Apr 22, 2008
Arg! Another awesome game that I need to pick up. How the hell am I supposed to finance all of these titles; Operation Flashpoint 2, Uncharted 2, Demon Souls, Borderlands, and now Ratchet & Clank?! I might have to wait and see if 24 is too old to still be asking your parents for video games for Christmas [face_tongue]


Nov 6, 2005
i don't care what type of fanboy you are, if you don't have fun playing ratchet games, you're downright un-human
Jun 24, 2008
Wow. It almost looks like Ryan was LOOKING for something bad to say about it. Zelda has been using the roughly the same formula for what..ETERNITY?
And no one cares.
I've never played any Ratchet and Clank games but I've always been interested...so luckily for me, I don't have to worry about this old formula.

I know a lot of people who favor systems..360 Halo/Call of Duty fanboys etc..
I myself literally try a little bit of absolutely everything, if you can afford all systems, then great. RPGs have consistently been my favorite though, and shooters seem to be everywhere (in a bad way) (at least, most of my friends...all they have is shooting games) (I'm not kidding)
Ratchet and Clank thankfully isn't just a typical shooting game.
I might eventually have to get a PS3, since day 1 I have been waiting for the PS3's price to drop before I even considered buying it..
And there's no telling when the next-gen systems will get here. I've seen no sign of them. So getting all 3 systems this generation is all the more rewarding.
May 31, 2004
Hmmm...it appears there's another must-get PS3 game that I am going to eventually get my hands on in the near future now. :) There are several that I want to get my hands on. Looking forward to all of them, of course, I want to get Tools of Destruction first so I can play through that one.


Sep 12, 2008
While I am a big fan of Ratchet & Clank, I must say that the story for Tools of Destruction fell flat. The characters were all great, with one exception: Ratchet. I enjoyed all of his quips and one-liners, but there was no inner conflict, no growth or evolution in his character, and relationships he forged throughout the adventure were one-dimensional. Furthermore, I never experienced any real sense of danger for him, and the moments leading up to the final battle were anticlimactic.

A Crack in Time is definitely a game I will add to my collection, but I hope Insomniac has focused more on delivering an entertaining story instead of just providing us with a well-designed platformer.


Jun 21, 2008
This game looks like a great PS3 companion to Super Mario Galaxy.

For the record, I don't HAVE a favorite system. But out of the first two Future titles and SMG, I preferred SMG... oh well.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 8, 2006
"Well I'm a gamer, I have both" well I used to be like this myself, until I got tired of paying MS $100(online repair order) or $125 (if you order repair over the phone) it gets kinda ridiculous after two repairs to still retain that "gamer" title,currently on my third error, don't really feel like paying that again.I could almost buy two brand new games for that. So now you can officially call me a PS3 fanboy, because, that's all I'll be playing for the most part, the Wii will get a little action when the new Mario game comes out, other than that, PS3 all the way!


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 18, 2008
I like to keep all 3 consoles (and both handhelds) as each of them have their fare share of games. I personally feel that apart fromt the multiplatform games, Sony definately try to be unique and individual with its first party games. On Xbox it is mainly FPS, 3rdPS and RPG's. On Sony's console we get stuff like Uncharted, the brilliand Ratchet and Clank, The Last Guardian, DC Universe online, LBP. Microsofts first party developers have the inability to be this creative. I still think the Wii is the place to go for unique games, if you are in the know. Stuff like No More Heroes, Metroid, Mario Galaxy, Little Kings Story, Zack and Wiki and Zelda are so different from anything on any console making the Wii the place to be for creativity in gameplay, not graphics. Can anyone think of a game this generation that has changed the boundaries of gameplay and not graphics (apart from Wii Sports series)as to me I feel that the gamind industry has became quite stale.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 12, 2008
doesnt matter what you say, the 360 has more games at a higher resolution than the ps3, get over it! Maybe some of you guys should watch the head to heads on ign, the majority of games look and run better on 360, i know that its because it is easier to develop for, but at the end of the day they look better, the ps3 is full of unusable power.


May 12, 2009
You can't compare head to heads because the companies make the game pretty much have the same features and graphics. You compare PS3 exclusives to 360 exclusives and you'l see the difference.
Jul 12, 2008

Fight night round 4..prototype...two games that look better on the PS3..Listen man...it's been my experience that as of 2008 the games that come out on both platforms are equal to each other...with a few exceptions here or there for both consoles. Mirrors edge..Bioshock...elders scrolls..Ninja gaiden Sigma..all better on the PS3..I mean, i could go on..but it really doesn't matter that much..even if it's a small thing like Prototype where it's barely noticeable..or like with Ghostbusters which is better on the 360..because of one part where the stay puff marshmallow dude takes more noticeable damage in the 360 version...SO take your fanboyism somewhere else...continue living in 2007 if you like..but times have changed...

