
Almost Not a Noob
Jan 21, 2003
Part of me is really wondering if we just witnessed the dawn of another PS2 era of one console dominating the rest.

Also, for some reason I'm not gelling with Bayonetta's new hair style. Granted, she pulls of short dark hair better than Reboot Dante.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 9, 2010
Part of me is really wondering if we just witnessed the dawn of another PS2 era of one console dominating the rest.

Also, for some reason I'm not gelling with Bayonetta's new hair style. Granted, she pulls of short dark hair better than Reboot Dante.
I was beginning to wonder that as well...Microsoft and Nintendo seem content to continually shoot themselves in the foot, so at this point Sony looks pretty unchallenged.

For what it's worth, though, I'm pretty hyped for both Bayo 2 and the new Smash Bros. I think the Wii U will end up as a decent second choice to supplement either a PS4 or a PC...I'm not totally decided on which yet, though.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2006
Looks like a mix between real time fighting, scripted events and a lot of QTEs. Thank god they seemingly got rid of the automated paradigm system of FF13, that shit was horrible. Here's hoping that the gameplay will feature more freedom and not just narrow corridors.

The graphics are pretty impressive but that's to be expected from a next gen console, although I expected to be a little bit more blown away, even though I don't consider graphics to be all that important.


The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006
Seems like completely automated "combat". Select "Attack" for awesome shit to happen on screen. At least there is real time movement and warping... on the surface it looks like you are playing FF7: Advent Children the video game.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 21, 2003
Seems like completely automated "combat". Select "Attack" for awesome shit to happen on screen. At least there is real time movement and warping... on the surface it looks like you are playing FF7: Advent Children the video game.

Y'know, I'm perfectly okay with that.


The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006
Yeah I agree. The game actually plays like what you see in the cutscenes/CG. It's still scripted as hell and will probably get old really fast.
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May 5, 2005
it's funny that if someone like VII or IX they usually dislike VIII, but if they like VIII they also usually like X.

It's safe to say that no ones likes the cutscenes in X-2, despite the fact that the combat mechanics itself was a good example of evolution of the ATB system. (Better than XIII's horrible shit) just a shame XII had massive inbalance in the effectiveness of the classes. (`Dark Knight -> All` basically)


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 21, 2007
XII > VI >>> X-2 > X = XIII > IX > V > IV > VIII > VII = I = II = III.

There. Anyone who disagrees with that is wrong or just is wallowing in nostalgia (you know who you are). I left out 13-2 because I haven't played it yet.

edit: Note that everything on that list to the right of X = XIII is basically unplayable garbage in the first place, so the ranking doesn't even particularly matter.
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May 5, 2005
lol, don't get me wrong i have nothing against XII, but it's design is disgusting. at least the other games offer players a chance to achieve the top things in the game without a guide. XII may as well force you to put codes in mid way to prove you purchased it. Not the best by a long shot.
Apr 14, 2004
What! X2 better then X? :^O

X2 was the biggest pile of shite with the stupid dresses, charlies angels esque, and the most retarded continuation to a fantastic game.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 21, 2007
@Pokey: So, because you can't get the best item without a guide, FF12 is bad? Your criteria is retarded.

@Raz: X-2 and X both have equally repulsive aesthetics. X-2, on the other hand, backs it up with a ton of content, a relatively fun combat system, and consists of more than just running in a straight line (people complain about FF13's linearity, but FF10 was just as bad). The winner is obvious.


May 5, 2005
@Pokey: So, because you can't get the best item without a guide, FF12 is bad? Your criteria is retarded.

I never said it's bad, i said it's not the best, i enjoyed the Gambit system, thorough bestiary & characters that wern't tedious & annoying, i also liked that fact that there was no real main character which was a refreshing change to an FF game. Hunts were obviously alot of fun. But yeah, the game has significant faults, like most other FF's

@Raz: X-2 and X both have equally repulsive aesthetics.

Aesthetically, nothing... & i mean nothing, even the puke that is DMC2 holds a candle, even a dimly lit barely fucking seen, just turned on energy saving candle comes close to the `Aesthetics` of FFX-2, it is Aesthetically the most trite thing on the planet, 8 year old girls would have to turn away from the opening cinematic... & if they pull through that they would definitely turn away from the "Yuna... you must sing to give them hope!" late game cinematic.

