
No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
Can we all talk about how bad this year's Super Bowl half time is gonna be? I mean Coldplay? Why Coldplay? I wanna know what the over/under is for them putting half the crowd to sleep.

Adele would have been a better choice, or Metallica. Actually since its in San-Fran area why not Metallica?


Aug 31, 2001
Because the halftime show is no longer about the NFL simply asking for top entertainment acts, it is now about the NFL accepting the highest bidder; the record label that pays the top dollar to secure the slot with the act they want to promote gets the best exposure opportunity possible. Coldplay's in because their label outbid Rihanna's label. They were willing to commit a greater amount of post-Super-Bowl tour revenue to the NFL.
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No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
i haven't watched a halftime show in like 4 years. They're literally getting worse and worse every year.

Katy Pery wasnt bad last year. Mostly because Left Shark.

The best half time show (and I can't believe I'm saying its them cause I hate them) was probably U2. Prince was also great a few years back


No Longer a Noob
Jan 14, 2004
Katy Perry was about as close to a perfect half time show as you get, even though I have no use for the music.

Coldplay will be bullshit. I can't think of any songs that'll play well on that stage and any guest performers will just be weird with Coldplay I think. but I also enjoy Coldplay's music less than Katy Perry's, haha, so what do I know.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
I mean I hate modern pop music (look at my iPod its an interesting mix of 60s-early 90s and metal) but I didnt think Katy Pery was bad. Her performance was unique


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
Wasnt that crowded.

Then again, I went out of the way to Exeter NH to see it. The theater there also had it playing on 5 of the 12 screens


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
I got my first dekhockey goal Sunday night.... and sparked a comeback in which my team scored 5 times in 4 minutes in the 3rd to win 5-4.
Nov 24, 2005
is that like ball hockey?

cool man. i actually played on ice for the first time in 8 years yesterday morning as well. played a 2 hour game 3 on 3... i need to get back in shape haha
Jun 13, 2001
Yeah, I like quite a lot of Coldplay songs, but thats when Im chilling at home by myself on the comp. I dont picture their songs translating to a spectacle you expect from SB. (Unless anyone here has been to a concert of the band and knows otherwise?)


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014


Aug 31, 2001
No Homers.

Homer moved on a while ago (like, before I stepped down as a mod, and that was a while ago). I believe he still has an account here with moderator privs, but he's not a boss anymore.


Sep 20, 2003
Homer does still post sometimes and is a mod but it has been years since he's been employed by IGN. I'm not sure there is an official "in charge" person right now. The last guy (Keylimepies on the boards) left about a week ago, and there were others between his reign and Homer's.


Sep 20, 2003
Yes there is a group of supermods, LiT a part of them, that handle most everything, but there's always been a point of contact at IGN even under this system.
Nov 24, 2005

You mean that lost_in_translation kid? He's part of a super mod team? I remember that guy from when he just spammed on the vesti 24/7. isn't he like 16?


Mother Canucker
Mar 21, 2001
homer posts on my home board on occasion (gcb)

lit was a regular there as well, and is a college professor and was made fun of relentlessly
Nov 24, 2005
31 holy jesus. Maybe i'm mixing him up with someone else.

Although i guess to be fair, ive been here for over 10 years so someone who was 16 would now be 26.

jesus christ. Now it actually worries me that i still recognize names on the vesti from people are "popular". I can't believe i have like 35k posts on there haha.
Nov 24, 2005
you're not missing anything. The vesti actually changed my life.. I would not be where i am today if i had never posted on the vesti rofl

essentially i started posting on the vesti a lot in Jan 06.

> became addicted and spent like 8 hours a day on the vesti
> start talking to a vesti girl
> start online dating vesti girl
> spend more time on vesti and on msn with girl and other users
> fail out of college because i stopped going to class because i skipped to spend time talking to girl and vesti
> parents find out and hell ensues. banned from internet and from talking to girl
> move to winnipeg to attend university since i cant go back to original college
> talk to vesti girl again and fly to her to meet up. we've now met and are dating officially IRL
> become a completely different person in UNI. go from being "loser with no friends" to "complete party animal with lots of confidence and tons of friends"
> still keep relationship with vesti girl going
> decide to move to calgary to attend same university as vesti girl
> now dating girl and still a party animal
> move in with vesti gf
> get into drugs
> make out with gf's best friend and break up with gf
> move out and begin a 2 year period of changing girlfriend's every 2 months and getting more into drugs
> lose all money, quit school, work 2 jobs to pay for partying
> move back to hometown with a new-found confidence and set my life straight and start over properly

Kinda crazy to think back to when i was just a 17 year old kid sitting in front of the computer staring at the vesti and msn convos from 6pm to 4am non stop..

Now i check the vesti maybe like once every 2 months and it's just like... jesus.. there's users who STILL post there from back in the day and act like they're the shit and have younger people idolize them.. i can't believe i was PART of that group back then..


Aug 31, 2001
ICB? The Insider Community Board? Huge difference. The ICB (at the time, at least) was only open to paying subscribers (insiders) and mods. There was a barrier to entry, which led to a generally less-unpleasant userbase. The Vesti never had a barrier to entry - anyone could post and anyone could make new accounts at will, meaning there was no accountability for misbehaviour (either you're misbehaving under a mup and if you lose the account you just make another one, or if you misbehave under your main you just abandon it and make a new main and continue misbehaving).

When there was a monetary attachment to an account (as in the ICB), fewer asshats get in and those that do have something to lose if they get caught misbehaving.

Now, waaaaay back in the day there was the IGNCB, which had no genuine barrier to entry itself, but seemed to exist in a time before asshattiness became so prevalent on internet forums.

Hell, this board doesn't have a barrier to entry anymore, but it seems to have avoided the "everyone simultaneously trying to be the alpha or the jester" problem that has made the Vesti what it is.