
Jun 5, 2006

Seriously you should get both, for they are both great FPS that are unique in many ways, and both have the best graphics on any console. If you had to only buy one and only one, of course I would go with KZ3. It's not what it offers more, but it really kicks ass in all sorta ways. In my opinion even the story isn't bad, I kinda liked it and I am already waiting for KZ4 to know whats next. But again buy KZ3 first, and when crysis gets cheaper get it latter this year.


Jun 5, 2006

Well, I don't own Black ops but I have finished it already; you could say that three of my friends are COD-heads. Honestly, what I liked most about Black ops is the zombie survival coop. If you are an online addict black ops is the best of all of them right now. But the problem with COD, medal of honor, battle field, and even socom, is that all of these series are more of the same even if they strive at perfection, and yes they do add new stuff in each installment. On the other hand, games like KZ, Resistance, Crysis, and maybe bullet storm though it didn't hang out long for me, are the FPS that are different from each other. So it depends on your taste, COD series are the best way to play a classical fps especially for new comers, and games that are distinguished from COD are maybe a better choice for someone who have finished MW and WAW a ziggilion times.


Nov 2, 2010

Okay. I own black ops and i really like it. I am from Singapore so ya, having my mid-yr exams. I dont knw y ppl hate black ops. itz awesome. Thanx for ur help. Looking forward to getting KZ3 in a week. :) Watz ur psn id? add me once psn is back. My name is White_WolfX. Thanx btw. :)
Dec 24, 2010
What is it with ign?they give this awsome game an 8.5 it at least should have been a 9.0"i have crysis 2 on me 360 and whilest its a good game it dont come anywhere near killzone 3 in the way of graphics sound or playability"and killzone 3 online mode rocks"one of the best online shooters ive played"what on earth are ign on?drugs me think's


Nov 2, 2010

Well, i played crysis 2. The single-player was awesome, but in my opinion, crysis 2 multiplayer wasnt good. The weapon choices are low, and the game is all about the nanosuit. U play KZ3? I am getting the game in a week. Hope KZ3 will be awesome. :)


May 9, 2011
well I figured I'd try the single player for this while I waited for the PSN to come back. Don't get me wrong, the visuals were awesome. What I hated was how the story was completely rediculous. I'm not referring to the premise of a future war environment, it was just a half assed approach to a typical war story. The strong willed commander, the soldier that thinks he knows best, the powerful heart of the lone soldier. Blah blah blah. The story is broken and random. The cut scenes were retarded and sometimes completely disconnected to what just happened. Overall I enjoyed the action but the story was distracting. I can't wait for the PSN to come back because maybe that's the only thing going for killzone 3. If not I still have black ops.


Nov 2, 2010
I just got the game a few days ago, and KZ3 is really awesome. Hope to play with u guys on multiplayer. :)This game pwns Halo and COD :)
May 23, 2011
I just got this game its pretty much the coolest game I have ever played, I have more than 500 games but this one is the best of all there is , when you r playin with it U just can't believe the graphics that U r layin ur eyes on I suggest it to everyone that has a PS3 , cause if U have a PS3 and don't have KZ3 that means U don't have anything !!!!


Mar 6, 2011
i just beat this game about ten minutes ago, i liked it but my main problem was the story. The review that IGN has for this game is just spot on. The multiplayer would be better if i could unlock more stuff for the classes.
Dec 7, 2010
i had beat this game in 2 days,and the campaing,filled with a great story,makes me play it over and over.the multiplayer is really good,but could be better.killzone 3 is a ps3 must-buy game and is absolutely the game of the year.if you thinking in buy crysis,it´s better you buy killzone 3 first(because to play crysis 2,you have to be prepared)and forget about black ops or other shooter game because killzone 3 is better than any other game that you have played so far.


Jun 14, 2011
I really liked the game and it is very fun the only problem is the length of the game, I beat it in only 8 hours.


B7 from more boards than you can even name
Aug 22, 2007
All the recent patches have definitely made this game a 9/10 or better. But the casuals on this site are too far up Call of Duty's ass to really get it.


