
The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Really? I know you could target more body locations ala Fallout 1 and 2 but buggier sucks.

Any games on the horizon? Anyone looking at anything. Very close to done with STALKER:Call of Pripyat. Solid pc game and cost me $5 in a steam sale.


Sep 29, 2003
i haven't even touched deadspace yet. this summer is leaving me no time for gaming it seems. I need to get going.

I think that catherine game might be worth looking at.

Thought this game sounded cool and I never even heard of it.

Rundav, play Batman. You will llike it. probably cheap now.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Almost bought for cheap on PC then thought about fighters on PC. Unless its point and click targeting with WASD like an FPS shooter, Im not down. I don't have or want a controller for pc.

Im sure you are right about that on XBOX. Might check it out.

JMM play Dead Space 2. It's solid all around and you can make it as hard or weak as you want. I stuck to the 2nd highest difficulty and it was a solid challenge for me. Much better than the first. Felt same way about BioShock 2. Too bad sequels with the #2 get overlooked a bit. Thinking that new BioShock game is going to kill it.

I saw some Catherine ads. No idea what its about. Other game looks cool too.

Just turned in my resume for the engineering job. I think I am on the inside track being that A.) it's with the same company and they post jobs internally first B.) No one else in my area is qualified. Gotta love that combo. They just have to convince NASA its the right way to go and I'm set. The NASA guys like me and one is one of my good buddies. So keep the game ideas coming, cuz I'll be buying the next one if I get it!


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2009
rundav said:
Almost bought for cheap on PC then thought about fighters on PC. Unless its point and click targeting with WASD like an FPS shooter, Im not down. I don't have or want a controller for pc.

Im sure you are right about that on XBOX. Might check it out.

JMM play Dead Space 2. It's solid all around and you can make it as hard or weak as you want. I stuck to the 2nd highest difficulty and it was a solid challenge for me. Much better than the first. Felt same way about BioShock 2. Too bad sequels with the #2 get overlooked a bit. Thinking that new BioShock game is going to kill it.

I saw some Catherine ads. No idea what its about. Other game looks cool too.

Just turned in my resume for the engineering job. I think I am on the inside track being that A.) it's with the same company and they post jobs internally first B.) No one else in my area is qualified. Gotta love that combo. They just have to convince NASA its the right way to go and I'm set. The NASA guys like me and one is one of my good buddies. So keep the game ideas coming, cuz I'll be buying the next one if I get it!

Catherine is a puzzle game a la Q-Bert, but the story is about a dude who wakes up and realizes he has cheated on his girlfriend because he is scared of commitment. Haven't tried it but it got good reviews. You have to like puzzle games though.

Shadows of the damned got mixed reviews and apparently has a ton of phallic humor in it. So you gotta decide if that's your thing or not.

Today I'm downloading the new Rugby World Cup game demo, which I am pretty excited for, haven't had a rugby game since 08.


Sep 29, 2003
I have always thought about getting a rugby game just to learn the rules.

Good luck on the job Rundav. Working for NASA, hopefully you don't find any aliens that have acid for blood when you get to other planets.:D


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Thanks. In the top 3 for candidates!

Taking my class final online. Only 5 more classes after this. Nice that the final is online though.

Deus Ex looking like a winner. Steam is discounting the game and its Augmented pack via preorder.
Feb 22, 2008
rundav said:
Deus Ex looking like a winner. Steam is discounting the game and its Augmented pack via preorder.

Are there any preorder bonuses for Steam like there are for GameStop and Amazon?


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
No, I don't think so. They already have a bunch of stuff in that package.

Giftable Deus Ex: GOTY (if you have it you can send it to a friend, if you don't you get to play a great game)


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Giftable on Steam means that if you have the game loaded on your computer already you can send it as a gift to someone else.

I am not sure what I am doing but I definitely want to get it. What are you and Andrew doing?

FlyHalf, you played Invisible War on PC? I played DX1 on PC and Invisible War on XBOX. PC version was too buggy when reviewed, but I heard it got patched.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Pre-Ordered PC Augmented version. Couldn't resist! Don't get Augmented and I will share all the stuff with you guys. I think it comes with Making Of, Soundtrack, video comic, Art Book (physical), and the original game (on Steam).

I still owe everyone a game if I get the job. Interviewed today. From sources I did well and the competition is currently not responding to phone calls.
Feb 22, 2008
Has anyone seen the latest [link=]gamespot trailer[/link]? A little artier than the other ones, but really plays into the augmentation crisis that will be featured in this game.

I can't think of another recent game that did this good a job with their trailers.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Yes, there are a lot of good ones. The commercials are decent too. It's good to throw a little money at the Marketing department.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Things looking good according to one of the guys in the interview. 2 other candidates but they haven't been able to get ahold of them (not sure why you apply then disappear). Giving them a week to respond or they close the offer and give it to me. Saved a special beer in the fridge for the occasion!


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Looks like they added another perk for preordering DX:HR but for a game I no longer play. If you preorder you get TF2 gear with Deus Ex themes. Not sure if it is just silly hats or some gun that does something no others can. Anyways, I've played the hell out of TF2 so prob not gonna fire it up just for that.

