
Almost Not a Noob
Mar 14, 2008
Thank you assassin. That's what I like to hear. This is a good game but so is Mass Effect and Gears of War and Halo and God of War and Uncharted and Demon Souls (although honestly it hasn't got as much media attention as it deserves it is fun). Last thing I want to say is the PS2 was not a hit right off the bat. It didn't take too long for it to become popular but it really didn't live up to the expectations at first.


Sep 12, 2008
Some people just love to argue.

I laugh everytime I see comments from fanboys spewing nonsense about their console of choice. It's great to be passionate about your video gaming, but what fanboys fail to understand is this: XBOX NEEDS THE PS3. PS3 NEEDS THE XBOX. Without a healthy dose of competition, the industry would remain stagnant. Sony and MS are continually trying to "outdo" the other, and who reaps the benefits? GAMERS. Without competition, we'd have to pay $500 for a new PS3, and games would be about as intricate as they were on a Commodore 64.

But then again, I'm sure that not many of the fanboys out there know what a Commodore 64 is. What's the average age of the fanboy these days? 12?


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 14, 2008
Truly I never would have thought I would see this many rational people on a message board for a game rated E-10. It's awesome. Yes, most fanboys are 12. I have been trying to tell people for the longest time that the systems need each other. Fanboyism is like a very religious person, you can't change their mind regardless of the facts you give them against what they are saying.


Jul 3, 2008
F*** CONSOLE WARS! if you try hard enough, you can save up and get them all. they have been out awhile now. god. JUST SHUT UP FANBOYS! IT GETTING FREAKING OLD!


Oct 15, 2008
Did you guys play the demo on PSN? It only allows you to play Clank, which was the least favorite part of ToD in my opinion. Ever since I heard the new game would feature more Clank chapters, it had been my biggest concern for A Clack in Time.
Guess what, I really enjoyed playing Clank this time. Yes, Clank chapter is fun! The review is true. I will buy this game.
May 2, 2009
hey im 22 and dont care if it has an E rating. I enjoyed ToD (even though i havent finished it) and this new chapter of the ratchet series is a must buy.


Aug 22, 2009
See how they copied Mario Galaxy with little planetiods in outer space you can run and jump on?
And Ratchet's space ship has the same colors and a similar silhouette as the Starfox Arwing. It even has the same barrel roll from Starfox.
Okay, I have to play this game now because they stole everything I love. Never played an actual Ratchet game, other than the PS2 demos. I hope to have a PS3 by God of War 3's release and Crack in Time and Uncharted 2 look to carry the system around GoW 3. It sucks to pay nearly a grand for all three consoles but, "thy will be done!"
Nov 13, 2006
Ummmm. Psychof1st you're a dumb arse(nal). Spherical moons were in the Ratchet and Clank games waaay before SMG came out so get your facts straight. Super Mario Galaxy copied Ratchet and Clank.


Sep 28, 2009
No more preaching please!, Yes, fanboys suck, yes both systems "need" each other. This board would ALSO suck if no one had an opinion or a "favorite" of some kind. Let the 12 year olds fuss. There ARE facts out there that these 12 year olds don't bother reading, and that's what pisses me off. Open your newspapers or something and dive into these businesses a little. You will see that the only innovative thing Sony has done this past decade has been to create Blu-Ray. HUGE step, yes. But they copy, copy, copy from other companies aside from that, and it turns me off. They come across as a very unoriginal, yet arrogant corporation.

Sony overprices everything game related, and they don't learn their lesson when no one buys their rip-offs (PS3 in '06, PSPgo now). If they were only game makers, they'd be out of business because they don't know how to market to people, simple as that. Yes there are fun games on the PS3 and PSP. They're lucky for that because they have no back-up in the gaming industry, no ingenuity. (Remember, if Blu-ray failed to HD-DVD, the PS3 would be the most expensive failure in gaming history, and I would have laughed, again, they are lucky)

Microsoft, as of right now, has brought nothing new to the table either since Windows 3.1....I'm dead serious. Natal might be cool, but I bet it has a terrible rate of 3rd party game development.

These are major gripes I have with both companies, and I wish others would gripe about them too. I'm as guilty as anyone else. I love some Ratchet and Clank, and I sorta "love" that overrated Halo bullshit. When you think about how LITTLE these companies actually do for us gamers though besides make us pay for "extra content" now, well, it chaps my ass.

