
The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Excellent! BTW did we think of any game I could pick up for us to play?


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Congrats on MSU still having a season! I think the OSU problems will linger for a few years. And no recruits will come for awhile.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Detroit Lions 4-0, Tigers in Playoffs 1-1, MSU looking okay so far...nice time to be a fan JMM.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Been to Detroit, China, Montreal, and now back to Detroit in DX. Very fun game. With Save/Load available at any time I can play the game the way I want which makes it easier but still pretty fun. I think the original was that way. They do make it way easier to take out opponents without kills (preset moves and a variety of silent nonlethal weps). So that negates the firing inaccuracy of the lethal weps. For once it may actually be harder to run thru killing everyone face-to-face than sneaking about. Well almost, timing takedowns and hiding bodies is still difficult in areas.

I find I am a little too good at sneaking, hacking, and takedowns thanks in part to skill but mostly to my augments. I don't know how far along I am but I am nearing the amount of augs I want. Some are lethal and don't really serve me for this play-through. And that said, with all I was able to do I don't know that playing a different way will make a huge difference. So far it has made an impact in a couple side quests (since I have been a nice guy and nonlethal). We'll see as I go. Definitely one of my favorite games in the last several years. Lots of polish and a good story.

One big gripe I have is they are starting to release little packs that "enhance" the game. I read the description of gives you something that seems to auto-unlock and a mine gun. That's ridiculous overkill. It kills some aspects of the game like hacking or detective work to find codes...and a mine gun equally lame. Anyways, glad I played it as is. One cool add on pack seems to give you a Tracer Tong side quest where it seems you get to interact with him.

Where the hell is Andrew!


Sep 29, 2003
Wow, busy last week! Gears 3 is still sweet, mostly just playing horde mode. Did 3 acts of 6 so far in campaign. Huge surprise in the middle.

Lions 4-0
Tigers Beat Yankees. Went to game 4 where tigers got their aces kicked for $200. That kind of sucked.

Redwings open tonight.

MSU beat OSU, sorry Rundav. But MSU looked like crap, qb Cousins sucks. Lost a crappy game to Notre Dame. Season over. Hopefully we beat Michigan next week, then I could care less.

Monday night football in Detroit this Monday. Can't wait.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Yeah I don't see MSU doing much. Miami beat OSU by 20+ points but MSU can only score 10 on them. OSU offense is a joke. Even with starters out in past years there were always guys ready to step in. Anyways, saves me the pain of watching most of the games. I'll watch the Wisconsin and Michigan games of course.

Browns...meh. Easiest schedule in years. AFC and NFC West. Plus caught AFC South in a down year. Pitt and Balt games all played in the last 4 weeks. So they should win 7, 8 or so but then again its the Browns.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Beat Deus Ex. Checked out all the endings. Played non-lethal stealth style and got everything but the nonlethal. Sucks that someone must have died at some point but I heard the game had those glitches. Anyways, definitely a solid game. Prob give it a rest and play it again sometime.

Beat Portal 2 multi. Definitely a ton of fun.

On to Lost Planet 2 next. Anyone around?


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2009
Ok, so I haven't had anytime with Rage because my xbox decided this was a great time to redring. It will turn on mostly then freeze as soon as I get into the game and make a wierd sound. Then it will redring next time I turn it on. It's doing this over and over, maybe it's just the game.

In better news, LSU is still undefeated. [face_dancing]


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
lol! Well sorry about your XBOX? Where do you live? I know a guy on my street that's fixed mine and my friends XBOXs on the cheap.

Yeah LSU and MSU still living the dream.


Sep 29, 2003
LSU still #1.

At least Mich State beat Michigan. Thank god.

Tigers got blown out in game 6 against Texas. I can't be mad, they made it farther than I thought they would. Pitching isn't the greatest and our bats were bad.

Lions lost to San Fran. Still 5-1, can't complain.

Still playing Gears 3. Prob 95% Horde mode, 5% campaign so far. Just beat the 50 waves yesterday for the first time. Fun stuff. Need to try it.

Rundav, is portal 2 on console? if so, I want to give it a try.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Yes, I have it. I can ship it out pretty soon. A buddy and I were playing all the multi stuff including the DLC.

No rush on a game for me but if I remember I think I said I'd get the next. Send any recommendations. Playing Fallout New Vegas off of Steam for PC. Took awhile to get to it after playing DX for a month or so.


Sep 29, 2003
Finally finished Gears 3. 5 chapters, probably took 10-12 hours, and that was going slow. Overall I give the campaign a 7 out of 10. Just average. Level after level of hiding in cover and doing the same things. It seemed like I was grinding through it to get to the cut scenes. Maybe I just found it kind of repetitious because playing horde with friends is so much more fun. THen I think, isn't dead space 2 that way? Aren't all shooters that way? Level after level of the same stuff? But I didn't feel like that playing some other shooters. Only this one. Not sure why. ANd the story, the wrap up, just average again I feel. Lots of questions not answered.