EDIT: Two candidates down but sadly one more to go. The two original candidates (I'm the 3rd) for the position I am chasing have been dropped because they did not recontact HR or the Engineering managers for interviews. Once again this puzzles me but whatever. BUT they did have some guy that came out of nowhere and they want to interview him. The good news is that the lead engineer said to a coworker (and my buddy overheard) that they liked me better anyways. They haven't tried to reach him yet so maybe he ALSO doesn't call them back. Hoping this wraps up next week instead of the end of the month!

Anyways, its been a funny ride to get this opportunity. Mid-last year NASA offered this position to government employees, only 2 people applied. One was not a good fit and the other was. They actually hired him but he didn't want it full time so he turned it down. He worked for the shuttle program (now gone). So they offered the NASA position to any US citizen. Hundreds applied, I made the top 20, but the winner was a contractor working for the very same group that was hiring. Since she transferred to NASA, they had to offer a backfill for her contractor position. That's where I and only 3 other candidates come in. I just can't believe in the US and especially around the shuttle program that no one needs an engineering job. Next time someone mentions all those shuttle people losing their jobs, understand that a large number volunteer to lose their job to take a payout. They are just betting they can get something else once the timer runs out on the payout (they have to be unemployed until mid-next year to get the severance).

BTW that same buddy also returned Lost Planet 2 to me so if anyone wants to give it a go, let me know and I will send it out.


Sep 29, 2003
jeez, stressful keeping you waiting.

Tigers just swept the Indians. Yay.

Lions 2-0 in the preseason.

What is TF2? Team Fortress 2? don't think I ever played that unless its the orange box game that was included.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
It was. I wouldn't bother on console. I wouldn't think anyone still plays it there.

Yeah the Indians are fading fast. Disappointing but they aren't built to win in the Postseason this year anyways. They'd be ground up by the Red Sox or Yankees. I think anyone emerging from the Central would.

Got the Job! Exciting news but details still being worked out. I officially start October 1st but I travel for a work assignment Sept 18th so their will be a blending of the 2 jobs probably until November.

Lets find a good game!

BTW DX reviews are killing it. Gonna wait til I get where I want to be in Just Cause 2 but it's definitely next.


Aug 24, 2011
If anyone purchased the game, and has an onlive code that they are not using, could you please send it my way at It would be greatly appriciated.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Hilarious that we've held this board together between games but only I have it and I haven't even downloaded the content yet.:^O


Sep 29, 2003
I agree. It has been a long time between games and I haven't touched the xbox all summer. Its kind of pathetic. We need to hammer this game out for sure. deadspace 2 next and gears 3 is sept 20. need to get going.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
In all the excitement and this thread disappearing I forgot. YES! I got it.

Firing up the game as we speak too, if I get anywhere I'll post impressions. Dammit Andrew, you ever coming back?


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Pretty sweet so far. Definitely got the originals vibe. Sneaking around feels the same but I had no weps except lethal so I didn't confront anyone in the into. The intro credits are pretty cool themselves. Cant wait for my first augments!


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Stealth is well done. Lots of options in this first mission.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Damn Straight! Got plenty.

I will say that the game has a good feel. It is a nice mix of DX and IW with more DX so far. I completed the first mission and now I'm roaming the city doing side quests. The game feels and responds well. The stealth cover system and the hacking are excellent. Multiple dimensions to both. I like that they reward you for using stealth if you go that route. The Augs are very well done. They aren't just thrown at you like IW but they are easier to gain. You can get them via experience (how you play) or you can buy them for a hefty price. At the very least if you horde cash you can come to the clinic and pick up some Aug kits before facing a boss.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2009
Boss fights are no match for the typhoon. Starting the second playthrough today. This game feels like it's what invisible war should have been.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
I get that feeling too. It has the good story, missions, and augs of DX but the overall feeling makes me think of IW. Just something about the layout right down to the [hl=black]basketball hoop challenge.
I think it is a little ridiculous with [hl=black]the vents [/hl]but it works for the game.

I'm only so far as being told to go to my apartment.


Sep 29, 2003
man, sounds like you guys are digging it so far.

How do the rewards for how you play work? For example, does playing stealth get you stealth upgrades, kind of like elderscrolls style?


Sep 29, 2003
Plus congrats on the job. Had a feeling you were gonna get it. Fire up the shuttle, Rundav is going into orbit. In our outer colonies, look out for steel grates that look like acid has dripped through them.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
LOL JMM the Shuttle fleet is retired!

Thanks! The guy taking my old job is an old former co-worker who was stuck in a bad position so I'm glad this is all working out.

Yes! As you do little things like sneak around you get XP. If you approach areas quietly or take down foes quietly you get XP. If you hack in certain ways you get rewards, cash, and XP. But its not over the top. Everything is subtle. It seems like you could play thru 2x maybe 3 and beat the game in different ways. I'm obviously going no-kill, stealth hacker.