I don't like where the gaming industry is going. I hope the future isn't ONLY online gaming, I hope you can actually "master" a game again without spending hundreds on that extra content over a year's time. I REALLY hope it's not all digital downloads like what that money grubbin Sony has in store for us RIGHT NOW with that silly ass PSPgo.

Start rantin and bitchin about my rantin and bitchin cause I know it'll happen. I'm just fed up. Fed up when I see gamers like us allow companies like these to go down this path. It'll only get more expensive and inconvenient as time goes. Case in point, R&C 1-3 for the PS2 all took about 30 hours to complete, Deadlocked was shorter by far, Size Matters was even shorter, and now this one sounds REALLY short, yet we blindly pay the standard amount. 60 bucks for this game (I hope this reviewer is lying about the 12 hour completion time.)


Nov 16, 2003
Psychof1st said:
See how they copied Mario Galaxy with little planetiods in outer space you can run and jump on?
And Ratchet's space ship has the same colors and a similar silhouette as the Starfox Arwing. It even has the same barrel roll from Starfox.
Okay, I have to play this game now because they stole everything I love. Never played an actual Ratchet game, other than the PS2 demos. I hope to have a PS3 by God of War 3's release and Crack in Time and Uncharted 2 look to carry the system around GoW 3. It sucks to pay nearly a grand for all three consoles but, "thy will be done!"

someone already said it but I'm pretty sure both up your arsenal and tools of destruction had moon levels, so it's not like this is new territory for the series and it's not like mario pioneered it. and of course it has the silhouette of the arwing, it's not like video games get away from the "swept wing/pointed nose" fighter design. if boeing were publishing the game, then maybe I'd be all "WHY ISN'T THIS A BLENDED-WING BODY." there are very few games with unique ideas these days. ratchet and clank isn't a series famous for its innovation, it's one famous for its extremely high polish and great platforming.


Aug 5, 2009
not this guy reviewing again..he made a total salad of the tekken review,and he's reviewing ratchet.whats wrong with ign,have all their staff left and only this ryan guy is left????


Nov 12, 2006
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time is the greatest game ever! I have been a Ratchet & Clank fan for a long time and is nice to finally get a R & C game that takes full advantage of the PS3.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 2, 2009
Ryan's been here for over 2 years now, so he not the only guy left. But I had a feeling Jeremy would review this game before he left but its seems that ryan likes the series so yeah i guess thats what counts. If you don't like a certain reviewer go to a different site or look at a magazine for the game you want to get. Even if it was greg playing the game i would still get it because the series make you feel like a plain and simple badass.


Original poster
Well, after downloading the demo I guess I can understand now why the game's visual rating was only at 8.5. Not knocking the series since I already have all the other previous Ratchet games, but after two years I would think that developer Insomniac would've made some advancements in utilizing the PS3's hardware. Hell, Resistance 2 was an improvement visually over the first so why did the new Ratchet get snuffed out? I guess I'll find out since I'm still planning on getting the game right away this Tuesday.

The only other thing I don't understand is why this game is being referred to as the conclusion of a trilogy. Quest for Booty was more or less an expansion to Tools of Destruction and since you could play through that game in under three hours it doesn't truly count as a full fledged second installment. Talk about being cheated in the long run. Even Insomniac should have given us more. I had heard rumors from the get go that Quest for Booty was the first of three episodes so where the hell are the other two?

If A Crack in Time is the final game in the Ratchet series than I guess I can live with that and since we already know that Resistance 3 is on the horizon I suppose it's time for Insomniac to delve into something new and allow Ratchet and Clank to retire with deserved dignity.


Aug 29, 2005
Chiefof16 said:
A Supposed to have a 10 year cycle? who cares what it's SUPPOSED to have, open your frickin eyes to reality fanboy.....What big exclusive game comes out after GOW 3 in March?.....Exactly my point.....I have a real problem with fanboys of either side too. Narrowminded rejects

You sir, are an idiot and you know quite little about games, as Sony and Microsoft have said they would each like their consoles to have a 10+ year life cycle, and to answer your question about exclusives...

White Knight Chronicles
Resistance 3
The Last Guardian
Mod Nation Racers
Killzone 3 (unconfirmed)
inFamous 2 (unconfirmed but will be soon)
Heavy Rain

So think before dragging your console war into this topic. And yes, Ratchet and Clank is that awesome!!



