
May 5, 2005
Ultimately this little tiff comes down to a varied PoV

4/10 is merely for the ideas alone. You're looking at things from a narrow point of view...whereas I'm considering the big picture up to this point. If there wasn't a DMC2..

Well Red Faction came up with fully manipulatable environments, without this it is very possible MGR's blade mode wouldn't have existed.

Should i then think RF is a better game because of this?

I don't see how you can think a game is better because of its "potential" to be a good game. Every game/film/song/book has potential to be the best game/film/song/book, but they're not.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 5, 2003
Pokey...its not judging the potential of a particular game thats already came out. Obviously that particular game reached its max potential in the amount of time it was released. Its judging how its affected this particular series overall..DMC2's influence over this particular series is as lasting as DMC1. And thats true, whether we agree/disagree about how good it is.

In other words...DMC2 reached its max potential in 2003. However, due to what it laid out on the table, negatively and positively..DMC3 was able to go far beyond. I'm judging DMC2 in retrospect...not as if I was back in 2003.

Ultimately tho..

Standing here..I realize you are just like me trying to make history. But who's to judge the right from wrong...when our guard is down I think we'll both agree. Violence breeds violence, but in the end it has to be this way. [face_mischief]

lol, by the way..have you checked out NG3: Razor's Edge?


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 21, 2003
In defense of Nevan, I don't think its primary focus was ever to be used in scythe form.

Oh, btw, that Three Vergils video. It would be more awesome if he wasn't fighting three Virgil 1's. Lets see how motivated he is against three Vergil 2's or 3's.


May 5, 2005
lol, by the way..have you checked out NG3: Razor's Edge?

Can't say i have, NG3 wasn't awful but it's not something i could play alot. Besides i don't have a Wii U.

Waiting for a 3 Vergil 3 mod video. Now that would be the fucking shit.

Judgecut would be easy enough, i don't even think it would be possible if all 3 decided to go for the 5 Hit Killer Combo though, to evade it anyway. Be a hell of a parry if they all went rage mode though.


May 17, 2006
^^^^^That game has some amazing dialogs, man Platinum Games are the best they got 2 of the best action games this gen (Bayonetta and MG Rising), cant wait for Bayonetta 2.


May 5, 2005
i never played vanquish, so i really can't comment

Bayo is a great game, i don't deny that, but it has two absolutely unredeemable flaws that really ruins the game for me.

1: The final difficulty omits a mechanic you spent the entire game mastering.

2: Most of The weapons are grossly symmetrical

The dialogue etc isn't really my cup of tea either to be honest, but it's certainly not horrible... Dante would still kick her ass though, i have no basis for this assumption though, as she's clearly stronger than him in every way [face_tongue]
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No Longer a Noob
Mar 5, 2003
Agreed, my personal main gripe with Bayo is that it tries too hard to make her sexy. Thats why I can't take that game seriously. Its like Gloria in DMC4 times 100...that gets annoying after awhile. I also think Bayo suffers from the DMC1 syndrome, where it tries to be multiple things its not. We really didn't need shooter/platformer elements in the game. Keep the focus on the action...which is where Bayo's strength lies. And no, she wouldn't beat Dante. It'd be a good fight tho...way more interesting than Dante vs. Kratos. I still believe MGR is Platinum Games crowning achievement for the moment.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2006
Criticizing Bayonetta for the story elements is like criticizing Japan as a whole for its weirdness. There's just no point and the story is literally the least important part of the game.

I'm sure we all know that the biggest asset of the game is its combat. I don't really mind the shooter/motorcycle/whatever levels since there's like 5 of them or less, I don't really remember. Point is, they are few and far between and once you completed them, they're completely optional, not to mention that they're not even that hard.

As for the over-sexualized protagonist, don't act like this is the first instance, albeit I admit we never had something quite this ridiculous. I doesn't bother me that much, because like the story, it's a throwaway part of the game.

Oh and yes, Vanquish was god damn amazing, but short with next to no replay value for me.


