
Almost Not a Noob
Jun 18, 2004
Both Dark Cloud 1 and 2 are good games, Dark Cloud 2 is simply more refined. When Dark Cloud 1 came out, it was one of the first PS2 rpgs, and was excellent for its time. To awnser your your problem concerning the bats poisening you you can't do multiple things. The first is be cautious whenever they're around, use charge attack and kill before they can even touch you. The second is if you are low on antidotes at the beggining, don't use them so early. if you're poisened and theres springs around,go around the dungeon killing all the bats,while going to the springs and replenishing your health in the midst. Then use your antidotes once you do that. Just for your knoledge also, once you get passed around half of the first town finished, you can build the gaffers buggy in georama. this allows you to buy as many antidotes, as well as many other useful items, as you like. Try not to get frustrated, instead find ways of getting around that kind of stuff.
To blow up the firesquall, you need to i think have completed the third floor in the gundorada workshop. Once you've done that a man will give you a time bomb. If its not the third floor you need finished, simply finish as many requirements in the georama as possible.


Jun 6, 2008
thank you for the information but it says i need 3 sturdy houses i can`t find the geostone that has them so do i use iron houses[face_thinking]


Jun 6, 2008
ok iron houses i found useable thank you all for all you help i have another question how do you get gerald into hima rada [face_thinking]


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 18, 2004
hes a royal pain. I believe you must give him a mailbox, and he must live in a brick house. if you do both of these things and he still won't go in, then put a bunch of accessories on his house to make the home have more cutlure points, since i am not sure if the CP has anything to do with him entering the house.


It shall be engraved upon your soul!
Sep 24, 2006
Nickbro8N said:
hes a royal pain. I believe you must give him a mailbox, and he must live in a brick house. if you do both of these things and he still won't go in, then put a bunch of accessories on his house to make the home have more cutlure points, since i am not sure if the CP has anything to do with him entering the house.
All that Nick said, plus I think you must put a fence around his house. Then he should move in.


Jul 3, 2008
Stuck at B8. The stray cat ends up in the barn with the llama. I know she is supposed to end in Toan's house. Also, cannot use the changing potion where she is.
Please help,,,, ty


Jul 3, 2008
Please help,,,
No one seems to be able to answer this question. I have the stray cat and completed B8.
The stray cat ends up in the barn with the llama. I CANNOT use the change potion anywhere. Is there a way I can get the stray cat into the house with Toan's mother??
Or get past this headache of a problem. Please help......


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 18, 2004
You need to fully complete your house. once its complete, walk in and there will be a cutscene where you name the cat. once finished doing this, proceed upstairs and use the potion. if this doesn't work your game has a glitch or something.


May 3, 2008
im trying to catch a Mardan Garyan so i can purchase the Mardan Eins sword but i have 2 sources telling me different places to fish and i cant catch them in either of them

1st place was Peanut Lake at night
2nd place was oasis in Muska Lanka at dusk

i kno you have to use poisonous apples.

also, i heard a rumor that if you fish for 3 days at the waterfall in mataki a man will come and trade your dagger for a powerful weapon
(I thought that this is crap but i want to know for sure)


May 3, 2008

...did you complete 'My House'

...that is an important part

...all you need to do is complete the house and it should have a cloud that says event floating over the pieces next to the picture then go inside and toan's mom will note on how a stray cat wandered into the house she will have u name it (NOTE: this will become Xiao's name, so don't name it 'Fluffy' like my stupid brother) then you go upstairs and on your bed will be xiao in cat form and a ! will appear with text that says 'Its seems like it wants to tell you someting' or something like that when u hit X instead use the 'changing potion' on it and it will become xiao.
Aug 21, 2008
Okay I'm not sure how you're doing it exactly becuase I haven't seen you play
but just look at the bottom of the screen and don't press any unesscary buttons.
Look for which button icon is scrolling and wait until it reaches the light blue marker to the left. When it reaches in the light blue box hit the corresponidng button on the controller!

Example: If a triangle icon scrolls, wait unitl it reaches the light blue box and then hit the traingle button on the controller.

I had the same problem when I started off.

I hope this helped!


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
You know, I lasted played DC2 a few weeks ago and tried to break one of my weapons so I can put it to the other weapon and it was the Island King. After that, I noticed it only one element went into the weapon. In DC1, it would break down EVERYTHING. I have no idea why but wtf? I've been thinking about it, but I still have no idea why though. Any ideas?
Dec 13, 2006
his best weapon is the inferno with 350 at and 300 mp if you want it then just build up the axe you get from treant, that turns to satans axe, then from there to the inferno hammer [face_tongue] ps yeah goro is crap. but he was he only thing i could use on those annoying moles, xiao was too weak then and toan kept getting jumped when he got close enough to attack.


Oct 12, 2008
Hey, is there an easier way to beat the last boss on DC2? The VERY last one that is (don't want to give away spoilers [face_tongue])


May 3, 2008
[face_confused] I finally got back to DC1 after accidently deleting the good one. I still can't figure out how to catch a Mardan Garayan so i can get the Mardan Eins sword. Please help. do you have to do something first?

I know that you have to be in Muska Laska at dusk but no fish goes after the poison apple i use.[face_confused]

Also, i heard about a "broken dagger" attachment glitch. does anyone know how to do it?

[face_skull] [face_skull] [face_skull]


Nov 15, 2008

I am stuck on level 9, of the shipreck dungeon. cannot open door. instructions mention a crystal with a red beam, there is no red beam., also shows to push the R2 then circle button,. but the circle button just changes the view back to normal again. any help?