Sep 28, 2009
weak list Nak . weak list. Do u not understand that if they don't deliver quality at an affordable price to the public, a 10 year life cycle goal means nothing? People will stop buying. That's simple economics. You sir, are an idiot in that regard. And what console war? I'm startin to hate 'em both, and I made it clear.

[Censor profanity and don't flame others. -wf]


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
You really are an idiot, just STFU!
Weak list? You have no taste moron.
M.A.G could be awesome
GoW3, nuff said.. many would say.
White Knight Chronicles
Resistance 3, Resistance 1 was mad fun, and Insomniac are skilled, I'm interested to see what they do with it.
The Last Guardian could be a VERY special game!
Mod Nation Racers looks unique, many people will enjoy the experience.
Killzone 3(unconfirmed but certain) Killzone 2 is awesome
inFamous 2(unconfirmed but likely)
Agent, exclusive from Rockstar I think? that's DEFINITELY something to keep an eye on.
Heavy Rain, looks like an immersive, exciting and very unique game, should be something worth experiencing.
GT5(amazing racing sim franchise, EXTREMELY popular)
A new Uncharted will come out and it will be mind blowing
A new Motorstorm would be cool too.
That's just exclusives!!! (Plus there are probably more I couldn't think of lol)

I guarantee it will sell for 10 years economics boy, it just keeps getting better. If this cycle keeps going on for 10 years PS3 may even outsell the Wii(MAY outsell lol).

If you HATE both PS3 and 360, you aren't a gamer so just shut up. While I hate things that they have done, they have both brought a lot to the industry and are the best consoles currently available.


Apr 1, 2009
.....Well, i dunno about you but PS2 lasted for 10 years, from $300 price tag to $200 then $100. PS2 is still selling.

PS3 is well under way to making it to the top with its $300 price tag as well as its lineup. PS3 Slim even sold 1 million units within the first three weeks it was released.

Not sure what your talking about quality but PS3 is quality, a bluray player, Wifi, Free Online & low failure rate. And this years PS3 exclusives are all rated 9 or above. Killzone 2,Infamous, Demon's Soul's, Uncharted 2& Ratchet and Clank: ACIT. The way I see PS3 has the most Diverse selection of games that can easily make the PS3 last for 10 years on the Market.

PS3 2010 Line Up -
White Knight Chronicles
The Last Rebellion
God of War 3
Gran Turismo 5
ModNation Racers
Heavy Rain
The Last Guardian
Quantum Theory
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Trinity Universe
Atelier Rorona
Ar Tonelico 3
3D Dot Heroes
Trinity: Zill O'll Zero
Final Fantasy XIV
Steambot Chronicles 2
The Agency
DC Universe Online
Dynasty Warriors Online
Free Realms
Yakuza 3&4 for US
Resistance 3


Sep 28, 2009
Keep in mind that these are the best systems on the market, because they are the only systems on the market. More compitition would compell these two companies to start thinking a little more, maybe drop some prices, force the game makers to throw the "extra content" within the actual disc before release, etc.........I'm lookin ahead here. Bitch at me all ya want (if you think that just because these are all exclusive games, that I should be impressed with them, think again.) God of War 3 and Resistence 3 ARE big titles, after that though, things get weak. If the PS3 ends up selling really well one of these days, good for them. Bad for us in the long run because they'll do it all over again. Charge stupid amounts of money for new equipment or consoles like the PSPgo, which will turn all the fanboys off....again (which are the only people keeping them in business right now). Stop it with your "I love Sony so much" attitudes and just think ahead a little.
There's a very good possibility that 2 years from now new games will be 70 bucks, 120 after all the much needed downloadable content is purchased. I'm talkin about games like Ratchet and Clank, not an obvious candidate like Fallout 3. Games might ONLY be digitally downloaded, which sucks my balls, and yours as well whether or not you want to admit it. I don't want to download all my games, okay? Can't believe you do. the downloadable PSP games are more expensive than the discs, why? ask Sony.

For the record, I've been playing games longer than some of you have been alive. I've kept up with the gaming trends since about 1990. So shut up. If you think you're right and I'm wrong, that's great. I'm listing facts. Some of you are taking offense to what I'm talking about as if I'm talking about your family, which is straight up silly as hell. Get defensive all you want. Be factual though if you want to argue.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 26, 2003
Chiefof16 said:
I'm listing facts.
Wait, what?... where?...

Chiefof16 said:
Let the 12 year olds fuss.
I challenge you to find the biggest age group of the Ratchet & Clank market... don't even reply or post here until you do.