May 17, 2006
Its funny to see tats and pokey criticizing bayonetta for she being "too sexy", reminds me of all those people that say that DMC3 isn`t that great because "omg dante is so childish, he is way too over the top, he wears a BRA OMG OMG OMG, HE HAS NO SHIRT, I feel gay playing this game, etc etc etc".

Come on pokey and tats, you can do better than that, and wtf is that about story? dont get me started on the whole Story business in action games, or does the shitty as hell history of ONE OF POKEYS FAVORITE ACTION GAMES NINJA GAIDEN BLACK makes it any worse? DMC story is shitty, so is god of war, so is Rising, so is Bayonetta, in fact I dont remember an action game with a really good story, the same happens in fighting games.

So if you guys are going to take a jab at bayonetta, please do it wisely. Wtf pokey how is them taking the witch time abilitie in last dificulty makes it any worse? its like me complaining because they changed the whole rising enemies mecanic in DMC3 that I spent the whole game learning in DMD difficulty, or complaining because I die in one hit in HoH and I cant use my favorite RG style because its "too risky", or complaining because in Ninja Gaiden you die out of ONE THROW in master ninja, or because it has cheap ass enemies in bosses. See how your "critics" apply to both of your favorite games so I dont see why it affects bayonetta in your judgement, that is called double standard in my book.

Bayonetta has A LOT OF WEAPONS (with a bazillion moves per weapon, and I am sure its the action game with the most weapons/moves), 60 fps, long campaign (lots of stages, and LOTS of replay value), amazing graphics, fluid gameplay, evasive moves, finishing moves, grapling moves, telepor moves, transformations (who doesnt remember symphony of the night when transforming into the bird or into that wolf), some of the best boss fights ever, some of the most creative enemies ever (and coolest), lots of amazing cutscenes, it even had qte that were actually FUN and rewarding, it implemented quicksilver, royalguard, trickster, swordmaster, gunslinger (it took 2 some time to the next level, and all those guns used as melee weapons) and doppelganger (to some extent) beautifully, it even threw a bike level for the hell of it, we all love bikes dont deny it :D (DMC2 dante scaping hell in his bike, classic [face_tongue]), but in the end, all in all, Bayonetta IS the DMC3 of this gen, a beautiful transition of all the things that make DMC amazing into another game, and only kamiya can do it, and I am sure Bayonetta 2 will deliver, you will see.

So there nubs, Bayonetta>>>>>>>>>>>>>life. This gen. Hell I will even say its the closest an action game has got to perfection, (yes it even surpasses DMC3/NGB/DMC1) in my book (as a total score), because it does all the elements beautifully. And yes I will of course mention that Bayonetta got a 40/40 on Famitsu M! hahahas.


May 17, 2006
mmm thinking about it twice, I think you guys werent impressed by bayonetta because you played it on ps3 and on ps3 the game is a disaster to be honest, I played it on both (360 and ps3) and I must say that the game on 360 is absolutely superior in every way (ps3 version has screen tearing, serious framerate issues it rarely hits 60fps with no enemies on screen and goes as low as 10-15 fps, it has input lag, low res textures, I think its even sub-hd). I played ps3 version first myself and it gets unplayable at some points, I played 360 version some months after I beat ps3 version and man the difference is incredible.


May 5, 2005
lol STFU Link [face_talk_hand] I'd rather have an argument with Tatsu, someone with some sense[face_whistling]

My gripe with Beyo's storyline was minimal, it's fine enough, i'd happily watch it again, i found it no more annoying than "Woohoo" Dante in DMC3 or NG's absolutely laughable storyline, however i liked the protagonists more.

GoW i feel had a fairly good stroyline, but then who doesn't love Greek Mythology.

So if you guys are going to take a jab at bayonetta, please do it wisely. Wtf pokey how is them taking the witch time abilitie in last dificulty makes it any worse? its like me complaining because they changed the whole rising enemies mecanic in DMC3 that I spent the whole game learning in DMD difficulty, or complaining because I die in one hit in HoH and I cant use my favorite RG style because its "too risky", or complaining because in Ninja Gaiden you die out of ONE THROW in master ninja, or because it has cheap ass enemies in bosses. See how your "critics" apply to both of your favorite games so I dont see why it affects bayonetta in your judgement, that is called double standard in my book.

