
Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I finished the Freestar questline. I am almost out of questlines to do. Constellation is the last one, which, of course, is the main one. I am getting close to making my end run. I still have a ways to go before that line is done, but it will be the end for me.

Over 70 hours in and love it.

I also built a shotgun that fires explosives and levels packs of enemies like they are nothing. Combat is hectic and a blast with this thing. (Pun intended)


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
Siding with the pirates never appealed to me. Whenever I play a criminal, I always play the cold professional. The Crimson Fleet always feel like a bunch of amateurs to me. Even a barbarian murderer can be someone worthy of respect. These guys never earned my respect. Even if I wanted to play the criminal route, I still would have slaughtered them all. They give criminals a bad name.


Nov 10, 2013
The pirates do seem like amateurs, but the bottom line is that there seemed to be more good than bad to me by siding with them. I also am a bounty hunter, so...I did that shit, and I do like the Key as an easy one stop shop to sell anything.
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Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I am now mostly done with the main questline. Not what I was expecting, but it works well. I now know the underlying premise. It is different. Nice to see a genuinely different story for a change.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I am now up to the final quest. I will probably finish it next weekend. I may do some small stuff before then, but I will finish it then. I don't game much during the week.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
If it wasn't for the fact that I am on the verge of point of no returning the game, a glitch occurred that would REALLY piss me off. My apartment glitched. All of my stuff except for 2 mannequins worth of mementos are gone. All of the furniture I leveled to build. Gone. My chests full of resources. Gone. My bed. Gone. I actually put some time into furnishing it the way I wanted it. I am at the end, so it is really a minor deal in the end. However, I am still pissed about that.

The first glitch to really piss me off.


Nov 10, 2013
That's awful. I had a glitch on the final Crimson Fleet mission, which apparently happens to a lot of people, where it said I needed to listen to a recording even though I already had. I had fortunately saved right before and it was only a detour of about 10 minutes' time.

I've spent almost zero time on apartments and absolutely zero on outposts thus far.


Nov 10, 2013
I would never put points in something like this, but watching the video, I can see why it would potentially be OP and game changing in terms of combat.



Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Finished the Crimson Fleet questline. That was very satisfying. Sided with the UC because…
  1. My character does not forgive nor forget the attack on Vectera.
  2. I’m commited to the role-play. Though there’s probably no gameplay consequence, Vae Victus would be a dangerous enemy to make.
  3. I just don’t like pirates.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I just got my invite to The Key, so I'm behind y'all. The Fleet has been shitty to me so far though, so I'm inclined to double cross them when the time comes.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Hope we get an update this week that fixes my broken CF quest. I’d also like to mess with the FOV slider.

I’m also hoping for improved performance. Probably never happen.


Nov 10, 2013
I was in the middle of doing the Andreja companion quest when I finished the Crimson Fleet story line, and now it seems I am stuck with her until I finish it. It was kind of funny because she probably didn't approve of some of my actions but we were stuck together.

Which is fine, but it's odd when quest lines and NPC plot lines cross in this game. You probably heard but people have posted hilarious videos about their parents showing up in the middle of bloody fights and talking about what a nice place it was, etc. There can be some strong cognitive dissonance.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
Dang.... Mine were tame and just showed up at the Lodge. Got some nice stuff, but that was it.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I’ll have to come back to this. I’ve missed a lot. But my second character is well under way.

To be fair, and compare this to CP, I think it needs 3 years to mature. I’m sure Bethesda has plans. But even with that and mods I don’t see how….


Nov 10, 2013
I'm sorry, but Bethesda's sex scenes are among the worst in gaming. I just finished the Andreja strory line, and well, if that was my lifetime of sex after what is a laborious romantic "commitment" dialogue choice, I would be pretty distraught. Bioware was far ahead in this aspect of its game.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
My Andreja died permanently before I got laid. I never saw the sex scenes. I suspect that is just as well.

(Yes. Companions can die permanently. I won't go into how for spoiler reasons.)


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Has anyone run into The Valentine yet? He's some rando in a ship singing sea shanties. I kind of love him and hope I see him again.

Also, Akila crushes performance on my laptop. I can run most of the game pretty well, but not that place. I hit 18fps today in the rain.


