It's better than starting yet another Mass Effect run though so I for one appreciate the 1,000 planets.