The best graphics to date are on the PS3..with Killzone 2, MGS4, and Uncharted 2...Could the 360 do those graphics..probably, but it would take multiple discs..MAG on the other hand..having played it, i'm a bit worried about the qaulity of the game..but still, the size and scope of it is amazing..and something i'm not sure the 360 could handle..because you'd have to have it on a single disc and there is a lot there..

Either way you look at it though..both systems are amazing..with great games out and coming out..the 360 had a great few years..now the PS3 is taking over in the gaming department..08 and this year both go to the PS3 for high qaulity exclusives(in terms of amount ofs)....Next year looks to be going to the PS3 as well..but who knows..

The truth is, this is something that should have been avoided by MS by getting more developers to develop exclusive games and making sure third party exclusives stayed exclusive..Much like Sony should have put out amazing games in the first few years as well as continuing to put them out over these years..and Sony needs to start gathering third party support..while MS needs to get themselves some first party devs'...

The big main issue between consoles..is whether or not it's worth owning..and if you're a gamer at all, you'll own all three as they all are worth buying.(as long as you have the money) and considering i work at Blockbuster and go to college...and i own all three..then it shouldn't be a problem for many people..it took me forever, but i still did it. and i'm not missing out on some amazing titles.
Apr 8, 2009
First off 360 sucks. PS3 is were its all at. but i here to say that ratchet and clank is a really good series and im glad they brought back the villain from the third game. i am also hoping for a new jak and daxter game for the PS3 that game is my favorite. Oh and one more thing PS3 is awesome we got great original games and the 360 just takes all the Japanese games that are thrown at them. Plus PS3 is getting left 4 dead and halo. [face_tongue]
Jul 29, 2005
@ killjoy_TK421

Shut up, PS fanboy. While the PS3's releases in the past 1.5 years have been overall superior to the 360's, I think you've forgotten that for about 2.5 years prior to that time, the 360 was kicking the PS3's ass in terms of quality games.

Also, didn't you PS fanboys used to bash the original xbox for it's lack of JRPG's? And now that the 360 has the JRPG's and the PS3 has almost none to speak of, you suddenly decide you know longer like JRPG's? Typical PS fanboy behavior.

Also, the PS3 is NOT getting L4D or Halo, so maybe you should just stop spreading your lies and stupidity (and learn how to properly write in English).


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2002
MrAmazing1991, if you open your mouth at least spout out the truth.

All sites gave the previous ratchet games 9 out of 10?
You clearly need to see gamespot's 7.5 for the ps3 tools of destruction game.

As for the new game, another review is in:

7/10 they gave it.

Ign always over-rates ratchet games.
Sep 13, 2001
I don't know if leveling up your guns is really that strenuous and long of a task. I had everything maxed in Tools of Destruction after 1 playthrough, granted I was playing on Hard.
Jul 12, 2008
@hammers and michaelj

Firstly, hammers...I don't think they've overrated this game..i've always enjoyed these games and TOD was no exception...I think it should have been a 9 as their were some problems with it..but over-all it deserves the score it got..not to mention the guy's you put up for your review..didn't even write a well written one..So...i don't know if you can trust how good a journalist that guy is..With that said..I thought the first on next gen..TOD was a great example of exemplary game play...great graphics and fun that everyone can enjoy..the second game looks to out due the first..so it deserves even more praise..but i'll save it until i play it.


It's actually been about two years..08 and this year as a whole have been better for the PS3...you have to go by year dude..and last year more high qaulity exclusives came to the PS3 than the 360..this year the same..next year looks to be in the PS3's favor but then you never know...and actually..pretty much ever JRPG to come out exclusively to the 360..has made its way over to the PS3..

With the exception of Magancarta 2 which just came out and may still go over...Lost Odyssey..(which is the only other good JRPG left on the 360 that will never make its way over to the PS3), Infinite Undiscovery and Last Remnant..(LR didn't make it over because the game sucked..the company said as much..they didn't even make a good profit on the 360..

As for the PS3..it has pretty much ever JRPG to come out from the 360...FFV13, White knight Chronicles, WKC2, Demon's SOul's, ETC...So you should check your facts on that before you start writing things down...

L4D could come to the PS3 as MS doesn't own Valve..but you are right in your assertion that they probably never will...As Valve currently likes being PC/360 exclusive..Halo is another that will never make the jump...though Bungie may make a game for the PS3 as it's also not owned by MS...Though one big name may make the jump..Mass Effect..EA owns the rights to the first and second game...and though they may not bring it over..they may decide to. As a bioware rep over-stepped his bounds and mentioned the possibility...and considering EA owns bioware and bioware owns ME...it could turn out to be much like what happened with bioshock..Personally, i have no idea if its coming over or not..i dont' care..but it could.

