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Feb 10, 2011
I'm really not understanding some of the extreme negativity directed at this movie. People are judging a quality trailer based on three other movies that are totally different in scope and story. Let me guess, people want X-Men to get the "Nolan Batman" treatment, just like they do for every other new superhero film...because every superhero movie needs to be gritty and dark to be good.?


Sep 10, 2009
Please tell me they didnt make Sebastian Shaw a red Nightcrawler...He has never been Red nor been able to teleport..and when was Banshee ever an X-Man? This movie will be visually entertaining yes. But this is not Marvel story, its a Brian Singer story.
Mar 20, 2008
Xtianav, that "red nightcrawler" is actually Azazel, Nightcrawlers dad. Funny how so many supposed xmen fans have no idea about this established character. Ridiculous. He is a character from the comics and has been around a while.

As for the movie, looks pretty cool. I take back all the bad things I said about it originally(like no cyclops or jean grey=failure, or the costumes look like crap), the trailers actually make this look really good. Can't wait to see the final product.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Banshee was an an X-man.

Film looks good. Thank God marvel has more creative control of there movie now. The reboots(Spider Man)are going to be awesome, no more studio suites with no idea of how the Marvel Universe works telling them what to do.

Read about the continuity of the movies and be happy it's a new decade of greatness to come!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Banshee was an an X-man.

Film looks good. Thank God marvel has more creative control of there movie now. The reboots(Spider Man)are going to be awesome, no more studio suites with no idea of how the Marvel Universe works telling them what to do.

Read about the continuity of the movies and be happy it's a new decade of greatness to come!


May 31, 2008
banshee was an x-men he got hurt and could'nt use his power and left the team....really early in claremonts ran


Apr 23, 2010
Ill admit I "HAD" doubts! I did! I was one of the people who thought this movie was a bad idea and that it was a unnecessary reboot. I WAS WRONG! I rest my case; A trailer can make or break a movie like Ive always said and stood by. This trailer has won me over. And no matter how much I think this movie will not be good in the future from now ill go see it, just because of this epic trailer. Marvel has my $7.50 (in my Loyd voice from Entourage)
Mar 28, 2011
Marvel has absolutely zero control over this or the Spider-man reboot. I agree that this is looking pretty epic but Fox still has full control over the project. Same with Sony and Spidey. Only Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America and The Avengers movies are produced by Marvel Studios, anyhting else being released at this point is simply licensed by them i.e. they get paid but not input.


Jul 22, 2007
I just figured out that Magneto's helmet looks like a Greek warriors. I don't know if it's in the comics, but maybe that's a reference to the hubris of Achilles.
Dec 14, 2004
If you didn't know this movie was going to be awesome when you saw the first trailer, please remove the stick from your butt.
Oct 3, 2005
This has been the best trailer so far. I didnt see Magneto deflecting nukes but okay.... BTW if you spell your kids name like "Erik" with a "K" you're just asking for him to be evil right? Anyway, otherwise, best stuff I have seen so far from this movie. I remain hopeful.


Jun 21, 2009
The lack of any substantial dialogue makes me weary. The fact that it is directed by Mr. Layer Cake makes me less so.
Mar 11, 2011
i dont get why people think it looks lame. i was never really a fan of the x-men movies. but this looks really good. has submarines, aircraft, missles, war. I just looks epic. The plot about xavier and magneto is something i wanna know more about also
May 23, 2010
Face It: IGN has been BRIBED.

This movie is GONNA SUCK and it will get a nice 4/5 starts from IGN despite that.


And the trailer wasn't that great. And the interviews just keep reaffirming how rushed and stupid this film will be.

IGN and the studio are just banking on the "hardcore" X-men fans who keep coming back for more crap as well as the idiots in the mainstream who just couldn't care less about the history and dignity of this special universe.

Its truly sad but I for one won't be buying a ticker for this garbage. I'll be torrenting it the moment it becomes available.
Apr 24, 2006
Looks like it will be good. More stuff I know nothing about but willing to learn. Happy that I don't read comics because then I would be satisfied by nothing and bitch and complain about every movie made. Humans need to die since we seem to have no bounds of enjoyment other than perfection... pathetic..


Oct 9, 2010
Ugh, still lame. Why are they making this, and why didn't they cast better actors if they were going to make this?
Aug 16, 2010
It seems like hollywood's finally taking comic book films seriously, and this is obviously a sign of that. I've been repping this movie ALOT since the first trailers. The acting leads are excellent for this film and both Fassbender and McAvoy seem to be very choosy about what roles they take; they've both been in some extraordinary films and most of their movies are of the more intellectual nature. Very nice indeed..


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
Gorash0 said:
The radiation released from the Fukushima plants will create more mutants.

You're an idiot. In the real world, countless people will die from the radiation exposure in Japan. Show some effing respect.


Jan 2, 2011
Let's face it, there have been some terrible storylines in the X-men universe that only would be appreciated if it made it to the big screen by a bunch of guys in their mid 30's whose closest thing to a relationship with someone of the opposite sex is jacking off to Emma Frost.

I really hope I will enjoy this movie even if it has very little to do with original timeline. But getting your hopes up for a trailer these days is like thinking you're gonna get laid cause some girl winks at you.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 19, 2005
never thought I'd say this at this point but I am still cautiously optimistic about this movie ... I thought I saw Banshee there ... or did they stick a mock up of his wings on Xavier's costume so Xavier could fly (silly) There's a lot wrong from an X-men fans POV but there is some right from a fan of a good story.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 19, 2009
Face it, some are gonna hate this even if its good. They've already convinced themselves this is a bad movie. So no point in wasting your breath and trying to buck the apparent message board prophets


Aug 21, 2004
The X-Men films have already F**ked up the continuity of the team, every subsequent flick can only dig themselves a deeper hole.

X-Men: First Class is, and always shall be - Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman & Jean Grey
Feb 27, 2003
The way I see it is, within the continuity, yes they're saying this is the first class. However, should they do a sequel to this all they'd have to say is that the fallout from these events caused Xavier start a new school with Cyclops, Jean, Beast (slightly older), and Storm. The movies don't have to follow direct comic continuity but at least they can steer it into an amicable (for the butthurt uber fans) direction.
Aug 3, 2010
Looks like the X-franchise might get back on track. The trailor looks awesome! and was that the "Danger Room" I saw Charles standing in with fire on the walls???
Apr 30, 2010
Ok Look Tenmarangertoshiro first her name is Emma Frost and second x-men origins isnt part of the X-men movie Chronolgy Because that one dosent link up well with any of the other movies. So stop hating and just enjoy the new movie Ok.
Sep 2, 2008
Though this trailer is not as awesome as IGN's article headline would have you believe,(I didn't see Magneto deflecting nukes) I'm still excited to go see it.

This has to be the most Marvel films to come out in a span of a couple months. I'm wondering if X-Men: First Class is going to unfortunately get lost in the hoopla surrounding the The Avenger films, Captain America and Thor.

Either way, this is an awesome summer for comic fans.We get a Marvel movie every month from May to July and Green Lantern in July. Awesome!



Original poster
At this point I gotta say I'm more psyched for something like green lantern. I mean, atleast they're following the comics :/
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