Congrats to Detroit Tigers. Indians just didn't have the depth and the injuries are horrid. The big trade was for a potential ace (who isn't showing it this year) for their 2 best pitching prospects. Ubaldo better be an ace next year so we can dump Carmona. A team at 70-70 shouldn't have a guy with 14 losses as an ace. As sad as it is to say it they need to dump Sizemore and Hafner. These guys will never come back for a full season.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
I played on 2nd hardest, and it is pretty hard but definitely not the hardest game you've played. The issue is equipment and resources. You need to be smart. Don't bother upgrading your first suit. You get some security suit and another later. Put upgrades into those. Upgrade what you like in weps and keep the others in storage. Since you can pull all your upgrades out (for a small price) you can remod guns to your liking. I found that the standard pistol-wep, crossbow and line gun were used for 75% of the game with the bigger stuff mixed every so often(grenade/rocket/force). The flamethrower seems like it would be good but it is a waste and you don't get it for awhile anyways ( so small stuff hurt by it is not your concern in deeper levels). The saw wep could be really effective but I didn't go that route. You have to be in close quarters to kill and it can get hairy.

Keep everything you can and sell smartly. Don't keep buying upgrade mods. Money and Ammo is pretty limited but if you are smart you can have enough to get thru each section. At the very end I had a firesale and got ammo, upgrades, and whatnot and it helped.

EDIT: The assault rifle is nice to have in beginning because you have little else at that point but don't upgrade, just use it as is. As better stuff comes along, store it away or sell it. I kept mine because a few times I was so low on ammo I basically needed to equip it. By late stages in the game it is pretty useless unless you've fully upgraded it, and that is a waste.

Air - don't spend more than a point or 2 on air for your suit. In areas with large vacuums there are recharge smaller areas, just get thru fast.


Sep 29, 2003
That is the same difficulty that I picked. Good advice, i haven't upgraded any weapons but the plasma gun.

I am already in chapter 7. I like the game a lot, but was just hoping it would be scary like I read. Condemned 1 was scary. Everything else just doesn't seem as scary. Monster aliens, babys with exploding backs, they are creepy, not scary. Need to finish this because Gears 3 is on the way.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
I guess it is more suspense and nervousness about ammo/aim than frightening. You are right, since the Condemned series, I have not played a truly scary game. The first FEAR had some good moments but not really enough to call it scary.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2009
I find the Dead Space games keep me on the edge of my seat because I'm always expecting something to attack me. The original FEAR did have some scary moments to it. Who wants a creepy little girl showing up out of nowhere? RE2 was scary but that was more because of the crappy controls in my opinion.


Sep 29, 2003
Almost done with Deadspace 2. On chapter 13. Think I am almost done. Deadspace 2 is just more of Deadspace 1. But this isn't a bad thing, I really liked Deadspace 1. I am into the game, and yes, I am weary about always being attacked, but I think I am like that in every shooter. I just wish they would have changed it up a little, somehow. But I guess you can say that about all sequels, Gears 2, Halo 3, etc etc. Still, Deadspace 2 is really fun so far and a great game.



The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Thanks SNG lol

Yeah, I think we are just spoiled by the amount of survival horror out there now. Forgot Call of Cthulu which had some moments as well. Dead Space is scary in context. You know you are weak and low on ammo which makes it more tense.

I did like going past windows and seeing someone/something, then later entering the room and nothing is there. So you know some kind of attack is coming.

DX is a blast. I'm on to China! Beat up Detroit pretty good. Having fun. I think I will be so maxed out by the end that it will be a cakewalk (save whatever ridic bosses they throw my way). Just playing as a sneak in DX1, IW, Splinter Cell,and the Thief series has me pretty easily getting by the challenges DX:HR far.


Sep 29, 2003
Glad to hear DX is good so far. Can't wait to play it. Gonna be busy with Gears 3 for a couple weeks probably, but will play it after that.

I couldn't believe on Deadspace 2 that to play the multiplayer I had to accept EA using my private info, and then to play multiplayer I needed to pay extra, except for the 2 day trial. REALLY? now when you buy EA used games you can't play the multiplayer? what is this horsesh1t? they want to give out my email and credit card and charge me to play multiplayer on a used game? what is gaming coming to?


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
That sucks. EA sucks in general. Now they want to run their own Steam type service. I can imagine it will charge for every little thing like you saw with DS2 multi.

Was in Denver last week and going out again. Wish I had a gaming laptop!


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
rundav said:
I think we are just spoiled by the amount of survival horror out there now. Forgot Call of Cthulu which had some moments as well. Dead Space is scary in context. You know you are weak and low on ammo which makes it more tense.
Speaking of COC:Dark Corners of the Earth, Dead Island's analog fighting system would have been great for that game ... too bad COCDOTE was poop.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
It had atmosphere, low on almost everything else. I enjoyed the play through though since you don't get many of those types of games.

DX:HR, fun to get a Tracer Tong moment. You see him in an office but you can't interact with him. In China now, at a point where the baddies are starting to get a bit tougher. For awhile I was able to KO or stun anyone safely but now large groups of armored enemies appearing.

I haven't used the guides at all but funny that the Achievement list has provided hints. One was for beating a bartender's mission. Wouldn't have spoken to him since he wasn't necessary for the main objective mission in the club, but I saw that it was listed so I took it on.