
The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Check your PMs. Andrew messaged back and said he sent you a copy. He has DX:HR so you might want to ask him for his since mine is PC. Great game.


Sep 29, 2003
So I decided to do the Skryim main quest. I got 2 quests done and about 10 sidequests in 10 hours. Man, I can't stop the urge to do a quest when I am right there. My brain says, "maybe there is something good down there". "Just finish one more." I have problems.

Rundav, since it is you and I on here, if you post in another spot or forum, I can just follow you over there. I really just post here and just check the other games I am currently playing.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Yeah we'll figure it out. I've been done with Batman's main but doing challenges and trying to get 100%. Got all but one of the 400+ collectibles. One side mission left. Catwoman has some stuff. Then I have some online challenge mode which should be interesting. Sitting at 70% total right now.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Batman up for grabs. Tons of fun. I have one collectible (don't want to spend the time to earn it) and 5-6 physical challenges (ditto) of the 440 things to achieve. I also have one last part of one side which seems extremely difficult. You have to glide through rings and a very long tunnel without touching the ground. Since I won't get 100% without doing all the ranked challenges (180 on varying levels of difficulty) I am not going to bother shooting for it. 70% (98% avg for all non-online) is good enough for me.

Got my project Masters classes starting tomorrow so it's probably a good time to stop. If either of you want it (I assume Andrew will stop in again) let me know. I'm in no rush to get it back. My buddy is having a kid next Monday and he is the only other person I trade with.


Sep 29, 2003
Dude, I definitely want it, but I am doing skyrim and things so I am in no hurry at all. If your bud wants it, pass it on to him, if no one wants it, send it my way.

What did you think? I haven't played it yet but I was hyping up the first one to you guys and you guys were not interested. Score out of 10?



The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
9 out of 10. Don't know the improvements over #1 because I never played it but hear it was better. The story was decent and there are some nice side quests. If you completely ignored them the game might be pretty short but I completed all but one (Augmented Reality - flying challenge...had one left and knew it'd take hours to beat). I basically stopped trying to do it all when I found that I had to do all the challenge stuff to get 100% in the game. Don't have that kind of time and this isn't the only game I will own the next 6 months.

As you play the main and the sides you earn different equipment and skills. Leveling up also ups your skills. I'm sure this is all familiar.

The Riddler challenges (trophy/riddles) were fresh and I was able to do all of them. I didn't bother with the online challenge stuff since it seemed like a beat-em-up fest. I suppose if you are REALLY into the combat aspect of Batman it would be a ton of fun. And there are 180 unlocks in that section alone. Plus you can do it all with Catwoman as well.

I will say the intro is rough but prob similar to the first Batman. You don't have any skills when you go through the first sections and it is a sloppy button mash which I hated. After I got through a couple of the missions it became a little more fun. But until I got about 3 or so main missions in I was not a fan (the point where they open the map up for you)

Anyways, 9-10...90-100. A must play but not the most epic game ever. Definitely something you can sit on and it would still be fun months later. Or until Batman: Arkham 3.


Sep 29, 2003
Yeah, I tried some of the challenge stuff in the first one and had to make the same call to put it down. I didn't want to spend hours on beating 30 guys in 2 minutes with a super combo or something. Some of them were actually pretty cool though when watching a youtube video showing how someone actually did it.

What game are you going to next?


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
I admit it is cool but have no time for it. I'll probably just mess with my Dawn of War 2: Retribution on PC. I can pick it up and put it down whenever. Already beat it with 1 of the races and halfway with another.

I have my Project/Mission (like a Group Thesis) and Astrodynamics classes for my Masters so I will not have time to do anything until May. Checking the internet and this board will probably be my one activity to keep me sane between work and school. Good news is after May I have one class before I graduate.

EDIT: Holler when you want Batman. My buddy just had his kid yesterday...he won't be doing anything for several months. Let me borrow Skyrim when you can (absolutely NO rush). It's a pickup and putdown anytime game as well.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Prince Fielder for 9 years 200 billion dollars at age 27. Pretty sweet deal with only a few back-end bad years. Players like him who bulk up usually are done by 34 but thats still probably 5-7 really good years. Wish the Indians would spend like they did in the 90s. Makes no sense not too. You spend, fans come, people buy your shit, there is an excitement. You try to build with cheap ass talent, it might work once every 6 years, no fans come, you lose, fans begin to hate you. Pittsburgh's the only idiot city that will come to games where a team has the lowest payroll in the game. Just enables their owners to keep doing it.


Sep 29, 2003
Yeah, but the problem is that Victor Martinez, who might be out for the year, can only DH. WIth Prince at first, you have to put Miquel Cabrera at 3rd, and he sucks at 3rd. Or you move one guy. Having 2 great 1st basemen might be a problem.

As for Oblivion, I think I am getting close to finishing the main quest. I will let you know. Main quest is OK, still not loving playing it yet. I still feel compelled to carry all this loot and take it back and organize it and sell it for about 15 minutes every time I finish a quest.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
I guess next year will be a tough decision. But always better to have too many good players than not enough.


Sep 29, 2003
Dude, just beat the main quest in Skyrim, nothing that blew me away, but pretty good. I am never going to be done with this game and neither are you. THis is one you should probably just buy. If you get it and put it down and less then 50 hours I would be shocked. You can borrow mine for a while if you want it, I will send it, but you probably just want to own this one. I am probably 60-70 hours in the game and did the main quest, the mages guild, and probably 20 sidequests. Didn't do any fighters guild, thieves, dark brotherhood, blah blah.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
I've heard that. My buddy is going back to do the guild stuff after beating it as well. Considering I spent 100 hours doing ALL the side stuff in Oblivion then decided to beat the main I can believe Skyrim is long.

I have Batman:AC so if you want me to send, let me know. Andrew has not said he wanted it. Also have Lost Planet 2 if you were into the first.

Like I said, I have 2 Masters Classes, I'm traveling a bit for work, and I have a 1-year old (Happy Birthday today!) so my time will not be freed up til the summer when my degree is over and work travel is light. So if you are going to miss Skyrim if I have it for 4-6 months just keep it for now.


Sep 29, 2003
send me batman, I will send over skyrim. I wont miss it too much. I have other games to play anyway. Plus, I won't touch batman until after March 1 anyway, so fair trade. same address for me. same for you?


Sep 29, 2003
goin out of town until March 5, catch you later. Enjoy skyrim, prepare to lose at least 100 hours of your life


Super Star
May 19, 2013
Do you carry on all the upgrades/weapons you get in the first playthrough to the second/third, etc. playthrough?
I still need too start this game.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
Congrat's on Rose Bowl JM!
What's up rundav?
WTF did they do to the site? Looks like crap, right?
Long time no see. Hope you guys are doing all right.