
No Longer a Noob
Mar 28, 2004
Brave_Hearts.Exe said:
YESSSSSSS... YEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!! GIVE US TEH FB!!! (so i can spam the hell outta you ;) )

You always spam the hell out of my FB with those phishing links [face_plain]


MMSF3 Battler
Jan 4, 2004
darkness35 said:
Brave_Hearts.Exe said:
YESSSSSSS... YEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!! GIVE US TEH FB!!! (so i can spam the hell outta you ;) )

You always spam the hell out of my FB with those phishing links [face_plain]
phishing links? you're not talking about those "like" videos on youtube are you?


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Just a random, bored user. Sorry about just posting out of the blue like that, I was just commenting on the whole Facebook/Twitter thing. I just dislike them both so much.

Greetings, Darkness! :)


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2004

I don't care for Twitter because it's so uninformative and cluttered. Sometimes a developer will drop incredibly obvious hints about a game, but that's really all I've seen come out of any kind of Twitter. Facebook is a place for teenage girls to randomly post irrelevant quotes and song lyrics.

Capcom is really dropping the ball here, except that's nothing new. Seriously, name a game/ series this generation well-received by fans and wasn't a fighting game. Ultimate MvC3 has Strider Hiryu, who SHOULD have been in the original game, and allegedly around half the content was originally intended for MvC3. This doesn't sound quite like Super SFIV, which added like 10 characters, balance changes and completely revamped online, and NOBODY should have been surprised to see Super SFIV. Ultimate MvC3 however, there has never been a "super" version of a Vs. game.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2004
Ultimate All-Stars is just the updated NA/ Europe version. As far as anyone outside of Japan is concerned, there was only one version.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2004
I've just been playing Super SFIV as much as I can. Which is still not enough.
My laptop is a pain, so I don't think I'll continue it at college, unless someone has $800 just sitting around.

Other than that there's still nothing happening. Aside from you know, Capcom continuing to fail at everything that isn't fighting games. They're even re-releasing Third Strike with more features than Super SFIV.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2004
Because that's apparently too many characters for Capcom to make it dlc. Arcade Edition was $15, and one of the characters has the same moveset as Ryu aside from one new move. How much would 8 new characters be?
And Strider Hiryu should have been in the game in the first place.

Zenimax being idiots. The trademark is "The Elder Scrolls," not "The," "Elder," AND "Scrolls." If some small developer is going to name a game "Scrolls," that's too damn bad, because you can't claim exclusive rights to words that have been around and in common use for hundreds of years. Maybe they should focus on having their developers use an engine that isn't ancient, janky and unstable. If Skyrim has any noticeable bits of Gamebryo hanging around, that would be pretty baffling.


MMSF3 Battler
Jan 4, 2004
Yeah i'm pretty pissed about Umvc3 as well. But what the hell. At least I didn't buy the special edition [face_confused];

Yeah Strider should've been in there the first time around alright. As well as the original Megaman, but they're probably experimenting with the whole DLC idea of getting people to buy extra characters instead of actually working hard to get all the characters they can to fit in there. Now, I love his games, but if they put Phoenix Wright in UMvC3 I'll be pissed. He'll fit in about as much as MODOK.
Jul 22, 2003
I've heard a few people wanted Phoenix Wright in a crossover game; I don't know much about the series but how the hell is that supposed to work? I've also heard a rumor X will be in it; if he is I might have second thoughts about rejecting the game. The only question will be what to do with the original MvC3.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2004
There's no way X will be in it. Capcom just has no ****ing clue whatsoever. Phoenix Wright has such an internet following that he's seen more of AWESOME MCBADASS LAWYER than the well-meaning goofus he is, so of course he'll be in the game.

I couldn't even log in to IGN on my main computer. Have to use a laptop. Same error every single time.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2004
I use CCleaner, which clears active log ins if you want to remove as much as you can. My record is around 16 gigabytes removed.

Human Revolution is coming out tomorrow. Which I won't be buying because I don't have my PC, and it's going to be on sale in late December, just like everything else.

Capcom hasn't completely dropped the ball on anything this week, so nothing to say for that.



Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2004
Gosh, as sophisticated and enthralling as this conversation is...

Actually not much going on. I started Radiant Historia. It definitely starts off more unique than most other RPG's, and the musics are some of the best I can remember in an RPG.
I suppose darkness might be interested in Disgaea 4. If he even has a PS3. Looks like this game actually uses HD sprites.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
I completed RH in early July; fantastic game. A couple of missions are obscure in obtaining, so you might have to use the internet to find them. But that's towards the end of the game.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 28, 2004
m3g4_F0Z said:
Gosh, as sophisticated and enthralling as this conversation is...

Actually not much going on. I started Radiant Historia. It definitely starts off more unique than most other RPG's, and the musics are some of the best I can remember in an RPG.
I suppose darkness might be interested in Disgaea 4. If he even has a PS3. Looks like this game actually uses HD sprites.

Premium figure preorder set is already at my house.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2004
Since I've never played Disgaea. I don't even have a PS2 right now.
Nintendo not releasing Xenoblade when there is literally nothing coming out for Wii aside from Skyward Sword is still ridiculous.

BUT.... SPAYCE MAHREEN IS OUT. Not like I would buy it for full price. Dead Island is apparently buggy as hell and fairly rushed. Apparently they uploaded the developer version of the game to Steam and had to take it off and put on the retail version, which I haven't the slightest clue how you manage that. Have to see how the patching turns out, but this should not happen. It's becoming increasingly common for not just PC games, but console games to be released buggy and nearly incomplete. That's just lazy as hell, and screws over the people who can't be downloading patches all the time. Not me, but there are plenty of people out there who this is quite a middle finger for.

Also, Crysis: The No Grass Edition. $20 for 360 and PS3.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 28, 2004
Meh.. I haven't even played Catherine and Disgaea 4 that much. I've been too busy laddering on SC2.. and playing the campaign mode as well on hard.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2004
I'm trying to finish some DS games. Order of Ecclesia really loves its boss fights. Should have spent a bit more time on the level design.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 28, 2004
I couldn't sleep that night. And I was just freaked out because instead of buying a linegun as the first gun available, I went with the javelin gun [face_plain]


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2004
I didn't get very far in Dead Space. And I forgot to back up my saves when I got a new motherboard, so I'll have to start over.

Resident Evil 4 HD? Hasn't this game already been on like, 6 systems?