Feb 8, 2010
I don't undertand all the hate for the story in this game, i actually really enjoyed the story much more then the second game and i thought the jumping around in time idea was a really cool idea. overall i really enjoyed everything about this game more then the second one and i really liked the second one.
Jul 30, 2010
ps move is actully awesome in this title, it allows for quicker aiming response if u give urself a chance to get use to how it controls.


Aug 8, 2011
This definitely one of the best first person shooter games on ps3 along with Battlefield.
Very awesome! it deserves at least a 9/10


Apr 21, 2011
This is the first time I have played any Killzone game and have only tried this because of the sharpshooter and PS Move compatibility. WTF IGN??!!!! This game feels like a next-gen console when using this amazing peripheral! And yes, it takes a little time to appreciate its controls, but I've never gotten sooooo many headshots using the analog sticks...never!!!! Make sure your Deadzone is at 0, both vertically and horizontally in the options menu to get the best settings. Please include and highlight more coverage when it comes to the new features that practically no other game has (such as the Move and 3D - its important to understand the differences so that your audience may actually buy these add-ons). Please illustrate the COMPLETE package when making your next review....and please review it using the 3D TV and let us know (in detail) what's good and what's bad. This is why I visit your get the expert overview...which is why I'm asking you...please invest more time/effort if you want to stay #1. Or simply hire me :)
Sep 30, 2011
killzone 3 is the best ps3 game after hooked for almost a month and a half.I did its campaign
twice.i dont understand why ign gave it an 8.5.pretty disappointing.atleast a 9 should be given to it because of so beautiful scenery,intense set pieces and insanely fun gameplay.
Sep 27, 2011
This is by far one of the best games for the PS3, if not the best. You don't have to be a fan of the story line to enjoy a great first person shooter.
Apr 14, 2010
brilliant game i preferd the campaign alot more than the multiplayer. the new levels were sooooo goooooood and i havent even tried it with the sharp shooter or the move yet !!! but really enjoed the gameplay a couple of times were i had to restart the system but apart from that brilliant.


Jan 12, 2008
I'm sorry, but "Killzone 3" NOT getting 10/10 for both graphics and sounds is simply insulting. Anyone who has actually played the game will agree.

Also, I really like "Resistance 3" but how did that game get a higher presentation score than both "Killzone 3" and "Gears of War 3?" Seems an awful lot like IGN just wanted to drag those two scores down. Two games (both KZ3 and GoW3) that EASILY deserved at least a 9.5/10.
May 15, 2007
Best bit about Killzone 3 was when the Captain whatshisname punched Rico. Man I wanted to punch Rico for the entirety of KZ2 (never played 1). And I'm joking. KZ3 is my 2nd favourite PS3 exclusive, first beign MGS4. Funny as I did not like KZ2 almost at all. Don't know why this is, but I think KZ3 should be owned by every PS3 user who likes to shoot things.


Dec 25, 2011
This game is completely awesome, the graphics are great the multiplayer never gets boring, but I agree the story wasn't the best.


Jan 10, 2012
I dont agree with the rating but it's ok, it's ING site and they do what they want. BUT...

Killzone 3 is awesome. You want a FPS gore actionpacked? something different? You want blood and brutality? All this set in a futuristic environment with great weapons, cool maps and dangerous enemies?
Well get this game. really...i mean now! If you enjoyed Killzone 2 you will love this one.

Graphic are great, story is not that bad, it's entertaining...the Nazi-Helghast thing is nice.
But for me it's the multiplayer that make Killzone what Killzone is really. Action, Competition, and Gore's brutal. Different system than Killzone 2. Level progression is different. to be honest i liked the Killzone 2 system. But this one is great. Same class exept that the useless soldier class of Killzone 2 is gone. I like the new gears, flying jetpack, exomachine. Maps are bigger and it make the game better. If you like Action and FPS get Killzone 3.
Mar 15, 2011
I love this game. One of the greatest games of all time. Great job SONY. Just look at those graphics. SONY really nailed it like they did with part 2.