Regardless..you need to get your facts correct..
Mar 30, 2009
Hammers i said Average! go to gamestats it has all the press reviews and tools of destruction got a 9.1 and that is just one other persons opinion lets wait for more websites to give theirs


Sep 28, 2009
I just read a comment on here that mentioned Jak and Daxter........shut up, just SHUT UP with that!!! I tried giving the Jak and Daxter franchise a shot on a few occasions. It holds no power to the depth and overall enjoyment R&C games can offer. The J&D series barely had better graphics than this series, but that's all it ever offered. Jak and Daxter were always overrated and after years of saying it, I'm done.
Jul 12, 2008

Yeah...but i still can't wait for another Jak and Daxter...now that Naughty Dog is done with Uncharted 2 maybe we'll get one. I personally liked J&D better than the R&C...not by much..and TOD was leaps and bounds better than J&D...but with that said, a new one in the franchise would be a great thing. I can't wait for the announcement, if they decide to make one that is.

SO yeah...the more triple A titles on the PS3..be it J&D or R&C is a good thing..not a bad..so check yourself before you get angry at someone over nothing more than a comment about a great series..

Then again, feel free to berate me all you like..I did of course say this knowing that you're done talking about the subject.
Oct 17, 2008
First of all my biggest concern is why are you comparing Ratchet and Clank with Uncharted 2?
The developers aren't the same, the game isn't the same... then why do PS3 exclusives get degraded just because there exists a better one out there in terms of graphics?
Whatever, but I have yet to see if non-Ratchet fans get converted by this game. I was surely converted by Tools of Destruction and will see how this one turns out. Can't wait till Oct 27.


Prime Member
Jun 27, 2002
It is amazing how this formula has stood the test of time. In late 2007, I gave the original R&C a shot and had a blast (omg, get it?). I immediately played through the entire series, and immediately (as in, minutes later) after finishing Up Your Arsenal, I drove to the store and bought a PS3 for ToD.
This franchise is so great, the only game I haven't played is Secret Agent Clank, and I really have no desire to, but damn, ToD looked like a Pixar movie - I can't wait to play this one!


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
Bloody hell people!
The reason this got a 9.0, while TOD got a 9.4 is obvious. Apart from the fact that it is each reviewers opinion, the main reason is this:
As time goes by the standards expected from games rises. A 9.0 now is FAR better than a 9.0 in 2007. This game is probably better than almost every game that came out in 2007. Uncharted 2 got a 9.5, imagine if it came out when Uncharted 1 did! It would have been an almost certain 10/10.

This game got 9.0, that's higher than borderlands which got two 8.8's, and borderlands looks amazing. A 9.0 is the highest score ODST got from ign! And ODST came out earlier!

Think about it, is Uncharted 2(9.5) an equal quality game to Resistance 2(9.5)? The answer is no, Uncharted 2 is far better it just came out to some harder standards.

Please people, NEVER whinge about why a sequel that is better than it's predecessor, got a lower score. I have just explained why.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2005
I don't see how the game could ever get old; I've played every game in the series (except Secret Agent Clank), and I also bought my ps3 to play TOD. The only thing I didn't like about that one was the lackluster weapon options. I just didn't feel like they were all that exciting. I do hope there are some more entertaining/creative choices in this one; Clements says there are, but I'm not sure I would agree with his opinion: when you've been playing them from the beginning, you always find yourself thinking back to the good old days of the tesla claw, or the RYNO, or so many of the others there has been through the years. I really like how they've done exclusive pre-order bonuses at different places, so everone starts with a little something extra.


Oct 23, 2008
yeah i like that too except i preordered it at gamestop which according to their site, you get access to the insomniac moon/museum with an exclusive code, but when i went to preorder it in person they had no idea of any preorder item. i hope they have it when i pick up the game or i'll be kind of dissapointed. I dont feel like finding every nut and bolt and what have you just to get to the insomniac moon.


Prime Member
Nov 11, 2002
Just a 9.0? Wow, I was expecting something a bit higher, like a 9.5. Simply because it's as good as Uncharted 2 and because this long-lasting franchise on PS2 and PS3 has been amazing. TOD was great and even QFB (as short as it was) extended the quality and entertainment value of this solid franchise.

I think maybe this didn't get a slightly better score because the reviewer hasn't been a longtime fan of the series. He admits not getting into it until TOD, so he can't possibly apprecate how far the franchise has come and how epic ACIT really is.
I know, it's a minor complaint. It's not that 9.0 isn't a bad score, it's just for fans of this series (like me) it's a tad low that's all. Because a long with uncharted 2, this is a must-have title for any PS3 owner. Given that reason, IMO the score could be a little higher.