Not to mention the inclusion of team rocket for good measure... Ahem, a gayer, more annoying team rocket... If such a thing were conceivable.

X-2, on the other hand, backs it up with a ton of content, a relatively fun combat system, and consists of more than just running in a straight line (people complain about FF13's linearity, but FF10 was just as bad). The winner is obvious.

X-2's winning point was it's content, the combat system was also pretty well executed. But like all FF's it too had it's faults, along with a pretty dull minigame to boot. (What was it called, tetra coin? coin flip? Eh, it was crap either way.

Back to FFXII

- Zodiac Spear = "Do not open this, this & these very easy to see treasure chests" That is a big fuck up for any game. If i could only get Nevan by running round beowulf 3 times, but only with Cerberus equipped & absolutely no hint in the game that these were required, what would you call that, meticulously well planned game design? these shrewd designers & their clever tricks

I mean it's not like they don't offer enough "jargon" texts in game via the bestiary to drop a few hints maybe, sure they can tell me that Cockatrice feathers & Serpants eye makes one hell of a stu, & 300 times that Electrum is top shit. (Despite it's overall pretty limited use)... But the whereabouts of the ultimate Blade? don't be silly.

Personally i feel cheated if a game doesn't offer me the ability of solving things myself.

- Yiazmat, great battle, cool enemy, cool moves


50,000,000 health

Yup, max damage is what? 3k with zodiac, 2k X 6 with Masamune if you're lucky, maybe you can max out with a funny gambit on a tank with berserk/reverse (Oh god reverse, i'll get to that later) 50 million is just such an arbitrary number. Gilgamesh's final form, now that was a good top tier boss.

i want a final boss worth fighting, not a giant endurance fest... If i wanted that i'd have fought trismagia on DMC2.

- Characters variation IMMEDIATELY becomes one dimensional... I mean don't get me wrong, it does happen in some of the other FF's eventually but they at least had some level of malleability, in this not only do they have the same license grid, they nion share the same stats, critical attacks, weapon paths & classes.& if you want to be pedantic, Balthier, clearly the resident gunslinger, is one of the worst characters for guns, in terms of DPS anyway.

- Characters being one dimensional is reinforced by how much summons suck.

- Oh yeah, summon critical move? must have low health with an iron gauntlet equipped & a marlboro behind you ready to cast bad breath. Yippee, that'll be useful.

- Reverse... Why oh why the fuck does a move so obviously useful for character casting miss? on top of that, if it lasts for 3 seconds then just get rid of the damn thing.

The game has many good qualities though, the bazaar being some great shit... Gilgamesh is also a great character in this one.

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Almost Not a Noob
Jul 21, 2007
But yeah, the game has significant faults, like most other FF's
This has absolutely nothing to do with anything. I never said the game was perfect. Stay on topic or just don't post.
- Zodiac Spear = "Do not open this, this & these very easy to see treasure chests" That is a big fuck up for any game. If i could only get Nevan by running round beowulf 3 times, but only with Cerberus equipped & absolutely no hint in the game that these were required, what would you call that, meticulously well planned game design? these shrewd designers & their clever tricks

It's nothing like that at all. Not getting the Zodiac Spear just makes it so you lose out on some min/maxing stats. Not getting Nevan cheats you out of a significant fraction of the game's movelist.
i want a final boss worth fighting, not a giant endurance fest... If i wanted that i'd have fought trismagia on DMC2.
First off, that wasn't the final boss. Secondly, like I said, if you're calling a game's quality into question just because it has one or two EXTREMELY MINOR design choices that annoy you, then you're not really fit to judge any game ever.
- Characters variation IMMEDIATELY becomes one dimensional... I mean don't get me wrong, it does happen in some of the other FF's eventually but they at least had some level of malleability, in this not only do they have the same license grid, they nion share the same stats, critical attacks, weapon paths & classes.
Out of all the complaints you made, this is literally the only one that is at all relevant. And hey, I agree! On the other hand, the International version fixes that problem. So neener neener.
Aesthetically, nothing... & i mean nothing, even the puke that is DMC2 holds a candle, even a dimly lit barely fucking seen, just turned on energy saving candle comes close to the `Aesthetics` of FFX-2, it is Aesthetically the most trite thing on the planet, 8 year old girls would have to turn away from the opening cinematic... & if they pull through that they would definitely turn away from the "Yuna... you must sing to give them hope!" late game cinematic.
Except that X and X-2 share a vast majority of their assets, so all you're really ranting and raving about is how you don't like the main characters and the CG cutscenes (and Final Fantasy hasn't had a cast of good characters since VI in the first place).