Nah, it'd be more akin to say, removing blocking from NG in Master Ninja or having the enemies automatically DT on DMD in DMC3. (Or removing I frames, or Devil Trigger) DMD gave players a more methodical approach to fighting in DMC3 as you could choose whether to go for quick killing or attempt to divide & kill, it didn't completely remove free combat, hell it's only in DMD the enemies last long enough to have some real fun wit them. NG has notoriously cheap AI, Throws gaining a huge boost in damage was pretty much there to ensure that holding block wasn't going to get you Far & scare you from doing it (& boy did that work) & yes the bosses were cheap, & it made the game all the better knowing full well that a great run agianst a boss could be snuffed in a fraction of a second at any time.

But any game that did what Beyo did would get a major drop in score for me. If on the hardest difficulty of Mario Kart they removed power slide, i'd be pretty pissed. If i got to the end of FFVIII to find my team automatically assigned pre-set junctions, i'd be pretty pissed. If at the end of Resident Evil they removed all my weapons & ammo i conserved & replaced them with a Knife, i'd be pretty pissed. Taking a core mechanic then removing it entirely for the sake of difficulty has to be one of the worst ways to make a game more challenging

Bayonetta has A LOT OF WEAPONS (with a bazillion moves per weapon, and I am sure its the action game with the most weapons/moves),

Pallette swaps of attacks arn't different attacks, if that was the case, Soul Calibur would be the most advanced fighter out.

Go back to your S&M wannabe fighter[face_mischief]
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The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006
Dantelink as always presenting the most fanboy of fanboy arguments with crap like "Bayonetta >>>>> life ; nubs" and ending with a random review score. As if Famitsu is in any way a reliable measure of quality especially in money hatted Japanese games. I guess I should go out and buy FFXIII now as it got a 40/40.

No one should be commending Bayonetta's use of multiple weapons. I would much rather go to NG2 for its weapons.


slave to his inner demons
Apr 24, 2005
Wonder if it comes with the DLC. Could Sam be modded into the full game maybe? [face_thinking]

Or at least a Sam skin for the main game


May 17, 2006
And Dahbanned as always not figuring out when I am joking, (if you didnt notice, let me spoil it for you, we tend to make jokes in these video gaming discussions dude, chill out ;)) I though that was pretty obvious by now #-o.

And pokey explain please how bayonetta weapons are "palette swaps" ????

watch this video for a short demonstration of all the weapons.

Like it or not, Bayonetta is obviously the best action game this generation.


May 17, 2006
Also Pokey they removed the mecanic of Auto whitch time by Dodging but you can STILL equip an accesory to activate it like Quicksilver, it just would deplete your magic power, just like in DMC3.

So its not like they removed the ability completely. Just its auto activation after a dodge. So it seems that its you who doesnt have much sense fathas jua jua jua, since you obviously dont have a lot of experience in bayonetta and you ignore a lot of things about it fathas.
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May 5, 2005
Also Pokey they removed the mecanic of Auto whitch time by Dodging but you can STILL equip an accesory to activate it like Quicksilver, it just would deplete your magic power, just like in DMC3.

So its not like they removed the ability completely. Just its auto activation after a dodge. So it seems that its you who doesnt have much sense fathas jua jua jua, since you obviously dont have a lot of experience in bayonetta and you ignore a lot of things about it fathas.

Oh i see, well Onimusha 2 has an item that makes Issen an automatic move (at the cost of health) but you know what i'd think if they removed Counter Issen on the hardest difficulty, even if they kept this item in? Jua jua jua indeed

Video Snip/

Wow, you're right that video like, completely proved your point that the weapons attacks arn't nion carbon copies of each other with altered mechanics, less a few signature moves of course.

The Nunchuks are the shit though.


You've also reminded me of that horrible soundtrack.


