
Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
After Round 2: Luddy steals 3 from Goomba. Mario steals 2 from Diddy. Club 64 steals 3 from Vivian. Goomba steals 4 from Luddy.

1.Mario - 20 coins
2. Club 64 Bartender- 18 coins
3. [hl=skyblue] Ludwig Von Koopa[/hl] - 16 coins
4. Goomba - 16 coins
5. Vivian - 12 coins
6. Diddy Kong - 8 coins

I would like to update this every 10-15 minutes from here on out.


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
After Round 3: Mario steals 1 from Diddy. Goomba steals 4 from Mario. Club 64 steals 3 from Mario

1. Club 64 Bartender- 21 coins
2. Goomba - 20 coins
3. [hl=skyblue] Ludwig Von Koopa[/hl] - 16 coins
4. Mario - 14 coins
5.Vivian - 12 coins
6. Diddy Kong - 7 coins


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
After Round 4: Bartender steals 2 from vivian. Goomba steals 4 from Bartender. Mario steals 3 from Bartender

1. Goomba - 24 coins
2. Mario - 17 coins
3. [hl=skyblue] Ludwig Von Koopa[/hl] - 16 coins
4. Club 64 Bartender- 16 coins
5.Vivian - 10 coins
6. Diddy Kong - 7 coins

Exactly only 10 rounds.


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
After Round 5: Bartender steals 4 from Goomba. Mario steals 3 from Luddy. Luddy steals 4 from Goomba. Goomba steals 4 from Mario.

1. Goomba - 20 coins
2. Club 64 Bartender: 20 coins
3. [hl=skyblue] Ludwig Von Koopa[/hl] - 17 coins
4.Mario - 16 coins
5.Vivian - 10 coins
6. Diddy Kong - 7 coins


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
After Round 6: Bartender steals 3 from Luddy. Mario steals 4 from Goomba. Luddy steals 2 from Vivian. Goomba steals 4 from Bartender

1. Goomba - 20 coins
2. Mario - 20 coins
3. Club 64 Bartender: 19 coins
4. [hl=skyblue] Ludwig Von Koopa[/hl] - 16 coins
5.Vivian - 8 coins
6. Diddy Kong - 7 coins


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
After Round 7: Goomba steals 3 from Luddy. Mario steals 3 from Bartender

1. Goomba - 23 coins
2. Mario - 23 coins
3. Club 64 Bartender: 16 coins
4. [hl=skyblue] Ludwig Von Koopa[/hl] - 13 coins
5.Vivian - 8 coins
6. Diddy Kong - 7 coins


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
After Round 8: Bartender steal 4 from Goomba. Goomba steals 4 from Mario. Mario steals 4 from Goomba

1. Mario - 23 coins
2. Club 64 Bartender: 20 coins
3. Goomba - 19 coins
4. [hl=skyblue] Ludwig Von Koopa[/hl] - 13 coins
5.Vivian - 8 coins
6. Diddy Kong - 7 coins

two more rounds left.


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
After 9 rounds: Mario steals 4 from Bartender. Bartender steals 3 from Goomba. Goomba steals 5 from Mario.

1. Mario - 22 coins
2. Goomba - 21 coins
3. Club 64 Bartender: 19 coins
4. [hl=skyblue] Ludwig Von Koopa[/hl] - 13 coins
5.Vivian - 8 coins
6. Diddy Kong - 7 coins

One more final round. I'm going to bed. Will update tomorrow after 4 of you go. This is pretty much down to the top 3 guys.


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
After 10 rounds: Mario steals 4 from Goomba. Goomba steal 5 from Mario. Bartender steals 2 from Luddy. Luddy steals 4 from Mario.

1. Goomba - 22 coins
2. Club 64 Bartender: 21 coins
3. Mario - 17 coins
4. [hl=skyblue] Ludwig Von Koopa[/hl] - 17 coins
5.Vivian - 8 coins
6. Diddy Kong - 7 coins

And with that Goomba (Games) has won the Golden Power of Veto. Games, you can either use it to save Vivian or Diddy Kong or not use it at all. I would appreciate your decision by tonight 9PM EST, so I could move this game along lol.



Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
Games has decided not to use the Power of Veto. Therefore, the nominations will stay the same. All of you, but the HOH and nominations are to PM me your vote for who you want to evict from the game. You will have till Friday 7PM EST to send me your vote. Nominations are Vivian(Bodacious Babe) and Diddy Kong(VGM).

I also plan to hold the next HoH at that time too. It will be a fast-paced HoH so you will have to be very active. Active enough to respond within 90 seconds. I have some uncertainties with my plans from Friday-Thursday of next week and it may wind up having me to completely change my challenge. Hopefully that won't happen and we'll get the HoH in this Friday or at the latest on Sunday evening.