Nov 10, 2013
So, I am curious about NG+. It sounds like the plot can get interesting then for reasons it would be spoiler-ish to explain. But...you lose all your money and items? That's not appealing to me. It means I will likely linger long after I complete the main story, so I can use my cash to experiment with things like outposts and custom ships, etc. I have around 600k again after buying the Narwhal, thanks to my high commerce skill and penchant for selling contraband.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
So, I am curious about NG+. It sounds like the plot can get interesting then for reasons it would be spoiler-ish to explain. But...you lose all your money and items? That's not appealing to me. It means I will likely linger long after I complete the main story, so I can use my cash to experiment with things like outposts and custom ships, etc. I have around 600k again after buying the Narwhal, thanks to my high commerce skill and penchant for selling contraband.
The idea of NG+ in a Bethesda game is strange to me. I never replay their games, though I have tried. I find I play them until I feel I can’t develop the character any further then move on. Maybe once I reach that point in this game I’ll try it out, but I’m sure I’ll be completely spoiled on it by then.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
So, I am curious about NG+. It sounds like the plot can get interesting then for reasons it would be spoiler-ish to explain. But...you lose all your money and items? That's not appealing to me. It means I will likely linger long after I complete the main story, so I can use my cash to experiment with things like outposts and custom ships, etc. I have around 600k again after buying the Narwhal, thanks to my high commerce skill and penchant for selling contraband.
Yeah all your money and items. You get a few perks to help you start with more than nothing but it wipes the assets slate clean.

You may need NG+ to get all the abilities. I’m not sure. I got a lot of new temples in NG+.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I think I have all of the temples in my first universe and only have a fraction of the abilities. Given the story, this actually makes sense. I suspect you have to do several runs to get them all.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I beat it. I have roughly 107 hours into it. The ending is a little unsatisfying, but it matches the theme and overall setup of the game. It isn't a bad ending, just isn't quite as fun as it could have been.

I recommend fighting the final fight as opposed to talking your way through it. I originally just talked through, like I usually do. I then reloaded it. It was actually kind of cool. I am glad I fought it out. Another very good Bethesda game.


Nov 10, 2013
What I have done very little of in this game is just explore. This is what all reviewers cite as the major weakness of Starfield compared with Skyrim, and they may be right. I am having a lot of fun with the game, don't get me wrong, but the lack of that random exploratory element may reduce the replayability of this game. I suspect mods will take care of that in some way, but perhaps not fully.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
What I have done very little of in this game is just explore. This is what all reviewers cite as the major weakness of Starfield compared with Skyrim, and they may be right. I am having a lot of fun with the game, don't get me wrong, but the lack of that random exploratory element may reduce the replayability of this game. I suspect mods will take care of that in some way, but perhaps not fully.
That element is still there, but you have to be intentional about it. The first 80 hours all I did was explore and some of the main quest. My backlog of areas I wanted to return to grew and grew. Now I explore each planet a quest takes me to before progressing to another location. The game falls down a little with this approach because I can generally tell what kind of encounter I’m going to have by the shape of a building in the distance.


Nov 10, 2013
I am level 35 and feel like I can handle most anything out there in combat, with my ship or on land. I could probably just power through to the end of the main campaign if I wanted, though as noted I hate the idea of giving up my money and items to go into NG+.


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
My Andreja died permanently before I got laid. I never saw the sex scenes. I suspect that is just as well.

(Yes. Companions can die permanently. I won't go into how for spoiler reasons.)
you don't see anything, its just a normal sleep . and when you get up they make a comment like "next time we should try it in zero G" or "maybe the jet packs were a little much"

as for Andreja

did she die when you made the choice of going to the eye or staying at the lodge?


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
you don't see anything, its just a normal sleep . and when you get up they make a comment like "next time we should try it in zero G" or "maybe the jet packs were a little much"

as for Andreja

did she die when you made the choice of going to the eye or staying at the lodge?
Yes to your question.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
NG+ is kind of meh. I would do all you want to do in your current world, beat the final questline, and walk away.
I will disagree and say at least one NG+ is worth it. And who knows how it will evolve so I’ll play more. Just so many games.


Nov 10, 2013
Since there is no level cap, I guess one aspect of NG+ and NG+++ etc is that you could unlock every possible skill and have a super character in this game. That might be amusing in terms of Bethesda jank.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I only liked one member of the CF. The smuggler involved with getting you onto the base. I happily killed the rest.

I am doing a partial NG+ play through to see the differences. It is kind of an odd RP experience. I will likely stop soon. Once my card comes in on Tuesday, it will be time to move on to CP.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I don’t like the CF because they’re assholes and they’re dorks. The funniest is still the “The Strikers” in Neon though.


Nov 10, 2013
I stayed home sick today from work, so I may do a little more Starfield gaming, though I am trying to rest up for real.

I have been doing a bunch of the quests to gain new special powers, and they're fairly easy, but I still haven't really found a power I like. They're all just OK IMO.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I stayed home sick today from work, so I may do a little more Starfield gaming, though I am trying to rest up for real.

I have been doing a bunch of the quests to gain new special powers, and they're fairly easy, but I still haven't really found a power I like. They're all just OK IMO.
You don’t use anti-grav? They aren’t all great. Grav dash and grav wave especially. They should require less mana.

But a few of them are priceless and anti-grav is your first. And I use Sense Solar Stuff so much it’s just reflex now.


Nov 10, 2013
Anti grav is the first one you get and seems like the best one, which is a little disappointing.