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
jester64 said:
I am stuck on level 9, of the shipreck dungeon. cannot open door. instructions mention a crystal with a red beam, there is no red beam., also shows to push the R2 then circle button,. but the circle button just changes the view back to normal again. any help?
You should have fire as your attiribute, so you should be able to get it by aiming at the crystal using Ruby since that's the only way you can get farther. You need to complete King's Hideout, followed by getting the event to get Ruby playable. Hope that helps. :)
Dec 4, 2008
What does the diagonal upper left arrow mean in the duel with Goro in Dark Cloud?

I know this seems a little idiotic, but I've done this duel about fifteen times and cant get it right when i tap the left thumb stick in the same direction as it appears on the screen. Do I have to rotate it at all, or am I simply not performing the action correctly?

I need help!

Dec 4, 2008
What does the diagonal upper left arrow mean in the duel with Goro in Dark Cloud?

I know this seems a little idiotic, but I've done this duel about fifteen times and cant get it right when i tap the left thumb stick in the same direction as it appears on the screen. Do I have to rotate it at all, or am I simply not performing the action correctly?



May 28, 2009
[face_confused] I have played DC1 millions of times. Just recently I had to start over (when I was at the boss [face_cow] level on the moon!) because my brothers are idiots.

So now I have been stuck in Mataki Village. Usually I have no trouble getting through this, but I seem to have thrown away/sold my Sun Dew, needed to get to the boss [face_monkey] of Wise Owl Forest. I accidentally saved it afterwards, not thinking, and can't for the life of me figure out how I can get it back without having to start over AGAIN.

Any ideas? I really need this item![face_praying]

And I am really baffled at how they could let me sell this item when I need it. If that's the case, why can't I ever sell that purple/pinkish pot that you get later on in the game? Or the stupid manuals that tell you how to fight?


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
Chennele said:
[face_confused] I have played DC1 millions of times. Just recently I had to start over (when I was at the boss [face_cow] level on the moon!) because my brothers are idiots.

So now I have been stuck in Mataki Village. Usually I have no trouble getting through this, but I seem to have thrown away/sold my Sun Dew, needed to get to the boss [face_monkey] of Wise Owl Forest. I accidentally saved it afterwards, not thinking, and can't for the life of me figure out how I can get it back without having to start over AGAIN.

Any ideas? I really need this item![face_praying]

And I am really baffled at how they could let me sell this item when I need it. If that's the case, why can't I ever sell that purple/pinkish pot that you get later on in the game? Or the stupid manuals that tell you how to fight?
The Soul Dew? I did that once by accident myself, and I remember seeing some in the dungeon, so I would keep going through the forest and keep searching through the treasure chests until you find one. Hope that helps.


Jun 28, 2009
Is there any way to get past the Ice Queen's shield without the sword you get from the Queen's sheriff because mine broke and I've tried just hitting it with my dagger and I keep on getting hurt by her stupid attacks so I really can't even get close to her even with a Dran feather. I've was also wandering why Master Utan is the only main character that got transferred from DC1 to DC2.


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
[blockquote]bahr7 posted:
Is there any way to get past the Ice Queen's shield without the sword you get from the Queen's sheriff because mine broke and I've tried just hitting it with my dagger and I keep on getting hurt by her stupid attacks so I really can't even get close to her even with a Dran feather. I've was also wandering why Master Utan is the only main character that got transferred from DC1 to DC2.
[/blockquote] say what ? what sword ?
Sep 7, 2009
Hi, I'm stuck on the Killer Serpent part in Matataki Village. :/ I know I'm supposed to duel Goro but I haven't seen anyone by that name and haven't been able to find him. Does anyone know what I'm missing? Thanks, help would be greatly appreciated :)


Nov 22, 2009

Yea i am in the queens and i am stuck with the kings hideout. i am trying to get in but when i walk up those steps to the doors and walk in the screen goes black and i never go in same way with the sherrif
Dec 24, 2009
Hey there. I was wondering if you knew of a cheat or mod that would make the cave bats stop chirping. I hate that fucking noise they make! >< It annoys the hell out of me, so if there's a way for them to NOT chirp that would be the most amazing thing ever. XD


;^) PSNID: Danger_Dad
Feb 4, 2004
;^) Off the top of my head, the place for Max to take a photo of the Surviving Soldier is in Vennicio, on the beach, way to the left end of the shoreline. There is a cave there, and at sundown the ghost of the soldier will appear partly behind the rock there. You can't go there, but you can take pictures.

The best way to get the shot is to wait until about the right time of day, then start shooting picture after picture until you hear the chime that tells that you've taken a scoop photo. I did it that way because you can't actually see the ghost except in the photo, and even then only partly.
Dec 29, 2009
Hi Nickbro8N,

I am having a problem finding the survivor in Veniccio. Any ideas? Also, the opposing island idea. What is that?

Thank you.
Feb 21, 2010
rotten fish is the fish u buy at queens to get into the secret area but its rotten because u had no ice in ur inventory to keep it from rotting.
Mar 21, 2010
I feel so stupid. I used to play this game a lot and got quite far for an old guy.

I just started a new game and I can't find the boy with the ticket.



;^) PSNID: Danger_Dad
Feb 4, 2004
@ OneWholeEarth:
:^/ Do you mean the ticket to the circus? It's been ages, but I think Max gets his ticket from Donny, if I'm not mistaken. Try talking to every game character that you can. Likely, someone will remind you....

@ AnnaTweetyBird:

:^/ I am unaware that the Dark Cloud games have any cheat codes. There
may be GameShark or CodeBreaker cheat codes, but those are done through
their own software, before launching the game software.