I think we've established at this point that your reasons are basically knee-jerk and nostalgia-based. Which is fine! But don't try to pass it off as rational or analytical, that's just silly.
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May 5, 2005
You quote one line & challenge me to stay on topic?:^O

But yeah, the game has significant faults, like most other FF's

In what way is this not on topic? also i didn't assume you did think it was perfect.

It's nothing like that at all.

No, it's exactly like that, i don't quite see at what point it isn't like that?


You see, i can take a single sentence wayyy out of context too, arn't i clever.


Not getting the Zodiac Spear just makes it so you lose out on some min/maxing stats. Not getting Nevan cheats you out of a significant fraction of the game's movelist.

Creating content in a game that requires impossible luck or outside sources to discover ruins games, Zodiac is a key example, there are several things in this game that wouldn't be found without the use of external means. Hell even some of the hunts are questionable.

First off, that wasn't the final boss. Secondly, like I said, if you're calling a game's quality into question just because it has one or two EXTREMELY MINOR design choices that annoy you, then you're not really fit to judge any game ever.

I question how you can question someone elses judgement on a judgement. As for whether these are minor infringements its entirely debatable, i find it a big deal when a game offers me no means of discovering significant things for myself.

I mean seriously minor? you scout the license grid & stumble upon something costing an astonishing 235LP & despite your best efforts it is NOWHERE to be found. You go online to find this seemingly obscure weapons wereabouts

Is it a bazaar item requiring some very rare items? No
Is it an item found upon defeating the Ultimate boss? No
Is it discovered after a particularly lengthy side quest? No
Is it discovered upon completing some arbitrary & perfidious requirements, of which are missable? Ding Ding Ding![face_plain]

I find that quite significant.

Out of all the complaints you made, this is literally the only one that is at all relevant. And hey, I agree! On the other hand, the International version fixes that problem. So neener neener.

Funny that, i live in international land, how come i didn't get to play that version? Oh Yeah[face_raised_brow]

Except that X and X-2 share a vast majority of their assets, so all you're really ranting and raving about is how you don't like the main characters and the CG cutscenes (and Final Fantasy hasn't had a cast of good characters since VI in the first place).

You mean disliking a FF game basic on the characters & cutscenes is a silly way to judge the game? wow, you're right, my way of judging games is way out of whack.

I think we've established at this point that your reasons are basically knee-jerk and nostalgia-based. Which is fine! But don't try to pass it off as rational or analytical, that's just silly.

I played FFVIII about 6 months ago on my PSP, FFIX directly after, part of FFVII until i got bored, most recently FFXII from scratch about a month ago. (I had to buy a PS2 to play it) & i'm putting off playing FFX until the PS3 release is out.

So no, i doubt it's nostalgia.

Funnily enough if we kicked this argument up about a year ago, i'd have had to omit the last statement.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jan 21, 2003
XII > VI >>> X-2 > X = XIII > IX > V > IV > VIII > VII = I = II = III.

There. Anyone who disagrees with that is wrong or just is wallowing in nostalgia (you know who you are). I left out 13-2 because I haven't played it yet.

edit: Note that everything on that list to the right of X = XIII is basically unplayable garbage in the first place, so the ranking doesn't even particularly matter.

You're wrong simply for having 7 and 4 below the puke-fests that are 10 and 13.

You should be ashamed and have your gamer card revoked.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 21, 2003
So did anybody pick up Project X Zone today?

I'm a few hours into it, so far all of Capcom's characters are treated more authentically in this game than in any actual Capcom title. Hell, Dante in his first 3 minutes on-screen felt more like Dante than in all of DmC.