EDIT: Something that just hit me in the face...

Chiefof16 said:
There's a very good possibility that 2 years from now new games will be 70 bucks...


I've kept up with the gaming trends since about 1990.
Then you should've remembered that consumers gladly payed $80 on average for a game cartridge, or even upwards to $150 *per game* for a NEO GEO game in the '90s.


Sep 12, 2008
@ Chiefof16:

You lose any credibility you might have had when you pretend to be intelligent only to contradict your own statements ("I sorta 'love' Halo bulls***"). And spouting off your lame credentials (i.e. "I've been playing games longer than some of you have been alive") is a pacifying behavior that only serves to satisfy one's own ego. Nothing in your statements is factual, rather opinions (which don't seem to be shared by anyone on this thread), or baseless misrepresentations that are later nullified by people who actually do their homework just to contradict you. Furthermore, your insults to other posters is just self-serving BS. All that being said...

Chiefof16 has poopy pants.

RABBLErabbleRABBLErabble ARGUEargueARGUEargue.


Sep 28, 2009
I sincerely apologize for posting before doing the research Cron. I don't care about the age group at all. I enjoy the Ratchet and Clank games and I'm not sure why you're curious about that....Neo-Geo? If you had the money for that ****, you were spoiled or all grown up and had a lot of money to blow, or just loved games before all else and lived in a cardboard box. Did the Neo-Geo sell well? No. Why? It had too few games and was expensive. It's great to pick on the guy that says something negative about the industry you all worship, but again, I ain't makin fun of yo mama, so simma down. Granny, dora ain't my style. If Dora is "cool" in your circles, right on.

[Censor profanity. -wf]


Sep 28, 2009
And for the record, I'd love to hear some of you pussies (Cocky, Cron and Granny)give your opinions or gripes you might have about the gaming industry so I and many others can shred your **** and purposely make you feel like a retard for ever typing something. Please, let's reverse the role a bit. Put it on a new review so plenty of people can laugh. If you don't have balls, just go ahead and joke about my request or something stupid like that

[Censor profanity. -wf]


Aug 29, 2005
Chiefof16 said:
And for the record, I'd love to hear some of you pussies (Cocky, Cron and Granny)give your opinions or gripes you might have about the gaming industry so I and many others can shred your **** and purposely make you feel like a retard for ever typing something.

You mean make people look like you do now? No thanks..But seriously go someplace else if you are not going to talk about the thread topic. You are the reason the internet sucks.

Anyways I'm planning to pick up R+C tomorrow at F.Y.E, I cant wait!! I have a $20 gift card so a $40 price tag is a steal.

[Don't quote profanity, censor it first. -wf]



Sep 28, 2009
Did I include you in the list of pussies Nakashita? Right, so no need to speak for the others. I'm not the reason the internet sucks. Call your service provider if you're havin problems. I've mentioned R&C quite a few times anyway in this thread. Just because you're pickin up R&C tomorrow doesn't mean we give a ****. I might be gettin plenty 'o' flak from others, but at least it's a conversation.

Start saying something interesting Nakashita, you are the reason the internet is boring.

[Censor profanity. -wf]


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 26, 2003
You think I'm stupid enough to fall in your troll trap?...
That's alright, I don't love you any less for it :)...


Sep 28, 2009
yes I think you're stupid. But this wasn't a trap. It's so you could share your thoughts and see what happens when you do. Be a man fucker


Sep 12, 2008
Listen up, Chef. We've all got gripes. My first post to this thread was to say that I hope Insomniac has created a more compelling story than Tools of Destruction. Go back and read that posting if you want to pick apart my opinions.

There are things I'd like to change about every game and console I've ever played. I have suggestions for interface designs, gameplay mechanics, console features, immersion, etc. But this industry that I "worship" has done a great job in listening to consumers and when enough people demand certain features, the developers often listen. When they don't, I do what most other consumers do and opt NOT to purchase a product. That's called thoughtful consumerism.

On the other hand, disrespect for your fellow gamers and off-topic whining will not enhance your gaming experiences.

Now go change your poopy pants, Chef. You're stinking up this thread.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
The only real gripe you have that I agree with is DLC. I hate paying for DLC, you can't sell it, I like possessing a hard copy, and developers exploit it.
But other than that you talk so much crap and then try to say it's facts?
Please.. you come across as a half educated, boisterous person who just blurts out all the reckless thoughts in their head. Cocky07 made a great point.
There is a reason everyone is arguing with you. It's because your statements are wrong, it's not an opinion.


