
Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
After 9 rounds:

1. [hl=skyblue] Ludwig Von Koopa[/hl] - 13 coins
2.Toad- 12 coins
3. Baby Mario- 7 coins
4. Yoshi- 4 coin
5. Vivian - 0 coins
6. Stork- 0 coins
7. Diddy Kong - 0 coins
8. Mario - -4 coins
9. Goomba - -6 coins
10. Club 64 Bartender- -21 coins

|XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX|
|XX| |XX| |09| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX|
|XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |18| |XX| |20|
|XX| |22| |23| |XX| |XX| |26| |XX|
|28| |XX| |XX| |31| |XX| |33| |34|
|XX| |36| |XX| |38| |39| |XX| |XX|
|XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |47| |48|

|XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX|
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Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
What do you mean Crush. You won.

After 10 rounds: Ludwig Von Koopa(Crusher) has won HOH.

I know there is more chests left but there isn't anyway Crusher can lose. So no point to drag it on lmfao. Anyways Crusher post your 2 nominations here by Friday 8PM EST.

I would like to have our Veto competition around 6 or 7 PM EST on Sunday. Does that work for you guys?

1. [hl=skyblue] Ludwig Von Koopa[/hl] - 18 coins
2.Toad- 10 coins
3. Baby Mario- 8 coins
4. Yoshi- 7 coin
5. Vivian - 0 coins
6. Stork- 0 coins
7. Diddy Kong - 0 coins
8. Mario - -1 coins
9. Goomba - -6 coins
10. Club 64 Bartender- -20 coins

|XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX|
|XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX|
|XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |18| |XX| |20|
|XX| |XX| |23| |XX| |XX| |26| |XX|
|28| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |33| |34|
|XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX|
|XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |48|

|XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX|
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Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
I haven't decided quite yet. Im leaning towards HoH, nominees, and 3 randoms tho.


Feb 25, 2007
I probably could've won if I had been a bit luckier with my picks, but hey I didn't lose as bad as I was earlier.


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
Wtf I didn't even realize I was gonna win an HoH competition from a challenge that looks EXACTLY like the one I made from Survivor. :^O

Sending my votes

Aww shit I have to post my votes? Uh....lemme rethink about it since I PM'd you who I want, but I just need to change that thought. [face_whistling]
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Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
Wtf I didn't even realize I was gonna win an HoH competition from a challenge that looks EXACTLY like the one I made from Survivor. :^O

Sending my votes

Aww shit I have to post my votes? Uh....lemme rethink about it since I PM'd you who I want, but I just need to change that thought. [face_whistling]

I can't believe my challenge is the same as yours. This is what happens when I leave the boards for 9 months of the year...every year haha.

Anyways yeah posting the votes here. I mean there's no need to be secretive haha.


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
So there you have it. Ludwig has nominated Diddy Kong and Vivian for eviction. Tomorrow I will announce the 3 random competitors for the veto competition. The Veto comp will take place on Sunday at 6PM EST unless the good amount of people cannot make it. If that's the case I will try to come up with a better day and time.
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Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
There is a small chance that the comp may start a tad late tomorrow.

So tomorrow morning I will post the game up and will allow you guys to make your first move and will update it hopefully at 7 PM but may have to wait a little while longer. Sorry for the inconvenience but plans got moved from today to tomorrow and I don't wanna delay it another day nor give such short notice for starting it today.

Edit: Hopefully the game will work out fine and you will like it. It's based on one of my favorite minigames from Mario party 1. If any of you guys can guess the minigame before I post the game tomorrow morning you will get an reward. The reward will be pm'd to you after the Veto comp.
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Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
There is a small chance that the comp may start a tad late tomorrow.

So tomorrow morning I will post the game up and will allow you guys to make your first move and will update it hopefully at 7 PM but may have to wait a little while longer. Sorry for the inconvenience but plans got moved from today to tomorrow and I don't wanna delay it another day nor give such short notice for starting it today.

Edit: Hopefully the game will work out fine and you will like it. It's based on one of my favorite minigames from Mario party 1. If any of you guys can guess the minigame before I post the game tomorrow morning you will get an reward. The reward will be pm'd to you after the Veto comp.
Oh my god, it's another Mario Party minigame!

is it......Bumper Balls?


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
oh btw you guys only get one guess and I won't tell you that you are right till the game is posted [face_tongue].

And yeah Crush. I like Mario party games and I think they make good starting points for games. My next HoH won't be based on Mario Party tho haha.


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
Welcome to our first Power of Veto competition where competitors will be competing for safety. The PoV allows the winner to take off one of the players on the chopping block. Of course the winner can hold onto it and do nothing; keeping the nominations the same.
Grab Bag

The name of this game is similar to the mini-games in Mario Party 1 and 2.

Each of the 6 competitors will start off with 15 coins in their bag. There will be 10 rounds of grab bagging (corny I know) in which each player will have the opportunity to steal coins for another player. The amount of coins stolen will be based on a scale of 5. For example:

If a player has:

5+ coins: steal 1
10+ coins: steal 2
15+ coins: steal 3
20+ coins: steal 4
etc etc.

So if you steal from a player who has 23 coins you will steal 4 from them.

However, during the round some people will pick the same person. So if 2 people go after Mario and Mario has 16 coins, the first player to steal will get 3 and the other player will steal 2.

Hopefully, that is explanation enough for you guys lol.

So I'm going to the city today and I don't know when I will be home. I expect to be home by 7...latest at 8. If any later that means I got kidnapped or killed lol. Make your moves for round 1 and I will update tonight.


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
Damn Max, can't you do it when I'm not at work lol

lmao I gotta do it eventually. Plus I feel that more people are more likely to be home at night than during the day lol. Don't worry tho, only 3 players will truly be playing because of inactives


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
After Round one Mario stole 3 coins from Diddy and Luddy stole 2 coins from Diddy.

1.Mario - 18 coins
2. [hl=skyblue] Ludwig Von Koopa[/hl] - 17 coins
3. Vivian - 15 coins
4. Club 64 Bartender- 15 coins
5. Goomba - 15 coins
6. Diddy Kong - 10 coins