They also establish that Arthur from Ghosts and Goblins new and fought alongside Sparda. Which is hilarious.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 21, 2003
They also establish that Arthur from Ghosts and Goblins new and fought alongside Sparda. Which is hilarious.

That's the kind of stuff I like in crossovers like this. Any other awesome DMC tidbits so far?

Dante acts like Dante again. It seems like the Darkstalkers cast generally is aware of the legend of Sparda. Dante translates surprisingly well to sprite form.

That's all I know for right now, Dante's in one of the prologue chapters but I haven't seen him again yet. Given that he's one of the front men on the boxart I figure he'll become a bigger player in the game at some point.
Oct 6, 2009
So is Final Fantasy XV an action RPG like Kingdom Hearts, or some turn based borefest like the other FF games?

Because if not, this would probably be the first time i would look forward to a FF game. Too bad the characters are typical Japanese trope emo garbage that they might as well call it Abercrombie and Fitch: The Game. But i like Noctis sweet Vergil-esque Phantom Swords (its pretty sad that a company that only does boring RPG's can do something cool with Phantom Swords then what Capcom does).

Bayonetta looks great, can't wait to play that one day until a certain someone i know eventually gets a Wii U.

I would've gotten a PS4 in a couple of years, but since it doesn't support SDTV (yeah i'm rockin it ole skool) then well, i'm not gonna get that for a very long time. Then again, tbh, there aren't alot of games that they've shown that have interested me. And the ones i am looking forward to are on the Wii U (Bayo 2 and Shadow of the Eternals if the Dyack Haters don't eff it up for them with the Kickstarter campaign)


The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006
It seems to be more like Kingdom Hearts than traditional FF games.

Those DMC tidbits in Project x Zone are cool.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 21, 2003
Heh, when Jedah from Darkstalkers shows up in Project X Zone he arrives via Nelo Angelo's theme in DMC1 for no other reason beyond it sounding boss as hell.

This game is completely crazy and it's plot is pretty ridiculous, but I love it so much. The plot seems like an episode of Power Rangers on steroids.l
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slave to his inner demons
Apr 24, 2005
Well Asura's Wrath can be interpreted as an 870 million year prequel to the Street Fighter series
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Who the hell do you think I am!?
Mar 26, 2007
PSA: The PS3 version of Zone of the Enders 2 has received the promised patch that significantly improves the game's performance. The patch is live in both the Eu and US.

dark10x said:
Wow, this patch makes a world of difference. They did a hell of a good job.

Without sitting down and doing a full analysis, here is what I've noticed in ZOE2 (haven't tried the original yet)

1) Framerate now operates at a stable 60 fps making it much smoother than the non-patched version as well as the PS2 original. Only in the most extreme circumstances does the framerate dip and those dips are extremely minor.

2) Post processing anti-aliasing appears to have been added resulting in extremely crisp and clean image quality. The original release did not use any sort of anti-aliasing.

3) Particles effects are now rendered at full resolution. The PS2 original used low resolution particle effects in order to maintain decent performance. I cannot actually recall if this was also true of the initial HD release but I can confirm that particles are rendered at a much higher quality now.

Those are the primary changes and they completely transform the game. The entire snow sequence operates at 60 fps a good 99% of the time providing a faster, smoother experience than even the original release. It feels remarkably good.

I'm also interested in examining the textures as the ship interior appears to be extremely clean and sharp in a way that I would not have expected from PS2.


May 5, 2005
Why because Seth said it?

They'd be adding 2 grapplers doing that.


With all the crossovers coming in these days it wouldn't surprise me if one of the Tekken cast gets ported over to USF4
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Sep 19, 2005


May 5, 2005
Thujal: Terrified the 5th character is going to be another Cole / Mega Man / Asura and not related to Street Fighter. And Dinosaur stage? In Street Fighter? Really?!?

David Hinds: It's very much related to Street Fighter, so you won't need to worry.

Rules Gene out... I'm going for that Mario looking bloke on that scaffolding level now.[face_tongue]


May 5, 2005
The use of Lucifers pins there was exceptional... Also not entirely sure what happened during the Dash straight at the end there. (glitch?)


May 5, 2005
I s'pose, but Mustang goes up doesn't it? or is it because the enemy is kept at an angle he shoots outwards?