Jan 11, 2005
I think playing Uncharted 2 ruined this game for me. Dont get me wrong its been a good game so far, but Uncharted makes this look like a PS2 game


Prime Member
Nov 7, 2007
played the demo and of course loved it, even though it had me play as clank only..I want to buy the game but Uncharted is enough for now


Sep 28, 2009
Downloadable content has a strong potential of ruining a lot of good things. Yes, it is worth reading into. Sorry if I've been hating on all of the ***** Sony lovers on this thread that can't think for themselves, but Sony is the one trying to pull this DLC **** on me and you with the PSPgo (they'll stop sellin UMD's soon, despite what they say), and it's just gonna get worse in the future. IGN and everyone else have kept their opinions shut on this subject because it will just ruin their credibility with mega-rich Sony, which spells disaster when it comes to their market.

[Censor profanity. -wf]


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
Microsoft is also mega rich, I think richer than Sony? Microsoft is also pushing DLC and downloadable products more than Sony is, I think you should focus your complaints at them.

The day gaming becomes only DLC will probably be the day I stop gaming..


Sep 28, 2009
You're right of course about Microsoft. The only reason I'm focusing on Sony is 'cause the PSPgo is exclusive to the DLC obviously, that's ALL you can do with it, and I feel more consoles will be like this in the future. Microsoft I'm sure will try the same.............I just REALLY hate Sony right now because of the PSPgo. It does less than the 3000. has a smaller screen, **** battery life, and ONLY DOES DLC, but yet they charge a lot for it. I'm just not liking the direction gaming is going, and Sony has too much to do with it. That's been my point all along


Mar 24, 2009
a 9.0 does not do this game justice. i guess i can see that U2 set the bar very very high for PS3 games.

im about 1/2 thru R&T, and it is flat out phenomenal, and adds on to what was great in Tools of Destruction

I give it a 9.5


Aug 9, 2003
I think it would be nice if they had someone who was not a fan of the series review this. Having a fan review it just skews the ratings.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
Yeah fair enough, I don't even look at or care about the PSP any more so the PSPGo does sound ****.
But I really think the root of your problems with gaming comes from the Wii and iPhone.
The Wii is bringing in the casual gamer, and obsessing people over stupid fads. (It does have some good ames I'm not totally bagging it)
iPhone is filled with digital downloads and has made gaming a part of more people's lifestyle. But these new people have minimal value or interest in the gaming and don't care where their money goes with it.

I will rarely support paid DLC, what are we going to do with years worth of downloaded games, delete the old ones? That's like throwing our current old games in the bin.
I hate the iPhone and I hate some of what Nintendo is doing with the Wii.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 26, 2003
Note to everyone thinking of replying to Chiefof16: ignore him and move along. He's been banned anyway, so he won't be stirring more trouble here.


Nov 26, 2006
hey if you're reading this.... just wondering on a ratchet and clank plot summary up until the lastest game: ACIT. like what they did with assassins creed. i would love to know the main back story of ratchet before i get the new game. Thanks!


Oct 29, 2009
Guess who Cron? Don't take it personal, but this isn't your blog buddy. I'm not banned, and people can reply to me if they want bro. If people want to disagree that Sony and Microsoft are making the future of gaming a difficult one to enjoy, then let them disagree. If you wanna carry this "disagreement", "banning" and troll labelling any further, go ahead, cause this isn't my blog either and you are free to do as you please.....Don't make me more annoying than I already am though. It can get bad
Oct 14, 2008
I agree with the chief, making a DLC system is pretty greedy, but don't hate sony cuz of that. Microsoft still charges for online, and probably always will to make it fair to past gold users ironically! Both companies are greedy and rich, microsoft being the richest and a net worth roughly twice of what sony is in the market. Microsoft is basically a monopoly, with the exception of macintosh, although nobody really uses the macs features besides artists or yuppies. Instead of improving tvs or products, microsoft just has to pay a few people really code savvy to tweak software and then it sells.

On the flip, I am getting the first PS3 R&C before this, can't drop $60 on sumthin I'm new to, got the 1st PS3 game and PSP R&C both for $26 total on ebay. Hopefully the game is better than its worth. I don't want relive another Littlebigplanet moment were I am supposed to sit an awe about how polished a practically 2D game looks, pretty sure even Wii did that with smash bros brawl! I'm pretty sure this will be twice as exciting as Lbp.