Sep 28, 2009
To Riseofthemike.....My bad. I'll start rantin for no reason sometimes. I can see how people would like J&D, I just couldn't stand it personally. Mutual agreement: Both of these franchises would be REALLY nice to see explode on this console if it's supposed to have a couple more years of life. After this Christmas, this PS3 wont be sellin much at ALL!!!!
Dec 26, 2008
chief are you retarded? the ps3 came out in 2006-07 and its supposed to have a ten year cycle...the ps2 was the best selling system of ALL TIME! the ps3 is just getting started while the xbox three shitty is on its way out as you can see they are in panic mode.
Dec 26, 2008
and workin kids you have obviously never played a ratchet and clank...i still play ratchet and clank one. you dont need multiplayer to have a good game that lasts a long time. im still playing fallout 3.
Oct 8, 2009
LOL i agree with sactokingwolverine,i still play up you arsenal thats like the best one.The rachet games have gradually declined,deadlocked is worse than UYA
because it has such a short campaign.and now rachet looks gay?!?!? whats up with that??? In Up your arsenal he was a kick ass fighting machine now he's all smiles and laughs?thats not cool and i WILL NOT buy this game!


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 14, 2008
Looks like a pretty decent game. I would be interested in only renting it though as I agree with the smiles comment. Also, as an owner of both systems that I play an equal amount and buy the big games for both systems, how are Microsoft in a panic? You do understand that they have the title Microsoft before their name. They will quit making games when they choose to quit making games. I love getting good games from both systems. I have said this so many times before, it is wasn't for one the other would not be as good. The PS3 is a fantastic machine and it gets better games because of the possible competition from the 360. In conclusion though, I want to see the PS3 do reallu well and hope that it holds up on its 10 year life cycle.
Aug 2, 2009
To workinkids

One playthrough of any Ratchet and Clank game (bar 1 and Q4B to an extent) will barely allow you to scratch the surface of what it has to offer. Even if you complete every single little task set, explore every nook and cranny of every level, collect every golden bolt and purchase and upgrade every single damn weapon the FIRST TIME THROUGH, a second playthrough gives you a noticably harder difficulty mode as well as expensive upgrades to every single weapon that require a further five upgrades. An R&C game often doesn't request you keep playing after beating the final boss, IT DEMANDS IT.

There's more to a game than a multiplayer mode.


Feb 15, 2008
360 isn't on it's way out! If people are really honest, the ps3 has only recently caught up. Now it's just a matter of personal taste. I think I prefer the ps3 atm, but it's still a little behind the 360 when it comes to playing online.
Sep 10, 2008
Venom-Viper-CL said:
and now rachet looks gay?!?!? whats up with that??? In Up your arsenal he was a kick ass fighting machine now he's all smiles and laughs?thats not cool and i WILL NOT buy this game!

wtf are you talking about?


Sep 28, 2009
Alright Sakajewwolverine or whatnot, are YOU retarded? The PS2 was successful from day 1. Sony can't make profit for shit off this system, it's obvious they are working hard to produce something new at a quick rate to cover up the blunders their marketing has caused for this PS3. Supposed to have a 10 year cycle? who cares what it's SUPPOSED to have, open your frickin eyes to reality fanboy.....What big exclusive game comes out after GOW 3 in March?.....Exactly my point.....I have a real problem with fanboys of either side too. Narrowminded rejects
Mar 31, 2007
If I had a PS3 I might look into picking this up, but I'm more of a Jak & Dax fan so will be dusting off my PS2 for the PSP port coming later, but looking at this review reminds me that the 360 is lacking a bit in the platformer department.

It's about time PS3 got some really killer titles, over the last few years, whenever a PS3 owner said the whole "one day developers will harness the true power of the PS3 and make amazing games" thing, I've said "I'll get one when that time comes, because chances are the price will have gone down a fair bit by then", I've got a feeling that time isn't far off now, guess I better start saving...


Jan 27, 2009
there always a flame war when it comes to exclusives, but I think a the only reason 360 fanboys are here trting to bash this game is because MS gave them nothing this year! the PS3 owned this year with it AAA titles: Killzone 2, Infamous, Uncharted 2, Demon Souls, and now Rachet and Clank.

the only game I bought this year for my 360 is SO4,which i'm now kicking my self in the ass because it's beig released on the PS3 with bonus content(yet again)
Jun 6, 2007
WTF does every single game have to turn into a flame war. People grow up geez. Games are good or bad based on how fun each individual person finds them. I will find alot of games fun and some not so fun. Who cares if its on ps3 or xbox. Or if some jerkoff in his moms basement in australia disagrees with me. Key here people is to ignore the PS3 fanboys and xbox fanboys. Your just as pathetic if you try to reason with them you know its be like trying to talk to a wall. They don't have the mentality to understand. But anyways this games a deff buy for me. Pardon the venting but someone had to say it