The multiplayer is great though.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
I know what you mean and I don't think DS2 was grinding. It never just made you plow thru guys. There were objectives and things you had to do other than wade through billions of guys just for the hell of it.

#2 didn't really answer that many questions either so no surprise on the story. My buddy is getting Skyrim and I probably won't get my hands on it til sometime next year. When is Shadows out? Maybe that is something I will pick up. I am sure you will be busy with Skyrim for over a month anyways.

Having a great time with Fallout New Vegas. Graphics = same. Everything else = 100% better. VATS is the same but like it that way. Inventory management, upgrades, making things at workbenches and campfires, companions, AI, open landscape right away, etc all better. This is the game Fallout 3 should have been. I feel just like I did with Bioshock 2. It got no hype because it was a retread but was a TON more fun than the original.


Sep 29, 2003
no way you can wait a year to play skyrim. c'mon. It is one of the only games I feel I want to play right away.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
lol I can wait for just about anything nowadays. DX was the exception because it felt like a 10 year wait. Plus Steam has ruined me. You just wait several months and the price on games drops like a rock. DX is already pretty cheap and its only been out 3 months. Games from 2010 are $10-20.


Sep 29, 2003
Dude, I hear ya. Ebay is where I am getting mine lately. Just got bulletstorm for $8 on ebay. But skyrim and Gears 3 were had to plays.

I wonder if they are going to keep making discs or just go to direct download. if they stop discs, it would kill gamestop, and would suck if you can't trade games around.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Someone kill gamestop. You could make more trading in to Amazon, selling on Ebay, even Craigslist probably.


Sep 29, 2003
I agree Gamestop is more expensive, but having to pay publisher prices to play any game will be way more expensive. At least with the disc games, consumers have control over the used games market. All downloadable would suck. And like in Deadspace 2, i would have had to pay an extra fee to EA if I wanted to play the game online. If they do that to all games, it would increase my costs across the board.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Hmmm not sure what you mean. If I buy thru Steam I pay a certain price and the game is saved to my account. I can install or remove from my computer but will always remember it is tied to my account. I've moved thru 3 computers since first signing on and I still have all my games. No need to keep discs, I can just redownload. If you mean the cost of playing over an internet connection, I think we are beyond that with most people having High Speed Internet.:^O but Im sure that's not it either.

No I can't resell but I haven't bought many games Brand New full price on launch day. I suppose if you are saying that, then yes, you do lose some resale...but certainly not much thru gamestop which will credit you bottom feeder amounts.

EA is its own entity. I know they are rolling out their own service for their own games. Screw that.


Sep 29, 2003
In Deadspace 2, you get a code to play the multiplayer. If you trade the game to someone else, they can't play the multiplayer unless they buy the code for muliplayer for $9.00 extra I think it was. That is horsesh#t.

As for downloadable games, yeah, you can redownload them, but you can't send them to me to play or other friends. Meaning me you and andrew have to pay to play every game from now on. That probably triples my gaming costs. That is why I think discs are better from a consumer standpoint.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Yeah you definitely have some points there. There is no perfect way to do it.

I assumed the DLC/bonus stuff was off limits when you guys let me borrow stuff. I think that goes for XBOX, PC, PS3 etc.


Sep 29, 2003
Rundav, what are you playin now?

I hope my Skyrim is in the mail from Amazon tomorrow.

Amazon has Xbox 4G for 199.00 with a $50 credit. Not a bad deal at all.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Still playing Fallout New Vegas. I'm going to order an XBOX game this weekend. Maybe look back through our lists of stuff we thought would be good.

Buddy gets Skyrim tomorrow but I doubt I'll see it for awhile.

EDIT: Seeing Arkham City, Dark Souls, and Rage. Any feelings? Any other titles?


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
JMM: Arkham City, Saints Row The Third, Rage, Assassin's Creed, something else on 360? Let me know. A buddy got Skyrim but I know I won't see it for awhile.


Sep 29, 2003

I recently got Bulletstorm and Bayonetta cheap and they are gonna sit here for awhile, so if you want those, let me know.

I will play Dark Souls at one point or another.

Skyrim is sweet, but doesn't seem too different than oblivion at all just yet. Haven't gotten into the dragon stuff at all.

You should probably just get Skyrim anyway as you will put 100+ hours into it anyway.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
My buddy got it and showed it to me. He's fought some dragons. Looks like good times but a life sucker. I got a paper due next Wed and 2 finals before mid travel for work the first week of Dec. Then the holidays. Then in January I start my project class for my masters. Not sure when I will be wanting to play anything. I'd take Bayonetta off your hands with the knowledge that you might not see it again til April.

