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Aug 4, 2010
I'm not facing it. That trailer didn't convince me this movie will be good. What they showed made me believe the acting will be uncharismatic though.
Mar 28, 2011
Good to see Banshee in the preview. The action and effects look good but still not sold on the concept of starting in the 50's. I think the anime has a better starting point for the X-men.
Aug 29, 2009

Didnt you do an article a few weeks ago about how trailers are extremely misleading? Wasn't another X-Men movie on that list? And yes, this movie will suck dick like all the other X-Men and super hero movies.

Besides Dark Knight.


Dec 11, 2010
I agree that this trailer could definitely be misleading, yet we have seen examples of epic trailers made for epic movies/games. Does no one remember Mass Effect 2's launch trailer?
May 26, 2008
Blah...X-Men movies lost me in the 2nd one. Why the hell can't they bring in new villains and make this crap darker? Whatever happened to Sinister, Omega Red, Cyber, Apocalypse, and some Sentinels (besides lame-ass Danger Room training sims? Then they've got all the characters, their storylines, and timelines screwed up!


Apr 7, 2004
the first two X-men films were excellent. Yes I know they didn't follow the story line of the comics to the T but what they did was really well done. But after the second film the series really went down hill (including the Wolverine Movie). So I really don't have faith in this movie.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 5, 2009
@ Figg5000
The first two were directed by Bryan Singer. the third one was directed by brett Ratner. Yes the third was horrible because of Ratner....(sigh)


Oct 22, 2009
I actually didnt care for the first two films, and i hated the other 2. This on the other hand is my most anticipated movie of the summer. Matthew Vaughn has yet to let me down, Stardust is an underrated gem and Kick-Ass was the most fun I had in the theater last year. The guy is great, he knows how to make approachable, solid films that juggle a large cast of likable characters. This film has none of the baggage of the previous films to carry, it has an amazing cast, the casting of Fassbender and Macavoy is inspired. there is no reason to doubt the quality of this film.
Jul 29, 2010
Dammit another Marvel movie that's not accurate to what comics put out. Mystique really back when Xavier and Magneto where cool yeah right. It's going to be weak like the first on Rogue and Ice Man making appearances around the same era was way off. They f upped the movies by putting the wrong characters in the wrong movies. They should just go by the comics the damn cartoon series has been more on point than any of the x men movies


Feb 12, 2011
@DashGalaxie - Then go read your precious comics you whiny little fanboy. They dont have to follow your precious comics exactly. In fact, in most cases its better that they dont.

If you dont like the movie because its a bad movie, thats one thing, but its nerds like you who I hear behind me in the movie theater crying the whole time that the movie isnt just like the comics.
Dec 18, 2010
@DashGalaxie Imagine how horrible the movies would have been if the script was composed of your grammar and spelling errors. I shudder to think about it.


Nov 2, 2007
read a few issues of the First class awhile back it was ight n seeing this well i wanna check it out and see who in it


Jun 9, 2008
"Face it: This is going to be good"

You know IGN, if you're trying to win over skeptics, being a wise-@$$ is the WRONG way to do it.
Yes, everyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size has been sour on this flick from the moment Vaughn's name was attached, and the prodcution images and publicity stills made things even worse.
That's Vaughn and Fox's fault, not ours. I know he's one of your fave directors, but you also loved Kick-Ass because it wasn't a "typical" comic book movie. Remember how you praised him for that?
But now he's gone and made a "typical" comic book movie --worse, a prequel, which is an anti-climatic movie in and of itself-- and not only do you not complain you defy thinking people not to like it.

You can't bully us into liking this crap pile and you definitely can't defy anyone into spending money on it.


How many X-Men movies are going to feature Magneto as the main villain? Jesus, this is exactly what killed the Superman movies --Lex Luthor overdose. Constantly forcing on us an already tired character who wore out his welcome 3 movies ago!

You're clearly trying to talk yourselves into thinking this won't be a bomb. When's the last time --hell, ANYTIME!!!!-- that you guys have posted an item on a movie/tv show/video game and been reduced to having to say "face it, this is going to be good?"

This project has been in trouble from the jump. The screenplay was written by the same talentless chumps who wrote Kick-Ass --which you guys loved to death, and which tells us everything we need to know about your "tastes."
There's nothing about it that says original (who here doesn't know Magneto's background, or that Vaughn will try to inject some sort of love-triangle as the basis for xavier/Erik going their separate ways?) or quality.
The "character" scenes in this flick are the same, old, stale scenes from the first X-Men movie, except the characters are 50 years younger in this flick.
BTW, that would make Magneto about 92 years old in real terms and Xavier about 87. So much for "continuity."

We can all see that Vaughn's screwed the pooch again, like he always does! That is unless you're going to tell me that Stardust or Kick-Ass were "good." Oh, I forgot. You ALREADY did that!

You backed a loser who's turned in nothing but crappy work his entire "career", and this movie will be no different. I can predict right now it will be the LOWEST gossing of all the X-films and will most likely hasten Fox's finally dropping the X-franchise, which at least will give it back to Marvel so we have a chance of seeing some good X-movies in our lifetime.

That being the case I suppose I should thank Vaughn, but I won't.

Now, IGN, face THAT!


No Longer a Noob
Dec 20, 2004

Wow. You're an idiot. Stardust was awesome... Kick ass kicked ass... this looks great. You're in the vast minority on Vaughn's work, and if that makes you feel like you're "smarter" than everyone else then good luck in life, because you're delusional.


Oct 27, 2009

You are the definition of ignorant flamer. You're so wrapped up in your pessimism that you scold IGN for getting excited about a film. You sure told them! I bet IGN read your entire essay and took notes on how to be as all knowing as you. Grow up, re-read what you said in the thought process of someone who is not a complete loser and realise how pathetic you sound.
Apr 19, 2011
I'm still not totally sold that this movie won't bomb, (we know Fox ALWAYS uses only the best parts for the trailer), but I'm hoping for a good show.
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