Also Dahbanned the weapons in bayonetta are far more unique than in NG

in NG:B sure. But, as was said before, NG isn't about styling, it's about killing shit, rolling, jumping & getting killed in the most bullshit ways imaginable. All of which it feeds to you in spades.
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May 17, 2006
I think the game that has the worst random kills is MGR in the last difficulty, Jesus Christ, those enemies are SO CHEAP. LOL.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 5, 2003
That video did nothing but prove how recycled the animations for the weapons in Bayonetta are. The nunchuks and the ice skates are the best things about that game tho.


May 17, 2006
Wow tats, the fact that you say that bayonetta moves are recycled makes me wonder if you ever got all weapons or did all the moves, the guy in this video isnt doing all the attacks he is just doing basic to show of the weapon.

The only 2 weapons that have similar moves are the shotgun and the guns, and they are not completely the same since they have different timing and properties, its like saying Vergil and Dante have "largely recycled moves" (because of high time, helm splitter, trickster/darkslayer; stinger, beowulf, etc), we all know those moves are very different from the other and only a nub that doesnt have experience in the game will say that, which I think is the same problem here, Pokey and you probably havent played bayonetta extensively, and it shows, pokey saying they "completely removed a mecanic in the hardest difficulty level" and you saying moves are palette swaps confirms that.

No game in action game history have the diversity of weapons that bayonetta have, (from weapons that improve your movement (ice skates) to weapons that can be used as grappler (whip), to long range weapons, to close range weapons, and everything in between.

The weapons in bayonetta:

Equipabble in foot/hands: Guns, Shotguns, Rockets, Iceskates, The fire one, the ice one. Rodin rings

Equipable in hands only: whip, katana and nunchaku.

Equipable in feets only: Ice skates.

Makes more or less 11 weapons out of which 10 weapons are specific types and one diverse type (Rodin rings which can be a chainsaw, a polearm, a crossbow, an axe, a gian key, an ivy-like sword-whip hybrid, a melee one, a hyper blast one, etc etc). And take into consideration that I am not counting the laser guns and the other variations of shotguns and the laser sword. etc, etc. Just original types.

Its kinda weird to be arwing this with action games experts, its generally accepted and on top of that obvious that Bayonetta is the best action game this gen. Would you pokey please tell me which action game of this gen is better than bayonetta? or you tats? (and dont give me rising please).


No Longer a Noob
Mar 5, 2003
[face_mischief] Rising is the best action game this gen. With NG3: Razor's Edge coming in a distant second and DMC4 after that.


May 17, 2006
This is the only video that can make the justice of whats happenning now in the gaming industry, the lackluster announcement of microsoft and wii u's bad momentum only lead to this video, the epic video of them all hahahaha. This is Chad Warden level stuff. Had a long time that I didnt laugh this hard hahahaha.



The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006
And Dahbanned as always not figuring out when I am joking,
Then why are you still continuing this silly argument and stating stuff like "action game experts accepted that Bayonetta is the best action game of the gen". Seems like a ton of effort put into just a silly joke.

And again, weapon list wars don't impress anyone. Quality > Quantity. I would much rather take the weapon list of NG2 over Bayonetta. Its 8 well crafted weapons with very few repeat moves shared among them.
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No Longer a Noob
Mar 5, 2003
Razor's Edge is everything NG3 should've been and a lil more. Its still not the perfect follow up to NG: Hurricane Packs/ Black...but its leagues ahead of NG3. Honestly tho, that part was a little bit of a troll. Even tho I consider Razor's Edge to be fairly good, its not in the running for best action game this gen. Tbh, I was mostly disappointed with this gen regarding action games until MGR came along. I suppose that's why I like it so much. It was the most I've played and enjoyed an action game since DMC3.


May 17, 2006
I liked NG3RE a lot too, it definitely has the best combat system for a NG game and pretty hard too, but they dropped the ball in level design and it almost has zero platform elements.


May 5, 2005
^^Ugh, god there is so much bad about NG3^^

Vergil's Solar flare is one of the best DMC moves so far from the series, it's just such a satisfying move to use. DLC gets a thumbs up from me, story is still pretty shite though.