Maybe I'll get Arkham since I know you'll like it too. I'll check the Black friday or Cyber Monday sales.

Happy Thanksgiving!

It seems this Deus Ex board is returning to normal. People just aren't in to games as much anymore or too many are coming out. I remember the board being pretty popular between DX and IW. The action around here lasted 3 months for a game that was one of the tops of the year.


Sep 29, 2003
nice, finally getting your hands on batman. I am sure it is great.

I think it might be a case of that there are so many games out that people just play them and move on. I remember I played old games over and over. Like Zelda, mario, played those over and over again. Now the new games are pretty much set up where you play them, beat them, and then move on. There aren't a lot of reasons to go back and play a game again where there are so many new games out to get to.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Just saying that to my friends . Inundated with games. Back in the day even through all the old XBOX games there was 2-3 AAA titles a year. Now you got something big every couple of months with more behind it. You got to play and go. And and other services offer older games with crazy price drops. Amazon, Best, ebay etc the same for console. Different era.

Even Left 4 Dead and TF2 recently. Played the hell out of them for months. Now there are 30 games just like them or they released a new version or something better. No reason to go back.

Almost backfires really. I am more hesitant to pull the trigger knowing $20 is coming off in 2-3 months.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Fired up Deus Ex:GOTY edition with Hi Res. Right at the beginning. Good memories. Loaned my XBOX to a buddy playing Skyrim cuz his broke. He's getting a new one but I will be on travel for work next week so won't need it.


Sep 29, 2003
I know. Almost too many games. And then all these sequels, that are basically the same game over again. WHere before, the games were always different. Now, really, how different can all these call of dutys be? Even Skyrim is basically Oblivion all over again. If you never played oblivion, just buy that for like $10. There are some differences, but it really feels like oblivion and looks like it and plays like it.

That is why I try to go from shooter to action, and back and forth. Maybe just avoid sequels and things would be different.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
I hear you which is why I am waiting for Oblivion and taking a pass on all the Co/BF games.


Sep 29, 2003
supposed to be some downloadable xbox rpg game that got a 9.25 review. I wonder if they give xbox arcade games ratings on the same scale as all games or on a downloadable scale? In Gameinformer mag.

That Batman review said there was tons to do.

What do you think so far?


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Fun! Have finals this week so playing in bits. Haven't done a main mission in days. Lots of fun challenges. And they have an end result...unlock equipment, art,etc.


Sep 29, 2003
Ok Rundav, big decision to make.

Playing through Skyrim I am at level 16 and feel like I am playing oblivion. Which is great, I get addicted to finishing my quest, dungeon, etc., but I feel like I am retreading an old experience. Thinking about setting it to the side for something different. But as much as I loved oblivion and morrowind, I feel like I am betraying the series and should give it a shot. Maybe another 10 levels or so. I am not bored, but not really experiencing anything new and exciting. Thoughts?



The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Hmmm I hear (from a buddy playing it now) that unlike the other two as you finish some of the main quests you gain some things you can't otherwise earn. Something like more Dragon words or whatnot. He said that it really enhances the experience...and fighting these main dragons is meaningful. Otherwise if you are not down with the typical sides like Dark Brotherhood, Thieve's Guild, Mages Guild, etc...I don't think it will get any better for you. I can totally understand something just wearing thin after awhile. I mean they do similar things in each game. Oblivion might be the pinnacle for the series even though Skyrim probably has better graphics and of course Dragons. Batman AC did a sweet job with the sides. I find that wherever I am on the map I am just running about doing sides.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Hey guys...heard boards are closing and being remade. I am hoping Deus Ex will be brought to the new version of IGN. I'll see you there or email if we are somehow disconnected. I'll PM you my email JMM.

I am guessing Andrew is's been a long time since we've heard from him. I hope the eye issue was fixed.

EDIT: Reached out to Andrew. He's been posting a bit so I hope he sees this.


Sep 29, 2003
OK, I'll do the main quest and then see how I feel. My buddy who is level 90 in gears just got red ring. I laughed, level 90 must be over 200 hours at least, because he sucks.

If this gets shut down find me for sure. We will meet up somewhere.


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Will do. Worst case I'll mail you.

Yeah the 360 is a POS as far as hardware quality. I don't know anyone that owns one that hasn't had service or replaced theirs. And many people I know have gone through a couple. Same goes for PS3.

EDIT: After tooling around in batman:AC doing challenges, riddler stuff, catwoman stuff, I beat the main game. 62% complete! I was surprised. I do have 100 riddler challenge/trophies left but there were 400 to start. I only have 2 side quests left. So I am guessing they are counting online challenge/ladder/multi stuff for "completion".